Where is the the config file for settings in Grafana - grafana

I am a free Grafana cloud plan user.
I want to enable anonymous access to my dashboard.
I searched many places and found they all talked about changing the config file in code.
I cannot find where the config file is and it seems everyone talks about the config files and knows where it is located. Also found this official document talks about how to enable the anonymous access.
To me, it feels like I need to log into a console on the Grafana server, but I cannot find it.
How can I change the config file to enable anonymous access to my dashboard? Does it require a paid plan?

You don't have access to config file as free Grafana cloud user. Deploy own Grafana instance and then you will be able to customize config file.

For anyone coming here from a search, my grafana.ini was in
More info on the config file location here.


unable to find the current configuration of OSSFS/S3FS?

I have connected the Alibaba Cloud OSS bucket using OSSFS. But now I want to change the OSS Bucket to another URL. But I want to check which URL it is configured now?
I have checked the documentation and also the OSSFS --help But there is no basic info command available.
You need to configure and set the custom domain name to the public endpoint of the bucket.
Refer the following link:

How to get a foundary service whitelist IPs

We have a GUI that manages Cloud Foundry, and there's a link that show an instance with IP white list external dependency (quite large) How can I easily re-create this config as JSON, and recreate to diff Foundry env ?
It's not entirely clear what is being presented in your GUI but it sounds like it might be the application security groups. You might try running cf security-groups or cf security-group <name> to see if this information matches up with what's displayed in the GUI.
If that's what you want, you can use the following API calls to obtain the JSON data & recreate it in another environment.
1.) List all the security groups: http://apidocs.cloudfoundry.org/1.40.0/security_groups/list_all_security_groups.html
2.) List security groups applied to all applications: http://apidocs.cloudfoundry.org/1.40.0/security_group_running_defaults/return_the_security_groups_used_for_running_apps.html
3.) List security groups applied to all staging containers: http://apidocs.cloudfoundry.org/1.40.0/security_group_staging_defaults/return_the_security_groups_used_for_staging.html
4.) Retrieve a particular security group: http://apidocs.cloudfoundry.org/1.40.0/security_groups/retrieve_a_particular_security_group.html
And you can find more details about the API calls here: http://apidocs.cloudfoundry.org/
You can also run the cf cli commands above with the -v flag to show the HTTP requests being made by the CLI to obtain the information that's displayed.
Hope that helps!

How do I log in to kubernetes-cockpit UI if .kube/config contains a token instead of an account?

Numerous forum posts and documentations specify extracting login info for the Kubernetes install from ~/.kube/config.
The problem I found: mine doesn't have a proper user account, it specifies a name and a token.
How do I get the account name so I can use the kubernetes-cockpit UI? Surprisingly there appears to be nothing on that topic - what to do if the config doesn't contain an account.
It depends on how you use Cockpit.
According to cockpit official page:
Used in a standard cockpit session:
If a user is able to use kubectl successfully when at their shell terminal, then that same user will able to use Kubernetes dashboard when logged into Cockpit
I suppose this is your scenario, so if you didn't change default settings, the cockpit will look for .kube/config itself, i.e. you should be able to login without specifying your account.

working with Google Cloud Storage without gsutil

I have developed a Software in which is configured directories to save files. I run it on Linux. These directories are informed by config file.
I would like to use compute engine nodes because I need to increase its performance. Therefore, I would like to use Google Storage to save these files into a save repository.
In [1] is showed mounting a bucket as file system. I tried it, but no success. I receive authentication error.
Can anyone help me to get success in order to access my bucket by compute engine nodes ?
[1] https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/gcs-buckets
Best regards,
It sounds like you did not start your GCE instance with a service account.
According to the docs you linked, you need to configure a service account or run gcloud auth login to configure your credentials for accessing cloud storage.
If you are trying to set up gcsfuse without running on GCE you will need to use the gcloud auth login approach.

DocuSign Default Print Destination deployment

I am hoping someone can help me with a deployment of DocuSign. I am trying to deploy out the DocuSign driver silently to machines, but I need to have the machines default print destination changed from DocuSign Web to DocuSign Web NA2.
I would like to do so in a Transform but I do not see any options for this in the msi. Also I was wondering if maybe there was a config file that stores this information but I couldn't find such a file.
Can someone please help me with this?
The information is stored in the registry, not a config file. The Print Driver always would use www in the initial authentication call. I suspect this question was asked when it was still using legacy auth. this is not relavant anymore. The url is determined after the user logs in.