Plot Pytorch vectors with TSNE - scipy

I am using the ESM-1b model to train it with some protein sequences. I already have the vectors and now I wanted to plot them using TSNE. However, when I try to pass the vectors to the TSNE model I get:
'list' object has no attribute 'shape'`
How should I plot the Pytorch vectors (they are Pytorch tensors, actually)?
The code I have so far:
sequence_representations = []
for i, (_, seq) in enumerate(new_list):
sequence_representations.append(token_representations[i, 1 : len(seq) + 1].mean(0))
This is an example of the Pytorch tensors I have (sequence_representations):
[tensor([-0.0054, 0.1090, -0.0046, ..., 0.0465, 0.0426, -0.0675]),
tensor([-0.0025, 0.0228, -0.0521, ..., -0.0611, 0.1010, -0.0103]),
tensor([ 0.1168, -0.0189, -0.0121, ..., -0.0388, 0.0586, -0.0285]),......
X_embedded = TSNE(n_components=2, learning_rate='auto', init='random').fit_transform(sequence_representations) #Where I get the error

Assuming you are using scipy's TSNE, you'll need sequence_representations to be
ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features)
Right now have a list of pytorch tensors.
To convert sequence_representations to a numpy ndarray you'll need:
seq_np = torch.stack(sequence_representations) # from list of 1d tensors to a 2d tensor
seq_np = seq_np.numpy() # convert to numpy


Merging two tensors by convolution in Keras

I'm trying to convolve two 1D tensors in Keras.
I get two inputs from other models:
x - of length 100
ker - of length 5
I would like to get the 1D convolution of x using the kernel ker.
I wrote a Lambda layer to do it:
import tensorflow as tf
def convolve1d(x):
y = tf.nn.conv1d(value=x[0], filters=x[1], padding='VALID', stride=1)
return y
x = Input(shape=(100,))
ker = Input(shape=(5,))
y = Lambda(convolve1d)([x,ker])
model = Model([x,ker], [y])
I get the following error:
ValueError: Shape must be rank 4 but is rank 3 for 'lambda_67/conv1d/Conv2D' (op: 'Conv2D') with input shapes: [?,1,100], [1,?,5].
Can anyone help me understand how to fix it?
It was much harder than I expected because Keras and Tensorflow don't expect any batch dimension in the convolution kernel so I had to write the loop over the batch dimension myself, which requires to specify batch_shape instead of just shape in the Input layer. Here it is :
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import keras
from keras import backend as K
from keras import Input, Model
from keras.layers import Lambda
def convolve1d(x):
input, kernel = x
output_list = []
if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_last':
kernel = K.expand_dims(kernel, axis=-2)
kernel = K.expand_dims(kernel, axis=0)
for i in range(batch_size): # Loop over batch dimension
output_temp = tf.nn.conv1d(value=input[i:i+1, :, :],
filters=kernel[i, :, :],
return K.concatenate(output_list, axis=0)
batch_input_shape = (1, 100, 1)
batch_kernel_shape = (1, 5, 1)
x = Input(batch_shape=batch_input_shape)
ker = Input(batch_shape=batch_kernel_shape)
y = Lambda(convolve1d)([x,ker])
model = Model([x, ker], [y])
a = np.ones(batch_input_shape)
b = np.ones(batch_kernel_shape)
c = model.predict([a, b])
In the current state :
It doesn't work for inputs (x) with multiple channels.
If you provide several filters, you get as many outputs, each being the convolution of the input with the corresponding kernel.
From given code it is difficult to point out what you mean when you say
is it possible
But if what you mean is to merge two layers and feed merged layer to convulation, yes it is possible.
x = Input(shape=(100,))
ker = Input(shape=(5,))
merged = keras.layers.concatenate([x,ker], axis=-1)
y = K.conv1d(merged, 'same')
model = Model([x,ker], y)
#user2179331 thanks for clarifying your intention. Now you are using Lambda Class incorrectly, that is why the error message is showing.
But what you are trying to do can be achieved using keras.backend layers.
Though be noted that when using lower level layers you will lose some higher level abstraction. E.g when using keras.backend.conv1d you need to have input shape of (BATCH_SIZE,width, channels) and kernel with shape of (kernel_size,input_channels,output_channels). So in your case let as assume the x has channels of 1(input channels ==1) and y also have the same number of channels(output channels == 1).
So your code now can be refactored as follows
from keras import backend as K
def convolve1d(x,kernel):
y = K.conv1d(x,kernel, padding='valid', strides=1,data_format="channels_last")
return y
input_channels = 1
output_channels = 1
kernel_width = 5
input_width = 100
ker = K.variable(K.random_uniform([kernel_width,input_channels,output_channels]),K.floatx())
x = Input(shape=(input_width,input_channels)
y = convolve1d(x,ker)
I guess I have understood what you mean. Given the wrong example code below:
input_signal = Input(shape=(L), name='input_signal')
input_h = Input(shape=(N), name='input_h')
faded= Lambda(lambda x: tf.nn.conv1d(input, x))(input_h)
You want to convolute each signal vector with different fading coefficients vector.
The 'conv' operation in TensorFlow, etc. tf.nn.conv1d, only support a fixed value kernel. Therefore, the code above can not run as you want.
I have no idea, too. The code you given can run normally, however, it is too complex and not efficient. In my idea, another feasible but also inefficient way is to multiply with the Toeplitz matrix whose row vector is the shifted fading coefficients vector. When the signal vector is too long, the matrix will be extremely large.

