VS Code outline on opening workspace - visual-studio-code

On pretty much every project I work on in VS Code, I like to have the code outline present, but I can't seem to figure out how to get that part of the window activated on startup. At the moment, I have to manually activate the Outline panel. Is there a method, maybe in the settings.json, that will automatically enable the Outline panel on startup?


VS Code Automatic horizontal scroll when mouse over editor

I have a problem where when I move my mouse cursor over the editor in vs code. It scrolls automatically to end of line, it started when vs code was updated. i checked all of my extensions and disabled them all. and still it happens. Not only when my project files are open but when any config for anything in vs code (including vs code settings). It happened before but went away when I fiddled with editor word warp and disabled horizontal scroll but it wont go away now. Please help I don't know what to do and its driving me nuts to the point I cant work on anything now.

In VS Code, how do I bring the terminal up to the code editor section (without resizing the terminal)? "Terminal editors"

After getting more comfortable with awslogs, I am wondering if there's a way to actually open up or bring a terminal to the code editor view. For example, here's what I see in my iTerm2 app:
I don't really use iterm2 too much if I have to do some editing of files, but having this inside of VS Code in a tab would be really nice. Just would allow me to make changes to the Dockerfile and monitor the progress of the build from AWS.
Here's where I would like it to go:
I understand that this isn't really a "terminal" spot per se since it's typically at the bottom, but I was just curious to see if there was a way to do it without affecting the terminal on the bottom. In some rare cases it would be nice to attach to a tmux session from the code editor window so I can flip between that and code.
In the Insiders build now, and so presumably will be in v1.58, is the ability to put a terminal into an editor like you ask. You can also drag a terminal into the editor area to crop it there!
There are these commands:
Terminal: MoveTerminal into Editor Group
Terminal: Create Terminal Editor

need to move intellisense popup window in visual studio code

I want to move the intellisense popup window to the left side.
How can I do this?
I tried this solution but it did not help me.
How to make VSCode Intellisense window wider
change width
For adjusting the width, you can drag the right side of the window now, see this SO post for an old animation.
On mac the right of the popup will turn blue when hovered (cursor isn't captured in screenshot) and can be resized. You can also resize vertically by hovering the bottom. It looks like this on mac (not sure about other OS):
change position
The new version (October 2021 (version 1.62)) makes it easy to move the position... sort of. You can now choose to have the editor above or below what you hover. So glad they added it as a feature. This wasn't exactly the problem you had, but when I first searched for moving the intellisense menu, it led me here, so figured I'd add this for others Google sends here.
Simply add the following to settings.json file:
"editor.hover.above": false
Add a comma after it if you have more settings below it:
"editor.hover.above": false,
"editor.minimap.enabled": false
You can try to configure intellisense within VScode using the steps in https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/intellisense#_customizing-intellisense, though I am not sure if your particular issue could be solved this way.

Visual Studio Code: How to have both Debug window and Explorer window open together?

I'm new to Visual Code and I have a small question.
You have two buttons circled in red line. The first button opens the Explorer window and the second circled button opens the Debug window.
I want to have both of these windows open. Do you know how to do it?
This is not possible as of VSCode 1.13
A feature request for showing multiple panels was tracked here but the issue has been closed as as-designed. If you are passionate about the problem, please file a new issue to see if thinking on this has changed in the past year
V1.43 will have the ability to move various views, like Variables, Watch and Callstack from the sidebar to the panel (it works nicely in the Insiders' Build v.1.43). Demo:
See v1.43 release notes: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-docs/blob/vnext/release-notes/v1_43.md#easier-moving-of-even-more-views with a demo gif of dragging views to and from the panel.
and this setting:
We've introduced a new command to make moving views easier
with the keyboard: View: Move Focused View
And finally, this is a preview feature. So, in case you get into a
state that you can't fix, there is a command to reset all views to
their original locations: View: Reset View Locations

VSCode: How to turn off auto select in File Explorer when changing window tabs?

In VSCode, if I have an editor window tab open and I click anywhere in that editor window, the selected file in the File Explorer changes to the file being edited. I would like to prevent that behavior. This is possible in Visual Studio, but I can't seem to find a similar setting in the preferences file of VSCode.
Can anyone provide some suggestions?
This has been added, see https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/14745.
Configuration is "explorer.autoReveal": false
You can't, at least not today. The only thing you can do, is keeping the scroll position when switching tabs. See this answer for the setting: VSCode prevent file Explorer from jumping
And here is the feature request on Github: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/14745
(Feel free to add a "Thumbs Up" via Github Reaction at the top so the request gets more attention in the future, this increases the chances that it gets implemented sooner)