Flask-WTF not validating with FieldList subforms - forms

I am trying to get a test form that includes subforms to work but the form does not validate on submission. The form itself is submitting a recipe with ingredients as its subforms using FieldList(). I have also made sure to include hidden_tag() in the HTML.
class IngredientsForm(FlaskForm):
ingredient_name = StringField("Ingredient", validators=[DataRequired()])
class RecipeForm(FlaskForm):
recipe_name = StringField("Recipe name", validators=[DataRequired()])
ingredients = FieldList(FormField(IngredientsForm), min_entries=2, max_entries=5)
submit = SubmitField("Submit")
#app.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def index():
form = RecipeForm()
return render_template("index.html", form=form)
#app.route("/submit", methods=["POST"])
def submit():
form = RecipeForm()
print(f"ERRORS: {form.errors}")
print(f"DATA: {form.data}")
if form.validate_on_submit():
for ingredient in form.ingredients.data:
return redirect("/")
print("Form not validated")
return render_template("index.html", form=form)
<h1>Enter recipe:</h1>
<form action="/submit" method="POST">
{{ form.hidden_tag() }}
{{ form.recipe_name.label }} <br>
{{ form.recipe_name() }}
{{ form.ingredients.label }} <br>
{% for ing in form.ingredients %}
{{ ing.ingredient_name.label }}
{{ ing.ingredient_name() }}
{% endfor %}
{{ form.submit() }}
DATA: {'recipe_name': 'butterbread', 'ingredients': [{'ingredient_name': 'butter', 'csrf_token': None}, {'ingredient_name': 'bread', 'csrf_token': None}], 'submit': True, 'csrf_token': 'Ijg1NmVjZjIwODY3MTJkNDNkMTFiNDQ2YzdiNzYyYzYyNmUzNGUzMWMi.YtaF7g.WRn25PWYMFplr_KV7RoZq1uLgrI'}
Form not validated - - [19/Jul/2022 03:22:44] "POST /submit HTTP/1.1" 200 -
So far, no errors show up but it looks like in the data that since each subform has None as its csrf_token, maybe that's messing up the validation? I've tried getting this to validate for a while but to no avail.

You can disable csrf protection for the FlaskForm by setting the flag to false within the class Meta. CSRF protection is not necessary for nested forms as long as the parent form takes over this task.
class IngredientsForm(FlaskForm):
class Meta:
csrf = False
ingredient_name = StringField("Ingredient", validators=[DataRequired()])
class RecipeForm(FlaskForm):
recipe_name = StringField("Recipe name", validators=[DataRequired()])
ingredients = FieldList(FormField(IngredientsForm), min_entries=2, max_entries=5)
submit = SubmitField("Submit")
An alternative is to inherit from Form.

Figured it out. The problem is that the subform IngredientsForm inherits from FlaskForm which is a subclass that's csrf secure, and was the reason preventing validation. You don't need this as you have already the token in the main form.
Instead, have it inherit from wtforms.Form which doesn't have that. Another way is to disable csrf during init, but the previous method is preferred.


Django2 forms nothing happend when submit post article

I have forms to Post Article in my blog Django2. When I run django server there is no error, but when I Post and submit Article in my frontEnd apps nothing happens and doesn't save any data.
Any help on this would be highly appreciated!
Template HTML
<div class="create-article">
<h2>Create an Awesome New Articles</h2>
<form class="site-form" action="{% url 'articles:create' %}" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form }}
<input type="submit" value="Create">
from django import forms
from . import models
class CreateArticle(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = models.Article
fields = ['title', 'body', 'slug', 'thumb']
def article_create(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = forms.CreateArticle(request.POST, request.FILES)
if form.is_valid():
# save article to db
instance = form.save(commit=False)
instance.author = request.user
return redirect('articles:list')
form = forms.CreateArticle()
return render(request, 'articles/article_create.html', {'form': form})
from django.urls import path
from . import views
app_name = 'articles'
urlpatterns = [
path('', views.article_list, name="list"),
path('create/', views.article_create, name="create"),
path('<slug>/', views.article_detail, name="detail"),
It starts here: instance = form.save(commit=False), where you are not commiting the save.
Further down you have instance.save as if you were setting a model field, but with not value given to it.
Make that line instance.save() instead.

