Problems encountered in recovering three tables from a dump file - postgresql

I'm trying to restore tables from a dump file. It's illustrated by a footnote in the paper "VCCFinder-Finding Potential Vulnerabilities in Open-Source Projects to Assist Code Audits", that the dump file that the team created with pg_dump could be read with pg_restore. As it's shown in paper footnote with red line to emphasize. That's where I've started.
1. Use pg_restore command
By typing the command mentioned in your paper: VCCFinder: Finding Potential Vulnerabilities in Open-Source Projects to Assist Code Audits:
pg_restore -f vcc_base I:\OneDrive\PractiseProject\x_prjs\m_firmware_scan\m_firmware_scan.ref\vcc-database\vccfinder-database.dump
Windows CMD had returned an error message:
pg_restore: error: input file appears to be a text format dump. Please use psql.
As I had tried the operation in different version, including v14.4, v9.6, v9.4 and v9.3, the outcome is the same error message.
2.Use psql command
Then I turned to another direction: using psql. After typing command,
psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -U postgres < I:\OneDrive\PractiseProject\x_prjs\m_firmware_scan\m_firmware_scan.ref\vcc-database\vccfinder-database.dump
apart from postgreSQL 14.4 environment, the returned error message is:
psql: SCRAM authentication requires libpq version 10 or above
Under postgreSQL 14.4 environment, the returned message became:
ERROR: schema "export" already exists
If I remove the -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 option, and returned message would be like this:
ERROR: schema "export" already exists
ERROR: type "public.hstore" does not exist
LINE 27: patch_keywords public.hstore
ERROR: relation "cves" already exists
ERROR: relation "repositories" already exists
ERROR: relation "commits" does not exist
invalid command \n
invalid command \N
invalid command \N
(Solved) I have tried to solve the unreadable code problem shown in above error messages by typing chcp 65001, chcp 437 and etc to change character set into UTF8 or American English in Windows CMD, but it's not helpful. But after viewing the source code of the dump file in Visual Studio, it's not difficult to infer that those error messages were caused by psql commands in the dump file.
After the error messages became understandable, I focused on one particular error message:
ERROR: type "public.hstore" does not exist
LINE 27: patch_keywords public.hstore
So I manually created a "hstore" type below the "pulic SCHEMA", after that error messages turned into these:
ERROR: schema "export" already exists
ERROR: relation "commits" already exists
ERROR: relation "cves" already exists
ERROR: relation "repositories" already exists
ERROR: malformed record literal: ""do"=>"1", "if"=>"0", "asm"=>"41", "for"=>"5", "int"=>"13", "new"=>"0", "try"=>"0", "auto"=>"0", "bool"=>"0", "case"=>"0", "char"=>"1", "else"=>"0", "enum"=>"0", "free"=>"0", "goto"=>"0", "long"=>"15", "this"=>"0", "true"=>"0", "void"=>"49", "alloc"=>"0", "break"=>"0", "catch"=>"0", "class"=>"0", "const"=>"0", "false"=>"0", "float"=>"0", "short"=>"0", "throw"=>"0", "union"=>"0", "using"=>"0", "while"=>"1", "alloca"=>"0", "calloc"=>"0", "delete"=>"0", "double"=>"0", "extern"=>"4", "friend"=>"0", "inline"=>"18", "malloc"=>"0", "public"=>"0", "return"=>"4", "signed"=>"1", "sizeof"=>"0", "static"=>"32", "struct"=>"4", "switch"=>"0", "typeid"=>"0", "default"=>"0", "mutable"=>"0", "private"=>"0", "realloc"=>"0", "typedef"=>"0", "virtual"=>"0", "wchar_t"=>"0", "continue"=>"0", "explicit"=>"0", "operator"=>"0", "register"=>"0", "template"=>"0", "typename"=>"0", "unsigned"=>"23", "volatile"=>"23", "namespace"=>"0", "protected"=>"0", "const_cast"=>"0", "static_cast"=>"0", "dynamic_cast"=>"0", "reinterpret_cast"=>"0""
DETAIL: Missing left parenthesis.
CONTEXT: COPY commits, line 1, column patch_keywords: ""do"=>"1", "if"=>"0", "asm"=>"41", "for"=>"5", "int"=>"13", "new"=>"0", "try"=>"0", "auto"=>"0", "bo..."
ERROR: syntax error at or near "l022_save"
LINE 1: l022_save, pl022_load, s);
invalid command \n
invalid command \N
invalid command \N
Now the three tables have been created, but there is no content in them.
3. Install hstore
After searching for "hstore"hstore type does not exist with hstore installed postgresql, I realized that the "hstore" should be installed, but not be manually created. So I typed this in psql command line:
postgres=# create EXTENSION hstore; And there were new error messages:
ERROR: schema "export" already exists
ERROR: relation "cves" already exists
ERROR: relation "repositories" already exists
ERROR: missing data for column "hunk_count"
CONTEXT: COPY commits, line 23201: "11388700 178 \N other_commit 1d6198c3b01619151f3227c6461b3d53eeb711e5\N blueswir1#c046a42c-6fe2-441..."
ERROR: syntax error at or near "l022_save"
LINE 1: l022_save, pl022_load, s);
invalid command \n
invalid command \N
invalid command \N
And still, there is no content in those three tables.
4. Generate and view tables
After looking into the source code of the dump file, and trying to fix the "hunk_count" problem but end up with failure. It occurs to me that the above error messages just caused by one paticular row of code. So I had deleted the row and the old error messages were gone but there were new error messages caused by another row. Evetually I have deleted 10 rows in total, comparing to the total row number: 351409, those deleted parts are negligible. And three tables weren't empty anymore, as it's shown in pgAdmin 4.
However, the pgADmin only demonstrated the structure of those tables, I still didn't know how to view the content in them. By refering to 2 Ways to View the Structure of a Table in PostgreSQL, I typed
export.repositories/ export.cves/ export.commits
to generate and view corresponding tables in pgAdmin 4. For example, final cve table:
5. In the end
Looking back at these steps, these are all easy steps, but for a guy who was not familiar with the tools or operations, it could cost several days to search and type, step by step for one simple purpose. I wish this post could be useful to someone like me.
However, I am not so familiar with psql commands or anything about postgreSQL, as a matter of fact, I had never used them before. So I'm wondering if someone could point out some mistakes I may have made in those attempts, or provide some suggestions for my dilemma.

