How to resolve "Unable to resolve host" in OpenStack Yoga? - centos

I’m trying to install Openstack on CentOS Stream 9 by following the official openstack installation guide for Yoga available at:
When I try to bootstrap keystone I get the following error:
/etc/keystone/fernet-keys/ does not exist. PFA the first screenshot
When I tried to create a domain using openstack domain create --description "An Example Domain" example it failed. Upon pinging controller I found out that the machine could not resolve the controller. Next, I added an entry to /etc/hosts that explicitly resolved the controller to my machine’s IP
Pinging the controller succeeded but I was still not able to create a domain
I tried creating a project using ‘openstack project create --domain default --description "Service Project" service’ This command failed with internal server error.
What should I do to resolve these errors?


How to fix "Could not find or load main class com.install4j.runtime.launcher.UnixLauncher" error when starting the nexus service

Operating system: Red Hat Entreprise Linux server release 7.7
nexus version: 3.18.1-01
When renewing the SSL certificate of Nexus on the server, I first replaced the old certificate under /opt/nexus/etc/ssl with the new one.
I put a new keystore with the new certificate and the same password as before with the same name in the same place and then ran /opt/nexus/bin/nexus restart.
Before the service was running and the URL was reachable, but since then I get the following error:
Could not find or load main class
And the command journalctl -u nexus gives the following error:
Failed to start nexus service.
Failed at step EXEC spawning /var/nexus/bin/nexus: Permission denied.
i tried a lot of things i found on the internet to fix this but unfortunately without success.
put the nexus user in the nexus.rc file
In the beginning it was like this:
That means, the nexus server is run with root and I tried to run it with the user nexus. Unfortunately this did not work.
I also tried the following:
changed the permission and owner for the "/opt/nexus" and "/var/nexus" folders (tested with root and nexus too).
moved the file .install4j to /opt/nexus/
at the end I wanted to test again with the old certificate and renamed the new one und the new key. I thought it was because of the new certificate.... But I still get the same error:
Could not find or load main class
Something is wrong since I stopped and restarted the nexus service but i don't know what exactly.
Can you help me please? I would be very grateful.
Check the ownership of the PID file:

How to resolve DNS lookup error when trying to run example microservice application using minikube

Dear StackOverflow community!
I am trying to run the locally on minikube, so I am following their development guide:
After I successfully set up minikube (using virtualbox driver, but I tried also hyperkit, however the results were the same) and execute skaffold run, after some time it will end up with following error:
Building [shippingservice]...
Sending build context to Docker daemon 127kB
Step 1/14 : FROM golang:1.15-alpine as builder
---> 6466dd056dc2
Step 2/14 : RUN apk add --no-cache ca-certificates git
---> Running in 0e6d2ab2a615
WARNING: Ignoring DNS lookup error
WARNING: Ignoring DNS lookup error
ERROR: unable to select packages:
git (no such package):
required by: world[git]
Building [recommendationservice]...
Building [cartservice]...
Building [emailservice]...
Building [productcatalogservice]...
Building [loadgenerator]...
Building [checkoutservice]...
Building [currencyservice]...
Building [frontend]...
Building [adservice]...
unable to stream build output: The command '/bin/sh -c apk add --no-cache ca-certificates git' returned a non-zero code: 1. Please fix the Dockerfile and try again..
The error message suggest that DNS does not work. I tried to add to /etc/resolv.conf on a minikube VM, but it did not help. I've noticed that after I re-run skaffold run and it fails again, the content /etc/resolv.conf returns to its original state containing as the only DNS entry. Reaching the outside internet and pinging form within the minikube VM works.
Could you point me to a direction how can possible I fix the problem and learn on how the DNS inside minikube/kubernetes works? I've heard that problems with DNS inside Kubernetes cluster are frequent problems you run into.
Thanks for your answers!
Best regards,
Tried it with docker driver, i.e. minikube start --driver=docker, and it works. Thanks Brian!
Sounds like issue was resolved for OP but if one is using docker inside minikube then below suggestion worked for me.
minikube ssh
$>sudo vi /etc/docker/daemon.json
# Add "dns": [""]
# save and exit
$>sudo systemctl restart docker

Hyperledger composer over docker swarm

I have deployed hyperledger composer over docker swarm following this article Everything is working perfect.
Now I'm going one step further by adding rest server with passport-google-strategy in the current docker swarm network.
But Its giving me error as "Exception: Error: Error trying to ping. Error: No peers available to query. last error was Error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connect Failed Error: Error trying to ping. Error: No peers available to query. last error was Error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connect Failed at _checkRuntimeVersions.then.catch (/home/composer/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/composer-rest-server/node_modules/composer-connector-hlfv1/lib/hlfconnection.js:813:34)
at "
Currently in rest server card's connection.json file I have kept service names. I even tried host name and docker ip address. But still it showing the same error.
Can anyone please guide me on this...