Symfony2 forms - No Form Builder

new to Symfony and trying to understand something. I have index.twig.html and in it, I have a form
<form action="{{ path('SpecialAlertBundle_add') }}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="addAlertForm">
<textarea class="addMargin" id="na_command" name="na_command" rows="3" cols="50" placeholder="A20APRLONLAX"></textarea>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" id="submit_alert" name="submit_alert">Submit</button>
{{ name }}
I wont add all the html, but its a normal form, not using Form Builder.
I have a route set up
pattern: /
defaults: { _controller: SpecialAlertBundle:Alert:add }
_method: GET|POST
So that route displays my form ok when I go to localhost:8000. It also states which controller to use. As for the controller, I have
class AlertController extends Controller
public function addAction()
$request = $this->get('request_stack')->getCurrentRequest();
if ($request->request->has('submit_alert')) {
$name = $request->request->get('na_command');
} else {
$name = 'Not submitted yet';
return $this->render('SpecialAlertBundle:Page:index.html.twig', array(
'name' => $name
The first thing I want to clear up is that return in the controller. Is this the view I want it to render AFTER the form has been submitted?
Second thing is, at the moment, The {{name}} in the template is always displaying Not submitted yet. Even when I submit the form with data, nothing seems to happen. It seems that the button is doing nothing. Even when I look in the debug console, I see no request being made.
So I was hoping someone could advise me on what I am doing wrong here?
First of all why don't you use Request directly in controller instead of request_stack? Request stack is mostly for injecting it to service (and not to inject request to the service).
So, you can do something like this:
public function addAction(Request $request)
Then I'd suggest you to separate get request and post request. Just define two different routes.
For example:
pattern: /
defaults: { _controller: SpecialAlertBundle:Alert:add }
_method: GET
pattern: /
defaults: { _controller: SpecialAlertBundle:Alert:create }
_method: POST
After this you will have to change your form action value: set it to 'SpecialAlertBundle_create'
And it will be cleaner which one is now. After that you just don't need the checking on existence of 'submit_alert' property in request. You can assign the value of 'na_command' field to the $name:
$name = $request->get('na_command');

Laravel form with RESTful Controller: "Some mandatory parameters are missing"

I keep getting this error "Some mandatory parameters are missing" and I can't find how to resolve it.
This is my DataController:
//use some models here for Trialdata, Sessions, Rat;
class DataController extends \BaseController {
//Some functions
public function destroy($id)
Trialdata::where('id', $id)->delete();
Sessions::where('id', $id)->update(array('sD_reason', 'Excluded'));
Sessions::where('id', $id)->delete();
Rat::where('id', $id)->update(array('sD_reason', Input::get('sD_reason')));
Rat::where ('id', $id)->delete();
This is my route:
Route::resource('data', 'DataController');
This is the form in my view:
{{Form::open(array('route' => 'data.destroy', $parameters = array($entry[0]->id)))}}
{{Form::label('sD_reason', 'Please specify the reasons of the exclusion');}}<br>
<input name="sD_reason" type="text" id="sD_reason">
<button type="button">No, thanks</button>
<button type="submit" href="#">Exclude</butfon>
{{ Form::close() }}
I've look around for similar problems and I believe it's in my Form::open but I can't find the proper syntax.
Try this:
{{ Form::open( array('route' => array('data.destroy', $entry[0]->id) ) ) }}
From the docs:

