GraphQL notification in flutter - how to catch result? - flutter

I subscribe to a graphql document:
// Dart imports:
import 'dart:async';
// Package imports:
import 'package:graphql_flutter/graphql_flutter.dart';
import 'package:phoenix_socket/phoenix_socket.dart';
// Project imports:
import 'package:core/util/confirmations/phoenix_link.dart';
class SubscriptionChannel {
PhoenixSocket? socket;
PhoenixChannel? channel;
GraphQLClient? client;
final StreamController<Map> _onMessageController = StreamController<Map>();
Stream<Map> get onMessage =>;
Future<void> connect(
String phoenixHttpLinkEndpoint, String websocketUriEndpoint) async {
final HttpLink phoenixHttpLink = HttpLink(
channel =
await PhoenixLink.createChannel(websocketUri: websocketUriEndpoint);
final phoenixLink = PhoenixLink(
channel: channel!,
var link = Link.split(
(request) => request.isSubscription, phoenixLink, phoenixHttpLink);
client = GraphQLClient(
link: link,
cache: GraphQLCache(),
void addSubscriptionTransactionConfirmed(
String address, Function(QueryResult) function) {
final subscriptionDocument = gql(
'subscription { transactionConfirmed(address: "$address") { nbConfirmations } }',
Stream<QueryResult> subscription = client!.subscribe(
SubscriptionOptions(document: subscriptionDocument),
Future<Message> onPushReply(Push push) async {
final Completer<Message> completer = Completer<Message>();
final Message result = await channel!.onPushReply(push.replyEvent);
return completer.future;
void close() {
if (socket != null) {
The goal is, after a api request, to wait a notification with a nb of confirmations:
await subscriptionChannel.connect(
transaction.address!, waitConfirmations);
transactionStatus = sendTx(signedTx); // API Request
void waitConfirmations(QueryResult event) {
if ( != null &&!['transactionConfirmed'] != null &&!['transactionConfirmed']['nbConfirmations'] != null) {
response: 'ok',
} else {
TransactionSendEvent(nbConfirmations: 0, response: 'ko'),
My code works in a StatefulWidget but doesn't work in a class
Have you got some examples in a class where you subscribe to a grapqhql notification please to understand how to code this in a class
NB: i'm using Phoenix link
// Dart imports:
import 'dart:async';
// Package imports:
import 'package:gql_exec/gql_exec.dart';
import 'package:gql_link/gql_link.dart';
import 'package:phoenix_socket/phoenix_socket.dart';
/// a link for subscriptions (or also mutations/queries) over phoenix channels
class PhoenixLink extends Link {
/// the underlying phoenix channel
final PhoenixChannel channel;
final RequestSerializer _serializer;
final ResponseParser _parser;
/// create a new [PhoenixLink] using an established PhoenixChannel [channel].
/// You can use the static [createChannel] method to create a [PhoenixChannel]
/// from a websocket URI and optional parameters (e.g. for authentication)
{required PhoenixChannel channel,
ResponseParser parser = const ResponseParser(),
RequestSerializer serializer = const RequestSerializer()})
: channel = channel,
_serializer = serializer,
_parser = parser;
/// create a new phoenix socket from the given websocketUri,
/// connect to it, and create a channel, and join it
static Future<PhoenixChannel> createChannel(
{required String websocketUri, Map<String, String>? params}) async {
final socket = PhoenixSocket(websocketUri,
socketOptions: PhoenixSocketOptions(params: params));
await socket.connect();
final channel = socket.addChannel(topic: '__absinthe__:control');
final push = channel.join();
await push.future;
return channel;
Stream<Response> request(Request request, [NextLink? forward]) async* {
assert(forward == null, '$this does not support a NextLink (got $forward)');
final payload = _serializer.serializeRequest(request);
String? phoenixSubscriptionId;
StreamSubscription<Response>? websocketSubscription;
StreamController<Response>? streamController;
final push = channel.push('doc', payload);
try {
final pushResponse = await push.future;
//set the subscription id in order to cancel the subscription later
phoenixSubscriptionId =
pushResponse.response['subscriptionId'] as String?;
if (phoenixSubscriptionId != null) {
//yield all messages for this subscription
streamController = StreamController();
websocketSubscription = channel.socket
.map((event) => _parser.parseResponse(
event.payload!['result'] as Map<String, dynamic>))
.listen(streamController.add, onError: streamController.addError);
} else if (pushResponse.isOk) {
yield _parser
.parseResponse(pushResponse.response as Map<String, dynamic>);
} else if (pushResponse.isError) {
throw _parser.parseError(pushResponse.response as Map<String, dynamic>);
} finally {
await websocketSubscription?.cancel();
await streamController?.close();
//this will be called once the caller stops listening to the stream
// (yield* stops if there is no one listening)
if (phoenixSubscriptionId != null) {
channel.push('unsubscribe', {'subscriptionId': phoenixSubscriptionId});


How to write and read data anywhere by shared_preferences on Flutter 3.7 background isolates?

