Flutter App + Google Calendar API : events.insert not returning 'conferenceData' - flutter

I am following this github code as an example to create a google calendar event in a workspace calendar using a service account.
I followed various examples on how to authenticate and connect using a service account and now I am able to create an event and it shows up in the workspace calendar as well successfully.
However, the event that is returned does not have the 'conferenceData' from which I could fetch the 'conferenceId' to create the google meet link.
Below is the insert code that I use, which works but does not return the said conference data.
await calendar.events.insert(event, calendarId,
conferenceDataVersion: 1, sendUpdates: "none")
.then((value) {
print("Event Status: ${value.status}");
if (value.status == "confirmed") {
String joiningLink;
String eventId;
eventId = value.id;
joiningLink = "https://meet.google.com/${value.conferenceData?.conferenceId}";
print('Event added to Google Calendar : $joiningLink');
Here's the output I get printed to the console:
I/flutter ( 2934): Event Status: confirmed
I/flutter ( 2934): {created: 2022-07-26T16:12:20.000Z, creator: Instance of 'EventCreator', description: xxxx-desc, end: Instance of 'EventDateTime', etag: "3317703881666000", eventType: default, htmlLink: https://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=djc1b2gyY3RzZ2p1YWGo4aWtmdWIydG5pZ3R2aGNvNEBn, iCalUID: v75oh2ctsgjuahtircv#google.com, id: v75oh2ctv7itndnc, kind: calendar#event, location: Google Meet, organizer: Instance of 'EventOrganizer', reminders: Instance of 'EventReminders', sequence: 0, start: Instance of 'EventDateTime', status: confirmed, summary: xxxxxxx, updated: 2022-07-26T16:12:20.833Z}
I/flutter ( 2934): Event added to Google Calendar : https://meet.google.com/null
Any suggestions on how to get the conferenceData and hence the conferenceId?
*** EDIT ****
Something else turned up while I was digging around:
While it doesn't matter for my use case, but google api won't allow me to add attendees - even if it is the service account email id.
Error creating event DetailedApiRequestError(status: 403, message:
Service accounts cannot invite attendees without Domain-Wide
Delegation of Authority.)
I don't understand, domain-wide delegation is already done for this account and that is why I am able to authenticate and create a calendar event in the first place.
Is my understanding wrong?

I found this answer that could get you in the right direction. You need to add the conferenceData.createRequest values in the insert() method in order to get a Google Meet link from the new event.
About the error related to Domain-Wide Delegation:
It is expected to get this error when the service account is not impersonating any user in the Google Workspace organization, you can review this section from Google Developers under "Delegate domain wide authority" and try to update the code in order to impersonate a different user. Looking around I found here that the optional argument that you could when using a service account in your case is impersonatedUser.


