How to reset changes made to one context of sap.ui.model.odata.v4.ODataListBinding - sapui5

I cant figure out how to reset changes made to one context of a sap.ui.model.odata.v4.ODataListBinding.
If I edit a context via setProperty and call hasPendingChanges() afterwards, it returns false (I guess because the ListBinding itself havent changed). But then, how am I supposed to reset the changes I made to this specific context without resetting all the changes for that ListBinding? I think I need a ContextBinding instead of a ListBinding, but I dont know hwo to get it without rebinding the context to a single entity.
Thanks for any kind of help!
Returns true if this binding or its dependent bindings have pending property changes or created entities which have not been sent successfully to the server
So maybe the change was already sent to the server. Check your ODataModel if you are in $auto mode and a request is send the moment you called setProperty


How do I Refresh AnyLogic ModelDatabase from code?

I have linked many parameters in my model to values in the internal ModelDatabase. This works great.
Now I want to allow the user to import a new "Input File" for a specific scenario. I have added a fileChooser element on the Simulation Experiment screen and in the onUpload action I use the ModelDatabase.importFromExternalDB to upload the relevant sheet to the relevant table.
However, this does not seem to work. Initially I thought that the update simply did not happen but when I stop the model in the AnyLogic IDE and start it again in the IDE, the new values are used.
It appears as if the update only happens on startup/close and that the database is "static" while running. I did set the auto-commit parameter to true on the importFromExternalDB function, but this made no difference.
Is there a function I can call to force a "refresh" of the internal database?
You probably load the data at runtime using the default code such as selectFrom("some String with query")
However, these always load from the cached dbase to speed things up.
Instead, you must force AnyLogic to load from the live dbase using an additional argument. In this example, it would be selectFrom(false, "some String query")
This is also documented in the help:
So go through all queries in your model and add the appropriate boolean arg to force-load from the non-cached dbase.

BPM 6.4 not saving properties bug?

I’m using BPM 6.4 with all the defaults when installing. I created a business process which has a signal event in "Catching Intermediate Events", and I am trying to change the property ‘Cancel Activity’ from true -> false. The default is true. I change it to false, then I save my business process, reload the page and the property ‘Cancel Activity’ has changed back to true. Is this a bug?
The cancel activity property only is used in specific use cases, for example when it is used as a boundary event (to indicate if the node it is attached to should be canceled or not when the event happens). In situations where the property is not used, the value will not be persisted. We are looking at improving this in our new version by making sure the property is hidden / not editable in cases where it is not useful.

How to remove undo from history (RevertAllInCurrentGroup?)

I'm trying to use RevertAllInCurrentGroup to undo the last operation but it doesn't seem to work. Actually what I really want to do is just remove the undo from the history; I don't care whether the undo is applied or not.
In some init code I have:
// 'component' is a MonoBehaviour-derived class. Here I create the default editor for the component
m_editor = Editor.CreateEditor(component);
And then in OnGUI in my EditorWindow:
// ..'hasChanged' is set to true if the user changed some property
if (hasChanged)
// some stuff using the new values on the object, which includes sending a message to a server
When I call RevertAllInCurrentGroup I get InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object in some Stack object in GUILayoutUtility.EndLayoutGroup. I figured maybe I shouldn't be doing the revert in OnGUI, so I changed it to set a flag and do the revert in Update but that doesn't make any difference (except I obviously no longer get the exception).
Does anyone know how to use this function, or if there is some other way that I could undo the last operation that was applied by the Editor instance? I've tried using Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo and Undo.ClearUndo but they don't seem to do anything either (the undo operation still appears in the undo stack).
For clarification, I'm dynamically creating GameObjects with components in the editor based on messages I receive from a server (which is a running Unity game, which could be inside or outside the editor - this is a live update system). Then I allow editing of those components, and send the changed components back to the server. I'm rendering my own inspector UI and I wanted to use the built-in Editor instances for components (e.g. so the built-in CameraEditor will be used if there is a Camera component).
The only problem is that using the built-in editors causes undo operations to be added to the stack, but I really don't care about these undo operations because the GameObject they apply to is just a temporary placeholder GameObject which is continually updated every coulpe of seconds, whenever I receive a new message from the server.
if what you want is the same as clicking on the Edit->Undo menu (or as you put, undo the last operation that was applied by the editor), use below code:

Why my custom activity never returns?