On Flutter 3.7 platform channels can run on any isolate. So I tried this sample,
import ‘package:flutter/services.dart’;
import ‘package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart’;
void main() {
// Identify the root isolate to pass to the background isolate.
// (API introduced in Flutter 3.7)
RootIsolateToken rootIsolateToken = RootIsolateToken.instance!;
Isolate.spawn(_isolateMain, rootIsolateToken);
void _isolateMain(RootIsolateToken rootIsolateToken) async {
// Register the background isolate with the root isolate.
// You can now use the shared_preferences plugin.
SharedPreferences sharedPreferences =
await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
I can read from data on shared_preferences in this sample okey. But how can I use this feature anywhere in my app? How can I set or read data using this isolate on initState for example?
Basically you need to implement communication between isolates. You can read more about it here
Here is an example, you can change flutter_secure_storage that i used with shared_preferences package
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
class CreationEvent {
final RootIsolateToken isolateToken;
final SendPort sendPort;
CreationEvent(this.isolateToken, this.sendPort);
class DeletetionEvent {}
class ReadEvent {
final String key;
const ReadEvent(this.key);
class ReadResult {
final String key;
final String? content;
const ReadResult(this.key, this.content);
class IsolateIO {
final _toBgPort = Completer();
final Map<Object, Completer> _completerMap = {};
Isolate? _isolate;
StreamSubscription? _fromBgListener;
void start() async {
RootIsolateToken rootIsolateToken = RootIsolateToken.instance!;
ReceivePort fromBG = ReceivePort();
_fromBgListener = fromBG.listen((message) {
// setup process
if (message is SendPort) {
if (message is ReadResult) {
_isolate = await Isolate.spawn(
(CreationEvent data) {
final worker = IsolateWorker(data.isolateToken, data.sendPort);
CreationEvent(rootIsolateToken, fromBG.sendPort),
Future<String?> readFromStorage(String key) async {
// make sure isolate created with ports
final port = await _toBgPort.future;
// store completer
final completer = Completer<String?>();
_completerMap['read:$key'] = completer;
// send key to be read
// return result
return completer.future;
void stop() async {
if (_toBgPort.isCompleted) {
final port = await _toBgPort.future;
_isolate?.kill(priority: Isolate.immediate);
static final i = IsolateIO._();
class IsolateWorker {
final RootIsolateToken rootIsolateToken;
final SendPort toMain;
final FlutterSecureStorage storage;
StreamSubscription? subs;
this.toMain, { = const FlutterSecureStorage(
aOptions: AndroidOptions(
encryptedSharedPreferences: true,
}) {
// Register the background isolate with the root isolate.
void listen() {
ReceivePort fromMain = ReceivePort();
subs = fromMain.listen((message) => onMessage(message));
void onMessage(dynamic message) async {
if (message is DeletetionEvent) {
if (message is ReadEvent) {
final rawJson = await message.key);
toMain.send(ReadResult(message.key, rawJson));
class View extends StatefulWidget {
const View({super.key});
State<View> createState() => _ViewState();
class _ViewState extends State<View> {
String username = '';
void initState() {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) async {
final name = await IsolateIO.i.readFromStorage('username');
setState(() {
username = name ?? '';
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return SizedBox(
child: Text(username),

How to compose async action and StateNotifierProvider?

