Swift , UIkit - Add collection view to toolBar, GalleryApp - swift

i want to create a photo gallery view. I would like to look like a photo gallery in iPhone.
I have a problem with adding a collection view to toolbar. If I add only one image as UIImageView , everything works but when I add collection view, view not appear
This is my code - help
let toolbar = ToolBarCollectionView()
toolbar.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
toolbar.view.frame = navigationController?.toolbar.frame ?? CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: 25)
let item = UIBarButtonItem(customView: toolbar.view)
setToolbarItems([item], animated: false)
navigationController?.toolbar.setShadowImage(UIImage(), forToolbarPosition: .bottom)


how to resize a view in live playgrounds ?? Xcode

I am planning to create a live playground for coming wwdc scholarships but I have no experience in creating live playgrounds because I have worked with single view apps so far
I actually don't know what size should be the view in my playground and I am not able to resize it can any one tell me how to do that , I have tried the below code but it gives me error and doesn't work please help me and any advice related to wwdc project is appreciated thank you
let main = viewController()
main.view.frame.size = CGSize(width: 300, height: 600)
this code gives error:= expression failed to parse, unknown error
Please tell me how to resize the view and also how should I do it ??
You should change entire frame or bounds properties to resize the view:
import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport
class ViewController : UIViewController {
let viewController = ViewController()
viewController.view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 300, height: 600)
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = viewController
PlaygroundPage.current.needsIndefiniteExecution = true
When you use navbar it is important to size the NavigationController and not the ViewController.
Like this:
let vc = MyViewController()
let navBar = UINavigationController(rootViewController: vc)
navBar.view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 320, height: 568)
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = navBar

How to access TextField label frame?

I am trying to display a lock icon on the left hand side of a search bar's text field, like Safari displays when you visit a secure site, but I don't know how to set the frame.
How can you get the frame of the label within a text field?
Here's what I have:
let lockImageView = UIImageView()
lockImageView.image = UIImage(named: "lock")
lockImageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
lockImageView.frame = CGRect(x: searchBar.bounds.midX, y: 23, width: 11, height: 11)
Here's what it looks like because the frame for the icon is not correct:
Add this two to your searchBar before adding the image to the subview
searchBar.leftView = lockImageView
searchBar.leftViewMode = UITextFieldViewMode.Always

Button with multiple accessible labels and images in Swift

I need to create custom button class, reuse it 4 times and I also need to override its text and image name. My next problem is how to set its frame somehow dynamically (now it is static), because I need this 4 buttons in grid 2x2.
I'm trying to create button exactly like this: https://imgur.com/a/dNhUGhc.
I have coded this but it is static and in ViewController I can't edit (override) these labels and image name. And if I tried to reuse this class I would have them in the same spot, because frame settings is exactly the same.
I'm subclassing UIButton. If something more suitable exists just let me know.
Code for adding label
// city label
let cityRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 20, width: buttonWidth, height: 25)
let cityLabel = UILabel(frame: cityRect)
cityLabel.text = "Label"
cityLabel.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 17, weight: .semibold)
cityLabel.textAlignment = .center
Code for adding image
// image
let imageView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "something"))
imageView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 60, width: 40, height: 40)
imageView.center.x = self.center.x - 20
Can you guys help me? Thanks
It looks like what you need to do is use an IBOutlet. Basically, an IBOutlet will give you a reference within your code (custom UIView or UIViewController subclass) to the button that you've setup in xib or storyboard. Then you can make any changes or adjustments that you want to it at runtime.
Check this out to learn more about IBOutlets and how to set them up in your project.

How to make a stretchable header view collection view [Swift]

In my swift app I've a collection view and I want to creare a stretchable header view like this in table view: https://medium.com/if-let-swift-programming/how-to-create-a-stretchable-tableviewheader-in-ios-ee9ed049aba3
You already answered your question yourself with that article link, unless I miss something.
I will copy & paste for you and others that may have the same question, if it helps, because it even ships with a github link (kudos to Abhimuralidharan # Medium):
Create a tableview with the basic datasource and delegate methods which are required to simply load the table with some data.
Set the tableview’s contentInset property:
tableView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(300, 0, 0, 0)
Here, I set the top value as 300 which is a calculated number which I will set as the initial normal height for the header imageview. Now, that we set the contentInset , the tableview’s frame will start at (0,0) and the first cell will start at (0,300).
Now, create an imageview with height 300 and add it to the current View above the tableview.
imageView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width, height: 300)
imageView.image = UIImage.init(named: “poster”)
imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
imageView.clipsToBounds = true
Then, add the following code in the scrollview delegate method scrollViewDidScroll which gets called every time the tableview is scrolled.
func scrollViewDidScroll (_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let y = 300 — (scrollView.contentOffset.y + 300)
let height = min(max(y, 60), 400)
imageView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width, height: height)
Compile and run the code. Full source code is available in github.

Xcode how to add buttons to an image view

What approach would I take to add buttons to an image in xcode? The app is for iPhones and iPads so it needs to be "responsive" somehow. I am trying to do something like this image has sample image map I found a Github project that uses Obj-C, but I am just trying to learn app development and have no idea what I am doing. Eventually, once the button is pressed I will make some kind of popup with an image and a little info. My app is in swift. I would appreciate and tips or direction to tutorials.
Assuming that provided Map is one flat image.
This is sudo and it will explain you the concept.
Works for both iPhone or iPad on different screen sizes.
//make sure you have the correct size of original image.
let originalImageSize: CGSize = CGSize(width: 1000, height: 500)
//Lets create a struct to have the basic information we need
struct Item {
var id: Int
var name: String
var x: Double
var y: Double
//Creating some sample button on the map
//x and y are based on the original Image size
let buttonsInfo : [Item] = [
Item(id: 1, name: "France", x: 10, y: 10),
Item(id: 2, name: "Poland", x: 20, y: 30),
Item(id: 3, name: "Location A", x: 50, y: 100),
Item(id: 4, name: "Location B", x: 300, y: 300)
//sudo code : plug it with your project real image code
let yourUIImageView = UIImageView(image: UIImage())
//after the image is rendered on UI get the real dimensions
//Size of the Image that is rendered on UI in proper aspect ratio
let renderedImageSize: CGSize = CGSize(width: 500, height: 250)
for item in buttonsInfo {
let button = UIButton()
button.tag = item.id
button.frame = CGRect(x: Double(renderedImageSize.width/originalImageSize.width)*item.x,
y: Double(renderedImageSize.height/originalImageSize.height)*item.y,
width: 50, height: 50)
button.backgroundColor = UIColor.red
button.setTitle("Name your Button ", for: .normal)
button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(buttonAction), for: .touchUpInside)
//yourUIImageView is actual view in your code
func buttonAction(sender: UIButton!) {
let item:Item = buttonsInfo.filter{$0.id == sender.tag}
print("Button tapped")
Note: if you are resizing your yourUIImageView on orientation changes, then you need to do few more changes to move the buttons based on the new aspect ratio. (let us know if you need help)
You can use UITapGestureRecognizer over the image view to perform same as button action
1st Put in viewDidLoad
let tap: UITapGestureRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(YourViewControllerName.imgAction))
2nd write function to perform action
func imgAction(){
// perform the action here
There are two approaches
1. You can add image to a button as shown in the picture
You can place an image in the storyboard and then add a button above it, then remove the text of the button. It's better to add both these things in a UIView so you can make sure that the button is exactly above the image. You can set the constraints for the UIView after that add the image and button and set the constraints of top, left, right and bottom to 0
Note: Make sure that the button is always above the image so it's clickable. Try to color the button in storyboard in order to be certain.