MATLAB data tips - better accuracy - matlab

Have been provided a p-code MATLAB program to find data tips from a graph. Attached is an image of a step response of unknown magnitude of a water tank system.
For better accuracy, I would like to extract data at discrete intervals instead of zooming in and attempting to click on a whole number. Is there a way of doing this through the graph/data tips, without writing code.
Is this even possible with a graph received from a P-code? or will I have to just average out multiple attempts.


Comparison of set of signals

I have certain movement data acquired from motion capture system which I want to automatically choose which 5 signals are more alike.
Picture shows example of the particular data, all normalized to 100 samples due to the difference in speed.
Data set for knee flexion/extension
What I am looking for is some idea to actually compare the shapes of the curves.
The easiest solution is just to substract the "raw" curves and check which one has the smallest RMSE.
But looking at your data (which are smooth curves), another option is to use PLS or GMM to describe them. Then you can use RMSE to compute the error between your input curve and your database of curves and take the one with lowest error.

Resampling data with minimal loss of information in time-domain

I am trying to resample/recreate already recorded data for plotting purposes. I thought this is best place to ask the question (besides
The data is sampled at high frequency, contains to much data points and not suitable for plotting in time domain (not enough memory). i want to sample it with minimal loss. The sampling interval of the resulting data doesn't need to be same (well it is again for plotting purposes, not analysis) although input data in equally sampled.
When we use the regular resample command from matlab/octave, it can distort stiff pieces of the curve.
What is the best approach here?
For reference I put two pictures found in
First image is regular resample
Second image is a better resampled data that can well behave around peaks.
You should try this set of files from the File Exchange. It computes optimal lookup table based on either the maximum set of points or a given error. You can choose from natural, linear, or spline for the interpolation methods. Spline will have the smallest table size but is slower than linear. I don't use natural unless I have a really good reason.

Efficiently visualise large quantities of points with matlab.

I have a set of 3D points which numbers up around 1 million points. I am looking to visualise these with matlab.
I have tried the following functions:
But they are both very sluggish. Is there a more efficient way to visualise this level of points in matlab? Maybe a way to mesh the points?
If not can anyone suggest a plug-in or even a different program for visualising 3D points?
You're going to run into efficiency issues no matter what plugin/program you use if you want all million+ points to show up in a plot. My suggestion would be to downsample. Use the plot3 or scatter3 function on every other point, or every nth point, until you get a figure that is not sluggish. As long as the variance in your data isn't astronomical, downsampling a little bit shouldn't affect the overall distribution of points (given that you have a million+ points). And any software that is able to display that much data without being sluggish is most likely downsampling/binning or using some interpolation technique to do so (so you might as well have control over it).
fscatter3 from the file exchange, does what you like.
Is there a specific reason to actually have it display that many points?
I Googled around a bit and found some people who have had similar issues (someone suggested Avizo as an alternate program but I've never used it): (not clickable because I don't have enough rep to post more than two links)
An alternate solution would be to generate a histogram if you're more interested in the density of the data:
I you know beforehand roughly the coordinates of the feature you are looking for, try passing the cloud through a simple pass-through-filter, which essentially crops your point cloud. I.e. if you know that the feature is at a x-coordinate > 5, remove all points with x-coordinate < 5.
This filter could for the first coordinated be realized as
data = data(data(1,:) > 5,:);
Provided that your 3d data is stored in an n by 3 matrix.
This, together with downsampling, could help you out. If you still find the performance lagging, consider using something like the PCD viewer in PointCloudLibrary, check half way down the page at
It is a stand alone app you could launch from matlab. I find it's performance far better than the sluggish matlab plotting tools.
For anyone who is interested I ended up finding a Point cloud visualiser called Cloud Compare. It is extremely fast and allows selection and segmentation as well as filtering on point clouds.

Mapping Vision Outputs To Neural Network Inputs

I'm fairly new to MATLAB, but have acquainted myself with Simulink and Computer Vision over the past few days. My problem statement involves taking a traffic/highway video input and detecting if an accident has occurred.
I plan to do this by extracting the values of centroid to plot trajectory, velocity difference (between frames) and distance between two vehicles. I can successfully track the centroids, and aim to derive the rest of the features.
What I don't know is how to map these to ANN. I mean, every image has more than one vehicle blobs, which means, there are multiple centroids in a single frame/image. So, how does NN act on multiple inputs (the extracted features per vehicle) simultaneously? I am obviously missing the link. Help me figure it out please.
Also, am I looking at time series data?
I am not exactly sure about your question. The problem can be both time series data and not. You might be able to transform the time series version of the problem, such that it can be solved using ANN, but it is sort of a Maslow's hammer :). Also, Could you rephrase the problem.
As you said, you could give it features from two or three frames and then use the classifier to detect accident or not, but it might be difficult to train such a classifier. The problem is really difficult and the so you might need tons of training samples to get it right, esp really good negative samples (for examples cars travelling close to each other) etc.
There are multiple ways you can try to solve this problem of accident detection. For example : Build a classifier (ANN/SVM etc) to detect accidents without time series data. In which case your input would be accident images and non accident images or some sort of positive and negative samples for training and later images for test. In this specific case, you are not looking at the time series data. But here you might need lots of features to detect the same (this in some sense a single frame version of the problem).
The second method would be to use time series data, in which case you will have to detect the features, track the features (say using Lucas Kanade/Horn and Schunck) and then use the information about velocity and centroid to detect the accident. You might even be able to formulate it for HMMs.

Peak detection in Performous code

I was looking to implement voice pitch detection in iphone using HPS method. But the detected tones are not very accurate. Performous does a decent job of pitch detection.
I looked through the code but i did not fully get the theory behind the calculations.
They use FFT and find the peaks. But the part where they use the phase of FFT output, got me confused.I figure they use some heuristics for voice frequencies.
So,Could anyone please explain the algorithm used in Performous to detect pitch?
[Performous][1] extracts pitch from the microphone. Also the code is open source. Here is a description of what the algorithm does, from the guy that coded it (Tronic on
PCM input (with buffering)
FFT (1024 samples at a time, remove 200 samples from front of the buffer afterwards)
Reassignment method (against the previous FFT that was 200 samples earlier)
Filtering of peaks (this part could be done much better or even left out)
Combining peaks into sets of harmonics (we call the combination a tone)
Temporal filtering of tones (update the set of tones detected earlier instead of simply using the newly detected ones)
Pick the best vocal tone (frequency limits, weighting, could use the harmonic array also but I don't think we do)
I still wasn't able from this information to figure it out and implement it. If anyone manages this, please please post your results here, and comment this response so that SO notifies me.
The task would be to create a minimal C++ wrapper around this code.