Reliable way to poll data from a Postgres table - postgresql

I want to use a table in Postgres database as a storage for input documents (there will be billions of them).
Documents are being continuously added (using "UPSERT" logic to avoid duplicates), and rarely are removed from the table.
There will be multiple worker apps that should continuously read data from this table, from the first inserted row to the latest, and then poll new rows as they being inserted, reading each row exactly once.
Also, when worker's processing algorithm changes, all the data should be reread from the first row. Each app should be able to maintain its own row processing progress, independent of other apps.
I'm looking for a way to track last processed row, to be able to pause and continue polling at any moment.
I can think of these options:
Using an autoincrement field
And then store the autoincrement field value of the last processed row somewhere, to use it in a next query like this:
SELECT * FROM document WHERE id > :last_processed_id LIMIT 100;
But after some research I found that in a concurrent environment, it is possible that rows with lower autoincrement values will become visible to clients LATER than rows with higher values, so some rows could be skipped.
Using a timestamp field
The problem with this option is timestamps are not unique and could overlap during high insertion rate, what, once again, leads to skipped rows. Also, adjusting system time (manually or by NTP) may lead to unpredicted results.
Add a process completion flag to each row
This is the only actually reliable way to do this I could think of, but there are drawbacks to it, including the need to update each row after it was processed and extra storage needed to store the completion flag field for each app, and running a new app may require DB schema change. This is the last resort for me, I'd like to avoid it if there are more elegant ways to do this.
I know, the task definition screams I should use Kafka for this, but the problem with it is it doesn't allow to delete single messages from a topic, and I need this functionality. Keeping an external list of Kafka records that should be skipped during processing feels very clumsy and inefficient to me. Also, a real-time deduplication with Kafka would also require some external storage.
I'd like to know if there are other, more efficient approaches to this problem using the Postgres DB.

I ended up saving the transaction id for each row and then selecting records that have txid value lower than the transaction with smallest id to the moment like this:
SELECT * FROM document
WHERE ((txid = :last_processed_txid AND id > :last_processed_id) OR txid > :last_processed_txid)
AND txid < pg_snapshot_xmin(pg_current_snapshot())
ORDER BY txid, id
This way, even if Transaction #2, that was started after Transaction #1, completes faster than the first one, the rows it written won't be read by a consumer until the Transaction #1 finishes.
Postgres docs state that
xid8 values increase strictly monotonically and cannot be reused in the lifetime of a database cluster
so it should fit my case.
This solution is not that space-efficient, because an extra 8-byte txid field must be saved with each row, and an index for the txid field should be created, but the main benefits over other methods here are:
DB schema remains the same in case of adding new consumers
No updates needed to mark row as processed, a consumer only should keep id and txid values of the last processed row
System clock drift or adjustment won't lead to rows being skipped
Having the txid for each row helps to query data in insertion order in cases when multiple producers insert rows with id, generated using preallocated pool (for example, Producer 1 in the moment inserts rows with ids in 1..100, Producer 2 - 101..200 and so on)


Which is more efficient - Multiple rows or multiple columns?

