Create annotated tag with build user - azure-devops

I have powershell script which is creating annotated tag for commit in azure repos, but when I run this script in azure release pipeline I got error: "The combination of parameters is either not valid or not complete." When I make call from Postman with my credentials. its working. I also set repo permission Create Tag to Allow. Which permission I need for creating annotated tags with build user?
$createTagUrl= "$($env:SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI)$env:SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT/_apis/git/repositories/$($env:BUILD_REPOSITORY_ID)/annotatedtags?api-version=6.0-preview.1"
Write-Host "createTagUrl=" $createTagUrl
$jsonObject = #"
"objectId": "$($env:BUILD_BUILDID)"
"message": "test"
Write-Host "JsonObject: " $jsonObject
$json = #($jsonObject) | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99
$createdTag = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $createTagUrl -Method Post -Body $json -ContentType "application/json" -Headers #{Authorization = "Bearer $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN"}

I can reproduce your issue:
The root cause is the code on your side is wrong.
This should works:
$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic <PAT>")
$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$body = "{
`n `"name`": `"xxx`",
`n `"message`": `"xxx`",
`n `"taggedObject`": {
`n `"objectId`": `"<object id>`"
`n }
$response = Invoke-RestMethod '<Organization Name>/<Project Name>/_apis/git/repositories/<Repo Name>/annotatedtags?api-version=4.1-preview.1' -Method 'POST' -Headers $headers -Body $body
$response | ConvertTo-Json


azure devops release pipeline , bulk edit

$Organization = "y"
$Project = "x"
$DefinitionID = "81"
$url = "$Organization/$Project/_apis/build/definitions/$DefinitionID?api-version=6.0"
Write-Host "URL: $url"
$pipeline = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers #{
Authorization = "Bearer $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN"
Write-Host "Pipeline = $($pipeline | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100)"
$pipeline.variables.v1030.value = "xyz"
####****************** update the modified object **************************
$json = #($pipeline) | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99
$updatedef = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Put -Body $json -ContentType "application/json" -Headers #{Authorization = "Bearer $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN"}
write-host "=========================================================="
Write-host "The value of Varialbe 'v1030' is updated to"
2022-03-17T13:05:24.9981259Z Invoke-RestMethod : {"$id":"1","innerException":null,"message":"Build pipeline
2022-03-17T13:05:24.9982421Z 81 was not found.","typeName":"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.WebApi.Definition
2022-03-17T13:05:24.9982939Z NotFoundException, Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build2.WebApi","typeKey":"Definitio
2022-03-17T13:05:24.9983313Z nNotFoundException","errorCode":0,"eventId":3000}
Hi I get this error in Logs,
I think I can not find the release pipeline number
The $ DefinitionID
I want to do it on 100 releases pipelines I'll wrap it with 'for' later, but first I want to see I can do on one

Update Azure Devops Build Pipeline Variable with Rest API

I have an Azure Devops YAML based Build (Not Release) Pipeline. I have defined a variable called Department. My Requirement is that this variable to be updated at the end of the build using the rest API. I'm using this code.
How to modify Azure DevOps release definition variable from a release task?
The API call works fine. But I'm not sure whether this is the correct API to call. The Department will change for each build. According to the output HTTP method put is not supported.
Note: I have actually defined 5 variables including Department, Department being the last one. When the API is called it only outputs first 3 variables only.
$Department = getDepartment.ps1
$url = "$(System.DefinitionId)/runs?api-version=6.0-preview.1"
$pipeline = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers #{
Authorization = "Bearer $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN"
Write-Host "Pipeline = $($pipeline | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100)"
$pipeline.variables.Department.value = $Department
$json = #($pipeline) | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99
$updatedef = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Put -Body $json -ContentType "application/json" -Headers #{Authorization = "Bearer $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN"}
Write-host "=========================================================="
Write-host "The value of Variable 'Department' is updated to $( $updatedef.variables.Department.value)"
write-host "=========================================================="
The Department will change for each build. According to the output HTTP method put is not supported.
According to the document Pipelines:
It does not provide a method for update pipeline with PUT.
To resolve this issue, you still need use the REST API Build Definitions - Update:
The code sample:
$url = "{organization}/{project}/_apis/build/definitions/{definitionId}?api-version=6.0"
Write-Host "URL: $url"
$pipeline = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers #{
Authorization = "Bearer $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN"
Write-Host "Pipeline = $($pipeline | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100)"
$pipeline.variables.Test.value = "$Department"
####****************** update the modified object **************************
$json = #($pipeline) | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99
$updatedef = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Put -Body $json -ContentType "application/json" -Headers #{Authorization = "Bearer $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN"}
write-host "=========================================================="
Write-host "The value of Varialbe 'Test' is updated to" $updatedef.variables.Test.value
The test result:
When you start the pipeline using the API, you can add the values of the parameters that should be different from the default values, to the payload of the call. So you're not updating the definition, but just the value of the variables for that instance of the pipeline run.
$JSON = #"
"definition": {
"parameters": "{ \"ENVIRONMENT\":\"$($config.testEnvironmentName)\", \"API_CLIENT_SECRET\":\"$($config.testEnvironmentApiClientSecret)\" }"
Note that the 'parameters' property has a value as an escaped json string.
This is the API that I use to start the pipeline.
Use a 'POST' method and send the json as the body of the request (content-type application/json).

