Prisma Typescript where clause inside include? - prisma

I am trying to query the database (Postgres) through Prisma. My query is
const products = await prisma.products.findMany({
where: { category: ProductsCategoryEnum[category] },
include: {
vehicles: {
include: {
manufacturers: { name: { in: { => `"${item}"`) } } },
The error message is
Type '{ name: { in: { manufacturers: string; "": any; }; }; }' is not assignable to type 'boolean | manufacturersArgs'.
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'name' does not exist in type 'manufacturersArgs'.ts(2322)
Manufacturers have the field name and it is unique; I am not sure why this is not working or how I can update this code to be able to query the database. It is like I should cast the values into Prisma arguments.

The TypeScript error is pretty self-explanatory: the name property does not exist in manufacturersArgs. The emitted Prisma Client does a great job of telling you what properties do and do not exist when filtering.
If you are trying to perform a nested filter, you need to use select instead of include.
Your query is going to look something like this:
const products = await prisma.products.findMany({
where: { category: ProductsCategoryEnum[category] },
select: {
// also need to select any other fields you need here
vehicles: {
// Updated this
select: { manufacturers: true },
// Updated this to add an explicit "where" clause
where: {
manufacturers: { name: { in: { => `"${item}"`) } } },
The final code ultimately depends on your Prisma schema. If you are using an editor like VS Code, it should provide Intellisense into the Prisma Client's TypeScript definitions. You can use that to navigate the full Prisma Client and construct your query based on exactly what is and is not available. In VS Code, hold control [Windows] or command [macOS] and click on findMany in prisma.products.findMany. This lets you browse the full Prisma Client and construct your query!

The in keyword isn't working for me. I use hasSome to find items in an array. hasEvery is also available depending what the requirements are.
hasSome: => `"${item}"`),


Prisma findFirstOrThrow does not throw

Using prisma I am trying to write some tests, however the findFirstOrThrow method ( does not seem to throw when nothing should be found. Instead it is returning the first database record it finds.
The following piece of code is what I am testing
console.log('sessionId', this.ctx.session?.user?.id);
const author = await{
where: { userId: this.ctx.session?.user?.id },
select: { id: true },
console.log({ author });
And in my test output I get the following logs
RERUN src/api/service.ts x31
stdout | src/api/service.test.ts > BlockService > block creation > without an author
sessionId undefined
stdout | src/api/service.test.ts > BlockService > block creation > without an author
{ author: { id: 'cle79pisg007hb2b8rhpii1ws' } }
So even though the this.ctx.session?.user?.id is undefined, prisma still returns the first author in the table.
What I've tried so far:
When not populating the authors table in the test it will throw.
When populating the authors table with a single author it will return this author
When giving an explicit undefined as the userId it will still returns the first record
edit: I use prisma ^4.8.0
This is the expected behaviour.
If you will pass undefined then it is equivalent to not passing any userId.
So, the query is equivalent to the following:
const author = await{
where: { },
select: { id: true },
And this query would return the first record from database.
For reference, here is the section that defines this behaviour.

How to update composite type model in Prisma?

I am trying to implement updation in a composite-type model in Prisma.
Here is my data structure:
Here I my code for updating:
const updatedSource = await prisma.sources.update({
where: {
name: 'toy'
data: {
data: {
sports: {
currentState: "true"
Here is my schema file
type SourcesData {
business SourcesDataState
sports SourcesDataState
type SourcesDataState {
currentState StateData[]
type StateData {
title String
url String
model sources {
id String #id #default(auto()) #map("_id") #db.ObjectId
data SourcesData
name String #unique
When I execute the above logic I get error as:Unknown arg `sports` in for type SourcesDataUpdateEnvelopeInput. Did you mean `set`? Available args:
Please guide what I am missing while updating.
The TypeScript should be pretty helpful in telling you what arguments you can or cannot use when interacting with Prisma. I strongly recommend using a code editor that includes TypeScript typehinting/Intellisense so you can see errors and warnings about your TypeScript usage as you are developing with Prisma.
Where it says Available args in your error, that should tell you the arguments that prisma.sports.update actually expects. If I had to guess (this may not be accurate, but you HAVE to look at the TypeScript to know exactly what it's supposed to be), it should look something like this:
const updatedSource = await prisma.sources.update({
where: {
name: 'toy'
data: {
data: {
update: {
sports: {
update: {
currentState: {
set: ["true"]
I strongly recommend reading Prisma's documentation on updating related/nested records:
let typeEncounter = await prisma.encounter.update({
where: {
data: {
[property]: {
update: {
[subProperty] : value,
I get a receive the error Unknown arg update in data..update
I have seen some people mention nesting updates but no official documentation and can't seem to get this straightened out. Anybody have any ideas? The property and subproperty are largely irrelevant here, just examples. The code works fine aside from updated a subfield of a type (mongoDB prisma). Without the update the entire type gets overwritten rather than the selected field.

