Stale file is located outside of the allowed root path when using Cuckoo - swift

I wanted to mock some of my files, so I used Cuckoo framework. I am using Swift Package Manager, so I did every step that is shown in README of framework.
I tried to use this script
# Define output file. Change "${PROJECT_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}Tests" to your test's
root source folder, if it's not the default name.
echo "Generated Mocks File = ${OUTPUT_FILE}"
# Define input directory. Change "${PROJECT_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}" to your project's root source folder, if it's not the default name.
echo "Mocks Input Directory = ${INPUT_DIR}"
# Generate mock files, include as many input files as you'd like to create mocks for.
"${PROJECT_DIR}/run" --download generate --testable "${PROJECT_NAME}" \
--output "${OUTPUT_FILE}" \
"${INPUT_DIR}/Common/Repository/LatestNewsRepository/LatestNewsRepositoryImpl.swift" \
# ... and so forth, the last line should never end with a backslash
# After running once, locate `GeneratedMocks.swift` and drag it into your Xcode test target group.
I also downloaded the latest run script and I had to check For install builds only.
When app is launched I am getting this error -
Stale file '.../LibraryTests/GeneratedMocks.swift' is located outside of the allowed root paths.
Things I tried -
Clean Xcode derived data
Clean build folder
Reset Xcode
Reset Packages Cache
and I am still not getting output file. Is there anything else I should try?


Blast+ Local Configuration: How to configure nt and nr databases?

I am configuring Blast+ on my mac (os sierra) and am having trouble configuring my nr and nt databases that I also downloaded locally. I am trying to follow NCBI's instructions here, and am getting hung up on the Configuration and Example Execution steps.
They say to change my .bash_profile so that it says:
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Documents/Luke/Research/Pedulla\ 17-18/blast/ncbi-blast-2.6.0+/bin
That works fine, and they say configure a path for BLASTDB "similarly" but to the file where my DB will be, so I have done this:
export BLASTDB=$BLASTDB:$HOME/Documents/Luke/Research/Pedulla\ 17-18/blast/blastdb/nt.00
which specifies the exact folder that I got when I unzipped the nt tar file from their FTP. With this path, if I run the command...
blastn -query test_query.fa -db nt.00 -task blastn -outfmt "7 qseqid sseqid evalue bitscore" -max_target_seqs 5
then it runs successfully and I get results, but I am worried that these are only being checked against the nt.00 section of the entire nt.00 database file, especially because if I run my test_query.fa sequence on the Web Blast, I get different results.
Also, their instructions say that the path only needs to point to the folder that contains the whole database folder nt.00, from the tar I unzipped--and not the specific nt.00 itself--, which in my case would just be "blastdb/" (As opposed to "blastdb/nt.00/" which then contains nt.00.nhd, nt.00.nal, etc.). That makes sense because when I am working I want to be able to blastn on the nt database but also blastp on the nr one, etc. by changing the -db flag on my command, and there shouldn't be a problem with having them all in this folder, right? But if I must specify the path for BLASTDB with the nt.00 DB added to the end, how could I ever use nr.00 in the same folder (blastdb/)? Essentially, I want to do as the instructions say, and just have this:
export BLASTDB=$BLASTDB:$HOME/Documents/Luke/Research/Pedulla\ 17-18/blast/blastdb/
And then depending on what database I want to use I could just say so after the -db flag on my command. But when I make the path like that above, it gives me this error:
BLAST Database error: No alias or index file found for nucleotide database [nt] in search path [/Users/LJStout::/Users/LJStout/Documents/Luke/Research/Pedulla 17-18/blast/blastdb:]
I have tried running that same blastn command from above and swapping out "nt" for "nt.00", and have tried these commands with the path for BLASTDB ending in both "blastdb/" and "blastdb/nt" and of course "blastdb/nt.00" which is the only one that runs without errors.
Here's an example of another thread I read where the OP is worried about his executions not checking the entire nt.00 folder, this was different than my problem however.
Thanks for you help!
This whole problem came down to having the nt.00 & nr.00 files, the original folders that result from unzipping their respective .tar.gz's, in the same parent folder when it should be that their contents are in the same parent folder. I simply deleted the folders they came in and copied the contents over to my new, singular parent. I was kind of mislead by the instructions, it was a simple mistake. Now, I have one folder, blastdb/ that contains all of the contents of every database I plan on using, including nt,nr, and refseq.

Path Issue in Matlab 2014b MCR Deployments with Added Folders

The compile command mcc -m app.m -a file.ext -a ./dir creates a directory /app containing app.m and file.ext and a directory /dir on the same level as /app containing all the files in /dir. What is the solution to add /dir in the /app directory, not on the same directory level (i.e. /app/dir)?
(Here is why I want to do this: In directory /dir are stored the images that are used by app.m, such as splash screen, button icons, default images, etc. app.m is accessing them using imread('./dir/img.jpg'). Since the compiler is adding the /dir directory one level below where it appears in the Matlab structure at development time, the images are no longer accessible when the standalone software is deployed. Hence I need to use a isdeployed switch to specify the correct path to the images for the development and deployment cases. I would rather avoid this, probably on code aesthetic grounds of an inconsistency of treating added files differently according to whether they are or not on the same directory level as the compiled application [file file.ext is put in /app while the image files from /dir are moved on the same level as /app].)
Instead of adding the path with the compile command, you may be able to use mkdir at run time.
Your command would look like this:
The advantage to this is that the dir path is now below your app path, i.e. /app/dir.
The disadvantage is that the user of your program will need the privileges to create that directory.
If you need to compile the directory with the app, you could still use mkdir and then movefile to move all of your files to the new directory from the packaged one.
A possible solution is to use two paths depending on whether the application is deployed or not. Code example:
% path to images directory 'pix'
apppath = mfilename('fullpath');
idx = strfind(apppath,filesep);
if isdeployed
pixdir = [apppath(1:idx(end-1)),'pix',filesep];
pixdir = [apppath(1:idx(end)),'pix',filesep];
% read image
img = imread(fullfile(pixdir,'logo.jpg'));

Is it possible to use relative paths in sphinx.conf?

