Perevent sendind certain trigger to telegram - triggers

How can I prevent telegram from sending certain zabbix trigger?
I wan prevent sending certain trigger (problem) to telegram.
How I can perform this in zabbix?

You should manage actions and their conditions
The most basic action will send a message via all media to a specific user: you can modify this behavior with conditions, for instance to send to a specific user via email for lesser alert, then via telegram for High or Critical triggers.
You can also use tags, host, host groups etc: see the full conditions list
Also consider that a specific user will receive only the alerts for hosts which he has read permission: you can filter on this as well.


Facebook Messenger Send Api - send to a big amount of users

I have a bot over Facebook which people are subscribing for sports updates.
I have 1,000 - 10,000 users I want to send out an update to.
Currently, in small scales like 20 messages , I would use a Facebook Batch request.
But, i'm not sure what would be the best way to send my messages in a large scale.
My two options are:
Batch - limited to 50 requests per batch request.
I don't really know if I should expect a delay in the execution of the request.
Regular calls - I will iterate through my receivers and send each of them a message separately.
I'm afraid Facebook might block me for thinking i'm spamming, or I will exceed the rate limits.
I have to say I was expecting a more generic method coming from Facebook since they are allowing users to subscribe for update through my bot, hence, I was expecting them to provide a guide on what are the best practices for sending the update users subscribed for.
You should definitely use Facebook Messenger Broadcast API for this. This will broadcast your message to all user subscribed to the bot.
You have to apply for this permission. (pages_messaging and pages_messaging_subscriptions.Takes about 1-2 days, but
can test on Admin/Test users of the app)
Each broadcast has to be a separate broadcast. (e.g. you can't send image and a text together, each has to be its own individual broadcast).
Have some kind of un-subscription option as well. FB user might think you are spamming even if you clearly say in the messages that your bot will send updates.
Use custom labels to create targetted sends. So you can either subdivide who you will send updates to about specific issues or just label people if they unsubscribe to your broadcast or not.
Basic workflow:
Get permission to broadcast.
Create message_creative_id via POST to endpoint
Use message_creative_id to POST a broadcast_messages
On a successful send you will get back broadcast_id

XMPP whitelists?

We have an enterprise installation of QuickBlox (which implements XMPP), and would like to create mirrored accounts for all of our users on our QuickBlox server install. We also want to sync the networks our system's users have created using relationships (eg, "client and provider") that have been built on our system.
In a nutshell, we want to export whitelists that limit chat "opponents" to only those users with whom each of our users already have relationships. If User1 has an existing relationship in our system with User2 and User3 but not User4 through User40, we want to be able to use the QuickBlox API to enforce that within chat by creating a whitelist through the QuickBlox API.
EDIT: We can't use an "honor system" whitelist. That is, the enforcement must be server-side using a method the client cannot circumvent. There must be a hard, unavoidable block between users for privacy concerns.
Use case:
A QuickBlox (or XMPP) server has User1 through User40, inclusive.
User1's whitelist is comprised of [User2, User3] only.
If User1 attempts to contact User15, we want QuickBlox/XMPP to note that User15 is not on User1's whitelist and block that communication as if User1 had bidirectionally blocked that user.
Privacy lists, aka blacklists
I have found places in QB's docs that refer to the XMPP specification docs, and have found the concept of privacy lists, which seem to operate as blacklists:
These only provide two styles of blacklist privacy:
You can choose a type of blocked logic (Privacy List). There are 2
Block in one way. You are blocked, but you can write to
blocked user.
Block in two ways. You are blocked and you also can't
write to blocked user.
Server Whitelist (dialog-level, not user)
I've also found documentation on whitelists for servers, which appear to operate at a dialog/jid, not user, level:
An entity added to a whitelist MAY be a JID of any form as specified in RFC 6120... a whitelist may prevent inbound communications, outbound communications, or both...
Rosters -- "presence" detail only?
There are also rosters, which are close to whitelists, but they do not seem in my testing to restrict communication between any two users that might not be on each other's roster.
That is to say, I haven't set up a roster in my testing application, and users are able to create group and 1-on-1 chat dialogs in spite of not having explicitly accepted any roster requests. In the Android docs, I found the following on rosters: "[A roster] is the collection of users a person receives presence updates for." That's not blocking in any way outside of presence alerts, I don't believe.
Is there a suggested way to create a pessimistic whitelist for each user, which only contain those users with whom communication is allowed? Or are we forced to create and maintain "inverse blacklists", where we automate the creation of privacy lists for every new user blocking every other user and then use the API to remove those with which each user should be able to communicate?
If we do have to use "inverse blacklists", is there a way to have a default blacklist apply to every new user that initially blocks communication with every other user already in our QuickBlox system?
(Again, we can't use "honor system" lists. If the client must request a whitelist to be active before it can be used, can freely discover and then change active whitelists, or if the client can decline to use a list, that's not secure enough.)
XMPP Clients
XMPP clients will need a way to ask another clients if they support receiving pushes via a relay. Since pushes can be sent from anywhere, clients will also be able to send pushes directly to other clients through the relay as long as they have their friend’s whitelist token. They will also need to respond to XMPP server inquiries for whitelist tokens to allow pushes to be sent by the server if a message is sent by a client not supporting direct push.
XMPP Servers
XMPP servers can ask their connected clients if they support push relays and, if so, forward messages they receive to the push relay server when the client is offline. This will require the XMPP server to obtain a whitelist token from the user as well.
Help:see this link
If we are talking about XMPP protocol - there is an ability to block any communications from/to (see example 48)
So, by default, you can set it for each user for example.
Then, if we need to allow to communicate with someone specific,
then you can add this user to your privacy list with action=allow and order greater than 'full block'. Here is actually a good example of whitelist implementation via Privacy Lists, see example 8:
and (3) 'special', which allows communications only with three
specific entities.

