Getting issue in Flutter app in Facebook login feature - flutter

I am using flutter 1.22.5 and Facebook plugin flutter_facebook_login: 3.0.0
to provide feature of Sign in with Facebook. Currently facing this error.
App not active: This app is not currently accessible and the app developer is aware of the issue. you will be able to log in when the app is reactivated
For other dependency I am not allowed to update flutter or Facebook plugin version.
Can someone guide me, Thanks in advance.

This answer is recent and may help. The error may not be linked to your code, but I recommend that you try to update your code to a SDK latest Flutter version.


Flutter how check if an application is installed from Google Play?

Some of my applications are downloaded from the playmarket, ads are removed and posted on various sites in apk format for manual installation. Is there any legal way in flutter to check when the application is launched how it was installed?
There is currently a package developed that checks exactly what you want.

While publing app on playstore got : Please upgrade to Billing Library version 3 or newer to publish this app

While publing app on playstore got : Error We've detected this app uses an unsupported version of Play billing. Please upgrade to Billing Library version 3 or newer to publish this app.
Okay I got solution , I just updated all deprecated libraries.
I was using Flutter 1.22.4, I migrated my project to Flutter 2.5.3 (Latest one as of nov-2021) everything solved.
I faced the same issue, here is some workaround worked for me.
In your android>app>build.gradle add following line in dependencies.
implementation (''){ force = true }

Flutter health plugin "Authorization not granted"

I am using the flutter health package. It is working fine on iOS but on Android, it kept saying "Authorization is not granted".
I followed the example to get the fitness API on the google developer console and OAuth Client ID. But I don't know how to set it in my flutter app if it is needed. Thank you.
I've got it working by following this advice on the package Github repo. But I am open to more answers. Thanks
This solution can cause conflict and raise the "version solving failed" exception when using it together with the location package.
The best way, for now, is to use health: 3.0.4 as a workaround.

FIREBASE_AUTH_API is not available on this device

I have followed the new Google Firebase guide for Facebook sign-in on Android but I am consistently getting the following error on a particular device.
FirebaseAuth:signInWithCredential failed API: InternalFirebaseAuth.FIREBASE_AUTH_API is not available on this device.
On other devices it seems to work fine. The device is Moto X Play running Android 6.0.1. It also has Google Play Services 9.0.83. I tried a complete uninstall and reinstall with no luck.
This was a bug affecting the 9.0.0 and 9.0.1 versions of the SDK. It has been fixed as of SDK version 9.0.2.
Update the Google repository via the Android SDK manager and then change your gradle dependency to:
compile ''
See incident details here.
As Alfonso says in the comments, there is an issue we are seeing where some users don't have the Firebase Auth API available even though they have Google Play services 9.0.83.
That's a bug - sorry about that - and is being investigated at the moment. If you're seeing it, please raise an issue in the troubleshooting page with any further details of the device where you had the problem.

Cordova / phonegap tracking APPs install with Facebook SDK

Related question: How do I implement Facebook Mobile Install Ad tracking in Phonegap/Cordova project?
I have a working cordova/phonegap application. I would like to track the APP install using the plugin facebook. I installed the cordova facebook connect plugin with:
cordova plugin add --variable APP_ID="myappid" --variable APP_NAME="myappname"
The plugin is installed and usable as this report 'true':
alert('fb plugin usable: ' + typeof facebookConnectPlugin != 'undefined')
However I am no seeing anything in the "Most recently logged events" in the facebook developer section for this app. I added the correct Package Name and Class Name in the settings but the events are not just showing up.
Is there anything that I am missing or more info that I can provide ? I cannot find a good tutorial on this that explains the full process.
Should the APP install event just be logged by adding the plugin without any JS call in the app?
I dug a bit in the plugin implementation and noted the activateApp was not implement at all. I cloned the repo and add the functionality for Android [following the FB guide for android ]:
The modifications required on the code are: code changes in plugin and : how to use in the JS code. In this way I can just call
facebookConnectPlugin.activateApp(fb_success, fb_fail);
where the callbacks are just dummy empty function.
and the FB is SDK tracks when there is an installation. I noticed however that the events are generated only when there is a FB app installed on the device [do not know if this is supposed to be like that].
Probably my solution is old, I guess that now the official plugin for Facebook has already the feature implemented directly without the need of any additional customization in the JS files or touching the Java files.