I have some stream source (from FlutterReactiveBle library) and reflect it to state managed by StateNotifier.
But I can't sure whether it is right way from the following source. I'm especially afraid of _setState invalidates connectionProvider. And it looks like a bit complicated.
How can I improve this?
It may not work because I wrote it just for illustration.
class DeviceConnections with _$DeviceConnections {
const DeviceConnections._();
const factory DeviceConnections({
Map<String, StreamSubscription<void>> connectings,
MapEntry<String, StreamSubscription<void>>? connected,
}) = _DeviceConnections;
class SimpleStateNotifier<T> extends StateNotifier<T> {
void update(T newState) {
state = newState;
StateNotifierProvider<SimpleStateNotifier<T>, T> simpleStateNotifierProvider<T>(
T initialState,
) {
return StateNotifierProvider<SimpleStateNotifier<T>, T>((ref) {
return SimpleStateNotifier(initialState);
class DeviceConnector {
required FlutterReactiveBle ble,
required DeviceConnections state,
required Function(DeviceConnections) setState,
required Iterable<String> deviceIds,
}) : _ble = ble,
_state = state,
_setState = setState,
_deviceIds = deviceIds;
final FlutterReactiveBle _ble;
final DeviceConnections _state;
final Function(DeviceConnections) _setState;
final Iterable<String> _deviceIds;
void connect() {
final subscriptions = <String, StreamSubscription<void>>{};
for (final id in _deviceIds) {
subscriptions[id] = _connectInterval(id).listen((event) {});
_setState(_state.copyWith(connectings: subscriptions));
void disconnect() {
for (final subscription in _state.connectings.values) {
Stream<void> _connectInterval(String id) async* {
while (true) {
final connection = _ble.connectToDevice(
id: id,
connectionTimeout: Duration(seconds: 10),
await for (final update in connection) {
switch (update.connectionState) {
case DeviceConnectionState.connected:
final subscription = _state.connectings[id];
if (subscription != null) {
final others =
_state.connectings.entries.where((x) => x.key != id).toList();
for (final connection in others) {
DeviceConnections(connected: MapEntry(id, subscription)),
final connectionStateProvider = simpleStateNotifierProvider(
final bleProvider = Provider((_) => FlutterReactiveBle());
class AnotherState extends StateNotifier<List<String>> {
final anotherStateNotifierProvider = StateNotifierProvider<AnotherState, List<String>>((ref) {
return AnotherState([]);
final connectionProvider = Provider((ref) {
final ble =;
final connectorState =;
final connectorNotifier =;
final deviceIds =;
final connector = DeviceConnector(
ble: ble,
deviceIds: deviceIds,
state: connectorState,
setState: connectorNotifier.update,
return connector;

Why I got : Error: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method startScan on channel flutter_bluetooth_brazilian/methods)?

I'm trying to connect devices with Bluetooth and then share data. The problem now is that I always get: Missing Plugin Exception for flutter_bluetooth bluetooth_Brazilian.
this is bluetooth_manager.dart code:
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';
import 'bluetooth_device.dart';
/// A BluetoothManager.
class BluetoothManager {
static const String NAMESPACE = 'flutter_bluetooth_brazilian';
static const int CONNECTED = 1;
static const int DISCONNECTED = 0;
static const MethodChannel _channel =
const MethodChannel('$NAMESPACE/methods');
static const EventChannel _stateChannel =
const EventChannel('$NAMESPACE/state');
Stream<MethodCall> get _methodStream =>;
final StreamController<MethodCall> _methodStreamController =
BluetoothManager._() {
_channel.setMethodCallHandler((MethodCall call) {
static BluetoothManager _instance = BluetoothManager._();
static BluetoothManager get instance => _instance;
// Future<bool> get isAvailable async =>
// await _channel.invokeMethod('isAvailable').then<bool>((d) => d);
// Future<bool> get isOn async =>
// await _channel.invokeMethod('isOn').then<bool>((d) => d);
Future<bool> get isConnected async =>
await _channel.invokeMethod('isConnected');
BehaviorSubject<bool> _isScanning = BehaviorSubject.seeded(false);
Stream<bool> get isScanning =>;
BehaviorSubject<List<BluetoothDevice>> _scanResults =
Stream<List<BluetoothDevice>> get scanResults =>;
PublishSubject _stopScanPill = new PublishSubject();
/// Gets the current state of the Bluetooth module
Stream<int> get state async* {
yield await _channel.invokeMethod('state').then((s) => s);
yield* _stateChannel.receiveBroadcastStream().map((s) => s);
/// Starts a scan for Bluetooth Low Energy devices
/// Timeout closes the stream after a specified [Duration]
Stream<BluetoothDevice> scan({
Duration timeout,
}) async* {
if (_isScanning.value == true) {
throw Exception('Another scan is already in progress.');
// Emit to isScanning
final killStreams = <Stream>[];
if (timeout != null) {
killStreams.add(Rx.timer(null, timeout));
// Clear scan results list
try {
await _channel.invokeMethod('startScan');
} catch (e) {
print('Error starting scan.');
throw e;
yield* BluetoothManager.instance._methodStream
.where((m) => m.method == "ScanResult")
.map((m) => m.arguments)
.map((map) {
final device = BluetoothDevice.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic>.from(map));
final List<BluetoothDevice> list = _scanResults.value;
int newIndex = -1;
list.asMap().forEach((index, e) {
if (e.address == device.address) {
newIndex = index;
if (newIndex != -1) {
list[newIndex] = device;
} else {
return device;
Future startScan({
Duration timeout,
}) async {
await scan(timeout: timeout).drain();
return _scanResults.value;
/// Stops a scan for Bluetooth Low Energy devices
Future stopScan() async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('stopScan');
Future<dynamic> connect(BluetoothDevice device) =>
_channel.invokeMethod('connect', device.toJson());
Future<dynamic> disconnect() => _channel.invokeMethod('disconnect');
Future<dynamic> destroy() => _channel.invokeMethod('destroy');
Future<dynamic> writeData(List<int> bytes) {
Map<String, Object> args = Map();
args['bytes'] = bytes;
args['length'] = bytes.length;
_channel.invokeMethod('writeData', args);
return Future.value(true);
flutter_bluetooth_brazilian doesn't support the web platform. You can check the supported platforms right on the plugin's page at

