Why cookies from dev tools are not presented in document.cookie? - dom

Chrome Dev Tools shows me a lot more cookies than document.cookie.
For example, LOGIN_INFO:
Checking this in document.cookie:
document.cookie.indexOf('LOGIN_INFO'); // -1


Using a self-signed certificate with a chrome packaged app

I'm developing a Chrome packaged app (not an extension), which connects to the server over secure WebSocket. The server's certificate is self-signed, and this cannot be changed.
The problem is that on the chrome packaged app, the connection attempt fails with an ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE error.
In the Chrome browser, there is a work-around: The browser opens a security warning page. If user chooses to continue to the website, it goes on to the remote page. However there is no such work-around in a packaged app. Instead, the connection attempt just fails.
Is there any way to code the Chrome packaged app to accept a self-signed certificate?
Found a work-around - open a browser from inside the chrome app.
This is done by using a webview HTML element (webview is the chrome app name for iframe).
Now the chrome app user can accept the security risks of using a self-signed certificate, just as the web app user does.

Get error messages Chrome packaged app

How can I see error messages when running a Chrome packaged app? I've been running the app in the browser and using DevTools but this technique has it's limitations.
If you need to inspect app windows, you can reach them at chrome://inspect/#apps
Or, as Daniel mentions, use the Developer Tool app.
General Chrome Debugging
By opening
you may debug all Apps and Extensions.
You may also like the official Google Chrome Apps & Extensions Developer Tool
Debugging Chrome Extensions
As described in the chrome developer Tutorial you can activate the developer mode within the settings. Afterwards an inspect popup option is avaialbe when you right-click an app-icon.

Chrome does not show network traffic of Silverlight RIA services messages after update to version 32.0.1700.76 m

Couple days ago Google Chrome automatically updated from version 31.* to version 32.0.1700.76 m. After that happened it does not show in DevTools network traffic request/responses of "application/msbin1" type anymore. These requests are visible in all other browsers' dev tools (FireFox, IE) and in Fiddler, but not in Chrome. Also Chrome's popup menu in this version is very glitchy.
I don't see the way to downgrade Chrome to previous version. Please help I don't want to uninstall Chrome.
Network traffic does not even show resources (XAP file) a page loads.
This page loads file SilverlightShaderApp.xap, however dev tools of new Chrome's version never shows it in network tab.
I posted the question here, because it's developers question, not just chrome users.
I reported this issue on google chrome forum as well: here.
Possibly related bugs:
Issue 173844: Developer tools (Network section) don't show response of requests from flash applications
Issue 335502: XMLHttpRequests from Silverlight is not visible in devtools network tab
To avoid the bug, you could downgrade to Chrome 31. A fully offline installer can be downloaded from http://download.oldapps.com/Chrome/31.0.1650.39_chrome_installer.exe.
If you downgrade Chrome, don't forget to disable auto-update. Also, "star" the relevant issues on Chromium's issue tracker so you'll receive email notifications for progress updates. When the issue is fixed, enable auto-update again.
Often, starting a new version of Chrome renders a profile unusable for older Chrome versions ("Your profile can not be used because it is from a newer version of Google Chrome."). When you see such message on start-up, either delete your old profile (don't forget to make a back-up!) (you can also try to delete some files, according to various users, deleting "Web Data" and "Web Data-journal" is sufficient), or launch Chrome with a new profile directory (--user-data-dir=path\to\profile-dir).
For more information on user profiles, see http://www.chromium.org/user-experience/user-data-directory.

Google login in eclipse causes error of "Cookies are off.Please Turn on"

I am building App Engine applications in Eclipse (Juno). When I tried to signin to Google in Eclipse, I am getting the message "Your cookies are turned off. Make it on". How do I enable cookies in Eclipse? My system default browser supports cookies no problem with Google signin. Please help me so that I can upload my application to Google's server.
Thanks in Advance,
Sasi Krishna
user2292916 is correct that Eclipse uses Internet Explorer's cookie settings for Windows users, but note that you can keep your current privacy settings by just allowing Google to store cookies.
Start Internet Explorer
Open Internet Options
Open the Privacy tab and select Sites
Add "google.com"
Restart Eclipse
You should now be able to deploy your application.
You did not receive an answer yet. But you can use a bat file to deploy an application:
appcfg.py --no_cookies --email=john.doe#gmail.com --passin update C:\Eclipse\workspace\yourappid < "C:\john_doe_his_password.txt"
For me turning on cookies in Internet Explorer helped.
My default browser is Chrome, and I had cookies turned on, but I could not manage to login until I turned them on for IE.
If you are running Eclipse on Windows, for some unknown reason to me, Eclipse uses Internet Options settings. So to fix the problem,
go to Control Panel -> Internet Options
go to Privacy tab page
set the security level to the lowest possible ("Accept All Cookies").
(Note: donat3llo mentioned the same solution in above)

GWT getting missing-plugins message

When i tried to run an GWT sample application i got a missing-plugins on firefox (or Chrome) it seems that i'm missingg something just dont know what to do in order to make it works...
any ideas??
You need to install the Google Web Toolkit Developer Plugin:
In the development mode window you
will find the URL for the local
server. Paste this URL into Firefox,
Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Safari.
Since this is your first time hitting
the development mode server, it will
prompt you to install the Google Web
Toolkit Developer Plugin. Follow the
instructions in the browser to install
the plugin. Once the Google Web
Toolkit Developer Plugin is installed
in your browser, navigate to the URL
again and the starter application will
load in development mode.