When the payment is done, and it shows the ff picture:
when you refresh it without clicking the button, this will show up:
when you click the return to merchat, the order was still there. it was supposed to be gone.
What is the workaround here
I use PayPal's smart buttons generator to generate code that will render buttons on my website. This works well and the buttons display properly on my website.
Initially, their behaviour was as follows: User clicks on the "Debit or Credit Card" button and they are taken to the PayPal website where the user would enter their card details etc. For me this is the preferred behaviour.
For some reason this behaviour stopped working and now clicking on the button renders and embedded form to enter credit card details within my webpage.
How can I go back to the previous behaviour that would take the user to PayPal website?
There are a few countries that aren't eligible for the embedded card form, and so will open the PayPal window as a fallback.
All other users will see the embedded form where available, which is the intended functionality for the button. If you won't want the black button, you can append &disable-funding=card to the SDK line, leaving only the regular PayPal experience. There is no way to make the black button open a window, it is not designed or intended to work that way.
The embedded experience is nicer anyway.
My client's Paypal account is using the new interface. I've been right the way through it and I still can't find out where to customise the payment page, return URL, etc. Is this possible?
Yes it is possible
What you want is hidden behind the person icon, but here are the steps you need to take.
Login to your account.
Press the My Paypal button on the top right
Click the person icon top right.
Click "Welcome [your name]"
Click My selling tools Click website preferences/custom payment
I have been trying to Integrate a Unsubscribe Button. But i have not been able to do this properly.
After CLINET clicks the Unsubscribe button, it asks the Merchant to Login. This should not happen. It should just ask for a confirmation of cancellation.
I have tried making a custom Button via Sandbox. All testing has been done and still no success. The parameters for this Unscubsribe button is not available.
If you haven't already, have a look at Using the Button Creation Tool for an Unsubscribe Button.
Basically, what I want know is whether or not one can test Add to Cart buttons via the sandbox.
I have an Add to Cart button. I click on on it. I am directed to https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr and asked to click on a link to log me into Paypal. I do that and then I am directed to developer.paypal.com where I click on "See our New Sandbox." I then am told to log in again, which I do. the page refreshes and I am logged in. I click on the See Our New Sandbox link again and I see two sandbox accounts, a Business and a Personal. I expand the personal and click on the sandbox link and I am directed to sadbox.paypal.com, where I am asked to log in. I log in ( with my Paypal account ) and then I am asked to click a link to log in to the sandbox, which I do, and once more I am at developer.sandbox.com, with a "See our New Sandbox" link. Click on that link and the circular logging in starts again.
I've tried this on IE, Firefox, Chrome, a separate computer, clearing cache and cookies, and even using an Incognito window, but still the same loop.
Click Add to Cart
Go to Sandbox
Click link to log me in to PayPal
Click on See Our New Sandbox
Login again.
Click on See Our New Sandbox.
Go to one of my sandbox accounts and click on sandbox site link.
Directed to sandbox.paypal.com, log in.
Asked to click link to login.
Directed to developer.sandbox.com, click on See Our New Sandbox.
Go to 6
Months ago, the Sandbox worked great, but now? Loop after loop. Is this being addressed? Can one actually use the Sandbox for Add to Cart buttons? T
As far as i'm aware, the answer to your question is yes. Regarding your problem, I recommend you to open the "Log in into the sandbox" link in a new tab/window, then once you log in, refresh the page that gave you the link, it should work as expected. Another way will be to log in and then go back to your page and click in your Add to Cart button again.
Problem :
Paypal opens a lightbox when you want to buy something with Express Checkout Digital Goods.
On this lightbox you can click several times on "Pay now" button, this is bad user experience and it breaks my backend scripts.
Steps :
I integrate Express Checkout for Digital goods in my Flash website. I use the Paypal script "https://www.paypalobjects.com/js/external/dg.js", and to open Paypal lightbox I do :
dg = new PAYPAL.apps.DGFlow();
Then my website is under a mask, and a lightbox appears.
The setup_url is the url of my php script that sets up the Paypal transaction. When the setup is ok, it redirects to https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/incontext?token=...&useraction=commit
I am not remembered by Paypal, the lightbox shows a button "Log in", I click on it.
A popup appears over the lightbox, to log in. I check the "Remember me" checkbox and log in.
The popup displays the cart, I click on "Pay now" button.
IMMEDIATELY the popup closes, and the lightbox displays "loading" while the script I set as "return_url" is executing.
I start the Paypal DGFlow again, but now I am remembered.
The lightbox appears and shows the cart (there is no adding popup), I click on "Pay now"
Nothing seems to happen !! Actually, the script I set as "return_url" is executing, but the Paypal lightbox does not show the "loading" message and just stay on the cart. I can click again and again on "Pay now", and each time I click on this button, Paypal calls return_url.
Question :
Is it a bug ?
Do you see the same behaviour ?
Do you know a workaround to prevent the user to click several times on the "Pay now" button ?