Flutter Riverpod : How to Implement FutureProvider?

I using Flutter Riverpod package to handling http request. I have simple Http get request to show all user from server, and i using manage it using FutureProvider from Flutter Riverpod package.
class UserGoogleApi {
Future<List<UserGoogleModel>> getAllUser() async {
final result = await reusableRequestServer.requestServer(() async {
final response =
await http.get('${appConfig.baseApiUrl}/${appConfig.userGoogleController}/getAllUser');
final Map<String, dynamic> responseJson = json.decode(response.body);
if (responseJson['status'] == 'ok') {
final List list = responseJson['data'];
final listUser = => UserGoogleModel.fromJson(e)).toList();
return listUser;
} else {
throw responseJson['message'];
return result;
User Provider
class UserProvider extends StateNotifier<UserGoogleModel> {
UserProvider([UserGoogleModel state]) : super(UserGoogleModel());
Future<UserGoogleModel> searchUserByIdOrEmail({
String idUser,
String emailuser,
String idOrEmail = 'email_user',
}) async {
final result = await _userGoogleApi.getUserByIdOrEmail(
idUser: idUser,
emailUser: emailuser,
idOrEmail: idOrEmail,
UserGoogleModel temp;
for (var item in result) {
temp = item;
state = UserGoogleModel(
idUser: temp.idUser,
createdDate: temp.createdDate,
emailUser: temp.emailUser,
imageUser: temp.emailUser,
nameUser: temp.nameUser,
tokenFcm: temp.tokenFcm,
listUser: state.listUser,
return temp;
Future<List<UserGoogleModel>> showAllUser() async {
final result = await _userGoogleApi.getAllUser();
state.listUser = result;
return result;
final userProvider = StateNotifierProvider((ref) => UserProvider());
final showAllUser = FutureProvider.autoDispose((ref) async {
final usrProvider =;
final result = await usrProvider.showAllUser();
return result;
After that setup, i simply can call showAllUser like this :
Consumer((ctx, read) {
final provider = read(showAllUser);
return provider.when(
data: (value) {
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: value.length,
shrinkWrap: true,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
final result = value[index];
return Text(result.nameUser);
loading: () => const CircularProgressIndicator(),
error: (error, stackTrace) => Text('Error $error'),
it's no problem if http request don't have required parameter, but i got problem if my http request required parameter. I don't know how to handle this.
Let's say , i have another http get to show specific user from id user or email user. Then API look like :
Future<List<UserGoogleModel>> getUserByIdOrEmail({
#required String idUser,
#required String emailUser,
#required String idOrEmail,
}) async {
final result = await reusableRequestServer.requestServer(() async {
final baseUrl =
final chooseURL = idOrEmail == 'id_user'
? '$baseUrl?id_or_email=$idOrEmail&id_user=$idUser'
: '$baseUrl?id_or_email=$idOrEmail&email_user=$emailUser';
final response = await http.get(chooseURL);
final Map<String, dynamic> responseJson = json.decode(response.body);
if (responseJson['status'] == 'ok') {
final List list = responseJson['data'];
final listUser = => UserGoogleModel.fromJson(e)).toList();
return listUser;
} else {
throw responseJson['message'];
return result;
User Provider
final showSpecificUser = FutureProvider.autoDispose((ref) async {
final usrProvider =;
final result = await usrProvider.searchUserByIdOrEmail(
idOrEmail: 'id_user',
idUser: usrProvider.state.idUser, // => warning on "state"
return result;
When i access idUser from userProvider using usrProvider.state.idUser , i got this warning.
The member 'state' can only be used within instance members of subclasses of 'package:state_notifier/state_notifier.dart'.
It's similiar problem with my question on this, but on that problem i already know to solved using read(userProvider.state) , but in FutureProvider i can't achieved same result using ref(userProvider).
I missed something ?
Warning: This is not a long-term solution
Assuming that your FutureProvider is being properly disposed after each use that should be a suitable workaround until the new changes to Riverpod are live. I did a quick test to see and it does work. Make sure you define a getter like this and don't override the default defined by StateNotifier.
class A extends StateNotifier<B> {
static final provider = StateNotifierProvider((ref) => A());
getState() => state;
final provider = FutureProvider.autoDispose((ref) async {
final a =;
final t = a.getState();
Not ideal but seems like a fine workaround. I believe the intention of state being inaccessible outside is to ensure state manipulations are handled by the StateNotifier itself, so using a getter in the meantime wouldn't be the end of the world.