Laravel 4 passing parameters to Controller from Form in View

I want to save data to the database by clicking on a button in a view file.
I would like to achieve this by calling a method in my controller via POST.
It works but I have to pass some variables/parameters ( without having inputfields ) to the controller and that doesn't work.
this is my controller:
class CouplesController extends BaseController {
public function postCreate($var1)
return Redirect::to('couples')
->with('message','Your couple was created successfully!');
and this is my view:
{{ Form::open(array('action' => 'CouplesController#postCreate', $var1->'hello')) }}
<p>{{ Form::submit('Create') }}</p>
{{ Form::close() }}
probably I'm doing this completely wrong. I just don't know how to do this.
btw it doesn't have to be the POST method.
You are really close, within your view:
{{ Form::open(array('action' => 'CouplesController#postCreate', 'hello')) }}
<p>{{ Form::submit('Create') }}</p>
{{ Form::close() }}
This will generate a URL similar to:
<form method="POST" action="http://localhost/couples/create/hello" accept-charset="UTF-8">
Then the rest of your code should work without an issue, and $var1 should be set to the value of hello.
I just saw that the error with the missing parameter appears while having this route:
Route::post('couples/done', 'CouplesController#postCreate');
when I take this route out it gives me this error:
Unknown action [CouplesController#postCreate].
like it doesn't have access to the controller in the view itself.

Symfony2 Forms: is it possible to bind a form in an "unconventional way"?

Imagine this scenario: in our company there is an employee that "play" around graphic,css,html and so on.
Our new project will born under symfony2 so we're trying some silly - but "real" - stuff (like authentication from db, submit data from a form and persist it to db and so on..)
The problem
As far i know, learnt from symfony2 "book" that i found on the site (you can find it here), there is an "automated" way for creating and rendering forms:
1) Build the form up into a controller in this way
$form = $this->createFormBuilder($task)
return $this->render('pathToBundle:Controller:templateTwig',
2) Into templateTwig render the template
{{ form_widget(form) }} // or single rows method
3) Into a controller (the same that have a route where you can submit data), take back submitted information
/* and so on */
Return to scenario
Our graphic employee don't want to access controllers, write php and other stuff like those. So he'll write a twig template with a "unconventional" (from symfony2 point of view, but conventional from HTML point of view) method:
/* into twig template */
<form action="{{ path('SestanteUserBundle_homepage') }}" method="post" name="userForm">
USERNAME: <input type="text" name="user_name" value="{{ user.username}}"/>
EMAIL: <input type="text" name="user_mail" value="{{ user.email }}"/>
<input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="{{ id }}" />
<input type="submit" value="modifica i dati">
Now, if into the controller that handle the submission of data we do something like that
public function indexAction(Request $request)
if($request->getMethod() == 'POST'){ // sono arrivato per via di un submit, quindi devo modificare i dati prima di farli vedere a video
$defaultData = array('message'=>'ho visto questa cosa in esempio, ma non capisco se posso farne a meno');
$form = $this->createFormBuilder($defaultData)
$form->bindRequest($request); //bindo la form ad una request
$data = $form->getData(); //mi aspetto un'array chiave=>valore
/* .... */
We expected that $data will contain an array with key,value from the submitted form.
We found that it isn't true. After googling for a while and try with other "bad" ideas, we're frozen into that.
So, if you have a "graphic office" that can't handle directly php code, how can we interface from form(s) to controller(s) ?
It seems that Symfony2 use a different convention for form's field name and lookup once you've submitted that.
In particular, if my form's name is addUser and a field is named userName, the field's name will be AddUser[username] so maybe it have a "dynamic" lookup method that will extract form's name, field's name, concat them and lookup for values.
Is it possible?
You can force Symfony2 to set the name of a form field, though I don't suggest it: $formBuilder->add('dummyfield', 'text', array( 'attr' => array('name' => 'yournamehere') ) );
Alternatively (also a bad idea), you can do this, which won't even let you use the form API: $this->getRequest()->get('whatever_the_field_name_is');
OR you can hackily add elements to the request based on the Sf2 generated names before binding it (copying the values that exist).
OR you can make use of the bind method of the form component (instead of bindRequest) as documented here.
But seriously...just use the formbuilder api. Your life will be easier, and isn't that what a framework is for? :)
Symfony 2 is based on twig as templating language. Let him use it :
{{ form_label(form.field) }}
will generate something like this :
<label for="field">field</label>
You can use all the available functions in order to render the form :
{{ form_label() }}
{{ form_widget() }}
{{ form_errors() }}
If you want to customize what is rendered by those functions, you can override twig templates as defined in the Symfony2 documentation.
Otherwise if you really want to something ugly, you can go for this kind of syntax :
{{ myform.vars.value.myField }}