First , ensure your dump format.
Try to read header (first 5 chars) of dump file.
If it is signed as PGDMP then it is binary/custom dump else it is sql (human readable format).
- use pg_restore for binary dump import.
$ pg_restore -U postgres -d <dbname> file.dump
- use psql to import plain text sql dump.
$ psql -U postgres -d <dbname> < file.dump

Solved, as I've demonstrated above.


PostgreSQL COPY ERROR Invalid syntax. How to set data from dump?

I have a database dump, and I need to import it into a new empty database.
COPY public.accounts_account (id, username, password, first_name, last_name, street_address, city, state, zip, daytime_phone, evening_phone, email, membership, total_purchase_amount, current_discount, registered_at, membership_approved) FROM stdin;
53 user53 password53 Name53 Last53 afd462740737a3801e90c6d050e81b88 Wilmette IL 60091 123.456.786 7590 102.00 0 2011-03-24 03:52:23+00 t
I get this error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "53"
LINE 4566: 53 user53 password53 Name53 Last53 afd462740737a3801e90c6d05...
********** Error **********
ERROR: syntax error at or near "53"
SQL state: 42601
Character: 132900
Your COPY command failed for some reason (table doesn't exist, column doesn't exist, you don't have permissions to insert into it, etc.). Since PostgreSQL did not go into COPY mode, it tried to interpret the next line as another command, rather than as data. Look earlier in your log file to see what the initial error is.
This database dump looks like a query you can run from PG Admin's Query Tool but it is not and that is why your getting this error.
Copy paste everything in that database dump into a PSQL session and it should run correctly.
You can usually launch a PSQL session from PG Admin from the Tool drop down.