Each user will use this data at least 15 times when they are logged in. So READ is more important.
So i have two approaches, i know this is a rookie question but I am just confused between the options:
Approach 1
Have multiple rows with less columns,
id data user
1 task1 1
2 task2 1
3 task3 1
4 task1 7
And Approach 2
Have multiple columns with single row
id task1 task2 task3 user
1 True True True 1
2 True False False 7
Please suggest which is a best approach, everything is heavily based on READ only. So i will literally fetching all this to calculate some permission and action. So these will be used on some major routes which users often visit.
I think you're doing some premature optimization here.
It's very rare that a database slows down because of small quick queries like this. What gets you is usually the big search query when it misbehaves or if the indices aren't optimal for the job.
As everyone said, approach 2 is terrible because you need to add columns every time you want to add a new task. That's a typical red flag for a bad design. In addition, if you want to search these columns, you'll also need to add indices on them.
Approach 1 is the usual way, and it works well. The typical problem with this one is when you want to search based on attributes, because you have to join once per attribute, which doesn't optimize well.
In this case however, since you say this will be read at login, I guess this is about storing user rights or tasks associated with users. Perhaps you will select this data and cache it in the session so it only needs to be fetched once at login. So in this case, you should worry more about the queries that occur on every page, rather than the query that only occurs at login.
Anyway. Approach 1 has one gotcha: if the data isn't clustered, and the lines for one user sit in different pages in the table file on your disk, then it will need one IO per line. That's not really a problem with SSDs, but well.
Fortunately, postgres supports two ways of avoiding that: cluster, and index-only scans.
CLUSTER just orders the table on disk in the order of the index you specify. Since you need an index on (user,task) anyway to quickly find if a user has a task, you can cluster on that index, and all the lines for a user will be in the same place on disk, so only one IO will be needed to fetch them. However CLUSTER locks the table, so it's best to use it during scheduled maintenance. If you table has only a few million rows, and if you set maintenance_work_mem high enough, it will only take a couple seconds.
The other way is index-only scans. If you have an index on (user,task) and you run SELECT user,task WHERE user=... then postgres will use an index-only scan, and in the index data is ordered by (user,task) which means it will do one IO to get the page with the first row, and then the next rows for that user will be stored just afterward in index order, on the same page, so they're already loaded and very fast to access.
Since you have no other columns, I'll assume (user,task) is unique, because it makes no sense to have duplicates in this case. So that can be your primary key, and you can drop the id and associated index. You don't have to use a sequence on every table if the data gives you a nice natural primary key.
"task" would usually be a foreign key to another table.

Postgres partitioning?

My software runs a cronjob every 30 minutes, which pulls data from Google Analytics / Social networks and inserts the results into a Postgres DB.
The data looks like this:
url text NOT NULL,
rangeStart timestamp NOT NULL,
rangeEnd timestamp NOT NULL,
createdAt timestamp DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
(various integer columns)
Since one query returns 10 000+ items, it's obviously not a good idea to store this data in a single table. At this rate, the cronjob will generate about 480 000 records a day and about 14.5 million a month.
I think the solution would be using several tables, for example I could use a specific table to store data generated in a given month: stats_2015_09, stats_2015_10, stats_2015_11 etc.
I know Postgres supports table partitioning. However, I'm new to this concept, so I'm not sure what's the best way to do this. Do I need partitioning in this case, or should I just create these tables manually? Or maybe there is a better solution?
The data will be queried later in various ways, and those queries are expected to run fast.
If I end up with 12-14 tables, each storing 10-20 millions rows, Postgres should be still able to run select statements quickly, right? Inserts don't have to be super fast.
Partitioning is a good idea under various circumstances. Two that come to mind are:
Your queries have a WHERE clause that can be readily mapped onto one or a handful of partitions.
You want a speedy way to delete historical data (dropping a partition is faster than deleting records).
Without knowledge of the types of queries that you want to run, it is difficult to say if partitioning is a good idea.
I think I can say that splitting the data into different tables is a bad idea because it is a maintenance nightmare:
You can't have foreign key references into the table.
Queries spanning multiple tables are cumbersome, so simple questions are hard to answer.
Maintaining tables becomes a nightmare (adding/removing a column).
Permissions have to be carefully maintained, if you have users with different roles.
In any case, the place to start is with Postgres's documentation on partitioning, which is here. I should note that Postgres's implementation is a bit more awkward than in other databases, so you might want to review the documentation for MySQL or SQL Server to get an idea of what it is doing.
Firstly, I would like to challenge the premise of your question:
Since one query returns 10 000+ items, it's obviously not a good idea to store this data in a single table.
As far as I know, there is no fundamental reason why the database would not cope fine with a single table of many millions of rows. At the extreme, if you created a table with no indexes, and simply appended rows to it, Postgres could simply carry on writing these rows to disk until you ran out of storage space. (There may be other limits internally, I'm not sure; but if so, they're big.)
The problems only come when you try to do something with that data, and the exact problems - and therefore exact solutions - depend on what you do.
If you want to regularly delete all rows which were inserted more than a fixed timescale ago, you could partition the data on the createdAt column. The DELETE would then become a very efficient DROP TABLE, and all INSERTs would be routed through a trigger to the "current" partition (or could even by-pass it if your import script was aware of the partition naming scheme). SELECTs, however, would probably not be able to specify a range of createAt values in their WHERE clause, and would thus need to query all partitions and combine the results. The more partitions you keep around at a time, the less efficient this would be.
Alternatively, you might examine the workload on the table and see that all queries either already do, or easily can, explicitly state a rangeStart value. In that case, you could partition on rangeStart, and the query planner would be able to eliminate all but one or a few partitions when planning each SELECT query. INSERTs would need to be routed through a trigger to the appropriate table, and maintenance operations (such as deleting old data that is no longer needed) would be much less efficient.
Or perhaps you know that once rangeEnd becomes "too old" you will no longer need the data, and can get both benefits: partition by rangeEnd, ensure all your SELECT queries explicitly mention rangeEnd, and drop partitions containing data you are no longer interested in.
To borrow Linus Torvald's terminology from git, the "plumbing" for partitioning is built into Postgres in the form of table inheritance, as documented here, but there is little in the way of "porcelain" other than examples in the manual. However, there is a very good extension called pg_partman which provides functions for managing partition sets based on either IDs or date ranges; it's well worth reading through the documentation to understand the different modes of operation. In my case, none quite matched, but forking that extension was significantly easier than writing everything from scratch.
Remember that partitioning does not come free, and if there is no obvious candidate for a column to partition by based on the kind of considerations above, you may actually be better off leaving the data in one table, and considering other optimisation strategies. For instance, partial indexes (CREATE INDEX ... WHERE) might be able to handle the most commonly queried subset of rows; perhaps combined with "covering indexes", where Postgres can return the query results directly from the index without reference to the main table structure ("index-only scans").

