Qbs support on MacOS with M1 - x86-64

I'm trying to build my project (which I can build successfully on intel) on my Mac with M1 chip.
I have same version of qbs (1.22.1) on M1 nad intel, but on M1 parsing my qbs file ends with enigmatic error during parsing CppApplication:
CppApplication {
name: "TestProject"
Error while handling product `TestProject`
Product `TestProject` had errors and was disabled.
I have no clue what this error could be. Anyone has any idea ?

I assume you are building with Qt Creator? Sometimes the actual error message does not show up in the issues pane (or is difficult to see among all the follow-up errors). If you don't see it in "General Messages" either, try building on the command line. You should get more helpful output there.


Building on M1, error Could not find module ... for target x86_64-apple-ios-simulator

Attempting to build project with Swift module. Xcode 12.5.1. Builds fine on Intel machine.
Builds fine on M1 machine if building for iOS device.
Does not build on M1 machine if building for simulator.
Error: Could not find module xxx for target 'x86_64-apple-ios-simulator'; found: arm64, arm64-apple-ios-simulator
There are several pods also being used. Some report building for x86_64. I don't understand why. In particular flurry.
When it gets to our Swift module xxx its importing, it generates the above error.
I have tried setting Build Active Architecture Only both Yes and No.
I have tried overriding in Podfile as well.
I have tried adding x86 to list of Architectures.
What tells Xcode to attempt to build x86 architecture? This is on an M1 machine. There should be no need for x86.

"Could not load symbol clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties" after upgrading Unity project

This is the error I get when upgrading a Unity project to a new version after mistakenly building it in an old version originally:
Could not load symbol clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties : The specified procedure could not be found.
How can I resolve this error?
That's a problem with OpenCL: https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/could-not-load-symbol-clcreatecommandqueuewithproperties-error-when-opening-project
Reproduction steps:
Open new Unity project
Observe Console window
Expected result: No errors Actual result:
"clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties" error
Observed on Windows and can potentially happen on Linux too.
Requires an OpenCL 1.2 device to reproduce.
Reproducible with: 2020.1.0f1 Could not test with: 2018.4.26f1,
2019.4.8f1, 2020.1.2f1, 2020.2.0a20 (error only appears on user's end)
Resolution Notes:
Resolution Note (fix version 2021.1):
Fixed in 2021.1.0a1
Resolution Note (fix version 2020.2):
Fixed in 2020.2.0b12
Resolution Note (fix version 2020.1):
Fixed in 2020.1.14f1
uninstall your drivers, update OpenCL, reinstall from official website, reinstall your graphic cards, update drivers and it will solve the problem.

Tried archiving flutter project with no disc space left, can't fix errors

Question upfront: How can I thoroughly clean/repair my flutter project to allow it to run/build again?
I had been building and archiving (in Xcode) flutter projects without issue until just now.
My computer ran out of disc space mid archive and forced it to stop with "nonzero exit code".
I deleted a bunch of things on the computer to make space, and now it says there is >100gb left.
I was due for a flutter upgrade, so I ran flutter upgrade, which completed without error.
I closed android studio and Xcode and restarted my computer.
I ran flutter clean as well as clean within Xcode.
I can no longer run the app within flutter or run/archive within Xcode.
The exact errors seem variable, but here are some of them that I see:
Running from Xcode:
.../ios/Flutter/Flutter.framework/Headers/FlutterPlugin.h:292:13: Cannot find protocol declaration for 'FlutterTextureRegistry'; did you mean 'FlutterPluginRegistry'?
.../ios/Flutter/Flutter.framework/Headers/FlutterEngine.h:54:38: Cannot find protocol declaration for 'FlutterTextureRegistry'; did you mean 'FlutterPluginRegistry'?
.../.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/in_app_purchase-0.3.1+2/ios/Classes/FIAPReceiptManager.m:13:9: Could not build module 'Flutter'
Running from Flutter (I can't paste all of the errors... way too long):
While building module 'Flutter' imported from .../.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/path_provider-1.6.5/ios/Classes/FLTPathProviderPlugin.h:5:
In file included from :1:
In file included from .../Documents/Flutter/patient_medical_record/ios/Pods/../Flutter/Flutter.framework/Headers/Flutter.h:54:
In file included from .../Documents/Flutter/patient_medical_record/ios/Pods/../Flutter/Flutter.framework/Headers/FlutterAppDelegate.h:11:
.../Documents/Flutter/patient_medical_record/ios/Pods/../Flutter/Flutter.framework/Headers/FlutterPlugin.h:395:11: note: 'FlutterPluginRegistry' declared here
#protocol FlutterPluginRegistry
3 errors generated.
In file included from .../.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/path_provider-1.6.5/ios/Classes/FLTPathProviderPlugin.m:5:
.../.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/path_provider-1.6.5/ios/Classes/FLTPathProviderPlugin.h:5:9: fatal error: could not build module 'Flutter'
4 errors generated.
note: Using new build system
note: Building targets in parallel
note: Planning build
note: Constructing build description
Well this is a bummer because I can't find a clean solution, but for now I did fix it with the following:
Create a new flutter project
Copied over the lib files
Copied over other setup in random places (i.e. google services, android changes)
Copied over pubspec.yaml and ran packages get
It now works again. Clearly something went wrong in the Flutter-managed files that I don't understand. If someone else can think of a better solution to effectively reset the project, please share.

