Why when materials gets instanced, using renderer.sharedMaterial is the new instance but not the file? - unity3d

I have a list of materials set by hand called LookUpMaterials and an object which I want to compare if it has those materials.
If both materials correlate, add them to a new list "ChangeableMaterials".
I'm comparing using the sharedMaterials so everything is fine at first. But, when adding the .material to this new list, it creates a instance of the material.
Note: Creating the instance using .material is intended since I'm gonna edit this material anyway.
List<Material> ChangeableMaterials = new List<Material>();
Renderer[] renderers = GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>();
for(int i = 0; i < renderers.Length; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < renderers[i].sharedMaterials.Length; j++)
In the first comparison (i,j == 0,0), it runs ok and the material is added to the list. All materials turns into Instances. But then when using sharedMaterials also spits out materials (Instances) in place of the original files and the comparison fails.
I've read multiple times that .sharedMaterials should be the file and not the instance, this is not being the case!
Can someone help me? I can't find the mistake here, just plain confused..
Here's 3 lists how Debug.Log() spits the name of the material
011_Pillow (Instance)
011_Pillow (Instance) - Shouldnt be only 011_Pillow?


Unity mapping keys incorrectly

Just to illustrate with some code, Unity is not recognizing the correct alpha key codes the way it is supposed to. Sometimes it recognizes the keys appropriately, but not every time. This happens even when I run a few simple lines of code.
for(int index = 0; index < nextStates.Length; index++)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2 + index))
state = nextStates[index];
The above code, for example, recognizes the 2nd key on my keyboard. But not every single time and it's pretty basic. What am I doing wrong?

ag-Grid set filter and sort model without triggering event

I am updating sort & filter models via api:
The problem with this is I have a server request bound to the change even of both sort & filter so when user changes then the data is updated. This means when I change model on code like restoring a state or resetting the filters it causes multiple requests.
Is there a way to update the filter/sort model without triggering the event?
I see there is a ColumnEventType parameter but couldn't see how it works. Can I specify some variable that I can look for inside my event handlers to get them to ignore calls that are not generated from user?
I am trying to manage URL state so when url query params change my code sets the models in the grids but this ends up causing the page to reload multiple times because the onFilter and onSort events get called when the model is set and there is no way I can conceive to prevent this.
At the time, you are going to have to manage this yourself, ie, just before you call the setModel, somehow flag this in a shared part of your app (maybe a global variable)
Then when you react to these events, check the estate of this, to guess where it came from.
Note that at the moment, we have added source to the column events, but they are not yet for the model events, we are planning to add them though, but we have no ETA
Hope this helps
I had to solve similar issue. I found solution which working for my kind of situation. Maybe this help someone.
for (let j = 0; j < orders.length; j++) {
const sortModelEntry = orders[j];
if (typeof sortModelEntry.property === 'string') {
const column: Column = this.gridColumnApi.getColumn(sortModelEntry.property);
if (column && ! column.getColDef().suppressSorting) {
Where orders is array of key-value object where key is name of column and value is sorting directive (asc/desc).
Set filter without refresh was complicated
for (let j = 0; j < filters.length; j++) {
const filterModelEntry = filters[j];
if (typeof filterModelEntry.property === 'string') {
const column: Column = this.gridColumnApi.getColumn(filterModelEntry.property);
if (column && ! column.getColDef().suppressFilter) {
const filter: any = this.gridApi.getFilterApi(filterModelEntry.property);
filter['filter'] = filterModelEntry.command;
filter['defaultFilter'] = filterModelEntry.command;
filter['eTypeSelector'].value = filterModelEntry.command;
filter['filterValue'] = filterModelEntry.value;
filter['filterText'] = filterModelEntry.value;
filter['eFilterTextField'].value = filterModelEntry.value;
Attributes in filter:
property - name of column
command - filter action (contains, equals, ...)
value - value used in filter
For anyone else looking for a solution to this issue in Nov 2020, tapping into onFilterModified() might help. This gets called before onFilterChanged() so setting a value here (eg. hasUserManuallyChangedTheFilters = false, etc.) and checking the same in the filter changed event is a possible workaround. Although, I haven't found anything similar for onSortChanged() event, one that gets called before the sorting is applied to the grid.
I am not sure any clean way to achieve this but I noticed that FilterChangedEvent has "afterFloatingFilter = false" only if filterModel was updated from ui.
my workaround is as below
onFilterChanged = event:FilterChangedEvent) => {
if(event.afterFloatingFilter === undefined) return;