mongo save documents in monotically increasing sequence

I know mongo docs provide a way to simulate auto_increment.
But it is not concurrency-proof as guaranteed by say MySQL.
Consider the sequence of events:
client 1 obtains an index of 1
client 2 obtains an index of 2
client 2 saves doc with id=2
client 1 saves doc with id=1
In this case, it is possible to save a doc with id less than the current max that is already saved. For MySql, this can never happen since auto increment id is assigned by the server.
How do I prevent this? One way is to do optimistic looping at each client, but for many clients, this will result in heavy contention. Any other better way?
The use case for this is to ensure id is "forward-only". This is important for say a chat room where many messages are posted, and messages are paginated, I do not want new messages to be inserted in a previous page.
But it is not concurrency-proof as guaranteed by say MySQL.
That depends on the definition of concurrency-proof, but let's see
In this case, it is possible to save a doc with id less than the current max that is already saved.
That is correct, but it depends on the definition of simultaneity and monotonicity. Let's say your code snapshots the state of some other part of the system, then fetches the monotonic key, then performs an insert that may take a while. In that case, this apparently non-monotonic insert might actually be 'more monotonic' in the sense that index 2 was indeed captured at a later time, possibly reflecting a more recent state. In other words: does the time it took to insert really matter?
For MySql, this can never happen since auto increment id is assigned by the server.
That sounds like folklore. Most relational dbs offer fine-grained control over these features, since strict guarantees severely impact concurrency.
MySQL does neither guarantee that there are no gaps, nor that a transaction with a high AUTO_INCREMENT id isn't visible to other readers before a transaction that acquired a lower AUTO_INCREMENT value was committed, unless you keep a table-level lock, which severely impacts concurrency.
For gaplessness, consider a transaction rollback of the first of two concurrent inserts. Does the second insert now get a new id assigned while it's being committed? No - from the InnoDB documentation:
You may see gaps in the sequence of values assigned to the AUTO_INCREMENT column if you roll back transactions that have generated numbers using the counter. (see end of, "Traditional InnoDB Auto-Increment Locking")
In all lock modes (0, 1, and 2), if a transaction that generated auto-increment values rolls back, those auto-increment values are “lost”
also, you're completely ignoring the problem of replication where sequences lead to even more trouble:
Thus, table-level locks held until the end of a statement make INSERT statements using auto-increment safe for use with statement-based replication. However, those locks limit concurrency and scalability when multiple transactions are executing insert statements at the same time. (see "Configurable InnoDB Auto-Increment Locking")
The sheer length of the documentation of the InnoDB behavior is a reminder of the true complexity of making apparently simple guarantees in a concurrent system. Yes, monotonicity of inserts is possible with table-level locks, but hardly desirable. If you take a distributed view of the system, things get worse, because we can't even be sure of the counter value in partition mode...

anything wrong about having MANY sequences in postgres?

