Can Sal annotate that parameter members may be mutated? - annotations

I am writing a reference-counted linked list of characters data structure in C for practice. I want to try using Sal in it to annotate function parameters for this practice.
I have an input paremeter(named This), which I want to annotate to make it clear that the specified parameter's members must be mutable in order for the function to behave as expected.
The situation is analogous to the code below.
#include <Windows.h>
typedef struct Box {
ULONG val;
} Box;
ULONG Box_decrement(_In_ Box *This) {
return InterlockedDecrement(&(This->val));
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Box b = {2};
return (BYTE)b.val;
Is there an existing Sal annotation that can be used to annotate the This parameter of the Box_increment function to make it clear from the function signature that the function modifies one or more members of the Box that has been passed to it?
Something like _InternallyMutable_(but exist):
#include <Windows.h>
typedef struct Box {
ULONG val;
} Box;
ULONG Box_decrement(_InternallyMutable_ _In_ Box *This) {
return InterlockedDecrement(&(This->val));
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Box b = {2};
return (BYTE)b.val;
Best solution so far(unfortunately, there does not seem to be any equivelent in SAL to denote Internally_mutable, there is Unchanged which is the opposite):
#include <Windows.h>
#define _Internally_mutable_(expr) _At_(expr, _Out_range_(!=, _Old_(expr)))
typedef struct Box {
ULONG val;
} Box;
ULONG Box_decrement(_In_ _InternallyMutable_(This) Box *This) {
return InterlockedDecrement(&(This->val));
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Box b = {2};
return (BYTE)b.val;

Yes! You can. SAL is a wonderful DSL that lets you do basically anything you want if you're psychic enough to infer it from the little bits in the Windows SDK. I've even in the past been able to write super simple custom annotations to detect invalid HANDLE usage with _Post_satisfies_ and friends.
This code seems to work:
_At_(value, _Out_range_(!=, _Old_(value)))
void change_value_supposed_to(int& value) noexcept {
//value += 1;
...Running with all native rules in code analysis, I get a warning like this:
Warning C28196 The requirement that '_Param_(1)!=(("pre"), _Param_(1))' is not satisfied. (The expression does not evaluate to true.)
(there, substitute value with your variable)
For _Internally_mutable_, I can do it in the "above the function" style of SAL:
#define _Internally_mutable_(expr) _At_(expr, _Out_range_(!=, _Old_(expr)))
void change_value_supposed_to_internally_mutable(int& value) noexcept {
//value += 1;
...but not inline WITHOUT being repetitive, as you wanted. Not sure why right now - _Curr_ doesn't seem to be working? - I may need another layer of indirection or something. Here's what it looks like:
#define _Internally_mutable_inline_(value) _Out_range_(!=, _Old_(value))
void change_value_supposed_to_internally_mutable_inline(_Internally_mutable_inline_(value) int& value) noexcept {
//value += 1;
How I figured this out:
sal.h defines an _Unchanged_ annotation (despite doing web dev for several years now and little C++, I remembered this when I saw your question in a google alert for SAL!):
// annotation to express that a value (usually a field of a mutable class)
// is not changed by a function call
#define _Unchanged_(e) _SAL2_Source_(_Unchanged_, (e), _At_(e, _Post_equal_to_(_Old_(e)) _Const_))
...if you look at this macro closely, you'll see that it just substitutes as:
_At_(e, _Post_equal_to_(_Old_(e)) _Const_)
...and further unrolling it, you'll see _Post_equal_to_ is:
#define _Post_equal_to_(expr) _SAL2_Source_(_Post_equal_to_, (expr), _Out_range_(==, expr))
Do you see it? All it's doing is saying the _Out_range_ is equal to the expression you specify. _Out_range_ (and all the other range SAL macros) appear to accept all of the standard C operators. That behavior is not documented, but years of reading through the Windows SDK headers shows me it's intentional! Here, all we need to do is use the not equals operator with the _Old_ intrinsic, and the analyzer's solver should be able to figure it out!
_Unchanged_ itself is broken?
To my great confusion, _Unchanged_ itself seems broken:
void change_value_not_supposed_to(_Inout_ int& value) noexcept {
value += 1;
...that produces NO warning. Without the _Inout_, code analysis is convinced that value is uninitialized on function entry. This makes no sense of course, and I'm calling this directly from main in the same file. Twiddling with inlining or link time code generation doesn't seem to help
I've played a lot with it, and various combinations of _Inout_, even _Post_satisfies_. I should file a bug, but I'm already distracted here, I'm supposed to be doing something else right now :)
Link back here if anybody does file a bug. I don't even know what the MSVC/Compiler teams use for bug reporting these days.
Fun facts
5-6 years ago I tried to convince Microsoft to open source the SAL patents! It would have been great, I would have implemented them in Clang, so we'd all be able to use it across platforms! I might have even kicked off a career in static-analysis with it. But alas, they didn't want to do it in the end. Open sourcing them would have meant they might have to support it and/or any extensions the community might have introduced, and I kinda understand why they didn't want that. It's a shame, I love SAL, and so do many others!