Get all outging connectors from a shape programmatically

I want to rename a connector after a shape has been dropped.
Lets say I have a shape1 and I dropped a shape2 connected with shape1.
I want the connector shape between shape1 and shape2 so that I can rename it.
I guess it depends on what stage you intercept the drop. If it's immediately, you might make some assumptions about how many connectors might be involved, but if if some time after the drop then you might want to determine how many connections are involved.
As an example, with the following shapes:
...you could approach this in a number of ways:
Use the GluedShapes method working back from ShapeTwo
Use the GluedShapes method including the 'from' shape
Iterate through the Connects collection of the Page
Iterate over the Connect objects in on your target shape (ShapeOne)
I would definitely try and use the GluedShapes method (which came into Visio in 2010) over the Connect objects, but I'm adding them here as they can be useful depending on what you're trying to achieve.
Here's an example using LINQPad:
void Main()
var vApp = MyExtensions.GetRunningVisio();
var vPag = vApp.ActivePage;
//For demo purposes I'm assuming the following shape IDs
//but in reality you'd get a reference by other methods
//such as Window.Selection, Page index or ID
var shpOne = vPag.Shapes.ItemFromID[1];
var shpTwo = vPag.Shapes.ItemFromID[2];
Array gluedIds;
Console.WriteLine("1) using GluedShapes with the 'to' shape only");
gluedIds = shpTwo.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesIncoming1D,"");
IterateByIds(vPag, gluedIds);
Console.WriteLine("\n2) using GluedShapes with the 'to' and 'from' shapes");
gluedIds = shpTwo.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesIncoming1D, "", shpOne);
IterateByIds(vPag, gluedIds);
Console.WriteLine("\n3) using the Connects collection on Page");
var pageConns = from c in vPag.Connects.Cast<Visio.Connect>()
where c.FromSheet.OneD != 0
group c by c.FromSheet into connectPair
where connectPair.Any(p => p.ToSheet.ID == shpOne.ID) && connectPair.Any(p => p.ToSheet.ID == shpTwo.ID)
select connectPair.Key.Text;
Console.WriteLine("\n4) using FromConnects and Linq to navigate from shpOne to shpTwo finding the connector in the middle");
var shpConns = from c in shpOne.FromConnects.Cast<Visio.Connect>()
where c.FromSheet.OneD != 0
let targetConnector = c.FromSheet
from c2 in targetConnector.Connects.Cast<Visio.Connect>()
where c2.ToSheet.Equals(shpTwo)
select targetConnector.Text;
private void IterateByIds(Visio.Page hostPage, Array shpIds)
if (shpIds.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < shpIds.Length; i++)
//Report on the shape text (or change it as required)
Running the above will result in this output:
It's worth bearing in mind that the Connects code (3 and 4) makes the assumption that connector shape (1D) are being connected to the flowchart shapes (2D) and not the other way round (which is possible).
You can think of the connect objects as being analgous to connection points, so in the diagram, the three connector shapes generate six connect objects:
Anyway, hope that gets you unstuck.
UPDATE - Just to be clear (and to answer the original question properly), the code to get all outgoing connectors from ShapeOne would be:
Console.WriteLine("using GluedShapes to report outgoing connectors");
gluedIds = shpOne.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesOutgoing1D, "");
IterateByIds(vPag, gluedIds);

Meteor - alter data on publish

I am doing a card game in Meteor. Each played game is registered in the collection "Games".
A Games' record contain some of the game info as well as some players info and the cards hand of the players (players[i].cards, with values like 4S - 4 of spade, KH - king of heart...). Depending on the cards value, I can display the correct card to the frontend (div.card-KH).
Most of the game data is public but, of course, only the current player's cards must be visible.
One option could be to exclude the cards of the other players at publish time but I still need the number of cards to display the decks (only the remaining cards, hidden) of the other players.
Is there a way to replace the card value of each cards (except user's ones) in players[i].cards to, say, BACK (div.card-BACK) at publish time? Else, what would be the good design pattern to do this in Meteor?
Interesting question which I think there should be an official guideline to.
They have a bit in the docs about publishing:
http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/meteor_publish (secretinfo field only published to admins)
You could do the same but you would have to check the userId and have a player1secretinfo, player2secretinfo etc. (or perhaps a secretinfo array/object but then you would have to only publish one particular index/property)
You could also do a transform in the publications:
Please post it, if you find a good solution :)
Here is the only solution I found (I don't really like it but it works) :
Basically, you have to store a temporary document, with the same id but modified data, to another Collection, publish that document from that Collection and finally, from client side, subscribe to that publication.
Of course, never make hidden part of the original document available through another publication.
Meteor.publish('gameWithHiddenCards', function (gameId) {
var self = this;
//Transform function
var transform = function(item) {
for (var i=0; i<item.players.length; i++){
if ((item.players[i].id != self.userId))
for (var j = 0; j < item.players[i].cards.length; j++)
item.players[i].cards[j] = 'back';
return item;
/* 1. Observe changes in game ;
2. Apply transform function on game data ;
3. Store it to another Collection. */
var observer = Games.find({_id: gameId}).observe({
added: function (document) {
self.added('secure_games', document._id, transform(document));
changed: function (newDocument, oldDocument) {
self.changed('secure_games', newDocument._id, transform(newDocument));
removed: function (oldDocument) {
self.removed('secure_games', oldDocument._id);
self.onStop(function () {
// Return altered game
return SecureGames.find({_id: gameId});

Using FindObjectofType and FindObjectOfTypeAll Unity methods

GameObject[] rm = FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(RoadMovement)) as GameObject[];
if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.LeftArrow))
foreach(GameObject r in rm) //objectRefrence not set to instance of an object error here
var bounds1 = r.renderer.bounds;
var bounds2 = player.renderer.bounds;
Transform roadtransform = r.transform;
if (this.transform.position.x > r.renderer.bounds.min.x)
this.transform.position = new Vector3 (this.transform.position.x - 0.6f, this.transform.position.y, this.transform.position.z);
What is difference between FindObjectOfType and FindObjectOfTypeAll? I want to get all the objects that have RoadMovement script attached to them.I understand the error: Object reference not set to an instance but not sure how to fix this?
First problem: FindObjectsOfTypeAll has been deprecated for quite some time, and is no longer documented at all in current versions of Unity. Because you're comparing objects in the scene, it looks like you want Object.FindObjectsOfType.
Second problem: the lookup call you're making doesn't return an array of GameObjects, so the as operator will return null when the cast fails. You mentioned that RoadMovement is a behavior script you wrote. That implies that every RoadMovement has a GameObject, but not that every RoadMovement is a GameObject.
This is also why you're getting an InvalidCastException that you're asking about. Understand your return types and you will understand the error.
Recent Unity versions even added a generic version of FindObjectsOfType:
RoadMovement[] roadMovements = Object.FindObjectsOfType<RoadMovement>();
foreach (RoadMovement roadMovement in roadMovements) {
GameObject myGameObject = roadMovement.gameObject;
//do something