Is there a way to set worker weight? - locust

I have two machine to do the load test. One machine has worse CPU performance. And the machine will reach high CPU usage when number of users keep increasing, while the other machine still has low CPU usage. Locust complains:
[2022-07-28 11:22:15,529] PF1YW96X-MUO/WARNING/root: CPU usage above 90%! This may constrain your throughput and may even give inconsistent response time measurements! See for how to distribute the load over multiple CPU cores or machines
[2022-07-28 11:25:06,766] PF1YW96X-MUO/WARNING/locust.runners: CPU usage was too high at some point during the test! See for how to distribute the load over multiple CPU cores or machines
I want to set lower weight for the machine who has worse CPU perfomance. Is there a way to do that?

You can run fewer worker processes on the weak machine. If necessary you could run more than one process per core on the strong machine, just to make it take more Users.


How are CPU resource units (millicore/millicpu) calculated under the hood?

Let's take this processor as an example: a CPU with 2 cores and 4 threads (2 threads per core).
From what I've read, such a CPU has 2 physical cores but can process 4 threads simultaneously through hyper threading. But, in reality, one physical core can only truly run one thread at a time, but using hyper threading, the CPU exploits the idle stages in the pipeline to process another thread.
Now, here is Kubernetes with Prometheus and Grafana and their CPU resource units measurement - millicore/millicpu. So, they virtually slice a core to 1000 millicores.
Taking into account the hyper threading, I can't understand how they calculate those millicores under the hood.
How can a process, for example, use 100millicore (10th part of the core)? How is this technically possible?
PS: accidentally, found a really descriptive explanation here: Multi threading with Millicores in Kubernetes
This gets very complicated. So k8s doesn't actually manage this it just provides a layer on top of the underlying container runtime (docker, containerd etc). When you configure a container to use 100 millicore k8's hands that down to the underlying container runtime and the runtime deals with it. Now once you start going to this level you have to start looking at the Linux kernel and how it does cpu scheduling / rate with cgroups. Which becomes incredibly interesting and complicated. In a nutshell though: The linux CFS Bandwidth Control is the thing that manages how much cpu a process (container) can use. By setting the quota and period params to the schedular you can control how much CPU is used by controlling how long a process can run before being paused and how often it runs. as you correctly identify you cant only use a 10th of a core. But you can use a 10th of the time and by doing that you can only use a 10th of the core over time.
For example
if I set quota to 250ms and period to 250ms. That tells the kernel that this cgroup can use 250ms of CPU cycle time every 250ms. Which means it can use 100% of the CPU.
if I set quota to 500ms and keep the period to 250ms. That tells the kernel that this cgroup can use 500ms of CPU cycle time every 250ms. Which means it can use 200% of the CPU. (2 cores)
if I set quota to 125ms and keep the period to 250ms. That tells the kernel that this cgroup can use 125ms of CPU cycle time every 250ms. Which means it can use 50% of the CPU.
This is a very brief explanation. Here is some further reading:

Set cpu requests in K8s for fluctuating load

I have a service deployed in Kubernetes and I am trying to optimize the requested cpu resources.
For now, I have deployed 10 instances and set spec.containers[].resources.limits.cpu to 0.1, based on the "average" use. However, it became obvious that this average is rather useless in practice because under constant load, the load increases significantly (to 0.3-0.4 as far as I can tell).
What happens consequently, when multiple instances are deployed on the same node, is that this node is heavily overloaded; pods are no longer responsive, are killed and restarted etc.
What is the best practice to find a good value? My current best guess is to increase the requested cpu to 0.3 or 0.4; I'm looking at Grafana visualizations and see that the pods on the heavily loaded node(s) converge there under continuous load.
However, how can I know if they would use more load if they could before becoming unresponsive as the node is overloaded?
I'm actually trying to understand how to approach this in general. I would expect an "ideal" service (presuming it is CPU-focused) to use close to 0.0 when there is no load, and close to 1.0 when requests are constantly coming in. With that assumption, should I set the cpu.requests to 1.0, taking a perspective where actual constant usage is assumed?
I have read some Kubernetes best practice guides, but none of them seem to address how to set the actual value for cpu requests in practice in more depth than "find an average".
Basically come up with a number that is your lower acceptable bound for how much the process runs. Setting a request of 100m means that you are okay with a lower limit of your process running 0.1 seconds for every 1 second of wall time (roughly). Normally that should be some kind of average utilization, usually something like a P99 or P95 value over several days or weeks. Personally I usually look at a chart of P99, P80, and P50 (median) over 30 days and use that to decide on a value.
Limits are a different beast, they are setting your CPU timeslice quota. This subsystem in Linux has some persistent bugs so unless you've specifically vetted your kernel as correct, I don't recommend using it for anything but the most hostile of programs.
In a nutshell: Main goal is to understand how much traffic a pod can handle and how much resource it consumes to do so.
CPU limits are hard to understand and can be harmful, you might want
to avoid them, see static policy documentation and relevant
github issue.
To dimension your CPU requests you will want to understand first how much a pod can consume during high load. In order to do this you can :
disable all kind of autoscaling (HPA, vertical pod autoscaler, ...)
set the number of replicas to one
lift the CPU limits
request the highest amount of CPU you can on a node (3.2 usually on 4cpu nodes)
send as much traffic as you can on the application (you can achieve simple Load Tests scenarios with locust for example)
You will eventually end up with a ratio clients-or-requests-per-sec/cpu-consumed. You can suppose the relation is linear (this might not be true if your workload complexity is O(n^2) with n the number of clients connected, but this is not the nominal case).
You can then choose the pod resource requests based on the ratio you measured. For example if you consume 1.2 cpu for 1000 requests per second you know that you can give each pod 1 cpu and it will handle up to 800 requests per second.
Once you know how much a pod can consume under its maximal load, you can start setting up cpu-based autoscaling, 70% is a good first target that can be refined if you encounter issues like latency or pods not autoscaling fast enough. This will avoid your nodes to run out of cpu if the load increases.
There are a few gotchas, for example single-threaded applications are not able to consume more than a cpu. Thus if you give it 1.5 cpu it will run out of cpu but you won't be able to visualize it from metrics as you'll believe it still can consume 0.5 cpu.