pg_restore fails when trying to create function referencing table that does not exist yet

I've used pg_dump --no-privileges --format custom --compress=0 some_database > my-dump.pgdump to dump a database, but I'm running into issues when I try to restore it.
Specifically, it appears to be loading function definitions before table definitions:
$ pg_restore ./my-dump.pgdump
create function my_function() returns …
language sql $$
select …
from some_table
where …
… later in the dump …
create table some_table ( … );
Which causes an error when I try to restore the dump:
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC:
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 4863; 0 16735 TABLE DATA some_table some_database
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] COPY failed for table "some_table": ERROR: relation "some_table" does not exist
LINE 3: from some_table
select …
from some_table
where …
CONTEXT: SQL function "my_function" during inlining
What's going on here? How can I trick pg_dump / pg_restore into doing things in the correct order?
Check your dump file for commands which mess with search_path, for example:
SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);
I encountered the same kind error as you (relation xxx does not exist ... during inlining) in a legacy project I inherited, even though it's running PostgreSQL 9.4.x.
I traced it to the above command.
The solution for me was to remove this command from the dump file.
After I did this I was able to restore the database without errors.
Note: the OP is using the custom format. There is no editing the binary file that is emitted.
In my experience, pg_dump using the custom format (-Fc) doesn't set check_function_bodies = false. But since it adds random functions at the top of the dump file (instead of putting all routines at the end), this causes pg_restore to barf.
I was able to workaround this issue by setting PGOPTIONS:
export PGOPTIONS="-c check_function_bodies=false"
pg_restore ...
That is strange. Ever since commit ef88199f611e625b496ff92aa17a447d254b9796 in 2003, pg_dump and pg_restore have emitted
SET check_function_bodies = false;
This setting makes sure that an error like you describe won't happen, because PostgreSQL won't check the validity of the function bodies.
Are you using an ancient PostgreSQL version or are you doing anything else that could mess with that?
If you run pg_restore on your dump (without specifying a destination database), does it emit the line?

Postgres "Did not find any relation named <tablename>"

I created a new database in Postgres (Ubuntu 18.04) and created a table from the Postgres command line with:
the command line returns with no error messages. Then I created columns from the command line (one by one, but I only had four columns names to enter).
Now I want to see the names of all tables in my database:
\d+ "TMB01"
"Did not find any relation named "TMB01."
Try it without quotes:
\d+ TMB01
"Did not find any relation named "TMB01."
Then I tried:
select * from TMB01 where false
No error message, cursor returns.
What went wrong with my table creation?
The only reason you didn't get an error with this command:
Is that it wasn't finished yet. There's no ; at the end. At a minimum you would need:
Try granting access privileges to the postgres user grant wizard

Failed to connect to pgsql at :UNIX (port 5432): The value of CL-POSTGRES::USER is NIL, which is not of type STRING

I use a docker image (docker pull ubuntu), I installed postgresql via apt-get and then want to run the following script:
FROM 'geneset.csv' (a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
INTO postgresql:///genedb?csv (a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
WITH truncate,
skip header = 1,
fields optionally enclosed by '"',
fields escaped by backslash-quote,
fields terminated by '\t'
SET client_encoding to 'latin1',
work_mem to '80MB',
standard_conforming_strings to 'on'
$$ drop table if exists csv; $$,
$$ create table csv (
a bigint,
b text,
c text,
d text,
e text,
f text,
g text
For executing the script I type into the shell: pgloader csv.load to execute the code above.
Unfortunately, I always get the warning:
Couldn't re-execute SBCL with proper personality flags (/proc isn't mounted? setuid?)
Trying to continue anyway.
An unhandled error condition has been signalled:
Failed to connect to pgsql at :UNIX (port 5432): The value of CL-POSTGRES::USER is NIL, which is not of type STRING.
; compilation unit aborted
; caught 1 fatal ERROR condition
I have already installed apt-get -y install sbcl gcl but the error does not disappear. Any suggestions to solve that problem? I ve found out that this problem occurs very often on docker images...
Can I basically setup a ubuntu 16.04 docker image and install postresql and pdgloader via apt-get? Is my approach ok? I only want to run the database queries locally in the image...