How to build a recurrent neural net in Keras where each input goes through a layer first?

I'm trying to build an neural net in Keras that would look like this:
Where x_1, x_2, ... are input vectors that undergo the same transformation f. f is itself a layer whose parameters must be learned. The sequence length n is variable across instances.
I'm having trouble understanding two things here:
What should the input look like?
I'm thinking of a 2D tensor with shape (number_of_x_inputs, x_dimension), where x_dimension is the length of a single vector $x$. Can such 2D tensor have a variable shape? I know tensors can have variable shapes for batch processing, but I don't know if that helps me here.
How do I pass each input vector through the same transformation before feeding it to the RNN layer?
Is there a way to sort of extend for example a GRU so that an f layer is added before going through the actual GRU cell?
I'm not an expert, but I hope this helps.
Question 1:
Vectors x1, x2... xn can have different shapes, but I'm not sure if the instances of x1 can have different shapes. When I have different shapes I usually pad the short sequences with 0s.
Question 2:
I'm not sure about extending a GRU, but I would do something like this:
x_dims = [50, 40, 30, 20, 10]
n = 5
def network():
shared_f = Conv1D(5, 3, activation='relu')
shated_LSTM = LSTM(10)
inputs = []
to_concat = []
for i in range(n):
x_i = Input(shape=(x_dims[i], 1), name='x_' + str(i))
step1 = shared_f(x_i)
merged = concatenate(to_concat)
final = Dense(2, activation='softmax')(merged)
model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=[final])
# model = Model(inputs=[sequence], outputs=[part1])
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
return model
m = network()
In this example, I used a Conv1D as the shared f transformation, but you could use something else (Embedding, etc.).

Keras Lambda Layer for matrix vector multiplication

I am trying to have a lambda layer in keras that performs a vector matrix multiplication, before passing it to another layer. The matrix is fixed (I don't want to learn it). Code below:
model.add(Lambda(lambda x:
model.add(Dense(output_shape, activation='softmax'))
model.compile(<stuff here>)}
A is the fixed matrix, and I want to do
WHen I run this, I get the following error:
'Tensor' object has no attribute 'dot'
Same Error when I replace dot with matmul (I am using tensorflow backend)
Finally, when I replace the lambda layer by
model.add(Lambda(lambda x: x*A))
I get the error below:
model.add(Lambda(lambda x: x*G))
model.add(Dense(output_shape, activation='softmax'))
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute '_dims'
I'm new to Keras so any help will be appreciated. Thanks
I think you can add a Dense layer with the initial weight being the matrix A, and set the arguments trainable=False and use_bias=False. This layer will be equivalent to a fixed matrix multiplication.
model.add(Dense(A.shape[1], trainable=False, weights=[A], use_bias=False))
Create a function for the lambda:
import keras.backend as K
import numpy as np
numpyA = np.array(define A correctly here, with 2 dimensions)
def multA(x):
A = K.variable(numpyA)

Scipy sparse CSR matrix to TensorFlow SparseTensor - Mini-Batch gradient descent

I have a Scipy sparse CSR matrix created from sparse TF-IDF feature matrix in SVM-Light format. The number of features is huge and it is sparse so I have to use a SparseTensor or else it is too slow.
For example, number of features is 5, and a sample file can look like this:
0 4:1
1 1:3 3:4
0 5:1
0 2:1
After parsing, the training set looks like this:
trainX = <scipy CSR matrix>
trainY = np.array( [0,1,00] )
I have two important questions:
1) How I do convert this to a SparseTensor (sp_ids, sp_weights) efficiently so that I perform fast multiplication (W.X) using lookup:
2) How do I randomize the dataset at each epoch and recalculate sp_ids, sp_weights to so that I can feed (feed_dict) for the mini-batch gradient descent.
Example code on a simple model like logistic regression will be very appreciated. The graph will be like this:
mul = tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse(W, X_sp_ids, X_sp_weights, combiner = "sum") # W.X
z = tf.add(mul, b) # W.X + b
cost_op = tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(z, y_true)) # this already has built in sigmoid apply
train_op = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.05).minimize(cost_op) # construct optimizer
predict_op = tf.nn.sigmoid(z) # sig(W.X + b)
I can answer the first part of your question.
def convert_sparse_matrix_to_sparse_tensor(X):
coo = X.tocoo()
indices = np.mat([coo.row, coo.col]).transpose()
return tf.SparseTensor(indices,, coo.shape)
First you convert the matrix to COO format. Then you extract the indices, values, and shape and pass those directly to the SparseTensor constructor.