Verifiable Credential - Presentation request gives an Internal Server Error

Microsoft Entra, a new Home of Microsoft Verifiable Credential is really new and nice feature. While I am playing around the items, I found an issue which I am not sure is an issue from my code rather Its more from the platform.
To give you little detail:
Company A: I have one Microsoft Verifiable Account to create the credentials for Company A employee.
Company B: I have one Microsoft Verifiable Account to verify (who likes to give a discount to those employees who are from Company A).
Step 1: using Company A, I have created the Verifiable Credential and It is stored in my Microsoft Authenticator App successfully.
Step 2: Coming to the next part of the story, Company B generates the presentation request where It likes to verify Company A employees' identity. I am able to create that presentation request and QR code for that as well.
Issue comes: Now, when I scan that presentation QR code using the authenticator app, It finds my stored crednetial is matching with this request. so, It gives me an option to share that credential against this presentation reuqest which is good and correct. But the moment I press "Share" it wait for a second and gives me an error message.
The error message is user friendly: Oops, failed to connect.
It seems there is a problem with one of our services connecting to your device. Check your network connection and try again.
But in technical detail, It says:
Error Code: internalServerError
Error Details: A generic error has occurred on the server.; Not Found; Not Found
TimeStamp: Dec1, 2022 10:02:48 AM EST
Request ID: 438395be97f20bbcc31511351121bbaa
Correlation ID: 3sg46/0ARha0zS/XHYKGfA.6.4
It also gives an option to see the track which is way long and can not be copy in mobile clipboard. But I took a part of that and that is below:
2022-11-30 17:49:33,560 INFO/Broker: [com.microsoft.identity.common.internal.result.MsalBrokerResultAdapter:authenticationResultFromBundle][2022-11-30 17:49:33 - thread_name: pool-27-thread-2, correlation_id: b27725eb-c6fc-4a0f-bdd5-dd5f3f74270b - Android 30] Broker Result returned from Bundle, constructing authentication result ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run()#641 [pool-14-thread-1]
2022-11-30 17:49:33,562 INFO/App: MSAL acquire token silently success: com.microsoft.identity.client.AuthenticationResult#5709e74 MsalTokenRefreshManager$getTokenSilentlyAsync$4$1$onTaskCompleted$acquireTokenSilentParameters$1.onSuccess()#567 [main]
2022-11-30 17:49:33,563 INFO/Broker: [com.microsoft.identity.common.java.result.LocalAuthenticationResult][2022-11-30 17:49:33 - thread_name: pool-27-thread-2, correlation_id: b27725eb-c6fc-4a0f-bdd5-dd5f3f74270b - Android 30] Id Token type: IdToken ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run()#641 [pool-14-thread-1]
2022-11-30 17:49:33,563 INFO/Broker: [com.microsoft.identity.common.java.result.LocalAuthenticationResult][2022-11-30 17:49:33 - thread_name: pool-27-thread-2, correlation_id: b27725eb-c6fc-4a0f-bdd5-dd5f3f74270b - Android 30] Constructing LocalAuthentication result, AccessTokenRecord null: false, AccountRecord null: false, RefreshTokenRecord null or empty: false, IdTokenRecord null: false ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run()#641 [pool-14-thread-1]
2022-11-30 17:49:33,564 INFO/App: Token result: Success AadRemoteNgcAuthCheckUseCase$checkForAuth$2.invokeSuspend()#88 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-5]
2022-11-30 17:49:33,564 INFO/Broker: [CommandDispatcher:submitSilent][2022-11-30 17:49:33 - thread_name: pool-27-thread-2, correlation_id: b27725eb-c6fc-4a0f-bdd5-dd5f3f74270b - Android 30] Completed silent request as owner for correlation id : **b27725eb-c6fc-4a0f-bdd5-dd5f3f74270b, with the status : COMPLETED is cacheable : true ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run()#641 [pool-14-thread-1]
2022-11-30 17:49:33,564 INFO/App: ListSessionsUseCase request with client request ID: 09871643-7561-4d9a-8e43-567c4d0480cb RemoteAuthenticationManager.listSessions()#201 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-5]
Just to troubleshoot:
I have tried to restart my phone.
Connected with wi-fi and data card.
I tried to check the previous Company A issuer Credential flow is still working and giving me the credential and all are working.
So, it is not an issue from my device and neither is the issue with authenticator connectivity issue from my side.
I think your implementation is based on the following Azure sample.
If so, please comment out the line on VerifierController.cs file under PresentationCallback() method which has a statement like //payload = presentationResponse["issuers"].ToString(). The data in the incoming request payload doesn't have "issuers". Instead of commenting out, you can also use the following:
payload = presentationResponse["verifiedCredentialsData"][0]["issuer"];

HMS Wallet Kit-Error code -1 is returned when I add passes on the device side

I've downloaded the sample project of the Android client from the HUAWEI Developers official website
After installing it on the mobile phone, I want to add a membership card to HUAWEI Wallet.
The demo provides two methods for adding a pass. The key code is as follows:
public void saveToHuaWeiWallet(View view) {
String jwtStr = getJwtFromAppServer(passObject);
CreateWalletPassRequest request = CreateWalletPassRequest.getBuilder()
Log.i("testwalletKIT", "getWalletObjectsClient");
walletObjectsClient = Wallet.getWalletPassClient(PassTestActivity.this);
Task<AutoResolvableForegroundIntentResult> task = walletObjectsClient.createWalletPass(request);
ResolveTaskHelper.excuteTask(task, PassTestActivity.this, SAVE_TO_ANDROID);
No matter which method I use for adding a pass, error code -1 is returned. I didn't find any description of the error code in the official documentation. Can anyone tell me why error code -1 is returned?
Parameter error. The possible causes are as follows:
No template is created for the passes. Add a template by referring to the following. https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/doc/development/HMS-Guides/wallet-guide-webpage
The pass has already been added. Enter the unique ID (serinumber) of another pass.
The template ID and service number are incorrect. Enter the values of passStyleIdentifier and passTypeIdentifier fields used during template creation on the server side.
Incorrect IssuerId. Enter the app ID generated app creation in AppGallery Connect.

