How to use glob command in sed command through tcl script - sed

I am having below file:
File path: ???
I want to replace this line with below:
File path: Path1/Path2/Path3/File.txt
I have tried the following through the tcl file. But it's not working:
sed -i "s|File path: ???|File path: glob $WORK_AREA/../../../*.txt|g" $file
Note: This path is having only 1 .txt file
How can i use the glob command in sed command through the .tcl file?

Use several lines of code. It's so much easier.
set targetFile [lindex [glob $WORK_AREA/../../../*.txt] 0]
# You might also want to normalize the filename...
exec sed -i "s|File path: ???|File path: $targetFile|g" $file
You're strongly suggested to use exec explicitly in Tcl. You might also like this (which stops you from getting surprises in the directory path):
set targetFile [lindex [glob -directory $WORK_AREA/../../.. *.txt] 0]
And if WORK_AREA is an environment variable, you refer to those in Tcl using the env global array, like this: $env(WORK_AREA) or like this: $::env(WORK_AREA).
I've not fixed the ???. It might be replaceable with .* or maybe .*txt or any number of other regular expressions to match the text you want to remove. Without knowing your actual input data in depth, it's hard to be sure.


Inserting headers into multiple files

I found some command line with Perl that inserts headers into my files without going through the tedious process of inserting them one by one. Can someone walk me through the Perl aspect of this command line? I'm new to this and can't seem to find the right explanations for what I wrote.
cat header.txt | perl -0 -i -pe 'BEGIN{$h = <STDIN>}; print $h' 1*
rather than provide a script in a file, provide it on the command line
makes it iterate over filename arguments somewhat like sed but also prints the contents of $_ at the end of the script.
the two above are combined in -pe
indicate you want to edit the file in place and write the output to the same file. In practice, Perl renames the input file and reads from this renamed version while writing to a new file with the original name
redefines the end of record character (\n by default) so that you can read the entire input file as a single line
is the command line argument to your script, so I guess you are modifying any file with a name that starts with 1 (you could have used *.c, or whatever depending on the type of files you are trying to modify)
print $h
prints the variable $h that is the "main" of your script. if it was initialized with the content of the header file (the intent of this one-liner) then it will print the header file
BEGIN{ some code here }
this is stuff you execute before the script starts. this is where I'm stumped. this doesn't seem like valid perl code
so basically:
this will supposedly slurp the entire header file (because of -0) in the BEGIN block and store it in the variable $h
iterate over all the files specified by the wildcards at the end of the command line
for each file: print the header (print $h) then print hte file itself (because of -pe)
so it's equivalent to spelling the script out:
$h = gets content of the entire header file
while (<>){ #loop implied by -pe, iterates over all the 1* files
# the main contents of the "-e" script are inserted below as part of executing -pe
print h$; #print the header we saved
print $_; # implied by -pe, and since we are using -0, this prints the entire content in one shot
# end of the "-e" script. again it was a single print $h statement, the second print is implied by -pe
It's a bit hard to explain, take a look at the perlrun documentation for details (run man perlrun).
This is not 100% complete explanation because I don;t think the BEGIN block is right. I tried it on my ubuntu machine and it complained about its syntax too
Here's something similar, with an explanation. The program in the question doesn't run on my mac.
I needed to add the #nullable disable directive to the top of all my csharp files as part of migrating to nullable reference types.
perl -w -i -p -0777 -e 's/^/#nullable disable\n\n/' $(find . -iname '*.cs')
-w enable warnings
-i edit files in place
-p read each file block by block, printing each block after applying a perl expression. the default block size is one line
-0777 changes the default block size to the entire file
-e the perl expression to execute
The final argument uses shell command substitution to create a list of files. It passes that list of file paths to the perl command. The find command searches for files that end in .cs.
The perl program is a single substitution command. It matches the very beginning of the block and replaces (prepends, really) with "#nullable disable" and a couple new-lines.