I'm a newbie to WF and rather lost. Here's what I have so far:
I've created a workflow service app (xamlx), added needed variables
I've created a custom NativeActivity where I'm calling CreateBookmark from within Execute, which is between the Receive & Send activity for the service. (Ultimately this will actually do something besides creating the bookmark).
The bookmark gets created just fine, but after stepping out of the Execute method, nothing happens for one minute until the service times out, giving me that message "The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:00:59.9699970. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout." (I tried posting an image of the xamlx, but as a newbie it won't let me; suffice it to say I'm getting from my Receive, into my custom native activity, but never getting as far as the SendReply).
I assume I'm missing something rather fundatmental, but I can't see what. I've originally tried using NativeActivity<T> to return what I want, but that behaves the same.
Found out what I was doing wrong: needed to use overload of CreateBookmark that has BookmarkOptions parameter and set it to BookmarkOptions.NonBlocking.
Strangely, I did not find one example anywhere that mentioned this.

Delphi: App initialization - best practices / approach

I run into this regularly, and am just looking for best practice/approach. I have a database / datamodule-containing app, and want to fire up the database/datasets on startup w/o having "active at runtime" set to true at design time (database location varies). Also run a web "check for updates" routine when the app starts up.
Given TForm event sequences, and results from various trial and error, I'm currently using this approach:
I use a "Globals" record set up in the main form to store all global vars, have one element of that called Globals.AppInitialized (boolean), and set it to False in the Initialization section of the main form.
At the main form's OnShow event (all forms are created by then), I test Globals.AppInitialized; if it's false, I run my "Initialization" stuff, and then finish by setting Globals.AppInitialized := True.
This seems to work pretty well, but is it the best approach? Looking for insight from others' experience, ideas and opinions. TIA..
I generally always turn off auto creation of all forms EXCEPT for the main form and possibly the primary datamodule.
One trick that I learned you can do, is add your datamodule to your project, allow it to auto-create and create BEFORE your main form. Then, when your main form is created, the onCreate for the datamodule will have already been run.
If your application has some code to say, set the focus of a control (something you can't do on creation, since its "not visible yet") then create a user message and post it to the form in your oncreate. The message SHOULD (no guarantee) be processed as soon as the forms message loop is processed. For example:
wm_AppStarted = wm_User + 101;
Form1 = class(tForm)
procedure wmAppStarted(var Msg:tMessage); message wm_AppStarted;
// in your oncreate event add the following, which should result in your wmAppStarted event firing.
I can't think of a single time that this message was never processed, but the nature of the call is that it is added to the message queue, and if the queue is full then it is "dropped". Just be aware that edge case exists.
You may want to directly interfere with the project source (.dpr file) after the form creation calls and before the Application.Run. (Or even earlier in case.)
This is how I usually handle such initialization stuff:
Application.CreateForm(TMainForm, MainForm);
MainForm.ApplicationLoaded; // loads options, etc..
I don't know if this is helpful, but some of my applications don't have any form auto created, i.e. they have no mainform in the IDE.
The first form created with the Application object as its owner will automatically become the mainform. Thus I only autocreate one datamodule as a loader and let this one decide which datamodules to create when and which forms to create in what order. This datamodule has a StartUp and ShutDown method, which are called as "brackets" around Application.Run in the dpr. The ShutDown method gives a little more control over the shutdown process.
This can be useful when you have designed different "mainforms" for different use cases of your application or you can use some configuration files to select different mainforms.
There actually isn't such a concept as a "global variable" in Delphi. All variables are scoped to the unit they are in and other units that use that unit.
Just make the AppInitialized and Initialization stuff as part of your data module. Basically have one class (or datamodule) to rule all your non-UI stuff (kind of like the One-Ring, except not all evil and such.)
Alternatively you can:
Call it from your splash screen.
Do it during log in
Run the "check for update" in a background thread - don't force them to update right now. Do it kind of like Firefox does.
I'm not sure I understand why you need the global variables? Nowadays I write ALL my Delphi apps without a single global variable. Even when I did use them, I never had more than a couple per application.
So maybe you need to first think why you actually need them.
I use a primary Data Module to check if the DB connection is OK and if it doesn't, show a custom component form to setup the db connection and then loads the main form:
Application.CreateForm(TDmMain, DmMain);
if DmMain.isDBConnected then
Application.CreateForm(TDmVisualUtils, DmVisualUtils);
Application.CreateForm(TfrmMain, frmMain);
One trick I use is to place a TTimer on the main form, set the time to something like 300ms, and perform any initialization (db login, network file copies, etc). Starting the application brings up the main form immediately and allows any initialization 'stuff' to happen. Users don't startup multiple instances thinking "Oh..I didn't dbl-click...I'll do it again.."