Get full image in Typo3 - typo3

is there any way to get the full/unprocessed image from the url of a proccessed one?
For example: Is it possible to get the url of the original image from this url?
I don't have any access to the backend - just as a visitor.
Thanks for your suggestions!

No, you can't get the URL to the unprocessed image, if the URL cannot be found anywhere in the HTML (e.g. if an image is rendered with different source-tags and the largest is possibly without image processing) if you are only a visitor.


Facebook shared grey rectangle instead of proper image

I spotted that one (just one, rest is ok) shared link on wall of group I am in isn't look properly. It's just grey rectangle, you can see it on included image. I wonder why it's displayed this way because I copied url and pasted it to facebook open graph object debugger. There are no warnings and preview generated by tool is ok (so image pass dimension requirements). I also tried to put that url on my profile and I can see image. Sorry that I don't paste urls here but I don't think I'm allowed to do this. I hope someone still want to answer my qestion. What is reason of this behaviour?
Grey rectangle on shared link
There can be several reasons for this situation.
I assume you use some service provider to generate image.
Facebook crawler visits your site and make POST request which uses no cache content, which also makes your site fresh render for facebook request but also may cause timeout error in some cases. If image thumbnail is generated with some service provider it can be the cause.
Thumbnail service providers often causes mistakes by themselves. Take under consideration that what you see on facebook wall is the very first render of the image in the thumbnail provider. Check twice parameters that you send to the service and maybe there is some problem with alpha channel (if it's PNG image).
That's for my guesses. Hope it will help you.

Facebook Image URL gets expired

I am pulling Facebook posts using facebook-graph API, now the problem is Image gets expired after few days.
I have the following URL for a single Image
Old Image URL which got expired
New Image working URL Is
I am frustrated with this issue, what could be the solution of it?
What i came to know from other community about this issue is
"You should not store Facebook CDN URLs for long time use – they can change over time.
Either request the actual image and copy that to your server – or request the current CDN URL regularly.
(You might be tempted to try other workarounds, like extracting the actual image source URL from the CDN link, but I would advise against that – because the format of that might change at any time as well.)"
you can not store facebook Images url for a long time, it expires for security purpose, so it would be a better solution to store images in your server.
Haven't updated for a long time and don't know if this works as before
You should store the original image URL for sure, and use a 302 redirect parser to get the CDN URL, one example is and we can just guess oe=5FE056E5 means the expiration, as 5FE056E5(hexadecimal) -> 1608537829(decimal, in UTC), if you interpret this timestamp you will find the time is about a month later, and maybe we can guess the expiration is about a month after getting the CDN URL? To another similar case, you can refer to:

How to pass base64 jpeg image to ogimage?

I have image that is being generated in runtime on my website and I display it in html using
img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,<!-- base64 data -->"
Now, I want for Facebook to fetch this image, but if I do the same for og:image meta tag, facebook debugger gives me an error. Any solution?
meta property='og:image' content='data:image/jpeg;base64,<!-- base64 data -->'
Of course, I would like to avoid permanent saving of files since they are always different and it would get too crowded very quickly.
Reference URL:
Not possible. It have to be a public url so Facebook can download it when they need it. They will just cache it so there need to be a url to the original image

Facebook API - cannot fetch page profile image

I have a page I cannot fetch the public profile image from. Why is that, and why does it happen?
The page in question is: (WARNING: NSFW-ish images of strippers, real sorry, only example I could find - no need to view the page anyway)
I can access the page through the graph API. Notice that the results tell me the ID is 98758030102, as expected:
And even get the image URL this way too:
However, using the ID, I cannot fetch the image the way I normally do. I just get a blue question mark:
Are you sure you're using an access token from a user who can see the page? I can see the correct image when using my own access token - if you're not using an access token you're limited to the information which is publicly available and given the nature of the page it's probably limited to adults only because of its alcohol and/or stripper content.
I realize that this is an old question but I will add my answer for future searchers since this worked for me.
You say that using this as the image URL does not work.
Well I got curious and changed the http:// to https:// and entered my page ID in place of yours and it worked.
I am assuming by turning the connection secure it allows the graphi api to fetch the image.
This URL should work.
Adding the access_token GET parameter to the url makes sure users who are allowed to view the page image will see it (18yo++ in this case). I have, however, not found a way to, through the API, determine when or why pages are not accessible by certain users.

Facebook Thumbnails Issue Traced to safe_image.php

For some reason, facebook's safe_image.php script isn't generating thumbnails, properly. It's generating a 1x1 image... even though the correct image is linked in the script's parameters.
<img class="img" alt="" src="
The linked image is correct, but it is still only generating a 1x1 image.
Got the same problem today, in my case was an https issue.
I automatically redirect every http requests to https, and while the browser works this out normally, FB's safe_image.php doesn't. If you have such redirect as well, you may want to disable it for just your og:image file.
I also get into a similar problem. My problem is because of the image name has a "space" in it. so it is not appear in the facebook debugger and also in sharing.
So i fixed the issue by replace space with hyphen("-") through coding part. After that i debug the url in facebook debugger, it appears. That means Facebook wont show the image name with "space". But there is no logical reason behind this. Anyway it will help someone.
For more information check this answer posted by Patrick D'appollonio. It helps me.
Are you using any sort of gzip compression for your images? We are seeing a similar issue, but we compress our image with gzip and set the headers. Browsers are rendering fine, but Facebook is essentially displaying nothing.
safe_image script code doesn't support having a % in the app's image url (which is probably why the image turns into a 1x1 transparent pixel)
so the solution is here . Try to follow the instruction in the first comment by chris
In my case, the directory including genuine targeted images is under ".htaccess" control, in which images being called from external server is prohibited.
Example of blocking ".htaccess" file such as:
<FilesMatch "\.(jpg)$">
SetEnvIf Referer "^" ref_ok
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from env=ref_ok