I am developing an application using a virtual private database pattern in postgres.
So every user gets his id and all rows of this user will hold this id to be separated from others. this id should also be part of the primary key. In addition every row has to have a id which is unique in the scope of the user. This id will be the other part of the primary key.
If we have to scale this across multiple servers we can also append a third column to the pk identifying the shard this id was generated at.
My question now is how to create per user unique ids. I came along with some options which i am not sure about all the implications. The 2 solutions that seem most promising to me are:
creating one sequence per user:
this can be done automatically, using a trigger, every time a user is created. This is for sure transaction safe and I think it should be quite ok in terms of performance.
What I am worried about is that this has to work for a lot of users (100k+) and I don't know how postgres will deal with 100k+ sequences. I tried to find out how sequences are implemented but without luck.
counter in user table:
keep all users in a table with a field holding the latest id given for this user.
when a user starts a transaction I can lock the row in the user table and create a temp sequence with the latest id from the user table as a starting value. this sequence can then be used to supply ids for new entries.
before exiting the transaction the current value has to be written back to the user table and the lock has to be released.
If another transaction from the same user tries to concurrently insert rows it will stall until the first transaction releases its lock on the user table.
This way I do not need thousands of sequences and i don't think that ther will be concurrent accesses from one user frequently (the application has oltp character - so there will not be long lasting transactions) and even if this happens it will just stall for about a second and not hurt anything.
The second part of my question is if I should just use 2 columns (or maybe three if the shard_id joins the game) and make them a composite pk or if I should put them together in one column. I think handling will be way easier having them in separate columns but what does performance look like? Lets assume both values are 32bit integers - is it better tho have 2 int columns in an index or 1 bigint column?
thx for all answers,
I do not think sequences would be scalable to the level you want (100k sequences). A sequence is implemented as a relation with just one row in it.
Each sequence will appear in the system catalog (pg_class) which also contains all of the tables, views, etc. Having 100k rows there is sure to slow the system down dramatically. The amount of memory required to hold all of the data structures associated with these sequence relations would be also be large.
Your second idea might be more practical, if combined with temporary sequences, might be more scalable.
For your second question, I don't think a composite key would be any worse than a single column key, so I would go with whatever matches your functional needs.

Is there any way to insert data in sqllite table sequentially?

I want to insert some data in SQLite table with one column for keeping string values and other column for keeping sequence number.
SQLite documentation says that autoincrement does not guarantees the sequential insertion.
And i do not want to keep track of previously inserted sequence number.
Is there any way for storing data sequentially, without keeping track of previously inserted row?
The short answer is that you're right that the autoincrement documentation makes it clear that INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT will be constantly increasing, though as you point out you using, not necessarily sequentially so. So you obviously have to either modify your code so it's not contingent on sequential values (which is probably the right course of action), or you have to maintain your own sequential identifier yourself. I'm sure that's not the answer you're looking for, but I think it's the practical reality of the situation.
Short answer: Stop worrying about gaps in AUTOINCREMENT id sequences. They are inevitable when dealing with transactional databases.
Long answer:
SQLite cannot guarantee that AUTOINCREMENT will always increase by one, and reason for this is transactions.
Say, you have 2 database connections that started 2 parallel transactions almost at the same time. First one acquired some AUTOINCREMENT id and it becomes previously used value +1. One tick later, second transaction acquired next id, which is now +2. Now imagine that first transaction rolls back for some reason (encounters some error, code decided to abort it, program crashed, etc.). After that, second transaction will commit id +2, creating a gap in id numbering.
Now, what if number of such parallel transactions is higher than 2? You cannot predict, and you also cannot tell currently running transactions to reuse ids that were not used for any reason.
If you insert data sequentially into your SQLite database, they will be stored sequentially.
From the Documentation: the automatically generated ROWIDs are guaranteed to be monotonically increasing.
So, for example, if you wanted to have a table for Person, then you could use the following command to create table with autoincrement.
CREATE table PERSON (personID integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, personName string)