Why do the principal component values from Scipy and MATLAB not agree?

I was training to do some PCA reconstroctions of MNIST on python and compare them to my (old) reconstruction in maltab and I happened to discover that my reconstruction don't agree. After some debugging I decided to print a unique characteristic of the principal components of each one to reveal if they were the same and I discovered to my surprised that they were not the same. I printing the sum of all components and I got different numbers. I did the following in matlab:
[coeff, ~, ~, ~, ~, mu] = pca(X_train);
U = coeff(:,1:K)
U_fingerprint = sum(U(:))
%print 31.0244
and in python/scipy:
pca =
U = pca.components_
print 'U_fingerprint', np.sum(U)
# prints 12.814
why are the twi PCA's not computing the same value?
All my attempts and solving this issue:
The way I discovered this was because when I was reconstructing my MNIST images, the python reconstructions where much much closer to their original images by a lot. I got error of 0.0221556788645 in python while in MATLAB I got errors of size 29.07578. To figure out where the difference was coming from I decided to finger print the data sets (maybe they were normalized differently). So I got two independent copies the MNIST data set (that were normalized by dividing my 255) and got the finger prints (summing all numbers in data set):
print np.sum(x_train) # from keras
print np.sum(X_train)+np.sum(X_cv) # from TensorFlow
which are (essentially) same (one copy from tensorflow MNIST and the other from Keras MNIST, note MNIST train data set has about 1000 less training set so you need to append the missing ones). To my surprise, my MATLAB data had the same finger print:
data_fingerprint = sum(X_train(:))
% prints data_fingerprint = 6.1463e+06
meaning the data sets are exactly the same. Good, so the normalization data is not the issue.
In my MATLAB script I am actually computing the reconstruction manually as follow:
U = coeff(:,1:K)
X_tilde_train = (U * U' * X_train);
train_error_PCA = (1/N_train)*norm( X_tilde_train - X_train ,'fro')^2
%train_error_PCA = 29.0759
so I thought that might be the problem because I was using the interface python gave for computing the reconstructions as in:
pca = PCA(n_components=k)
pca =
X_pca = pca.transform(X_train) # M_train x K
#print 'X_pca' , X_pca.shape
X_reconstruct = pca.inverse_transform(X_pca)
print 'tensorflow error: ',(1.0/X_train.shape[0])*LA.norm(X_reconstruct_tf - X_train)
print 'keras error: ',(1.0/x_train.shape[0])*LA.norm(X_reconstruct_keras - x_train)
#tensorflow error: 0.0221556788645
#keras error: 0.0212030354818
which results in different error values 0.022 vs 29.07, shocking difference!
Thus, I decided to code that exact reconstruction formula in my python script:
pca = PCA(n_components=k)
pca =
U = pca.components_
print 'U_fingerprint', np.sum(U)
X_my_reconstruct = U.T ,, X_train.T) )
print 'U error: ',(1.0/X_train.shape[0])*LA.norm(X_reconstruct_tf - X_train)
# U error: 0.0221556788645
to my surprise, it has the same error as my MNIST error computing by using the interface. Thus, concluding that I don't have the misconception of PCA that I thought I had.
All that lead to me to check what the principal components actually where and to my surprise scipy and MATLAB have different fingerprint for their PCA values.
Does anyone know why or whats going on?
As warren suggested, the pca components (eigenvectors) might have different sign. After doing a finger print by adding all components in magnitude only I discovered they have the same finger print:
[coeff, ~, ~, ~, ~, mu] = pca(X_train);
U = coeff(:,1:K)
U_fingerprint = sumabs(U(:))
% U_fingerprint = 190.8430
and for python:
pca = PCA(n_components=k)
pca =
print 'U_fingerprint', np.sum(np.absolute(U))
# U_fingerprint 190.843
which means the difference must be because of the different sign of the (pca) U vector. Which I find very surprising, I thought that should make a big difference, I didn't even consider it making a big difference. I guess I was wrong?
I don't know if this is the problem, but it certainly could be. Principal component vectors are like eigenvectors: if you multiply the vector by -1, it is still a valid PCA vector. Some of the vectors computed by matlab might have a different sign than those computed in python. That will result in very different sums.
For example, the matlab documentation has this example:
coeff = pca(ingredients)
coeff =
-0.0678 -0.6460 0.5673 0.5062
-0.6785 -0.0200 -0.5440 0.4933
0.0290 0.7553 0.4036 0.5156
0.7309 -0.1085 -0.4684 0.4844
I have my own python PCA code, and with the same input as in matlab, it produces this coefficient array:
[[ 0.0678 0.646 -0.5673 0.5062]
[ 0.6785 0.02 0.544 0.4933]
[-0.029 -0.7553 -0.4036 0.5156]
[-0.7309 0.1085 0.4684 0.4844]]
So, instead of simply summing the coefficient array, try summing the absolute values of the coefficients. Alternatively, ensure that all the vectors have the same sign convention before summing. You could do that by, say, multiplying each column by the sign of the first element in that column (assuming none of them are zero).