How to post observer from normal class and receive listener to widget?

I'm pretty new to Flutter and experimenting with the SDK. I am working with the flutter application which works with Socket connection. I saw lots of example which communicate with widget to widget. But, I want to add listener from Socket class to widgets. The actual scenario is, I have socket listeners in my socket manager class. Here is the rough code for better idea.
class SocketManager {
static SocketIO socketIO;
static SocketIOManager manager = SocketIOManager();
void addListener(){
I want to notify to my widgets when socket connected.
What kind of thing am I looking for to implement this?
Thanks in advance.
here is my class, you can follow to create yours
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:flutter_app/global.dart';
import 'package:flutter_app/strings.dart';
import 'package:rxdart/subjects.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
import 'package:socket_io_client/socket_io_client.dart' as IO;
IO.Socket kSocket;
class Sockets {
static PublishSubject socket = PublishSubject(sync: true);
static PublishSubject status = PublishSubject(sync: true);
static PublishSubject notify = PublishSubject(sync: true);
static PublishSubject chatCount = PublishSubject(sync: true);
static PublishSubject typing = PublishSubject(sync: true);
static PublishSubject login = PublishSubject(sync: false);
static PublishSubject getInfo = PublishSubject(sync: true);
static PublishSubject alreadyLogin = PublishSubject(sync: false);
static void connectSocket() async {
/* kSocket = await'${Strings.socket}', <String, dynamic>{
'transports': ['websocket', 'polling'],
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
String token = prefs.getString('userToken');
if (token != null && token != '') {
Map<String, dynamic> parsedToken = Functions.parseJwt(token);
String imza = token?.split('.')[2];
kSocket = await'${Strings.socket}', <String, dynamic>{
'transports': ['websocket', 'polling'],
'query': 'token=$imza'
parsedToken['Tur'] = 2;
try {
kSocket.on('connect', (data) {
kSocket.emit('adduser', parsedToken);
kSocket.on('getmessage', (res) {
print('GETMSG: $res');
kSocket.on('bildirim', (res) {
print('[BILDIRIM]: $res');
kSocket.on('durum', (res) {
kSocket.on('disconnect', (data) {
// print('DISCONNECT: $data');
kSocket.on('typing', (res) {
kSocket.on('login', (res) {
//print('Multi Login');
kSocket.on('getinfo', (res) {
//print('GETINFO: $res');
kSocket.on('alreadylogin', (res) {
//print('ALREADY LOGIN: $res');
} catch (e) {
} else {
print('SOCKET: token yok');
static void setInfo(Map<String, dynamic> data) {
kSocket.emit('setinfo', [data]);
static void setRead(String userid) {
kSocket.emit('setreaded', '$userid');
static void isTyping(String username, int status) {
kSocket.emit('istyping', [
{"user": int.parse(username), "durum": status}
static void isActive(String userid) {
if (kSocket != null) {
if (kSocket.connected) {
try {
kSocket.emit('isactive', '$userid');
} catch (e) {
static void disconnectSocket() async {
try {
await kSocket.disconnect();
await kSocket.close();
await kSocket.destroy();
} catch (e) {
static void dispose(){
static void unSubNotify(){
Answer is here !! Here what I found while surfing on the web. Flutter-NotificationCenter. An IOS type post and receive observer. It is Very helpful to other developers who want to post observer from anywhere and want to receive it to anywhere.