Creating a class to throw in case of error

I have created my own vector class that behaves somewhat like the usual std::vector (I needed to do this for this assignment). Now I want to make sure that if someone tries to write something into this vector class that is out of range of the memory it has access to, it gives an error and terminates the program.
My attempt:
template<typename T>
class vector
T *elements;
int sz;
// vector functions etc. //
struct out_of_range
string s;
out_of_range(string b) : s{b} {cerr << "error: " << s << endl;}
So now in my vector member functions that can run into an out of range error, i throw this class. For example in my operator overloading of [], I have a check like this:
if(i < 0 || sz <= i) throw out_of_range("index out of range");
Now this works, and terminates the program with the following message:
error: index is out of range
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'vector::out_of_range'
Aborted (core dumped)
My question is if this is the correct approach. Am I allowed to cerr from a function like I have and can I simply throw this function without catching it? As far as I'm aware, throwing without catching calls terminate() right? Is this bad coding practice?
I hope I haven't confused you guys and that my question is somewhat understandable. Thanks for any help in advance :)
edit: sorry I should have mentioned, I am not permitted to use any classes I have not created myself except for some basic ones like std::string and the basic inputs and outputs.
Different of Java, in C++ you could use non-exception-specific elements to use in a throw statement. So, your struct is suitable to be used as expression parameter for throw an exception such that (just like an int number does).
However, since you are using an OOP approach to write your programs, you should also apply a class alternative for your exceptions:
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
using namespace std;
class myexception: public exception {
virtual const char* what() const throw() {
return "My exception happened";
} myex;
int main () {
try {
throw myex;
} catch (exception& e) {
cout << e.what() << '\n';
return 0;
Taken from here.
The first impression is that the both alternatives are equivalent. The benefit of the class based over the struct based is that with a class you can extract the benefits of reuse, extension, encapsulation and so on provided by the object oriented approach which can be valuable when programming more complex, huge and long life systems.

cannot sort a vector of objects that has array in it

Hi I am using a class that has an integer and array and creating a vector of the classes objects but I cannot sort it also don't know to store in it.
I am a BEGINNER on c++ so i just wanted to know if I am wrong and how to
do that thing
here n = no of times the program has to execute
num = to store the no. of elements in vector a
but problem loop for(j=0;j<arr[i].a.end();j++)
and also pushback is not working
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
class subcont
int num;
vector<int> a;
int main()
vector<subcont> arr(100);
int i,j,k,l,n,num1,num2;
return 0;
The problems you describe sound as if you could at least compile your code, which I can't. In fact, the compiler error messages (if one first ignores the large amount of error noise generated by unhappy templates) should hint to most important problems.
Logical problems on first sight: In for(j=0;j<k;j++) the value of k is undefined. In for(j=0;j<arr[i].a.end();a++) the a++ does not make sense.
In cin>>arr[i].a.pushback[num]; the num should probably be num2. Please check your code for more such typoes.
Your sort fails because a is a C array and not a C++ container, so a.begin() and a.end() are not defined.
Stylistic problem: While it makes life a lot easier, mayn people strictly recommend to not use using namespace std;
Additional remark: Why not use std::vector<int> in place of subcont?

Using std::bind to capture a parameter pack "by move"

I'm attempting to implement std::async from scratch, and have run into a hiccup with arguments of move-only type. The gist of it is, C++14 init-captures allow us to capture single variables "by move" or "by perfect forwarding", but they do not appear to let us capture parameter packs "by move" nor "by perfect forwarding", because you can't capture a parameter pack by init-capture — only by named capture.
I've found what appears to be a workaround, by using std::bind to capture the parameter pack "by move", and then using a wrapper to move the parameters out of the bind object's storage into the parameter slots of the function I really want to call. It even looks elegant, if you don't think too much about it. But I can't help thinking that there must be a better way — ideally one that doesn't rely on std::bind at all.
(Worst case, I'd like to know how much of std::bind I'd have to reimplement on my own in order to get away from it. Part of the point of this exercise is to show how things are implemented all the way down to the bottom, so having a dependency as complicated as std::bind really sucks.)
My questions are:
How do I make my code work, without using std::bind? (I.e., using only core language features. Generic lambdas are fair game.)
Is my std::bind workaround bulletproof? That is, can anybody show an example where the STL's std::async works and my Async fails?
Pointers to discussion and/or proposals to support parameter-pack capture in C++1z will be gratefully accepted.
Here's my code:
template<typename UniqueFunctionVoidVoid>
auto FireAndForget(UniqueFunctionVoidVoid&& uf)
template<typename Func, typename... Args>
auto Async(Func func, Args... args)
-> std::future<decltype(func(std::move(args)...))>
using R = decltype(func(std::move(args)...));
std::packaged_task<R(Args...)> task(std::move(func));
std::future<R> result = task.get_future();
#ifdef FAIL
// sadly this syntax is not supported
auto bound = [task = std::move(task), args = std::move(args)...]() { task(std::move(args)...) };
// this appears to work
auto wrapper = [](std::packaged_task<R(Args...)>& task, Args&... args) { task(std::move(args)...); };
auto bound = std::bind(wrapper, std::move(task), std::move(args)...);
return result;
int main()
auto f3 = [x = std::unique_ptr<int>{}](std::unique_ptr<int> y) -> bool { sleep(2); return x == y; };
std::future<bool> r3 = Async(std::move(f3), std::unique_ptr<int>{});
std::future<bool> r4 = Async(std::move(f3), std::unique_ptr<int>(new int));
assert(r3.get() == true);
assert(r4.get() == false);
It was suggested to me offline that another approach would be to capture the args pack in a std::tuple, and then re-expand that tuple into the argument list of task using something like std::experimental::apply (coming soon to a C++17 standard library near you!).
auto bound = [task = std::move(task), args = std::make_tuple(std::move(args)...)]() {
std::experimental::apply(task, args);
This is much cleaner. We've reduced the amount of library code involved, down from bind to "merely" tuple. But that's still a big dependency that I'd love to be able to get rid of!

