Not retaining previous selected picklist values between different screens in LWC - lwc

I have 2 custom LWC's created & placed as an adjacent tabs inside a community page.
Let's assume LWC 1 as Screen 1 and LWC 2 as Screen 2.
On Screen 1 we have some picklist fields with some values chosen by us.
When we click on Save button on Screen 1, it'll redirect to Screen 2.
Now when I'm again going back to Screen 1, the previous selected picklist values got lost(not retaining).
I'm struggling on this issue since last 3 days. Please help me out on this.
Thanking you in anticipation.


showing more than 1 slide in ion-slider

I am working on an Ionic3 project. I want to use slider component. By default it only shows a single image at a time. Is it possible to show 3 images on a single page. and when user swipe new 3 and so on.
Please help
Its slidesPerView='3', which I am looking for. It shows desired number of items at one time on screen.

Ionic framework 3, how to REPLACE a view? How to Pop() and the Push()

I would like to be able to replace the current view in the navigation
I'm designing a layout for a book which is split into 9 parts. These parts are connected together using pagination at the bottom of each part e.g. previous and next buttons.
Current structure of pages is the following: I have 1 main page (the overview) that links to all parts using this.navCtrl.push(PartXPage) (I've created pages for all 9 parts).
Each page, also links to the next and previous pages as so:
However, here comes the problem
When I read part1, then part2, then part3 and so on, the back button always goes back 1 view at a time. So for example, if I read all the way to part 9 in 1 go and I would like to go to the overview or the main screen, I would have to click back 9 times.
What I wanted to do is create the following logic. When a user goes to the next part, we remove the current part from the view and push the next one, so the back button always returns to the overview.
I'm looking for something like (if I am on part 1, the next button would):
go_to_part_2() {
this.navCtrl.pop() // to forget the current view
this.navCtrl.push(Part2Page) // push a new view
However, this code doesn't work, nor does this.navCtrl.pop().push()
You can add custom back button from ionic in navigation bar and after that when user click on back button you can set the Root page whatever you want to show to user

count the number of rows/columns using UI Automation

I am new to UI Automation. I am working on UIAutomation IPad for one of the clients. I need to perform the below activities
1. When we click on Products list page, I will see a tabular format with 2 rows and 3 columns where each product will be displayed (Product image, name, price, ratings, SKU). Here I need to check if the products are listed in 2X3 format.
The products list page should display the text as (Viewing 1-6 of 100) on the 1st page. I need to swipe to the left then it should display (Viewing 7-12 of 100) something like that.In this screen, the products could be of various categories (Plasma tv, Insignia tv etc) Here, I need to capture the 'Viewing' as regular expression and perform on any screen. How to do this?
For each of the 6 products displayed on the screen, there will be a button 'Add to compare'. I need to validate, 'Add to compare' is present for all the 6 images. How to do this one?
When I click on the category, screen loading will take few seconds. I have made use of target.delay(20), its working fine now, however, I want to validate if the next screen is loaded using the below method.
On the 2nd screen, I am capturing a staticText. I will ask the code to wait until this staticText is visible. Is that makes sense?
Apologies for posting all the queries at a time, please bear with me,I am n

Working with windows in Gtk2-Perl

I am working on a Gtk2-Perl project, where I have to create a GUI. Now I have to do one thing, that whenever the user selects 'Single' Radio button, or the 'Multiple' Radio button, either a seperate screen should come up, or the content of the same window should change.
Ex: when user selects Single: He should be having 4 buttons, But when he selects Multiple: he should be having 10 buttons, and some more widgets.
Can someone help me in creating a pop up window, which will contain respective widgets, on selection of appropriate radio button. Or any help regarding, callbacks where we can add buttons and widgets.
You could have a look at these tutorials for a starting point.

load the view and controls as per posted mode in mvc 2

I am currently working in the mvc 2 with C#. it is new for me.
Scenario is:
I am showing the Edit page in the edit mode.this page have the dropodown control. It fills with the steps like Step1, step2 , step3, step4, step5. Ok? Now I want to load the Edit view page such a way that , If dropdown has selected as Step 3 then it must make visible the two more buttons as "NEXT" and "Modify". And if the selected is Step 5 (last step then make visible "Finish", and must make invisible "NEXT" buttons.
In Short want to create the wizard control, like in normal . How to achieve this?
What I have to do there ? Javascript ? Controller level? JQuery or what ?
If you dont want to reload the page this sounds like a job for jQuery/javascript
edit: show us what you have already, and what functionality you've got so far.
so there are 5 steps, and the only thing changing are the buttons? aren't this 5 pages?