How to write "trim" function in PostgreSQL - postgresql

I have written "trim" function like this
P_SUC_FLAG := 'F';
P_ERROR := 'BENREG004'; --'AADHAR Number cannot be Blank';
is this the correct way to write trim function in PostgreSQL.

I think your check is based in the assumption that TRIM() returns NULL when the string only contains white space. That isn't true, it handles NULL the standard way so you can only get NULL if the column itself is NULL:
You need to handle both conditions separately:
If you really want to make a compact check in a single condiction, you need a function that can handle NULL out of the box (COALESCE() comes to my mind) but it's up to you to evaluate what's more legible:
Note: I'm dropping BOTH because it's the default.


liquibase sql migration issue

I am writing 1 PostgreSQL function for some operation.
Writing SQL migration for that function but facing formatting error as liquibase is not able to recognize some portion.
Function Liquibase Migration:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION schema.fncn(trId integer, sts integer, stIds character varying)
RETURNS double precision
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS '
abc integer;
query CHAR(1500);
xyz integer;
query := ''select sum(t.a)
FROM schema.tbl t
where in(1,2)
and t.status ='' || sts ||
'' and t.status <> 2
and t.tr_id ='' || trId ||
'' and t.sw in('''', ''N'')'';
IF stIds is not null then
query := query || '' AND t.st_id IN ('' || stIds || '')'';
EXECUTE query INTO abc;
SELECT abc INTO xyz;
Following error it throwing:
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near "N"
Reason: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: ERROR: syntax error at or near "N"
Any suggestion what I am missing?
The immediate problem is the nesting of ' of single quotes. To make that easier, use dollar quoting for the function body. You can nest dollar quoted string by choosing different delimiters.
To avoid any problems with concatenation of parameters, use parameter place holders in the query and pass the values with the USING clause. That will however require two different execute calls.
I assume stIds is a comma separated string of values. To use that as a (single) placeholder, convert it to an array using string_to_array() - or even better: change the type of the input parameter to text[] and pass an array directly.
The query variable is better defined as text, don't use char. There is also no need to copy the result of the query into a different variable (which by the way would be more efficient using xyz := abc; rather than a select into)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION schema.fncn(trId integer, sts integer, stIds character varying)
RETURNS double precision
LANGUAGE plpgsql
abc integer;
query text;
query := $q$ select sum(t.a)
FROM schema.tbl t
where in (1,2)
and t.status = $1
and t.status <> 2
and t.tr_id = $2
and t.sw in ('''', 'N') $q$;
IF stIds is not null then
query := query || $sql$ AND t.st_id = ANY (string_to_array($4, ',') $sql$;
EXECUTE query INTO abc
using trid, sts, stids;
EXECUTE query INTO abc
using trid, sts;
Note that in the Liquibase change, you must use splitStatements=false in order to run this without errors.

Combining function parameter with a like_regex function in postgres when searching jsonb GIN index

I am trying to do a case-insensitive partial search (contains string) on a property value - stored in a jsonb field in postgres.
The search is looking for a value within the title column of table destination which has an array of elements as follows:
[{"key": "EN", "text":"london and milk"},{"key": "FR", "text":"Edinburgh with milk and honey"}]
I have created a GIN index on the title field and a function to deal with the search.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search(query_string character varying)
RETURNS SETOF destination
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
return query select *
from destination
--where title #? '$.* ? (# like_regex ' || query_string || ' flag "i")';
where title #? '$.* ? (# like_regex ".*milk.*" flag "i")';
So the function works nicely if the regexp string is hardcoded (as shown above), but the search should be based on the incoming query_string. The commented line in the function shows an attempt to try to include the parameter in the query. (this will result in unterminated string constant error)
How can I exchange the hard-coded milk to parameter search_query?
Are there other (simpler) ways that would yield the same end result?
Your problem is one of precedence. #? and '||' are tied and are processed left to right, so you are applying #? to only a fragment of the string not the completely built string. Then you are trying to concat things to the Boolean result of #?. You can fix this by constructing the string inside parentheses. A side affect of this is that you then have to cast it to jsonpath explicitly.
where title #? ( '$.* ? (# like_regex "' || query_string || '" flag "i")' )::jsonpath;
But I think it would be cleaner to construct the jsonpath in a variable, rather than on the fly in the query itself. Could someone inject something into the jsonpath string that could do something nasty? I don't know enough about jsonpath to rule that out.
(code part of the suggested solution edited by question author to include the double quotes missing - see comment)

Scalar-valued function does not return NULL but a 'NULL' string

I need to import data from Excel into a ms sql database and I thought using the OPENROWSET would be a good idea... well, it is not bad but has some side effects.
The data I'm receiving is not allways 100% correct. By correct I mean cells that should be NULL (and in Excel empty) sometimes contain the string "NULL" or some other junk like whitespaces. I tried to fix it with this script:
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[NullIfEmpty](#input nvarchar)
RETURNS nvarchar(max)
if (#input = '' or #input = 'NULL')
return NULL
return #input
But strange things happen. This gives me a string with the text "NULL" instead of a real NULL so the grid cell after querying the database isn't yellow but contains normal text even though the target column allows NULL.
A simple test with:
select dbo.nullifempty('NULL')
select dbo.nullifempty(null)
also yields a string.
Do you know why this is happening and how I can fix it?
To get null for empty strings or strings that are the word NULL, you could just use coalesce and nullif:
COALESCE(NULLIF(#input, 'NULL'), NULLIF(#Input, ''), #input)
Please note that the problem in your original code is because you didn't specify the length of the #input parameter - so SQL Server created it as varchar(1).
You should always specify length for char/varchar/nchar and nvarchar.
From nchar and nvarchar page remarks:
When n is not specified in a data definition or variable declaration statement, the default length is 1. When n is not specified with the CAST function, the default length is 30.
(n referring to the n in nchar(n) or nvarchar(n))
repleace lines with 'ALTER"
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[NullIfEmpty](#input nvarchar(max))
and with line with 'if'
if (LTRIM(RTRIM(#input)) = '' or #input IS NULL)
you should reassign value for declared variable using set
if (#input = '' or #input = 'NULL')
set #input = NULL
select #input