Hyperledger composer v0.16.2 Rest server error

I am working composer v0.16.2. I am having an error while I try to reconnect to composer-rest-server.
I am using this command:
composer-rest-server -c admin#mynetwork -n always -a true -m true -w true -t true -e /home /.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.3/lib/node_modules/composer-rest-server/cert.pem -k /home /.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.3/lib/node_modules/composer-rest-server/key.pem
Whatever the option I set it works fine first time but when I need to reconnect with the same command, I need to restart fabric and deploy the business network again otherwise it will show this error:
Discovering types from business network definition ...
Connection fails:
Error: Error trying to ping.
Error: Error trying to query business network.
Error: Connect Failed It will be retried for the next request.
Exception: Error: Error trying to ping.
Error: Error trying to query business network.
Error: Connect Failed Error: Error trying to ping.
Error: Error trying to query business network.
Error: Connect Failed at _checkRuntimeVersions.then.catch (/home/.../.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.1/lib/node_modules/composer-rest-server/node_modules/composer-connector-hlfv1/lib/hlfconnection.js:713:34)
at <anonymous>
Hyperledger Composer v0.16.0 network start error
I found a similar question on this link but I need to start fabric again when this error comes and again deploying network archive help to start the rest server.
My question is how can I remove this error without starting fabric again when I need to start rest server?
The first action of the REST server is to 'Discover' the Business Network using the admin#mynetwork Card. So you can simplify testing here by not using the REST server, but by issuing a simpler command composer network ping -c admin#mynetwork or composer network list -c admin#mynetwork.
When your admin#mynetwork card is created (when you deploy the business network), then imported BEFORE you use it try the command composer card list --name admin#mynetwork - at the bottom of the output you should see:
secretSet: Secret set
credentialsSet: Credentials not set
After you use the card for the first time with a composer network ping or list, redo the composer card list --name admin#mynetwork and you should see a change in the output with Credentials set.
This is important because when the Card is created, it is created with a One Time secret, and when it is first used the Certificates are downloaded - Credentials Set. The problem you are seeing with a failure of the REST server the second time you use it suggests that the certificates needed for the second use are not present.

GlassFish WAR file deployment to a non-default port

I am attempting to deploy a war file (Oracle's APEX Listener) to a GlassFish server deployed on an RHEL server (I am also seeing the same issues on an Ubuntu server at home).
I used the following command to create the domain:
$GLASSFISH_HOME/bin/asadmin create-domain --portbase 8100 myDomain
[I am also creating multiple domains on the same GlassFish server (one GF instance with multiple domains) using values of 8200, 8300, and 8400 for the portbase value and using different domain names.]
I then start the domain using:
$GLASSFISH_HOME/bin/asadmin start-domain myDomain
Next, I attempt to deploy the APEX.WAR file using:
$GLASSFISH_HOME/bin/asadmin deploy --contextroot apex apex.war
But, I get the following error:
Remote server does not listen for requests on [localhost:4848]. Is the server up? Unable to get remote commands. Closest matching local
help Command deploy failed.
I have also used the following commands with the same result:
$GLASSFISH_HOME/bin/asadmin deploy apex.war
$GLASSFISH_HOME/bin/asadmin deploy --target myDomain apex.war
$GLASSFISH_HOME/bin/asadmin deploy --target domain apex.war
And I get the same error each time.
I can deploy the file using the admin gui, but this is for a customer installation and I would really like to do as much as possible from the bash shell script I have created.
I am also installing the Java 1.7.0_45 JDK and modifying the $GLASSFISH_HOME/config/asenv.conf file to include AS_JAVA=
The error is actually correct because the admin port is 8148. But, how do I get GlassFish to "know" to use 8148 instead of 4848.
I have also tried this by:
$GLASSFISH_HOME/bin/asadmin create-domain --adminport 8148
--domainproperties http.ssl.port=8152
but this gets the same results as above.
Thanks for reading this tome of a post and any info on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated!
You can specify the port to which asadmin should connect as a parameter like this:
asadmin --port 4949 start-domain
If this isn't enough you can even specify the hostname with --host.
Have a look at the official documentation to see all possible parameters.
i get the same error ,you should do like this:
$GLASSFISH_HOME/bin/asadmin --port 8148 deploy apex.war
and input username and password the default user is admin and password is adminadmin
good luck for you!