How do I pass data into a slotted element in Lit - lit

How do I pass data to a slotted element in Lit?
I’ve tried…
<slot .mydata=“${this.mydata}”> <\slot>
But doesn’t seem to work, is programmatically the only way to do this?

We use slot on parent element.
Default (unnmamed) slot
<div class="parent>
Named slot
<div class="parent>
<slot name="slot-name"></slot>
Then insert html tag inside parent by using slot.
<div slot="slot-name"></div>
For default slot,you don't need to add slot attribute.
Note: Slot is used to insert external html inside parent element.
If you don't need to insert html, you don't need to use slot.
For pass data from parent to child.
<next-child childattr=${this.mydata} ></next-child>
For pass from child parent.
You need to dispatch custom event with bubbles:true


Conditional processing within a Sightly/HTL component dependent upon position within a page

I've recently begun as an Ops dev on an AEM project, and we have a component (a table, that has a title, some copy and a field where the author can author some HTML to represent the contents of a table, with and elements. This, for whatever reason, has to sit within a component, called ArticleContainer. The title should have an H1 tag if the table is at the top of the page, and an H2 tag if it's anywhere lower down. I've tried using data-sly-test thus:
<sly data-sly-test.topOfPage="${table.firstPosition==true}">
<h1 data-sly-test="${table.headerCopy}" class="heading fontH2 headingLinear headingThick">
<span class="tableHeadingWrapper">${table.headerCopy # context='html'}</span>
<sly data-sly-test="${!topOfPage}">
<h2 data-sly-test="${table.headerCopy}" class="heading fontH2 headingLinear headingThick">
<span class="tableHeadingWrapper">${table.headerCopy # context='html'}</span>
Now, this kind of processing has worked elsewhere where the component doesn't sit within a container, but it seems that if it's in a container it always picks up the non-topOfPage condition. I assume there might be a way to maybe do the test within the container component & pass it down into the table component? How would one go about this, or if it's not possible, is there another method by which one might achieve this?
There are two things here:
What does table.firstPosition return? You should be able to debug this in your Sling Model or POJO and probably need to adjust the logic to account for intermediary containers.
HTL/Sightly has a data-sly-element that allows you to change the HTML element based on an expression, you could make your code shorter (and easier to maintain):
<h1 data-sly-test="${table.headerCopy}" data-sly-element="${table.firstPosition ? 'h1' : 'h2'}" class="heading fontH2 headingLinear headingThick">
<span class="tableHeadingWrapper">${table.headerCopy # context='html'}</span>

Change Component's content during rendering phase when loading its model fails

I have a widget components with simple markup inheritance like so
<wicket:child />
<div wicket:enclosure="editButton" class="widget-edit-wrapper">
<button wicket:id="editButton" type="button" class="widget-edit">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-cog"></span>
<div style="display:none;">
<div wicket:id="editPanel" class="widget-settings"></div>
<div wicket:id="container" class="label-widget flex-container">
<div wicket:id="label"></div>
Now imagine the label content is taken from a loadable detachable model and loading the model throws an Exception.
I need to show some feedback to the user on this 'broken' widget component. Is there a way to replace the whole child's content when loading its model throws an Exception?
Note that LabelWidget is just one from many AbstractWidget childs so I need to solve this in the AbstractWidget and I also need to preserve all elements from the AbstractWidget component.
You can accomplish this by using a smarter model - a model that delegates to the original one and try/catches if it throws an exception. In case of an exception you will need to return an "empty" model object, where "empty" would mean different things for your different use cases.
Your smart model could implement IComponentAssignedModel so that it knows the Component it is used in. This way in the catch clause you can do component.error("..."). In AbstractWidget you should add a FeedbackPanel that will render the error message. The specialization widget, like LabelWidget, will render as "empty" (whatever this means for it) by using the fallback model.

Create repeatable custom form fields in web2py?

I want to create twitter bootstrap compliant form. According to the docs for Twitter Bootstrap v2.2.2 (the version included with web2py) the html should look like:
<form class="form-horizontal">
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label" for="inputEmail">Email</label>
<div class="controls">
<input type="text" id="inputEmail" placeholder="Email">
I'm currently using SQLFORM which outputs html that doesn't really fit with this (even using formstyle='divs'). Besides I want my html output to be clean without web2py artifacts such as class="w2p_fl". So my thought is to use a custom form. However in doing this there would be a lot of repeated code. That is, the following would basically need to be repeated for each field.
<div class="control-group">
{{=LABEL(form.custom.label['myfield'], _class='control-label',
<div class="controls">{{=form.custom.widget.myfield}}</div>
So how can I repeat the above unit of code so I could replace it with something like {{=bootstrap_field(db.mytable.myfield)}} or some other way to adhere to DRY?
What is the web2py way to do this? Create a view function? Pass a function in the dictionary returned by the controller? Create my own html helper? Create my own widget? Another way?
If you're using Bootstrap 2, you can just do:
form = SQLFORM(..., formstyle='bootstrap')
For Bootstrap 3 (or any other custom formstyle you'd like to create), the formstyle argument can be a function (or other callable) that produces the form DOM. The function will be passed the form and a fields object, which is a list of tuples, with each tuple containing a CSS id, label, input element, and (possibly empty) comment/help text. To get an idea of what such a function should look like, check out the one used for Bootstrap 2 forms.

