Postgresql - random_page_cost =1.1 and NVMe disk: slower query - postgresql

My SysAdmin colleague told me that the Postgres'hosts use NVME disk.
How can I check that with Linux command?
Why does the planner/optimizer seem to get it wrong when I set random_page_cost =1.1
To bench it, I created table t_1(id int):
CREATE TABLE t_1 (id int);
In the id column, I inserted random numbers between 1 and 10,000,000. I inserted 10 millions rows.
SET random_page_cost =1.1;
The query, using a Seq Scan, looks like this:
EXPLAIN (ANALYZE,BUFFERS) SELECT * from t_1 where id > 1600000;
And the result like this:
Seq Scan on t_1 (cost=0.00..169248.00 rows=8361406 width=4) (actual time=0.010..917.250 rows=8399172 loops=1)
Filter: (id > 1600000)
Rows Removed by Filter: 1600828
Buffers: shared hit=44248
Planning Time: 0.079 ms
Execution Time: 1301.160 ms
(6 lignes)
The query, using a Seq Scan, looks like that:
EXPLAIN (ANALYZE,BUFFERS) SELECT * from t_1 where id > 1700000;
And the result like that:
Index Only Scan using t_1_id_idx on t_1 (cost=0.43..166380.65 rows=8258658 width=4) (actual time=0.027..1309.272 rows=8300257 loops=1)
Index Cond: (id > 1700000)
Heap Fetches: 0
Buffers: shared hit=3176619
Planning Time: 0.070 ms
Execution Time: 1698.532 ms
(6 lignes)
On the internet, I read that it is recommended to set the random_page_cost ~= seq_page_cost because random accesses are as fast as sequential accesses with NVME disks.
Using an index requires reading random pages from disk; whereas reading the full table gets to read pages sequentially.
By decreasing the random_page_cost parameter, I notice that the planner favors the use of Indexes as expected, but to my surprise the execution time deteriorates.
My manager ask me to bench the random_page_cost parameter. How can I bench random_page_cost ?


Postgres: how do you optimize queries on date column with low selectivity?

I have a table with 143 million rows (and growing), its current size is 107GB. One of the columns in the table is of type date and it has low selectivity. For any given date, its reasonable to assume that there are somewhere between 0.5 to 4 million records with the same date value.
Now, if someone tries to do something like this:
select * from large_table where date_column > '2020-01-01' limit 100
It will execute "forever", and if you EXPLAIN ANALYZE it, you can see that its doing a table scan. So the first (and only so far) idea is to try and make this into an index scan. If Postgres can scan a subsection of an index and return the "limit" number of records, it sounds fast to me:
create index our_index_on_the_date_column ON large_table (date_column DESC);
VACUUM ANALYZE large_table;
EXPLAIN ANALYZE select * from large_table where date_column > '2020-01-01' limit 100;
Limit (cost=0.00..37.88 rows=100 width=893) (actual time=0.034..13.520 rows=100 loops=1)
-> Seq Scan on large_table (cost=0.00..13649986.80 rows=36034774 width=893) (actual time=0.033..13.506 rows=100 loops=1)
Filter: (date_column > '2020-01-01'::date)
Rows Removed by Filter: 7542
Planning Time: 0.168 ms
Execution Time: 18.412 ms
(6 rows)
It still reverts to a sequential scan. Please disregard the execution time as this took 11 minutes before caching came into action. We can force it to use the index, by reducing the number of returned columns to what's being covered by the index:
select date_column from large_table where date_column > '2019-01-15' limit 100
Limit (cost=0.57..3.42 rows=100 width=4) (actual time=0.051..0.064 rows=100 loops=1)
-> Index Only Scan using our_index_on_the_date_column on large_table (cost=0.57..907355.11 rows=31874888 width=4) (actual time=0.050..0.056 rows=100 loops=1)
Index Cond: (date_column > '2019-01-15'::date)
Heap Fetches: 0
Planning Time: 0.082 ms
Execution Time: 0.083 ms
(6 rows)
But this is of course a contrived example, since the table is very wide and covering all parts of the table in the index is not feasible.
So, anyone who can share some guidance on how to get some performance when using columns with low selectivity as predicates?

