Need assistance in .java code which is pushed to bitbucket - eclipse

I have made changes in one of the .java code through eclipse and push it to the bitbucket but even after that the error is showing , how do i confirm that my changes are there reflected or not on bitbucket?

the error is showing
It should be an error showing locally
Beside accessing Bitbucket directly on a web browser, you can also check if the error persists by cloning the repository in a new empty folder (outside your current local repository folder), and import it in Eclipse for testing.


Git hub project _ Learning)

I am working on a simple project to learn github. After I worked on my project in eclipse on my local computer, I pushed my project to github for other teammates. A second member of my team pulled this project from github and pushed back to github after making some changes. Now this morning I want to pull this updated project from github to my local machine (eclipse) so I can work on this updated project.
How can I pull this updated project from github to direct into eclipse on my local computer .
I am tried to do:
"git clone" but it is not directly going to eclipse. If I save this project on my machine and then try to import into eclipse I got error message, "can not import, there is already one project exist with same name".
I did not see pull option in eclipse under:
Right click on project - team - Pull
Any suggestions??
Thank you in advance for all your help
I'll make one point that I'm not certain you do NOT understand, but as I often see this misunderstood, I'll point it out.
You should separate the notion of "git repository" and "project". When you clone a git repository from github (or bitbucket, or some central repository), you should store it in a directory tree outside of your Eclipse workspace. You then should right-click on the repository and select "Import..." to create a project from the contents of that repository.
Related to that, you should look for the "Pull" operation on the repository entry, not the project. I recommend to display the Git Repositories view on the left side, below the Package/Project Explorer, and make sure that you attempt all git operations in that view, instead of the Package Explorer view.
The only detail from your original post that I can address is the error about already having a project with that name. That error message is not ambiguous at all. You already had a project with that name. I have no idea whether that project was a copy of the repository that you had somehow already imported, or whether it's an empty project, or what. You don't provide any information about that.

Eclipse git error when pushing to remote: Transport Error: Cannot get remote repository refs

I started a Static Web Project in Eclipse to share the project in a remote Git repository as a backup and to possibly share with others.
Created a git repository in the project's folder C:\workspace\projectname.
Committed (added/staged) everything in the C:\workspace\projectname including the .project file and everything in the C:\workspace\projectname\.settings directory as initial commit (because I thought I want to be able to clone the project again from the repository in the future).
Created a remote repository at rocketgit due to its simpler features and ToS.
After everything had been commited, I right clicked the project's repository in the Git Repository view in Eclipse, clicked Remote -> Push.
I entered https as protocol, as host, users/username/repositoryname as repository path. Entered my username and password, clicked Next.
But a Problem Occurred dialog shows up, with detail `Transport Error:
Cannot get remote repository refs. not found`.
How do I resolve this? What does this error mean? Can someone explain a solution. Thanks
users\username\repositoryname as repository path.
"users\username\repositoryname" looks like a path on your disk, not to a remote repo URL.
A proper URL would be https://yourServer/<user>/<reponame>, or ssh://git#yourServer/<user>/<reponame>.
I don't know which one RockertGit does support, but using GitHub, GitLab or BitBucket would work.

VSTS is showing an empty repo

I am using VSTS to share my project's code, but since a couple of days I am facing this weird issue:
using a web browser I can navigate to the git repo Project on VSTS and it is showing my repo is empty!
<-- screen capture
inside the web page where it is showing the repo is empty I copied and pasted the URL where it says "Clone to your computer"
I am able to clone the repo using the URL above, into a fresh local repo with no issue, and navigate between the different branches and files after a clean clone, but using a web browser it shows the repot is empty!
how to solve it? probably it is a minor issue, but I am a little worried because it says like my repo was erased or it is empty :/

Pulling a project from GitHub with EGit

I've setup a private GitHub account to make it easier for me to work on the same project on both my desktop and my laptop when I'm not at home. The project was originally on my laptop, so I configured EGit to push and commit to my private repo. That worked successfully, and now I can see my project when I log onto GitHub. I'm now trying to pull that project onto my desktop. I did the same configurations , and in the Git Repository View within Eclipse I can see Remotes->origin-> the Push/Fetch streams. I tried to fetch, and that placed an origin/master branch under git\branches\Remote Tracking. But I can't seem to do anything with it.
I'm not sure what to do next, or if I made a mistake somewhere?
Now just right click it and Create branch.... This will make a local branch that will track this remote branch. When you push Eclipse should automatically configure everything so that origin/master will get updated.
Check out the local branch to start working.
To import the project from working copy select the following:
If you have checked in your configuration files (.project, .classpath etc) you will get a list of all available projects in the repo to import to workspace. If not you will need to import them manually.

Trying to share previously deleted project in SVN I get odd message

I erroneously shared a locally developed project into trunk. I deleted it in Eclipse SVN Repository Exploring view. It no longer appears in the repository view. Then I tried to share the project into the correct branch and I get this message:
The project "Project1" already exists in repository and has some
content. To connect the local project to the specified location, the
repository folder content should be checked out. Please consider that
applying local changes can cause resource conflicts. For example, if
the local file has the same name as the remote directory the working
copy of the file will be obstructed.
Do you wish to proceed ?
There is no project with that name in SVN that I can see.
After trying unsuccessfully to find any references to this message I chose yes for proceed. Then it looked like it was uploading multiple projects and files that didn't belong to this project -- the title on the dialog box was Share Projects rather than Share Project as well -- so I pressed cancel.
Anybody know what is happening here?