Does migrating from MongoDB to SQL breaks basic Strapi queries?

const PostPopulateObj = () => ({
path: 'posts',
model: 'Post',
select: 'id order title alias',
...({ match: { published_at: { $ne: null } } })
const GroupPopulateObj = {
path: 'groups',
model: 'Group',
select: 'id order label posts groups'
module.exports = {
async getNavigationByAlias(ctx) {
const { alias } = ctx.params
const nav = await strapi.query('navigation').find({ alias }, [
populate: [PostPopulateObj, {
populate: PostPopulateObj
return nav.length > 0 ? nav : null
I have this and using PostgresSQL instead of MongoDB breaks the above query. But my understanding is that it shouldn't break basic queries and only custom queries as shown in the documentations.
I used the scripts and was able to repopulate the db, but like I said I am getting different results, where I am getting some generic default post (converted null post?) instead of 2 specific posts. The post now returned by Postgres seems to not be inside the db, not sure what's going on, but for some reason it's not returning an error.
A little below the section, they mention custom queries and how to use Bookshelf and Mongoose. I used the Mongoose library for custom queries in my understanding, but the above doesn't use Bookshelf or Mongoose at all, so it should work.

How do I perform a count on a relation with a where clause in prisma?

I have the following query which gives all posts and a count of all comments. Now I'd like to get a count of all comments with the post that have the approved field set to true. I can't seem to figure this out.{
include: {
_count: { select: { Comment: true } },
Thanks for any help.
You would need to use Raw Query to achieve this as the filter on _count for relations is not supported yet.
Here's the Feature Request for the same: Ability to filter count in "Count Relation Feature"
[Edit: 14-Nov-2022]
Prisma has added support for filteredRelationCount since version 4.3.0
Available since 4.3.0.
enable in your schema file:
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["filteredRelationCount"] << add this
and then query:
select: {
_count: {
select: {
comment: { where: { approved: true } },

must have a selection of subfields. Did you mean \"createEvent { ... }\"?", [graphql] [duplicate]

Hi I am trying to learn GraphQL language. I have below snippet of code.
// Welcome to Launchpad!
// Log in to edit and save pads, run queries in GraphiQL on the right.
// Click "Download" above to get a zip with a standalone Node.js server.
// See docs and examples at
// graphql-tools combines a schema string with resolvers.
import { makeExecutableSchema } from 'graphql-tools';
// Construct a schema, using GraphQL schema language
const typeDefs = `
type User {
name: String!
age: Int!
type Query {
me: User
const user = { name: 'Williams', age: 26};
// Provide resolver functions for your schema fields
const resolvers = {
Query: {
me: (root, args, context) => {
return user;
// Required: Export the GraphQL.js schema object as "schema"
export const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
// Optional: Export a function to get context from the request. It accepts two
// parameters - headers (lowercased http headers) and secrets (secrets defined
// in secrets section). It must return an object (or a promise resolving to it).
export function context(headers, secrets) {
return {
// Optional: Export a root value to be passed during execution
// export const rootValue = {};
// Optional: Export a root function, that returns root to be passed
// during execution, accepting headers and secrets. It can return a
// promise. rootFunction takes precedence over rootValue.
// export function rootFunction(headers, secrets) {
// return {
// headers,
// secrets,
// };
// };
"errors": [
"message": "Field \"me\" of type \"User\" must have a selection of subfields. Did you mean \"me { ... }\"?",
"locations": [
"line": 4,
"column": 3
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong ? How to fix it ?
From the docs:
A GraphQL object type has a name and fields, but at some point those
fields have to resolve to some concrete data. That's where the scalar
types come in: they represent the leaves of the query.
GraphQL requires that you construct your queries in a way that only returns concrete data. Each field has to ultimately resolve to one or more scalars (or enums). That means you cannot just request a field that resolves to a type without also indicating which fields of that type you want to get back.
That's what the error message you received is telling you -- you requested a User type, but you didn't tell GraphQL at least one field to get back from that type.
To fix it, just change your request to include name like this:
me {
... or age. Or both. You cannot, however, request a specific type and expect GraphQL to provide all the fields for it -- you will always have to provide a selection (one or more) of fields for that type.