Displaying foreign characters on the website - character

I have a small list in a foreign language and I am able to display the special foreign characters on the website I am updating. For example to display ü on the website, I write ü in the file. Or to display ö, I write ö in the file. And they are displayed correctly. So far no problems. But now I must also display the character β. Can you just write me the code for it in that same set? Or better yet, tell me where can I find the corresponding character? such as in a list? what is the name of the list I must look at? Again, I want to display character β on a website, by writing the corresponding special character on the source file, just like I am writing ü to display ü.

Mojibake is what's happening, because your text editor use ISO 8859-1 to open and save the files, but your web server serve them to your user with UTF-8. You can confirm it with https://string-functions.com/encodedecode.aspx or other tools using encode set to ISO 8859-1 but the decode set to UTF-8.
The fix is to set your text editor to use UTF-8.


Displaying Chinese characters on a form from an INI File

My plugin reads the control caption text from an INI file (ANSI as UTF-8 encoding) in order to display multiple languages. Key point being it is a plugin, I have no control nor ability to change this INI file format or file type.
They are currently being read into my plugin with TINIFile.ReadString and stored as a string. I can modify this (data type, read method, etc) as needed.
The main application reads from its own application language files that are UCS-2 Little Endian encoded as a TXT file. These display fine when the language is changed, even when the Windows OS is kept in English (in other words no OS locale changes need to be made for the application to switch display languages).
My plugin's form cannot display Asian characters (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc). English language is fine.
I have tried various fonts, using various combinations of AnsiString, String, etc. What am I missing to be able to display Asian characters on the form? I have not found a similar question to what I'm trying to do specifically with how my language text is being read into the plugin.
If the .INI file reader does not interpret the contents of the values, and allows all values through transparently, then you need to map the strings into one with the correct locale.
There is a similar question at Delphi 2010: how do I convert a UTF8-encoded PAnsiChar to a UnicodeString? that explains how to do the conversion. You may need to extract the contents into a RawByteString to avoid the implicit conversions.

Convert non english characters into Unicode (UTF-8)

I copied large amount of text from another system to my PC. When I viewed the text in my PC, it looked weird. So I copied all the fonts from the other PC and installed them in mine too. Now the text looks okay, but actually it seems that is not in Unicode. For example, if I copy the text and paste in another UTF-8 supported editor such as Notepad++, I get English characters ("bgah;") only like shown below.
How to convert this whole text into unicode text, like the one below. So I can copy the text and paste anywhere else.
The above text was manually obtained using http://www.google.com/transliterate/indic/Tamil
I need this conversion to be done, so I can copy them into database tables.
'Ja-01' is a font with a custom 'visual encoding'.
That is to say, the sequence of characters really is "bgah;" and it only looks like Tamil to you because the font's shapes for the Latin characters bg look like பெ.
This is always to be avoided, because by storing the content as "bgah;" you lose the ability to search and process it as real Tamil, but this approach was common in the pre-Unicode days especially for less-widespread scripts without mature encoding standards. This application probably predates widespread use of TSCII.
Because it is a custom encoding not shared by any other font, it is very unlikely you will be able to find a tool to convert content in this encoding to proper Unicode characters. It does not appear to be any standard character ordering, so you will have to look at the font (eg in charmap.exe) and note down every character, find the matching character in Unicode and map between them.
For example here's a trivial Python script to replace characters in a file:
mapping= {
u'a': u'\u0BAF', # Tamil letter Ya
u'b': u'\u0BAA', # Tamil letter Pa
u'g': u'\u0BC6', # Tamil vowel sign E (combining)
u'h': u'\u0BB0', # Tamil letter Ra
u';': u'\u0BCD', # Tamil sign virama (combining)
# fill in the rest of the mapping information here!
with open('ja01data.txt', 'rb') as fp:
data= fp.read().decode('utf-8')
for char in mapping:
data= data.replace(char, mapping[char])
with open('utf8data.txt', 'wb') as fp:
The font you found is getting you into trouble. The actual cell text is "bgah;", it gets rendered to பெயர் because you found a font that can work with 8-bit non-Unicode characters. So reading it or pasting it into Notepad++ is going to produce "bgah;" since that's the real text. It can only ever be rendered properly again by forcing the program that displays the string to use that same font.
Ditch the font and enter Unicode so it looks like this:
"bgah" looks like a Baamini based system, which is pre-unicode. It was popular in Canada (and the SL Tamil diaspora in general) in the 90s.
As the others mentioned, it looks like a custom visual encoding that mimics the performance of a foreign script while maintaining ASCII encoding.
Google "Baamini to unicode convertor". The University of Colombo seems to have put one up: http://www.ucsc.cmb.ac.lk/ltrl/services/feconverter/?maps=t_b-u.xml
Let me know if this works. If not, I can ask around and get something for you.
You could first check whether the encoding is TSCII, as this sounds most probable. It is an 8-bit encoding, and the fonts you copied are probably based on that encoding. Check out whether the TSCII to UTF-8 converter at SourceForge is suitable. The project there is called “Any Tamil Encoding to Unicode” but they say that only TSCII is supported for now.

