GCP Firestore export shows IDs instead of names - google-cloud-firestore

I'm trying to export a single collection from the Google Cloud Platform Console but for one of my projects (Firebase project was created around 2020) it shows IDs instead of the collection names.
The URL to the page I'm referring to: https://console.cloud.google.com/firestore/export?authuser=0&hl=de&project=wb-rro-staging
Newer project:
Older project:
How can I fix the older project so it shows me the collection names instead of unusable IDs? Is this possible without having to create an entirely new Firebase project and migrating EVERYTHING over there?
Appreciate the help!


How do I automatically authorize app script in a merged doc

Im a newbie to App Scrips and have challenges with having to authorize my app script to run on each newly created document.
I run a merge with Sheet data in to a Doc template (using Autocrat) and have a script (in the template) that cleans up the merged doc - onopen. The problem is that I have to authorize the script in each newly created document.
The script will only be used by my partner and I. We share GDRIVE access.
Do I have to deploy as an Add-on? Web App? Shared Lib? If Shared Lib - how do I envoke it automatically in the newly created doc?
Any feedback/guidance is much appreciated. Thank you all.
I have tired to create a shared lib, but Im not sure how to automatically included the lib in the newly created document.
Is there a good learning tool/"how to" for this?

Flutter: SQFLite database is not showing data in application

In my Android application, I need to add about 300 customers. As application have database import/export feature available so I decided to do insert customers on computer, instead of mobile.
Here's how I did that:
Install app on mobile
Exported db using export feature
Inserted data using SQLite Editor tool
Saved the DB
Transferred on mobile and imported back
Logically, it should work but it's not working.
Export/Import Feature:
This feature does work as expected, I've tested like this:
Added some dummy data
Exported data on SD card
Delete the App
Re-install (dummy data wasn't available)
Imported data back and it worked
What I noticed:
The exported database zip file contains a file with same name as database but with an additional word e.g DBNAME.db-journal. When I added data in db using SQLite Editor, and save it. The -journal file was removed.
As application doesn't show added data in app, but if we export db from app and open it in editor, then it shows all data.
I've even tried to remove previous -journal file, right before importing but no luck.

Setting up a BigQuery to Google Cloud Storage pipeline with overwriting

I am trying to setup a really simple pipeline in Data Fusion which takes a table from BigQuery, then stores that data into Google Cloud Storage. With the pipeline setup below it's fairly easy. We first read the bigquery table and schema, then sink the data into a Google Cloud Storage bucket. This works, but the problem is that a new map and a new file gets created for each new transfer that I run. What I would like to do is to overwrite a single file in the same filepath with each new transfer that I do.
What I ran into that in this setup, a new map and a new file gets within Google Cloud Storage created using a timestamp prefix. Looking at the sink configuration below, indeed, by default you see a timestamp.
Alright, that would mean if I would remove the prefix a new map shouldn't be created. The hover-over confirms this: "If not specified, nothing will be appended to the path".
However, when I clear this value and then save it, the full time format automatically pops up again. I can't use a static value because this results in errors. For example I just tried creating a map with the number "12" in Google Cloud Storage and then setting the prefix to that, but as you would guess this doesn't work. Is anyone else running into this problem? How do I get rid of the path suffix so I don't get a new map for each timestamp within Google Cloud Storage?
This seems to be an issue with Data Fusion UI. Have filed a JIRA for this https://issues.cask.co/browse/CDAP-16129.
I understand this can be confusing when you open the configuration again. The reason this is happening is whenever you open the configuraion modal we pre-populate fields with default values from plugin widget json (if no value is present).
As a workaround can you try,
Export pipeline - Once you have configured all the properties in the plugins you can export the pipeline. This step should download a JSON for you where you can locate the property and remove it and import the pipeline and publish without opening the specific plugin.
Or, simply remove the property from the plugin configuration modal and close and publish the pipeline directly. UI will Re-populate the value every time you open the plugin configuration. Once you delete and close the modal it should retain that state until you open the configuration again.
Hope this helps.

Realm browser data import error and does it have relation?

How can I set relation when I input the data into realm?
There was menu for importing on CSV or Excel files only, but for relation
How can I make it if I need to bring it with data joined.
I created a db file using the realm browser and imported a xlsx file, but it did not work. What was wrong? I followed the steps below.
Run the Generate Demo Database menu and created a db file in the realm browser.
Opened the files made saw realmTestClass(), realmtestclass1, realmtestclass2 files. I imported the data I made using the import menu, but it did not work.
The Realm Browser data importing features are still heavily in development.
If you've got any specific use cases where it is consistently crashing, or any feature requests, it would be a big help to file issues over at the Realm Browser GitHub repo. :)

Where does webistrano store custom recipes?

I'm trying to figure out where does webistrano keep its custom recipes (I want to copy them), and I can't seem to locate them. I've scoured the installation folder on the server to no avail.
Does anyone know where they are kept?
They were stored in its backend database.
Recipes created inside the admin interface are stored in the database. The recipes table holds the information for the recipe and the revision to be executed on, include the actual code for the current version. The recipe_versions holds a complete copy of each version of the recipe.
The project types (templates) are created inside the repository at lib/webistrano/template/