Choosing the compute resources of the nodes in the cluster with horizontal scaling

Horizontal scaling means that we scale by adding more machines into the pool of resources. Still, there is a choice of how much power (CPU, RAM) each node in the cluster will have.
When cluster managed with Kubernetes it is extremely easy to set any CPU and memory limit for Pods. How to choose the optimal CPU and memory size for cluster nodes (or Pods in Kubernetes)?
For example, there are 3 nodes in a cluster with 1 vCPU and 1GB RAM each. To handle more load there are 2 options:
Add the 4th node with 1 vCPU and 1GB RAM
Add to each of the 3 nodes more power (e.g. 2 vCPU and 2GB RAM)
A straightforward solution is to calculate the throughput and cost of each option and choose the cheaper one. Are there any more advanced approaches for choosing the compute resources of the nodes in a cluster with horizontal scalability?
For this particular example I would go for 2x vCPU instead of another 1vCPU node, but that is mainly cause I believe running OS for anything serious on a single vCPU is just wrong. System to behave decently needs 2+ cores available, otherwise it's too easy to overwhelm that one vCPU and send the node into dust. There is no ideal algorithm for this though. It will depend on your budget, on characteristics of your workloads etc.
As a rule of thumb, don't stick to too small instances as you have a bunch of stuff that has to run on them always, regardless of their size and the more node, the more overhead. 3x 4vCpu+16/32GB RAM sounds like nice plan for starters, but again... it depends on what you want, need and can afford.
The answer is related to such performance metrics as latency and throughput:
Latency is a time interval between sending request and receiving response.
Throughput is a request processing rate (requests per second).
Latency has influence on throughput: bigger latency = less throughput.
If a business transaction consists of multiple sequential calls of the services that can't be parallelized, then compute resources (CPU and memory) has to be chosen based on the desired latency value. Adding more instances of the services (horizontal scaling) will not have any positive influence on the latency in this case.
Adding more instances of the service increases throughput allowing to process more requests in parallel (if there are no bottlenecks).
In other words, allocate CPU and memory resources so that service has desired response time and add more service instances (scale horizontally) to handle more requests in parallel.

Degree of multiprogramming definition

What is the degree of multiprogramming in OS?
Is it the number of processes in the ready queue or the number of processes in the memory?
In a multiprogramming-capable system, jobs to be executed are loaded into a pool. Some number of those jobs are loaded into main memory, and one is selected from the pool for execution by the CPU. If at some point the program in progress terminates or requires the services of a peripheral device, the control of the CPU is given to the next job in the pool.
An important concept in multiprogramming is the degree of multiprogramming. The degree of multiprogramming describes the maximum number of processes that a single-processor system can accommodate efficiently.
These are some of the factors affecting the degree of multiprogramming:
The primary factor is the amount of memory available to be allocated
to executing processes. If the amount of memory is too limited, the
degree of multiprogramming will be limited because fewer processes
will fit in memory.
Operating system - The means by which resources are allocated to processes. If the operating system
can not allocate resources to executing processes in a fair and
orderly fashion, the system will waste time in reallocation, or
process execution could enter into a deadlock state as programs wait
for allocated resources to be freed by other blocked processes.
Other factors affecting the degree of multiprogramming are program
I/O needs, program CPU needs, and memory and disk access speed.
Hope this answers you. :)
If not, You can get it in more detail here:
For a system with a single CPU core, there will never be more than one
process running at a time, whereas a multicore system can run multiple
processes at one time. If there are more processes than cores, excess
processes will have to wait until a core is free and can be
rescheduled. The number of processes currently in memory is known as
the degree of multiprogramming.
Excerpt from: Operating System Concepts, 10th Edition, Abraham Silberschatz

performance issues with parallel MATLAB on a NUMA machine

I'm running memory-intensive parallel computations in MATLAB on a 64-core NUMA machine under Windows 7, 8 cores per socket. I'm using parallel computing toolbox to do that. I've noticed a very strange cpu load pattern: then running say 36 parallel MATLABs, the cores on the 1st socket are fully loaded, 2nd socket is almost fully loaded too, third socket is about 50% and so on. The last socket is usually almost completely free and doing nothing. Running more than 12 parallel workers simultaneously seem to very adversely affect performance of all workers.
I tried to experiment with cpu affinity, pinning different workers to different cores. While it helps in simple tests (i.e. cpu load pattern becomes uniform across all cores), it doesn't help in our real-life memory-intensive computations.
I suspect the problem is with memory locality. I.e. all memory is allocated on 1st and 2nd sockets. This would explain strange cpu load: OS tires to run computational threads closer to the data. But I don't know neither how to confirm this suspicion directly, nor how to fix it, if it's true.
I use maxNumCompThreads(4) in all my parallel workers, if that's important. Hyperthreading is off.
You should only be able to run 12 local workers using Parallel Computing Toolbox. See the data sheet.
Please note that in R2014a the limit on the number of local workers was removed. See the release notes.