I want to test sms api with twilio but, I can no longer find my virtual number for testing purposes.
Any help will be much apreciated.
Hey to get a virtual number, go on to Twilio Console then, on the left hand side, you'll see #Phone Numbers from there, simply click the dropdown menu, choose manage and there you'll see an option to buy a number and active number menu.
I hope this helps :)
Go to the SMS-MAN website.
First create an account.
TopUp your account.
Salect your number / Service and get the Number .its very simple
I'm trying to send test message on WhatsApp Business API
it took a day until I was shown a test number on "from" option
now I need to register the test phone but don't know how.
the register link take me to the configuration page,
but there is no option to register
Here is my WhatsApp account:
You can't add any testing phone numbers, Facebook App by default provides one, that you can see in From dropdown,
You can add only productions phone numbers, follow the below ways,
You can find the option in your Facebook App > Getting Started under WhatsApp menu,
Second, you can add from Your Business Setting,
Read more about how to register a phone number in WhatsApp Business,
I also experienced this, it seems to be a bug in facebook itself or some lock in relation verified business, I did a test by creating a new business account and also a new application for this account , I activated whatsapp business and everything worked perfectly. But when I try to do the same procedure with an already verified account, the test number requests some kind of registration and also sends a notification that the test number was not approved. Unfortunately I haven't found any solution for this yet.
notification refused number
I have 3 facebook pixels on my facebook: one of them is on my personal account and the other 2 live on my business manager account. I have been trying so hard to remove 2 of these pixels since I use only one of them but in vain! I have searched all over google and nobody really addressed this issue, at least regarding the new facebook platform!
Any help would be appreciated!
After contacting facebook support, I learned that it is not possible to delete your pixel from your account! This is outrageous indeed and does not make any sense! You can remove them from your site and this would stop data tracking and everything, except for your facebook account would have multiple Pixels that would make it look unorganized...
There is no way to delete an existing pixel. However, you can go to "Business Settings" > "Data Sources" > "Pixels" and there remove the connected "Ad Account" this way the pixel won't show up in your list of pixels when creating ads or custom/lookalike audiences!
Additionally, don't forget to remove them from your website as well.
As Christian Rauchenwald said you have to delete the Ad Account connection of the "bad" Pixel here: https://business.facebook.com/settings/pixels/ (Connected Assets section)
There is no option to delete pixel from business manager. You can trash only ad account with pixel.
Step 1. Go to business manager
Step 2. Select Business Account
Step 3. go to data sources
Step 4. select pixel
there is no option to delete sorry for that!
Even after using the phrase
Talk to Abhijit Kar
I keep getting: this action is not available in simulation
I have verified the google account as well.
I arrived at the test page using Test Draft Button.
Thanks to Nick Felker, I understood that whatever the app's name maybe, in this case Abhijit.
For testing we need to say talk to my test app.
So, a friend of mine told me they have been using Facebook ads to post a deep link to send a whatsapp message and ask for the information about the ad via whatsapp. Bad news: this friend is not very tech savvy so that's all he knows.
Now, the subject actually caught my eye so I started researching. Unfortunately: official documentation states the url scheme for whatsapp is something like:
Now: big issue is that the abid (Adress Book ID) is relative to each phone and obeys only to the order each one was added to the specific phone we're talking about. In this case, the contact I want to send the message is 402. But 402 on each of your mobile devices will be any other person. Not the one you want to be.
So I reached the abid by downloading iMazing and sqlitebrowser and making a backup of my iPhone using the iMazing backup tool to then extract the ChatStorage.sqlite from said backup and looking into the sql database. I found that each contact does have an e-mail address time ID named ZCONTACTJID (NUMBERWITHOUT+#s.whatsapp.net) and another id named ZETAG (w:APPARENTLYRANDOMNUMBER;)
Is anyone of you familiar with such ID's or do have a way to make a deep link useful for send a message to a specific number?
For someone like me who is still looking for it, the following link seems to work -
Ping me on WhatsApp
Note: Use the parameter 'phone' and pass the actual phone number value instead of Adress Book ID.
It opens the contact in WhatsApp app, along with the message 'Hello World!' prepopulated in the input text box. The link works even if the phone number is not a valid contact in the phone's contact list.
(Tested this with google chrome on an android phone.)
The WhatsApp ABID is actually the standard iOS ABRecord (source). You can get that programmatically if you're writing a native iOS app, but unfortunately there's no way to access it within the context of a Facebook ad. And in any case, the abid is totally unsupported on WhatsApp Android (source).
A workaround would be to specify the number to send to within the message text, so that the user can enter it manually. Hacky, but maybe better than nothing...
Maybe you should better use the official Whatsapp API mentioned in THIS OTHER ANSWER (because S.O. policies I had to put a link to the solution, no duplicates).
Check this out. This is the updated one...
For me something else worked:
I work for a iPhone game developer. We use Facebook as a way for people to register their account to easily add friends and post news of their game progress.
We have created several Facebook accounts to test game account attachment and various friend features our game has.
Unfortunately, recently added security features are preventing us from logging into our test accounts. We are being asked to enter in a cellphone number to receive a SMS with a code to enter so we can verify they are real people. Unfortunately, after a phone number is used once, it cannot be used for any other account. So at the moment, we have two accounts that can be used, and about a dozen accounts that are inaccessible to us.
I haven't been able to find any solutions to this problem and we are really short on time at the moment so I need one ASAP.
They dont want you to create accounts like that, they want you to create accounts like this
This is odd, when I have test user accounts they never ask me to confirm the account. Maybe you should generate new test users for your app at: https://developers.facebook.com/apps/{yourAppId}/permissions. Then click on Add in the test user section.