How parameterize a variable number of properties in Katalon Selected Locator? - katalon-studio

The XPath Selected Locator can be set as follows:
This can be located using e.g. findTestObject('TxtColName', ['col' : '19'])
How can / Is it possible to have a variable number of tds in the Selected Locator and in the findTestObject call?


Find and Replace with Visual Studio Code to replace cell alignment with a class

Since the align attribute is considered obselete I am cleaning up code to remove it and replace with a CSS class. I'm trying to determine if there is a way to do this using find and replace (or something else) in VS Code.
As an example, I might have some html that looks like this:
<td align="left" class="someclass" id="mainTitleCell" title="Title1">Title1</td>
<td align="center" title="Title2">Title2</td>
<td class="someclass" align="right" title="Title3">Title3</td> <!-- attributes are not always in the same order -->
<td align="left">Title</td>
<td align="center">Title</td>
<td align="right">Title</td>
which I would like to change to
<td class="left someclass" id="mainTitleCell" title="Title1">Title1</td>
<td class="center" title="Title2">Title2</td>
<td class="right someclass" title="Title3">Title3</td>
<td class="left">Content</td>
<td class="center">Content</td>
<td class="right">Content</td>
Basically removing the align attribute and either adding a class attribute with a specific value OR adding a specific value to an existing class attribute. Is there a way to do this with the Edit...Replace option in VS Code? I know I can find based on a regex but not sure how I would go about the replace since this becomes
Find the align tag
Remove it
Find a class attribute in the <td> or <th> tag and add the appropriate class
If there is no class attribute, add one with the appropriate class.
Obviously step #1 & 2 are easy, it's #3 & 4 that I'm not sure of. I'd be totally happy with having to run 3 separate find and replace commands (one for left, center and right).
Do I have any options here (I am open to extensions)?
#Mark had the right answer and I was able to chain together several find and replace commands using the Replace Rules extension. With that I can open a file, run a single keystroke to find and replace everything and clean up the extra spaces in the class attribute.
Try this:
Find: align="(.*?)"(.*?) class="(.*?)"|class="(.*?)"(.*?) align="(.*?)"|align="(.*?)"
Replace: class="$7$1$6 $3$4"$2$5
See regex101 demo.
I'm a little surprised this works as well as it does (I included a couple of other test cases you didn't). The only issue (thus far...) is that it can result in one stray space, as in:
<td class="left ">Title</td> // only happens when there is no class attribute
as you can see in the demo page. You could then search for " and replace with just ". It could be handled by a conditional replacement but vscode find/replace doesn't allow those.
To some degree attributes will be re-ordered so that the class attribute is first, but not always - you didn't mention that as a concern - any attribute that occurs before either the first class or align attribute will not be moved. Otherwise, attributes like id or title if they are between class<->attribute (in any order) will be put last.

Cannot define Row Class to Footable

I'm using jQuery Footable V3 and trying to using the class="" attribute to but when the table is initialized the class attr desappear
Here is my example
<table class="table footable " data-page-size="20" data-paging="true" data-filtering="true" data-sorting="true" ">
<th data-type="number" data-breakpoints="all" >ID</th>
<th data-sortable="false" data-filterable="false" data-formatter="formatter">X</th>
<th data-type="text" data-sortable="true"><?=_("Descripción")?></th>
<tr class="danger">
<td>1111111111111</td> </tbody> </table>
Not only class attributes are removed from static tables (where HTML was already created before footable() call) but also HTML inside TD (links, images etc.) with current version 3.0.1.
The current FT 3 documentation is misleading concerning "static" tables, partially wrong.
Have a look at Github issues. You'll find some related to your question.
The best way to avoid this behavior is to load table rows and columns via JSON strings e.g. created with PHP.
Or to use workarounds. Use attributes like data-myclass="danger" and convert it via JQuery to class attribute after FT has been initialized. Sometimes slow!
Or use FT 2 until developers post a statement or maybe new version 3.

PHPTAL Dynamic Table Generation

I find myself creating various tables for tabular data quite a bit, and would like to create a macro that can dynamically create tables based on a data structure defined in the calling template (not in the PHP code). Here's a simplistic example:
<!-- Define the macro -->
<tal:block metal:define-macro="table">
<tr tal:repeat="row data">
<td tal:repeat="col row" tal:content="col" />
<!-- Use the macro -->
<tal:block tal:define="data ???" metal:use-macro="table" />
What I'm looking for is how to define data (an array structure) from within PHPTAL itself. The reason I can't define this as a template variable in PHP (ex. $tpl->data = array(...)) is because the order and layout of the data belongs in the template. So, for example, if I wanted to flip the X and Y axes of the table, I should only have to modify the template, not the PHP code.
To give an example, say I have arbitrary template variables foo, bar, and baz. I can use these in the templates like so:
<span tal:content="foo" /><br />
<span tal:content="bar" /><br />
<span tal:content="baz" />
How can I construct these variables into a two-dimensional data structure of rows and columns which I can then feed into a table-generating macro? Something like this (note: this doesn't actually work):
<tal:block tal:define="data [foo, bar; baz]" metal:use-macro="table" />
Where the desired output from the macro would be:
And later on, if I wanted to swap the positions of foo and bar, I'd only need to modify the template and change the definition of data to data [bar, foo; baz].
You should probably use helper methods, e.g. either php:transpose_table(input_data) or wrap it in a TALES function:
function phptal_tales_transposed($expr, $nothrow) {
return 'transpose_table(' . phptal_tales($expr, $nothrow) . ')';
<tal:block tal:define="data transposed:input_data" metal:use-macro="table" />
Transposition or sorting in PHPTAL itself would be unnecessarily complicated (PHPTAL is not XSLT :)
Answer to edit :)
If you want to combine multiple variables into array, then use:
<tal:block tal:define="data php:array(foo, bar, baz)" metal:use-macro="table" />
array_chunk() function may be useful if you want to have certain number of columns.
and if you like custom syntax, then write phptal_tales_… function that translates your […] syntax to PHP code.
For a Generic Table Generation: PHPTAL: Repeat Column headers and values
<th tal:repeat="r results/0">${repeat/r/key}</th>
<tal:block tal:repeat="r results">
<td tal:repeat="t r">${t}</td>

How to parse a URL from string in selenium IDE

I am using SIDE 1.3.0 along with FF 6.0.2.
I stored a string using store text command which contains a "URL" by using the following command.
which results as
MyCode = "<iframe src="" height="650" width="605" frameBorder="0"></iframe>"
I need to have only the URL part in another variable from the string above ""
in order to proceed with the remaining test case. Thanks in advance.
Something like:
<td>'${MyCode}'.replace(/.*src="(.*?)".*/, $1)</td>
This will use JavaScript to set a variable called url to the value of the src attribute within your MyCode variable.
The first command below stores the href attribute of any element, you can modify it to your needs.
The third command uses javascript to get the pathname attribute of the DOM object.
Hope this answers your question.
If you open the IDE click on the source tab in the main window and copy and paste the code below between the tags, you'll be able to run the test on this page, or any other stack overflow page.

ZF error decorator. How to wrap error decorator into <tr><td>?

I know that it's possible to create own decorator but I'm interested in is it possible to create it throught the standart error decorator?
I would like to get smth like this:
Regrettably, as of ZF version 1.11.7, only a single tag is supported when it comes to wrapping forms, form elements or individual decorators. You will indeed require a custom decorator.