Does wicket lose hold of the HTML components after a rearrangement through JavaScript?

I have a repeating component in wicked which needs to be added and deleted as per the user requirement. The maximum number of component is predefined. So I am adding the components at start up and hiding and showing based on need. I am required to change the arrangement of the components in the HTML markup when there is any deletion of the component. I use JavaScript for this. I want to know if wicket would lose hold of the components if I do this.
<div wicket:id="borrowerTabs" id="borrowerTabs">
<span wicket:id="borrowerTab1" id="borrowerTab1" ></span>
<span wicket:id="borrowerTab2" id="borrowerTab2" ></span>
<span wicket:id="borrowerTab3" id="borrowerTab3" ></span>
<span wicket:id="borrowerTab4" id="borrowerTab4" ></span>
<button wicket:id="addBorrower" id="addBorrower" type="button"></button>
<button wicket:id="deleteBorrower" id="deleteBorrower" onclick="updateUIForDeleteBorrower()" type="button"></button>
If delete the borrowerTab3, contents inside borrowerTab4 will be replacing the contents inside borrowerTab3 and the model objects too will be swapped though I do not do a target.add(borrowerTab3). Now while form submission, I am not getting the values of the fields inside borrowerTab3.
I'm not sure if it helps but try component.setVisible(false) in your java code to hide it.

Select parent element of known element in Selenium

I have a certain element that I can select with Selenium 1.
Unfortunately I need to click the parent element to get the desired behaviour. The element I can easily locate has attribute unselectable, making it dead for clicking. How do I navigate upwards with XPath?
There are a couple of options there. The sample code is in Java, but a port to other languages should be straightforward.
WebElement myElement = driver.findElement("myDiv"));
WebElement parent = (WebElement) ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(
"return arguments[0].parentNode;", myElement);
WebElement myElement = driver.findElement("myDiv"));
WebElement parent = myElement.findElement(By.xpath("./.."));
Obtaining the driver from the WebElement
Note: As you can see, for the JavaScript version you'll need the driver. If you don't have direct access to it, you can retrieve it from the WebElement using:
WebDriver driver = ((WrapsDriver) myElement).getWrappedDriver();
Little more about XPath axes
Lets say we have below HTML structure:
<div class="third_level_ancestor">
<nav class="second_level_ancestor">
<div class="parent">
//span/parent::* - returns any element which is direct parent.
In this case output is <div class="parent">
//span/parent::div[#class="parent"] - returns parent element only of exact node type and only if specified predicate is True.
Output: <div class="parent">
//span/ancestor::* - returns all ancestors (including parent).
Output: <div class="parent">, <nav class="second_level_ancestor">, <div class="third_level_ancestor">...
//span/ancestor-or-self::* - returns all ancestors and current element itself.
Output: <span>Child</span>, <div class="parent">, <nav class="second_level_ancestor">, <div class="third_level_ancestor">...
//span/ancestor::div[2] - returns second ancestor (starting from parent) of type div.
Output: <div class="third_level_ancestor">
Let's consider your DOM as
<!-- some other icons and texts -->
Now that you need to select parent tag 'a' based on <span> text, then use
Explanation: Select the node based on its child node's value
Take a look at the possible XPath axes, you are probably looking for parent. Depending on how you are finding the first element, you could just adjust the xpath for that.
Alternatively you can try the double-dot syntax, .. which selects the parent of the current node.
This might be useful for someone else:
Using this sample html
<div class="ParentDiv">
<label for="label">labelName</label>
<input type="button" value="elementToSelect">
<div class="DontSelect">
<label for="animal">pig</label>
<input type="button" value="elementToSelect">
If for example, I want to select an element in the same section (e.g div) as a label, you can use this
//label[contains(., 'labelName')]/parent::*//input[#value='elementToSelect']
This just means, look for a label (it could anything like a, h2) called labelName. Navigate to the parent of that label (i.e. div class="ParentDiv"). Search within the descendants of that parent to find any child element with the value of elementToSelect. With this, it will not select the second elementToSelect with DontSelect div as parent.
The trick is that you can reduce search areas for an element by navigating to the parent first and then searching descendant of that parent for the element you need.
Other Syntax like following-sibling::h2 can also be used in some cases. This means the sibling following element h2. This will work for elements at the same level, having the same parent.
We can select the parent tag with the help of Selenium as follows:
this will help you to find the grandparent of the known Element. Just Remove one (/..) to find the immediate Parent Element.
There are some other ways to implement this, but it worked fine for me.
You can do this by using /parent::node() in the xpath. Simply append /parent::node() to the child elements xpath.
For example:
Let xpath of child element is childElementXpath.
Then xpath of its immediate ancestor would be childElementXpath/parent::node().
Xpath of its next ancestor would be childElementXpath/parent::node()/parent::node()
and so on..
Also, you can navigate to an ancestor of an element using
'childElementXpath/ancestor::*[#attr="attr_value"]'. This would be useful when you have a known child element which is unique but has a parent element which cannot be uniquely identified.
Have once way you don't need to execute script and you still get the parent element:
// identify element
WebElement ele =driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id=\"ext-gen6\"]/div[5]/"));
//identify parent element with ./.. expression in xpath
WebElement parent = ele.findElement(By.xpath("./.."));
The key word here is xpath "./.."