Encountered an error while compiling cobalt on raspberry pi

While compiling cobalt for raspberry pi on ninja, im getting an error like this:
undefined reference to symbol 'eglCreateImageKHR'
here is the full trace:
[1/1] LINK cobalt
FAILED: cobalt
/home/mi07/work/raspitools/tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian-x64/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ #cobalt.rsp
/home/mi07/work/raspitools/tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian-x64/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/4.8.3/../../../../arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin/ld: obj/starboard/raspi/2/../shared/open_max/starboard_platform.decode_target_create.o: undefined reference to symbol 'eglCreateImageKHR'
/home/mi07/work/raspitools/sysroot/opt/vc/lib/libbrcmEGL.so: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
I googled it and found somewhat related article on this site.
As per this article the fault could be that of libssl1.0-dev not being there. I checked and found it was libssl-dev. Replaced it with libssl1.0-dev but still the error persists.
Can somebody tell me what is going wrong?
eglCreateImageKHR() is an EGL extension EGL_KHR_image. Since Cobalt compiled, it appears the headers declare the extension, but the linked EGL library didn't define it. It's surprising that only eglCreateImageKHR() is missing and not eglDestroyImageKHR as well.
At any rate, I recommend trying to update the EGL library, but I'm not familiar with the raspi install, so can't tell you the specifics.
Alternatively, it is safe to comment out the call to that function in decode_target_create.cc since SbImageIsDecodeSupported() always returns false for raspi (see image_is_decode_supported.cc), so decode targets should never be created / destroyed on the platform. (Decode target support is a work in progress for raspi.)
I resolved this by changing the os itself. The problem was that the cobalt was not compatible with raspi stretch but with raspi jessie. Because sysroot files are being copied from the OS it was creating that error. I don't know exactly where the difference is but changing to raspi jessie worked fine for me.

Using Scons to build mongo-nonx86 on an arm based Synology NAS

I have a Synology DS212j NAS (cpu Feroceon 88FR131 rev 1 (v5l)) with the optware ipkg installed. I am trying to build mongo-nonx86 on it.
"scons all" gives me the following messages:
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons version: 2.0.1
python version: 2 5 6 'final' 0
Checking whether the C++ compiler worksyes
Checking for C library stdc++... no
can't find stdc++ library which is needed
I have the stdc++ library installed, I also have ssl installed. My underlying question is how can I get scons to tell me more about what is really missing, where it is looking, how it is looking etc. I have so far found no options which generate any more useful diagnostic output?
Obviously a ready-made solution for getting mongodb working on this great little box would be even more welcome :-)
Well even if you do have it installed, it doesn't seem to think so, here is what I would try to do, install libssl-dev, then try to install the dev package for libstdc++, which is: libstdc++-dev.
Then see if you can compile it.