Basically All the time I need to inspect how my CSS animation is there way to inspect CSS animation in chrome dev tools?
Chromium (Chrome/Edge/Opera):
Open Command Menu (Cmd+Shift+P or Ctrl+Shift+P) > Run "Show Animations" and press Enter. This will open the Animations drawer. Trigger the animation to record it on the timeline. The Animations drawer is divided into 4 sections,
Controls: From here, you can clear all currently captured animation groups, or change the speed of the currently selected animation group.
Overview: Select an animation group here to inspect and modify it in the Details pane.
Timeline: Pause and start an animation from here, or jump to a specific point in the animation.
Details: Inspect and modify the currently selected animation group like adding delay or changing timing duration.
Inspect the element that uses CSS animations. Open the Animations pane from the right sidebar. Trigger the animation to view a synchronized timeline in the pane. Use the draggable widget to scrub through the timeline or jump to a specific point. You can also change the playback speed and do much more.
Open devtools > Open the "Timelines" tab > Ensure that "Media and Animations" is enabled in the left panel.
Now reload the page or trigger the animation to see the timeline in the bottom panel.
More info:
Can I DevTools
Official Docs
YouTube video
There are two ways to open the Animations tab:
Customize and control DevTools > More tools > Animations.
Open the Command Menu by pressing one of the following: On macOS:
Command + Option + C. On Windows, Linux, or ChromeOS: Control +
Shift + C. Then start typing Show Animations and select the
corresponding Drawer panel.
Read the article and hopefully find a great solution:
In Visual Studio Code, is there any way to force the auto-scrolling option of the Output panel permanently enabled?
At the moment I have to click on the lock button every time I build my project to disable the scroll lock or better to say enable the auto-scrolling feature and this is so annoying.
I took a look at the settings but couldn't find any relevant parameter there.
Any ideas?
An option to turn off the smart scroll feature was included in one of the recent updates (probably in the March 2020 update, I didn't find it in the changelog), see more: issue #69480
Since then, I've been able to "save" the scroll state, try this:
Go to File > Preferences > Settings (or Ctrl + ,)
In Features > Output, disable Smart Scroll option (or search output.smartScroll.enabled)
Tested with VSCode version 1.45.1 and CodeRunner 0.10.0
Smart scrolling allows you to lock scrolling automatically when you
click in the output view and unlocks when you click in the last line
So clicking on the last line will auto scroll to the last line. I made a habit of doing that. Of course disabling Smart Scrolling is the permanent solution.
Is there a setting to change the click behavior in the scrollbar to page up/down instead of jumping to the location in the file? This is the usual scrollbar behavior in almost every other applications except maybe unix applications.
A suggestion could be:
Left click: page up/down
Right click: jump to location
There is a setting for this now:
Editor: Scroll by Page
Controls whether clicks scrolls by page or
jumps to click position.
With that setting enabled, the editor will scroll by one viewport page when clicking anywhere above or below the scrollThumb. With it not enabled (the default) it will scroll to the position in the scroll track where you clicked.
This behavior does not currently exist. I suggest opening a feature request on github.
If, like me, you've been brought to this page despite putting "Visual Studio" into your web search, you can modify this behaviour in the full blown Visual Studio as follows:
Tools > Options > Text Editor > All Languages > Scroll Bars
Under "Behavior", toggle between bar mode and map mode
More information can be found by reading the Microsoft Docs for this feature.
I'm new to Visual Code and I have a small question.
You have two buttons circled in red line. The first button opens the Explorer window and the second circled button opens the Debug window.
I want to have both of these windows open. Do you know how to do it?
This is not possible as of VSCode 1.13
A feature request for showing multiple panels was tracked here but the issue has been closed as as-designed. If you are passionate about the problem, please file a new issue to see if thinking on this has changed in the past year
V1.43 will have the ability to move various views, like Variables, Watch and Callstack from the sidebar to the panel (it works nicely in the Insiders' Build v.1.43). Demo:
See v1.43 release notes: with a demo gif of dragging views to and from the panel.
and this setting:
We've introduced a new command to make moving views easier
with the keyboard: View: Move Focused View
And finally, this is a preview feature. So, in case you get into a
state that you can't fix, there is a command to reset all views to
their original locations: View: Reset View Locations
When we use Chrome developer tools for inspecting elements, top panel will show up where we can choose which device chrome will emulate, what network throttle setting, there will also be a ruler top and sideways... is there an option to temporarely remove all that?
I work on laptop and my screen isn't as big as I would like to, and when inspecting elements, it becomes even smaller, and at lot of times I don't need those options.
There is only a button for hiding media queries and it helps a bit.
It is the result of mobile emulation mode. There is a small button on the left side of the menu bar. It looks like a phone. You can click on and switch off the emulation mode.
In the main Dev tool window, click on the kebob menu and then Toggle device Toolbar.
When using the Chrome Dev Tools window detached from the browser window, is it possible to change the layout to be split vertically instead of horizontally?
In the Dev Tool options there is an option to split vertically but it only applies when the Dev Tools window is attached to the right side of the browser window. Doesn't have any effect when the window is detached.
See the screenshot below: Things are too cramped with the horizontally laid out panels. If you could lay them out vertically it would be perfect.
Is this possible?
It looks like Panel layout setting is now respected in detached windows (tested in Chrome 55).
Original, outdated, answer below.
This is not an exposed option, but it's possible:
undock DevTools window (A),
focus on that window and hit alt+cmd+J,
this will open another DevTools window (B) - in that window's console execute
close window B
The only issue here is that this change will not "stick". For each DevTools window you'll have to repeat above procedure. However, if you'd like this option to stick and to be exposed in the DevTools settings you can file a feature request on
yes you can. just hold the doc button and you will get the option to view vertically. Or you can use the show windows side by side from the task bar.