PostgreSQL pgp_sym_encrypt() broken in version 9.1

The following works in PostgreSQL 8.4:
insert into credentials values('demo', pgp_sym_encrypt('password', 'longpassword'));
When I try it in version 9.1 I get this:
ERROR: function pgp_sym_encrypt(unknown, unknown) does not exist LINE
1: insert into credentials values('demo', pgp_sym_encrypt('pass...
^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add
explicit type casts.
*** Error ***
ERROR: function pgp_sym_encrypt(unknown, unknown) does not exist SQL
state: 42883 Hint: No function matches the given name and argument
types. You might need to add explicit type casts. Character: 40
If I try some explicit casts like this
insert into credentials values('demo', pgp_sym_encrypt(cast('password' as text), cast('longpassword' as text)))
I get a slightly different error message:
ERROR: function pgp_sym_encrypt(text, text) does not exist
I have pgcrypto installed. Does anyone have pgp_sym_encrypt() working in PostgreSQL 9.1?
On explanation could be that the module was installed into a schema that is not in your search path - or to the wrong database.
Diagnose your problem with this query and report back the output:
SELECT n.nspname, p.proname, pg_catalog.pg_get_function_arguments(p.oid) as params
FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = p.pronamespace
WHERE p.proname ~~* '%pgp_sym_encrypt%'
AND pg_catalog.pg_function_is_visible(p.oid);
Finds functions in all schemas in your database. Similar to the psql meta-command
\df *pgp_sym_encrypt*
Make sure you install the extension on the desired schema.
sudo -i -u postgres
psql $database
OK, problem solved.
I was creating the pgcrypto extension as the first operation in the script. Then I dropped and added the VGDB database. That's why pgcrypto was there immediately after creating it, but didn't exist when running the sql later in the script or when I opened pgadmin.
This script is meant for setting up new databases and if I had tried it on a new database the create extension would have failed right away.
My bad. Thanks for the help, Erwin.
Just mention de schema where is installed pgcrypto like this:
#ColumnTransformer(forColumn = "TEST",
read = "public.pgp_sym_decrypt(TEST, 'password')",
write = "public.pgp_sym_encrypt(?, 'password')")
#Column(name = "TEST", columnDefinition = "bytea", nullable = false)
private String test;
I ran my (python) script again and the CREATE EXTENSION ran without error. The script also executes this command
psql -d VGDB -U postgres -c "select * from pg_available_extensions order by name"
which includes the following in the result set:
pgcrypto | 1.0 | 1.0 | cryptographic functions
So psql believes that it has installed pgcrypto.
Later in the same script when I execute
psql -d VGDB -U postgres -f sql/Create.Credentials.table.sql
where sql/Create.Credentials.table.sql includes this
insert into credentials values('demo', pgp_sym_encrypt('password', 'longpassword'));
I get this
psql:sql/Create.Credentials.table.sql:31: ERROR: function pgp_sym_encrypt(unknown, unknown) does not exist
LINE 1: insert into credentials values('demo', pgp_sym_encrypt('pass...
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
When I open pgadmin it does not show pgcrypto in either the VGDB or postgres databases even though the query above called by psql shows that pgcrypto is installed.
Could there be an issue with needing to commit after using psql to execute the "create extension ..." command? None of my other DDL or SQL statements require a commit when they get executed with psql.
It's starting to look like psql is just flakey. Is there another way to call "create extension pgcrypto" - e.g. with Python's database support classes - or does that have to be run through psql?