Getting response from API - DialogFlow Chatbot

I am creating a chatbot using DialogFlow. Here, I am trying to get response from the API, which has been created by my development team (using python). They provided the API URL and requested to fetch data from it according to the users query. I have created a function in the inline editor and pasted the given API URL.
Below is the API format they have created,
“data”: [{
“pincode”: “”,
“location_formatted_address”: “”,
“user_id”: “”,
“department_name”: “Education”,
“locality”: “”,
“status”: “Select_Status”
Here, when a user gives a department name, it must respond the user with locality of that specific department.
In the Inline editor, I have applied the following logic to fetch the locality,
function getDatafromApI(agent){
const name = agent.parameters.name;
return getAPIData().then(res => {
res.data.map(issues => {
if(issues.department_name === name)
agent.add(`${name}. ${issues.locality}`);
intentMap.set('Fetch API', APIData);
In the above code, "name" is the parameter given in the intent section.
But, I am not getting any response. Any help?
The inline editor uses Firebase. You will have to upgrade to Firebase "Blaze" OR "Flame" plan as the "Spark"(free) plan does not allow external api calls.
However if you have already upgraded Firebase plan and still seeing this error, you can see the execution logs by clicking "view execution logs" link at bottom of Dialogflow fulfillment window.

Service Account for google sheets returns not found

I am trying to read a spreadsheet using a service account (I cannot use OAuth, which works, since the process will be running on a server to periodically check sheet data)
I tried several approaches. If I follow the example using oauth I can see the sheet values. However, I need the run the script without any GUI on the background.
I have found this tutorial https://github.com/juampynr/google-spreadsheet-reader
I have created a projec, service account, added viewer role, shared the spreadsheet with the service account email. Generated the key.
It seems that the test program can connect to the google services but the moment it request the spreadsheet the end result is "404 not found".
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$service_account_file = '/secrets/readsheetmar2019-08b737d1c1cb._portfolio_test.json';
$spreadsheet_id = '1TAWybckPrnWlQxBZh0ScDsFOvftwi2dvTBNGarSdY30';
$spreadsheet_range = '';
putenv('GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=' . $service_account_file);
$client = new Google_Client();
$service = new Google_Service_Sheets($client);
//added by me
if ($client->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
print "expired\n";
print "not expired\n";
$result = $service->spreadsheets_values->get($spreadsheet_id, $spreadsheet_range);
Error:PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Google_Service_Exception' with message '
Error 404 (Not Found)!!1
When the access token retrieved by OAuth2 is used, the Spreadsheet of $spreadsheet_id = '1TAWybckPrnWlQxBZh0ScDsFOvftwi2dvTBNGarSdY30'; can retrieve the values.
When the access token retrieved by Service Account is used, Error 404 (Not Found)!!1 is returned.
If my understanding is correct, please confirm the following points.
Confirmation points:
As a test run, please set the range $spreadsheet_range = '';.
For example, it's $spreadsheet_range = 'Sheet1'.
If the error message of The caller does not have permission is returned, please confirm as follows.
Whether the Spreadsheet of 1TAWybckPrnWlQxBZh0ScDsFOvftwi2dvTBNGarSdY30 is sharing the email of Service Account.
If you didn't share the Service Account to the Spreadsheet, please share the email of client_email in the file of readsheetmar2019-08b737d1c1cb._portfolio_test.json to the Spreadsheet you want to access.
If the error message of Google Sheets API has not been used in project ### before or it is disabled. is returned, please enable Sheets API.
If this was not the solution for your issue, I apologize.

Workday: Put_Customer returning an error

We are using Snaplogic to load records into workday. Currently, extracting customer records from the source and trying to load them into workday using the object Put_Customer of web service Revenue_Management.
I was getting the following error:
But I'm not getting any category information from the source. So, I tried putting the value for Customer_Category_Reference as 1. But I ended up getting the following error.
The documentation for workday is not helpful and this has been a blocker for me for some time now.
Any help will be appreciated.
Trying to get customer categories using the Get_Customer_Categories object of Revenue_Management web service using Snaplogic. But getting the following error:
Failure: Soap fault, Reason: Processing error occurred. The task submitted is not authorized., Resolution: Address SOAP fault message and retry
Unfortunately I don't have access to a tenant at this time to validate . However it is likely to work based in prior experience . Perhaps you could create a customer in Workday, through the GUI. Then do get customer API call. Note the category reference . Then, use that in your put customer call
If you look at the API documentation, you will find that Put_Customer accepts a WID in the Customer_WWS_Data object. If you search for "Customer Categories" in Workday, you will likely find the report of the same name. Just select the category that you want your newly loaded customers to default to (click on the magnifying class, then on the ellipsis, Integration Ids, View Ids). The Workday ID will appear at the top.
I have not used the Revenue Management API, but my code for creating a position reference in the Compensation API is probably very similar to what you need to do for the Customer Category reference:
public static Position_ElementObjectType getPositionReference(string WID) {
return new Position_ElementObjectType {
ID = new Position_ElementObjectIDType[] {
new Position_ElementObjectIDType {
type = "WID",
Value = WID