Covering index in Postgres 12

My table has 5500000 test records (Postgres 12).
I have an uncertainty because of big costs when I'm using a covering index on my tables.
So, I create index:
create index concurrently idx_log_type
on logs (log_type)
include (log_body);
After I execute a request:
explain (analyze)
select log_body
from logs where log_type = 1
limit 100;
I have getting a result:
Limit (cost=0.43..5.05 rows=100 width=33) (actual time=0.118..0.138 rows=100 loops=1)
- -> Index Only Scan using idx_log_type on logs (cost=0.43..125736.10 rows=2720667 width=33) (actual time=0.107..0.118 rows=100 loops=1)
Index Cond: (log_type = 1)
Heap Fetches: 0
Planning Time: 0.558 ms
Execution Time: 0.228 ms
At first glance, this is so good, but the cost range is very large.
Is this normal or should you optimize?
That's an artifact of EXPLAIN: it shows the cost for the complete index scan, just as if there were no LIMIT. But the whole plan is priced correctly.
So you can ignore the high upper cost limit on the index scan.

Inordinately slow Nested Loop with join on simple query

I'm running the query below against the primary key lt_id (no other index bar the pkey btree) and joining against 1000 ids.
It might be just my lack of experience with postgres but it seems like it's maybe an order of magnitude slow.. There are 800k rows in the table in total.
This is a low spec machine(4G mem) but still thought it should be faster. CPU is idle.
EXPLAIN (ANALYZE,BUFFERS) SELECT lt_id FROM "mytable" d INNER JOIN ( VALUES (1839147),(...998 more rows here...),(1756908)) v(id) ON (d.lt_id =;
Nested Loop (cost=0.42..7743.00 rows=1000 width=4) (actual time=69.852..20743.393 rows=1000 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=2395 read=1607
-> Values Scan on "*VALUES*" (cost=0.00..12.50 rows=1000 width=4) (actual time=0.004..4.770 rows=1000 loops=1)
-> Index Only Scan using lt_id_idx on mytable d (cost=0.42..7.73 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=20.732..20.732 rows=1 loops=1000)
Index Cond: (lt_id = "*VALUES*".column1)
Heap Fetches: 1000
Buffers: shared hit=2395 read=1607
Planning Time: 86.284 ms
Execution Time: 20744.223 ms
(9 rows)
psql 11.7 , I was using 9 but upgraded to 11.7 , no real difference in speed observed.
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 3783732 158076 3400932 55420 224724 3366832
Swap: 0 0 0
Even though it's low spec should it really be taking 20 seconds? In fact many other queries are taking twice as long or more. 20 seconds seems to be the best case scenario. There are a couple of other text columns in the table with some small text articles which I doubt is the issue.
I was previously using IN operator but observed similar or worse speeds.
I also made a couple of small changes from the default config, but it doesn't seem to make much difference.
work_mem = 32MB
shared_buffers = 512MB
Any ideas if this is expected performance given the machine? Or is there something else I can try?
edit: I guess what I'm curious about it the time in the actual loop
actual time=20.732..20.732 rows=1 loops=1000
It seems like the actual time is less than or equal 1ms per loop which in worst case would be less than 1 second for 1000 iterations and other operations also seem negligible. Does this mean the issue is simple IO ? slow disk ? What would typically be the situation here.
I notice if I run the query on my desktop which only has 8G ram but is using an SSD the query is massively faster..
Using an SSD is fine of course but I'd like to know if something in my config or query/setup is not optimal..
As #pifor suggested, set track_io_timing=on , can see that this is indeed almost entirely IO slowness..
Nested Loop (cost=0.42..7743.00 rows=1000 width=69) (actual time=0.026..14901.004 rows=1000 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=2859 read=1145
I/O Timings: read=14861.578
-> Values Scan on "*VALUES*" (cost=0.00..12.50 rows=1000 width=4) (actual time=0.002..5.497 rows=1000 loops=1)
-> Index Scan using mytable_pkey on mytable d (cost=0.42..7.73 rows=1 width=69) (actual time=14.888..14.888 rows=1 loops=1000)
Index Cond: (lt_id = "*VALUES*".column1)
Buffers: shared hit=2859 read=1145
I/O Timings: read=14861.578
Planning Time: 0.420 ms
Execution Time: 14901.734 ms
(10 rows)