How to dynamically add a key:value property to c++ class, then make it accessible as

In Python I have a flag class that I have found very useful. I'm newbe to c++, and can not seem to replicate this python functionality in c++. Rather than put up c++ code that didn't work, here's what I am looking to replicate, and I need some suggestions on where to go, templates, virtual, or ??
The requirement is being able to dynamically alter the members of the class, in python it's modifying the dict element of the class it's self that enables this.
In python:
import sys
args = []
... loads up args[] with keys:values looping through sys.argv[] ... blah blah blah
class Flag:
def __ init __(self, **args):
self. __ dict __.update(args)
now we enable flag.dynamicproperty
flag = Flag(**dict(args))
An example of use:
$ python somedesc1 someval1 somedesc2 someval2
What this does is enables me to pass in parameters, as above, from the command-line and assign any number of them on-the-fly, and make then accessible by a (eg flag.somedesc1) call which returns somval1. Another way to maybe think about this is dynamically adding a key:value property to a C++ class.
An example of use in python code :
if flag.somedesc1 != '10': print someval1
I can't seem to make a comparable c++ work. I've looked into polymorphism, but these have to be assigned dynamically and then be accessible as a property of the class.
Ideas??? Surely c++ can do this, I'm just not sure where to start.
Okay, here is the solution I worked out; haven't tested it yet, but should work close enough to fit my needs using this format
enum { filename, workers, runtime };
class flag {
vector<string> helplist;
int add(int argc, char *argv[], string flag, string value, string description) {
string flagvalue;
flagvalue = value;
for (int i; i < argv.length(); i++) {
if (argv[i]==flag) {
flagvalue = argv[i+1];
void showhelp() {
for (int i; i < helplist.length(); i++) {
cout << helplist[i] << endl;
No, you can't do this in C++. In C++, the members of a class are defined 100% at compile time. You cannot add any at runtime. The way to do this in C++ would be to have a member variable that's a map<string,string> that holds the key/value pairs, and then have a function string getVariable(string) that returns the value in the dictionary for that key.

Using boost::program_options with own template class possible?

I'm currently start using boost::program_options for parsing command line options as well as configuration files.
Is it possible to use own template classes as option arguments? That means, something like
#include <iostream>
#include "boost/program_options.hpp"
namespace po = boost::program_options;
template <typename T>
class MyClass
T* m_data;
size_t m_size;
MyClass( size_t size) : m_size(size) { m_data = new T[size]; }
~MyClass() { delete[] m_data; }
T get( size_t i ) { return m_data[i]; }
void set( size_t i, T value ) { m_data[i] = value; }
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
po::options_description generic("General options");
generic.add_options() ("myclass", po::value< MyClass<int>(2) >(),
"Read MyClass");
return 0;
Trying to compile this I get an Semantic Issue (No matching function for call to 'value'). I guess I need to provide some casting to an generalized type but I have no real idea.
Can anybody help?
I wouldn't know if boost::program_options allows the use-case you are trying, but the error you are getting is because your are trying to pass an object as a template type to po::value<>. If the size is known at compile-time, you could have the size be passed in as a template parameter.
template< typename T, size_t size >
class MyClass {
T m_data[size];
// ...
And then use it like so:
po::value< MyClass<int, 2> >()
You should also look into using Boost.Array instead that I guess fulfills what you are trying to implement.
I would write it like this:
MyClass<int> mine(2);
generic.add_options() ("myclass", po::value(&mine), "Read MyClass");
Then all that needs to be done is to define an input stream operator like this:
std::istream& operator >>(std::istream& source, MyClass& target);
Then Boost Program Options will invoke this stream operator when the myclass option is used, and your object will be automatically populated according to that operator's implementation, rather than having to later call one of the Program Options functions to extract the value.
If you don't prefer the above syntax, something like should work too:
generic.add_options() ("myclass", po::value<MyClass<int> >()->default_value(MyClass<int>(2)), "Read MyClass");
This way you would be creating the instance of your class directly with your desired constructor argument outside of the template part where runtime behavior isn't allowed. I do not prefer this way because it's verbose and you end up needing to call more functions later to convert the value.