Underscore in rename command (Perl and Unix shell)

I'm trying to replace all _ underscore character by - hyphen character in all file names .mat inside one folder.
I type different versions unsuccessfully of:
rename -f 'w/_/-' *.mat
Can someone explain to me what is wrong?
If you're using a Perl-based rename (as your tags suggest) then w isn't a Perl regex operation.
rename -f 's/_/-/g' *_*.mat
I cannot fathom whether you are using a shell rename or the Perl rename: I can't understand your command in either context.
A Perl command-line script to rename all *.mat files in the current directory looks like this
perl -e 'do { (my $f = $_) =~ tr/_/-/; rename $_, $f } for glob "#ARGV"' *.mat

replace line with sed in csh

I am trying to change the content of a specific line in a batch of files. I thought that would be a piece of cake but for some reason, nothing happens, so I guess I am missing something.
Line 8 should have been replaced.
Here the csh script I used:
# replace context in line xxx by yyy
# 2010/05/07
set files = `ls FILENAMEPART*`
echo $files
foreach file ($files)
sed '8,8 s/1/2 /' $file
thanks for suggestions
sed prints the resulting file (with the lines replaced) to stdout by default and leaves the source (input) file untouched. Use the -i option for in-place editing, which means that the changes are made directly in $file.

How do I run a Perl script on multiple input files with the same extension?

How do I run a Perl script on multiple input files with the same extension?
perl file.aspx
I'm looking to have it run for all aspx files in the current directory
In your Perl file,
my #files = <*.aspx>;
for $file (#files) {
# do something.
The <*.aspx> is called a glob.
you can pass those files to perl with wildcard
in your script
foreach (#ARGV){
print "file: $_\n";
# open your file here... something
# close your file
on command line
$ perl *.aspx
You can use glob explicitly, to use shell parameters without depending to much on the shell behaviour.
for my $file ( map {glob($_)} #ARGV ) {
print $file, "\n";
You may need to control the possibility of a filename duplicate with more than one parameter expanded.
For a simple one-liner with -n or -p, you want
perl -i~ -pe 's/foo/bar/' *.aspx
The -i~ says to modify each target file in place, and leave the original as a backup with an ~ suffix added to the file name. (Omit the suffix to not leave a backup. But if you are still learning or experimenting, that's a bad idea; removing the backups when you're done is a much smaller hassle than restoring the originals from a backup if you mess something up.)
If your Perl code is too complex for a one-liner (or just useful enough to be reusable) obviously replace -e '# your code here' with ... though then maybe refactor so that it accepts a list of file name arguments, and simply use *.aspx to run it on all *.aspx files in the current directory.
If you need to recurse a directory structure and find all files with a particular naming pattern, the find utility is useful.
find . -name '*.aspx' -exec perl -pi~ -e 's/foo/bar/' {} +
If your find does not support -exec ... + try with -exec ... \; though it will be slower and launch more processes (one per file you find instead of as few as possible to process all the files).
To only scan some directories, replace . (which names the current directory) with a space-separated list of the directories to examine, or even use find to find the directories themselves (and then perhaps explore -execdir for doing something in each directory that find selects with your complex, intricate, business-critical, maybe secret list of find option predicates).
Maybe also explore find2perl to do this directory recursion natively in Perl.
If you are on Linux machine, you could try something like this.
for i in `ls /tmp/*.aspx`; do perl $i; done
For example to handle perl *.aspx *.asp
In linux: The shell expands wildcards, so the perl can simply be
for (#ARGV) {
operation($_); # do something with each file
Windows doesn't expand wildcards so expand the wildcards in each argument in perl as follows. The for loop then processes each file in the same way as above
for (map {glob} #ARGV) {
operation($_); # do something with each file
For example, this will print the expanded list under Windows
print "$_\n" for(map {glob} #ARGV);
You can also pass the path where you have your aspx files and read them one by one.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $path = shift;
my #files = split/\n/, `ls *.aspx`;
foreach my $file (#files) {
do something...

How can I change the case of filenames in Perl?