Postgres slow when selecting many rows

I'm running Postgres 11.
I have a table with 1.000.000 (1 million) rows and each row has a size of 40 bytes (it contains 5 columns). That is equal to 40MB.
When I execute (directly executed on the DB via DBeaver, DataGrid ect.- not called via Node, Python ect.):
it takes 40 secs first time (is this not very slow even for the first time).
The CREATE statement of my tables:
CREATE TABLE public.my_table_1 (
c2 int8 NOT NULL,
c3 timestamptz NULL,
c4 float8 NOT NULL,
c5 float8 NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT my_table_1_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE INDEX my_table_1_c3_idx ON public.my_table_1 USING btree (c3);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX my_table_1_c2_idx ON public.my_table_1 USING btree (c2);
On 5 random tables: EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) select * from [table_1...2,3,4,5]
Seq Scan on table_1 (cost=0.00..666.06 rows=34406 width=41) (actual time=0.125..7.698 rows=34406 loops=1)
Buffers: shared read=322
Planning Time: 15.521 ms
Execution Time: 10.139 ms
Seq Scan on table_2 (cost=0.00..9734.87 rows=503187 width=41) (actual time=0.103..57.698 rows=503187 loops=1)
Buffers: shared read=4703
Planning Time: 14.265 ms
Execution Time: 74.240 ms
Seq Scan on table_3 (cost=0.00..3486217.40 rows=180205440 width=41) (actual time=0.022..14988.078 rows=180205379 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=7899 read=1676264
Planning Time: 0.413 ms
Execution Time: 20781.303 ms
Seq Scan on table_4 (cost=0.00..140219.73 rows=7248073 width=41) (actual time=13.638..978.125 rows=7247991 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=7394 read=60345
Planning Time: 0.246 ms
Execution Time: 1264.766 ms
Seq Scan on table_5 (cost=0.00..348132.60 rows=17995260 width=41) (actual time=13.648..2138.741 rows=17995174 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=82 read=168098
Planning Time: 0.339 ms
Execution Time: 2730.355 ms
When I add a LIMIT 1.000.000 to table_5 (it contains 1.7 million rows)
Limit (cost=0.00..19345.79 rows=1000000 width=41) (actual time=0.007..131.939 rows=1000000 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=9346
-> Seq Scan on table_5(cost=0.00..348132.60 rows=17995260 width=41) (actual time=0.006..68.635 rows=1000000 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=9346
Planning Time: 0.048 ms
Execution Time: 164.133 ms
When I add a WHERE clause between 2 dates (I'm monitored the query below with DataDog software and the results are here (max.~ 31K rows/sec when fetching):
Seq Scan on table_5 (cost=0.00..438108.90 rows=17862027 width=41) (actual time=0.026..2070.047 rows=17866766 loops=1)
Filter: (('2018-01-01 00:00:00+04'::timestamp with time zone < matchdate) AND (matchdate < '2020-01-01 00:00:00+04'::timestamp with time zone))
Rows Removed by Filter: 128408
Buffers: shared hit=168180
Planning Time: 14.820 ms
Execution Time: 2673.171 ms
All tables has an unique index on the c3 column.
The size of the database is like 500GB in total.
The server has 16 cores and 112GB M2 memory.
I have tried to optimize Postgres system variables - Like: WorkMem(1GB), shared_buffer(50GB), effective_cache_size (20GB) - But it doesn't seems to change anything (I know the settings has been applied - because I can see a big difference in the amount of idle memory the server has allocated).
I know the database is too big for all data to be in memory. But is there anything I can do to boost the performance / speed of my query?
Make sure CreatedDate is indexed.
Make sure CreatedDate is using the date column type. This will be more efficient on storage (just 4 bytes), performance, and you can use all the built in date formatting and functions.
Avoid select * and only select the columns you need.
Use YYYY-MM-DD ISO 8601 format. This has nothing to do with performance, but it will avoid a lot of ambiguity.
The real problem is likely that you have thousands of tables with which you regularly make unions of hundreds of tables. This indicates a need to redesign your schema to simplify your queries and get better performance.
Unions and date change checks suggest a lot of redundancy. Perhaps you've partitioned your tables by date. Postgres has its own built in table partitioning which might help.
Without more detail that's all I can say. Perhaps ask another question about your schema.
Without seeing EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS), all we can do is speculate.
But we can do some pretty good speculation.
Cluster the tables on the index on CreatedDate. This will allow the data to be accessed more sequentially, allowing more read-ahead (but this might not help much for some kinds of storage). If the tables have high write load, they may not stay clustered and so you would have recluster them occasionally. If they are static, this could be a one-time event.
Get more RAM. If you want to perform as if all the data was in memory, then get all the data into memory.
Get faster storage, like top-notch SSD. It isn't as fast as RAM, but much faster than HDD.