I'm using Sphinx on a Linux production server as well as a Windows dev machine running WampServer.
The index configurations in sphinx.conf each require a path setting for the output file name. Because the filesystems on the production server and dev machine are different, I have to have two lines and then comment one out depending on which server I'm using.
#path = /path/to/folder/name #LIVE
path = C:\wamp\www\site\path\to\folder\name #LOCALHOST
Since I have lots of indexes, it gets really old having to constantly comment and uncomment dozens of lines every time I need to update the file.
Using relative paths would be the ideal solution, but when I tried that I received the following error when running the indexer:
FATAL: failed to open ../folder/name.tmp.spl: Invalid argument, will not index. Try --rotate option.
Is it possible to use relative paths in sphinx.conf?
You can use relative paths, but its kind of tricky because you the various utilities will have different working directories.
eg On windows the searchd service, will start IIRC with a working directory of $WINDIR$\System32
on linux, via crontab, I think it has working directory left over from previously, so would have to change the folder in the actual command line
... ie its not relative to the config file, its relative to the current working directory.
Personally I use a version control system (SVN actually) to manage it. The version from Dev, is always the one commited to the repository, the 'working copy' on the LIVE server, has had the paths edited to the right location. So when 'update' to the latest file, only changes are merged leaving the local filepaths in tact.
Other people use a dynamic config file. The config file can be a script (php/python/perl etc) - but this only works on linux so wont help you.
Or can just have a 'publish' script. Basically, you edit a 'master' config file, and one that can be freely copied to all servers. Then a 'publish' script, that writes the apprirate local path. It could do it with some pretty simple search replace.
if (trim(`hostname`) == 'live') {
$path = '/path/to/folder/';
} else {
$path = 'C:\wamp\www\site\path\to\folder\`;
$contents = file_get_contents('sphinx.conf.master');
$contents = str_replace('$path',$path,$contents);
Then have path = $path\name in the master config file, which will get replaced to the proper path, when run the script on the local machine

downloading lastfinished build from teamcity

I'm using Perl's File::Fetch to download a file from the lastfinished build in Teamcity. This is working fine except the file is versioned, but I'm not getting the version number.
sub GetTeamcityFiles {
my $latest_version = "C:/dowloads"
my $uri = "http://<teamcity>/guestAuth/repository/download/bt11/.lastFinished/MyApp.{build.number}.zip";
# fetch the uri to extract directory
my $ff = File::Fetch->new(uri => "$uri");
my $where = $ff->fetch( to => "$latest_version" );
This gives me a file:
However, the name of the file downloaded has a build number in the name. Unfortunately there is no version file within the zip, so this is the only way I have of telling what file i've downloaded. Is there any way to get this build number?
With build configs modification
If you have the ability to modify the build configs in TeamCity, you can easily embed the build number into the zip file.
Create a new build step - choose command line
For the script, do something like: echo %build.number% > version.txt
That will put version.txt at the root directory of your build folder in TeamCity, which you can include in your zip later when you create it.
You can later read that file in.
I'm not able to access my servers right now so I don't have the exact name of the parameter, but typing %build will pull up a list of TeamCity parameters to choose from, and I think it is %build.number% that you're after.
Without build configs modification
If you're not able to modify the configs, you're going to need something like egrep:
$ echo | egrep -o '([0-9]+.){2}[0-9]+'
> 12.3.4
$ echo | egrep -o '[0-9]+'
> 1234
It looks like you're running on Windows; in those cases I use UnxUtils & UnxUpdates to get access to utilities like this. They're very lightweight and do not install to the registry, just add them to your system PATH.

Removing files with Build Phase?

Is it possible to remove a file using a build phase in xcode 4 based on if it is release or dev?
If so has anyone got an example?
I have tried :
if [ "${CONFIGURATION}" = "Debug" ]; then
find "$TARGET_BUILD_DIR" -name '*-live.*' -print0 | xargs -0 rm
This prints CopyStringsFile
"build/Debug-iphonesimulator/Blue" CDL/PortalText-live.strings
cd "/Users/internet/Desktop/iPhone Template/iPhonePortalTemplate/CDL.Labs"
setenv PATH "/Developer/Applications/"
builtin-copyStrings --validate --inputencoding utf-8 --outputencoding binary --outdir "/Users/internet/Desktop/iPhone Template/iPhonePortalTemplate/CDL.Labs/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/Blue" -- CDL/PortalText-live.strings
But does actually remove the file from the bundle.
The only way I've ever had different files, is having a separate Target, and only include certain files in certain targets.
Ok, I've done exactly the same in another project. We had a DefaultProperties.plist file, which was included in the target.
We then had 3 copies of this, NOT included in the target, ProdProperties.plist, TestProperties.plist, UatProperties.plist.
We built for environments on the command line, using xcodebuild, as it was built using an automated build server (Bamboo).
Prior to executing xcodebuild, we would run this:
cp -vf "./Properties/Environments/${environment}Properties.plist" ./Properties/shared/DefaultProperties.plist
touch Properties/shared/DefaultProperties.plist
with $(environment) being passed into the script.
You could do something like this with the RunScript phase in Xcode.