DB2 right padding with field length

We have fields with varying lengths and want to right-pad them with spaces to the field length defined in the schema.
The following statement is working:
SELECT RPAD(field, LENGTH(field), ' ') AS field FROM schema.table;
This produces an SQL error 206 with SQLState 42703: is not valid in the context where it is used.
// Our application resolves the prepared statement's ? - this is working fine
INSERT INTO schema.table (field) VALUES (RPAD(?, LENGTH(field), ' '));
The same happens with:
INSERT INTO schema.table (field) VALUES (RPAD(?, LENGTH(schema.table.field), ' '));
Is there any possibility to avoid hardcoding the field length?
Your problem is that scalar functions operate on rows; LENGTH(field) only works within a statement that returns rows, such as a select statement. To understand why, imagine putting some other function in place of LENGTH(). LCASE(field), for example, takes the lowercase of the string in a particular row. It wouldn't make sense applied generically to a column. Even LENGTH() can vary row-by-row in some cases: if the column is of type VARCHAR, LENGTH() returns the length of the actual string.
The solution is to select any row, perform the LENGTH() operation on the field, and store the result in a variable:
SET field_length = (
SELECT LENGTH(field) FROM schema.table
You only need to do this once in your code. Then, whenever you need to use the length:
INSERT INTO schema.table (field) VALUES (RPAD(?, field_length, ' '));
Note that this solution depends on field being defined as a CHAR(x) rather than a VARCHAR(x). If you had to do this with a VARCHAR, you could find out the length of the field from the syscat.columns system table.
EDIT: added handling of null values since LENGTH() could return null if the value in field is null.
If you want a fixed length column, why are you using VARCHAR? Use CHAR - DB2 will automatically pad the values for you.

postgres check if null then cast to numeric

I am trying check if a value is null if so the select null else cast to numeric, but it throws an error. This is actually part of an insert statement
INSERT into someTable(name,created,power)
SELECT 'xyz',now(),
case when :power ='null' then NULL else cast(:power as numeric) end from abc
error that I get is
Error: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric: "null"
:power is a variable that can be given any value using java code. If I give a value of null it give an error.
In code I get the following error from the java stack trace
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: cannot cast type bytea to numeric
SELECT CASE WHEN 'null' = 'null' THEN NULL ELSE cast('null' AS numeric) END
No error:
DO $$
power text := 'null';
PERFORM CASE WHEN power = 'null' THEN NULL ELSE cast(power AS numeric) END;
If you build a query string, the expression cast('null' AS numeric) or simply 'null'::numeric always raises an exception, even in an ELSE block that is never executed, because it is invalid input syntax and the exception is raised during the syntax check (like the error message implies), not during execution.
A CASE statement like you display only makes sense with a parameter or variable not with literals. The second instance of the literal has no connection to the first instance whatsoever after the query string has been assembled.
For dynamic SQL like that, you need to check the value before you build the query string. Or you use a function or prepared statement and pass the value as parameter. That would work, too.
More advice after comment:
In your particular case you could check the value in the app and build a query string like this:
INSERT INTO tbl(name, abc_id, created, power)
SELECT 'xyz'
, abc_id
, now()
, <insert_value_of_power_or_NULL_here> -- automatically converted to numeric
FROM abc
You may be interested in a different approach to INSERT data from a file conditionally.
Use COPY for files local to the server or psql's meta-command \copy for files local to the client.
if the field value is null, and you want in this case to map it to some value you can use coalesce(field_name, 'Some value') or coalesce(field_name, 123).
For full documentation see here.
You have to check with the IS operator, and not with the equal when you dealing with NULL :
INSERT into someTable(name,created,power)
SELECT 'xyz',now(),
case when :power IS null then NULL else cast(:power as numeric) end from abc
INSERT into someTable(name,created,power) SELECT 'xyz',now(),
case :power when 'null' then NULL else :power end::numeric from abc
I was trying to do something similar in order to update/insert some records where a numeric value can be null or not.
You can validate a variable before you send it to the function or inside the function depending the value passed
(For me using a variable is better than use CASE WHEN THEN ELSE END CASE every time you need to validate the value)
So to work with the NULL values using a regular comparison operand in order to find a record to update can be done by turning transform_null_equals to ON
I hope this help someone
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_insert_transaction(vcodaccount integer, vcodaccountaux text,
vdescription text, vcodgroup integer)
RETURNS integer AS $$
n integer = 0;
vsql text = 'NULL';
IF vcodaccountaux <> '' THEN
vsql = vcodaccountaux;
SET LOCAL transform_null_equals TO ON;
EXECUTE 'UPDATE account_import_conf SET (codaccount, codaccountaux, description, codgroup) =
WHERE codaccount='||vcodaccount||' AND codaccountaux = '||vsql||' RETURNING * ';
IF n = 0 THEN
EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO account_import_conf (codaccount, codaccountaux, description, codgroup)
SELECT '||vcodaccount||','||vsql||' ,trim('||quote_literal(vdescription)||'),'||vcodgroup||';';
LANGUAGE plpgsql;