Why is Postgres not using index on a simple GROUP BY?

I have created a 36M rows table with an index on type column:
(random()*36000000)::integer AS id,
(random()*10000)::integer AS type,
md5(random()::text) AS s
CREATE INDEX items_type_idx ON items USING btree ("type");
I run this simple query and expect postgresql to use my index:
explain select count(*) from "items" group by "type";
But the query planner decides to use Seq Scan instead:
HashAggregate (cost=734592.00..734627.90 rows=3590 width=12) (actual time=6477.913..6478.344 rows=3601 loops=1)
Group Key: type
-> Seq Scan on items (cost=0.00..554593.00 rows=35999800 width=4) (actual time=0.044..1820.522 rows=36000000 loops=1)
Planning time: 0.107 ms
Execution time: 6478.525 ms
Time without EXPLAIN: 5s 979ms
I have tried several solutions from here and here:
Configure default_statistics_target, random_page_cost, work_mem
but nothing helps apart from setting enable_seqscan = OFF:
SET enable_seqscan = OFF;
explain select count(*) from "items" group by "type";
GroupAggregate (cost=0.56..1114880.46 rows=3590 width=12) (actual time=5.637..5256.406 rows=3601 loops=1)
Group Key: type
-> Index Only Scan using items_type_idx on items (cost=0.56..934845.56 rows=35999800 width=4) (actual time=0.074..2783.896 rows=36000000 loops=1)
Heap Fetches: 0
Planning time: 0.103 ms
Execution time: 5256.667 ms
Time without EXPLAIN: 659ms
Query with index scan is about 10x faster on my machine.
Is there a better solution than setting enable_seqscan?
My postgresql version is 9.6.3, work_mem = 4MB (tried 64MB), random_page_cost = 4 (tried 1.1), max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0 (tried 4).
I have tried to fill type column not with random numbers, but with i / 10000 to make pg_stats.correlation = 1 - still seqscan.
#jgh is 100% right:
This typically only happens when the table's row width is much wider than some indexes
I've made large column data and now postgres use index. Thanks everyone!
The Index-only scans wiki says
It is important to realise that the planner is concerned with
minimising the total cost of the query. With databases, the cost of
I/O typically dominates. For that reason, "count(*) without any
predicate" queries will only use an index-only scan if the index is
significantly smaller than its table. This typically only happens when
the table's row width is much wider than some indexes'.
Index-only scans are only used when the planner surmises that that
will reduce the total amount of I/O required, according to its
imperfect cost-based modelling. This all heavily depends on visibility
of tuples, if an index would be used anyway (i.e. how selective a
predicate is, etc), and if there is actually an index available that
could be used by an index-only scan in principle
Accordingly, your index is not considered "significantly smaller" and the entire dataset is to be read, which leads the planner in using a seq scan