Should I use hex ascii accented character code in HTML or use the actual character?

I have several huge CSVs with lots of accented characters in html hex code: é for é and lots of others, even – for –, etc.
My site is a wiki for people to update listings. So when they are presented a textarea for update, the existing content is filled in, and obviously those hex codes will be shown.
Should I be bothered replacing those codes with actual accented characters, or just leave it as it is? I wrote a script to replace the characters, but somehow the output are weird characters. Probably the format saved in Ruby isn't in UTF-8 format.
By default my site is in UTF-8, and the accented characters are displayed properly with some html coding in the view.
Please advise. Thanks.
Could you clarify what the problem is?
If your data (CSV) is in UTF-8, and the default encoding of your site is UTF-8, then all you would need to do is make sure that when users are editing content, that content is properly treated as UTF-8.
You may not need to display the markup to the users. Perhaps you could leverage a WYSIWIG editor package like TinyMCE?

How to discover what codepage to use when converting RTF hex literals to Unicode

I'm parsing RTF 1.5+ files generated by Word 2003+ that may have content from other languages. This content is usually encoded as hex literals (\'xx). I would like to convert these literals to unicode values.
I know my document's code page by looking for ansicpg (\ansi\ansicpg1252).
When I use the ansicpg codepage to decode to Unicode, many languages (like French) seem to convert to the Unicode char values that I expect.
However when I see Russian text (like below), codepage 1252 decodes the content to jibberish.
\'d1\'f2\'f0\'e0\'ed\'e8\'f6\'fb \'e1\'e5\'e7 \'ed\'e0\'e7\'e2\'e0\'ed\'e8\'ff. \'dd\'f2
\'e0 \'f1\'f2\'f0\'e0\'ed\'e8\'f6\'e0 \'ed\'e5 \'e4\'ee\'eb\'e6\'ed\'e0
\'ee\'f2\'ee\'e1\'f0\'e0\'e6\'e0\'f2\'fc\'f1\'ff \'e2 \'f2\'e0\'e1\'eb\'e8\'f6\'e5
\'e2 \'f1\'ee\'e4\'e5\'f0\'e6\'e0\'ed\'e8\'e8.
I assume that lang1049, langfe1033, langnp1049 should provide me clues so I can programmatically choose a different (non-default) code page for the text that they reference? If so, where can I find information that explains how to map a lang* code to a codepage? Or should I be looking for some other RTF command/directive to provide me with the information I'm looking for? (Or must I use \f277 as a font reference and see if it has an associated codepage?)
\lang really only marks up particular stretches of the text as being in a particular language, and shouldn't impact what code page is to be used for the old non-Unicode \' escapes.
Putting an \ansicpg token in the header should perhaps do it, but seems to be ignored by Word (for both raw bytes and \' escapes.
Or must I use \f277 as a font reference and see if it has an associated codepage?
It looks that way. Changing the \fcharset of the font assigned to a particular stretch of text is the only way I can get Word to change how it treats the bytes, anyway. The codes in this token (see eg here for list) are, aggravatingly, different again from either the language ID or the code page number.
It is not so clear but you can use the RichEdit control in order to convert the RTF to UTF-8 format according to the MSDN:
Take a look to the SF_USECODEPAGE for the EM_STREAMOUT message.

UTF8 charset, diacritical elements, conversion problems - and Zend Framework form escaping

I am writing a webapp in ZF and am having serious issues with UTF8. It's using multi lingual content through Zend Form and it seems that ZF heavily escapes all of these characters and basically just won't show a field if there's diacritical elements 'é' and if I use the HTML entity equivalent e.g. é it gets escaped so that the user will see 'é'.
Zend Form allows for having non escaped data, but trying to use this is confusing, and it seems it'd need to be used all over the place.
So, I have been told that if the page and the text is in UTF8, no conversion to htmlentities is required. Is this true?
And if the last question is true, then how do I convert the source text to UTF8? I am comfortable setting up apache so that it sends a default UTF8 charset heading, and also adding the charset meta tag to the html, but doing this I am still getting messed up encoding. I have also tried opening the translation csv file in TextWrangler on OSX as UTF8, but it has done nothing.
'é' and if I use the HTML entity equivalent e.g. é it gets escaped so that the user will see 'é'.
This I don't understand. Can you show an example of how it is displayed, as opposed to how it should be displayed?
So, I have been told that if the page and the text is in UTF8, no conversion to htmlentities is required. Is this true?
Yup. In more detail: If the data you're displaying and the encoding of the HTML page are both UTF-8, the multi-byte special characters will be displayed correctly.
And if the last question is true, then how do I convert the source text to UTF8?
Advanced editors and IDEs enable you to define what encoding the source file is saved in. You would need to open the file in its current encoding (with special characters being displayed correctly) and save it as UTF-8.
If the content is messed up when you have the right content-type header and/or meta tag specified, then the content is not UTF-8 yet. If you don't get it sorted, post an example of what it looks like here.