How can I parse JSON from Azure DevOps work items in PowerShell

I have a PS script to get info about work items from the DevOps API. Specifically when I call the work item API there's a property returned called "fields". When I use ConvertFromJson it doesn't seem to be able to parse that property. Is there some way ConvertFromJson can be configured or do I need to do text parsing?
Here's the code:
Write-Host "Uri $uri"
Write-Host "AccessToken: $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN"
$result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method GET -Headers #{ Authorization = "Bearer $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN" } -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json
$itemId = $result.value[0].id
Write-Host $itemId
$uri = "$($itemId)?`$expand=All"
Write-Host "Uri $uri"
$result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method GET -Headers #{ Authorization = "Bearer $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN" } -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 5
Write-Host $result
Here's the screenshot of the output. Notice the "fields" property is empty?
Here's what the same call looks like in Postman

PowerShell Error when queuing a build via Invoke-RestMethod and put

Getting this error when trying to update a role to an endpoint using Powershell. It is crating the endpoints, just the roles update is giving error. same role update api call command works from postman.
$ApplyRole = "https://Myorg/_apis/securityroles/scopes/distributedtask.serviceendpointrole/roleassignments/resources/72505f4d-564c-41cf-14508b977f52_f6a1c4f9-a043-4399-1aad7b5cf19c/?api-version=5.0-preview"
$Body1 = #{
roleName = "User"
userId = "f0e736e3-0e73-4fd2-8b7a-615126eac692"
$Bodyjson = $Body1 | ConvertTo-Json
Invoke-RestMethod -uri $ApplyRole -Method Put -Credential $mycreds -Body $Bodyjson -ContentType "application/json"
Invoke-RestMethod : {"$id":"1","innerException":null,"message":"Object reference not set to an instance of an object.","typeName":"System.NullReferenceException,
Thanks for the reply.
Actually it was an issue with the body syntax.
Added like this and it works.
$Body1 = #"
Open pipeline definition->click the tab variables->add variable pat and change variable type to secret.
Add task powershell and enter the script.
$base64AuthInfo= [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(":$($connectionToken)"))
$ApplyRole = "https://Myorg/_apis/securityroles/scopes/distributedtask.serviceendpointrole/roleassignments/resources/{project id}_{endpoint id}/?api-version=5.0-preview"
$body ="[{
`"roleName`": `"User`",
`"userId`": `"{group or user id}`"
$Roles = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $ApplyRole -ContentType "application/json" -Body $body -Headers #{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)} -Method PUT

What does the Body of the Invoke-RestMethod for queuing a build need to contain? [duplicate]

I have the following script
[string]$vstsAccount = "abc,
[string]$projectName = "abc",
[string]$user = "",
[string]$token = "xyz"
# Base64-encodes the Personal Access Token (PAT) appropriately
$base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $user,$token)))
$verb = "POST"
$body = #"
"definition": {
"id": 20
$uri = "https://$($vstsAccount)$($projectName)/_apis/build/builds?api-version=4.1"
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method $verb -ContentType "application/json" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $body) -Headers #{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)}
However I get this error
Invoke-RestMethod : {"$id":"1","innerException":null,"message":"This request expects an object in the request body, but the supplied data could not be
So I tried to queue a build from the browser and see the payload using developer tools:
So, I replaced that into my script:
$body = #"
However I keep getting the same error.
The official documentation for this endpoint is here, but its not clear
To queue a build with REST API, you can use below powershell script:
$body = '
"definition": {
"id": number
$bodyJson=$body | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Output $bodyJson
$bodyString=$bodyJson | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100
Write-Output $bodyString
$base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $user,$token)))
$Uri = ""
$buildresponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -UseDefaultCredentials -ContentType application/json -Uri $Uri -Body $bodyString -Headers #{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)}
write-host $buildresponse
This variant of Marina's answer worked for me against an on-prem TFS 2017 server:
$b= '{"buildNumber":<build id>,"definition":{"id":<build id>}}'
$token="<PAT token>"
$base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("${user}:${token}"))
$Uri = "https://tfs.mycompany.local/<team-name>/<project-name>/_apis/build/builds?api-version=4.1"
$buildresponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -UseDefaultCredentials -ContentType application/json -Uri $Uri -Body $b -Headers #{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)}
write-host $buildresponse
If you're running your PowerShell script on an Azure Devops Server, you can take advantage of several environment variables to automatically authenticate:
# From
$url = "$($env:SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI)$env:SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECTID/_apis/build/builds?api-version=6.0&definitionId=<definition_id_here>"
Write-Host "URL: $url"
# From
$pipeline = Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Post' -Uri $url -ContentType "application/json" -Headers #{
Authorization = "Bearer $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN"
Write-Host "Pipeline = $($pipeline | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100)"