I'm trying to create a process that renames all my filenames to Camel/Capital Case. The closest I have to getting there is this:
perl -i.bak -ple 's/\b([a-z])/\u$1/g;' *.txt # or similar .extension.
Which seems to create a backup file (which I'll remove when it's verified this does what I want); but instead of renaming the file, it renames the text inside of the file. Is there an easier way to do this? The theory is that I have several office documents in various formats, as I'm a bit anal-retentive, and would like them to look like this:
New Document.odt
Bob Cat.flac
Cat Dog.avi
Is this possible with perl, or do I need to change to another language/combination of them?
Also, is there anyway to make this recursive, such that /foo/foo/documents has all files renamed, as does /foo/foo/documents/foo?
You need to use rename .
Here is it's signature:
To make it recursive, use it along with File::Find
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use File::Find;
#default searches just in current directory
my #directories = (".");
find(\&wanted, #directories);
sub wanted {
#renaming goes here
The following snippet, will perform the code inside wanted against all the files that are found. You have to complete some of the code inside the wanted to do what you want to do.
EDIT: I tried to accomplish this task using File::Find, and I don't think you can easily achieve it. You can succeed by following these steps :
if the parameter is a dir, capitalize it and obtain all the files
for each file, if it's a dir, go back at the beginning with this file as argument
if the file is a regular file, capitalize it
Perl just got in my way while writing this script. I wrote this script in ruby :
require "rubygems"
require "ruby-debug"
# camelcase files
class File
class << self
alias :old_rename :rename
def self.rename(arg1,arg2)
puts "called with #{arg1} and #{arg2}"
def capitalize_dir_and_get_files(dir)
path_c = dir.split(/\//)
#base = path_c[0,path_c.size-1].join("/")
new_dir_name = path_c.join("/")
files = Dir.entries(new_dir_name) - [".",".."]! {|file| File.join(new_dir_name,file)}
return files
return []
def camelize(dir)
files = capitalize_dir_and_get_files(dir)
files.each do |file|
dir_name = File.dirname(file)
file_name = File.basename(file)
extname = File.extname(file)
file_components = file_name.split(/\s+/)! {|file_component| file_component.capitalize}
new_file_name = File.join(dir_name,file_components.join(" "))
#if extname != ""
# new_file_name += extname
I tried the script on my PC and it capitalizes all dirs,subdirs and files by the rule you mentioned. I think this is the behaviour you want. Sorry for not providing a perl version.
Most systems have the rename command ....
rename - renames multiple files
rename [ -v ] [ -n ] [ -f ] perlexpr [ files ]
"rename" renames the filenames supplied according to the rule specified as the first argument. The perlexpr argument is a Perl expression which
is expected to modify the $_ string in Perl for at least some of the filenames specified. If a given filename is not modified by the expression,
it will not be renamed. If no filenames are given on the command line, filenames will be read via standard input.
For example, to rename all files matching "*.bak" to strip the extension, you might say
rename 's/\.bak$//' *.bak
To translate uppercase names to lower, you’d use
rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *
-v, --verbose
Verbose: print names of files successfully renamed.
-n, --no-act
No Action: show what files would have been renamed.
-f, --force
Force: overwrite existing files.
Larry Wall
If you give an invalid Perl expression you’ll get a syntax error.
Since Perl runs just fine on multiple platforms, let me warn you that FAT (and FAT32, etc) filesystems will ignore renames that only change the case of the file name. This is true under Windows and Linux and is probably true for other platforms that support the FAT filesystem.
Thus, in addition to Geo's answer, note that you may have to actually change the file name (by adding a character to the end, for example) and then change it back to the name you want with the correct case.
If you will only rename files on NTFS filesystems or only on ext2/3/4 filesystems (or other UNIX/Linux filesystems) then you probably don't need to worry about this. I don't know how the Mac OSX filesystem works, but since it is based on BSDs, I assume it will allow you to rename files by only changing the case of the name.
I'd just use the find command to recur the subdirectories and mv to do the renaming, but still leverage Perl to get the renaming right.
find /foo/foo/documents -type f \
-execdir bash -c 'mv "$0" \
"$(echo "$0" \
| perl -pe "s/\b([[:lower:]])/\u\$1/g; \
s/\.(\w+)$/.\l\$1/;")"' \
{} \;
Cryptic, but it works.
Another one:
find . -type f -exec perl -e'
map {
( $p, $n, $s ) = m|(.*/)([^/]*)(\.[^.]*)$|;
$n =~ s/(\w+)/ucfirst($1)/ge;
rename $_, $p . $n . $s;
' {} +
Keep in mind that on case-remembering filesystems (FAT/NTFS), you'll need to rename the file to something else first, then to the case change. A direct rename from "etc.etc" to "Etc.Etc" will fail or be ignored, so you'll need to do two renames: "etc.etc" to "etc.etc~" then "etc.etc~" to "Etc.Etc", for example.