Mirth Connect Solution.For multiple user Access info with what they Done with there name and date

my mirth connect uses 10 people simultaneously
EX . one reprocoss hl7 message and another user Remove Message.
So i want to which user will which process with time and date and ip address
plz suggestion it important
The commercial version of Mirth Connect supports advanced user management and advanced alerting, which sounds like what you need.
From the Mirth Site:
Advanced Alerting
Advanced Alerting provides metric, exception, and state-based monitoring of channels and connectors. Additional features include automatic escalation and de-escalation, scheduling, and notification throttling. Using advanced alerts, dynamically send different alert messages to different user groups based on the current escalation level, time, and day. The new alert dashboard provides a view of all alert statistics and logs.
User Authorization
User Authorization provides role-based access control to all aspects of the Mirth Connect Administrator. Create new roles with specific permissions to areas such as channel management or message browsing. Assign any number of roles to users. Use this to manage access to sensitive channel and messaging data across your enterprise.

SNMP Messages for failed logon with a PostgreSQL Log

Currently my application runs and inserts events into a protected PostgreSQL DB. That's cool and it allows for audit of user login and such.
What I would like to do is be able to take failed login events after they reach a certain threshold and report those via SNMP Message to another service (like a snmp server). I just can't seem to wrap my head around how.
I thought of maybe using POST to a failed page and inside of that PHP script a system to post to PostgreSQL and query events by user by time but it seems brutal. Maybe Python? I have options but I can't think of a good implementation. Help?
I would suggest following approach:
on insert trigger on table where login attempts were logged to check number of attempts and then
when login attempts threshold achieved send NOTIFY notification
finally external service LISTEN for notification and
upon it receives one send SNMP message broadcast
For more info see:

RabbitMQ Structure For Private Messaging

I am currently looking to buildout a messaging service where users can send and receive messages privately between each other. I may have a need for multi-user chat, but for the most part, I only want single recipients to be able to read messages sent to them.
With looking at RabbitMQ, does it make sense to use one exchange, and create a queue for each user when they login and destroy each queue on logout? Are there major performance issues with creating a queue for each user or are there better alternatives?
I am building a REST API and plan on having users send messages to others through an endpoint (/send) and subscribe to their own message streams via websockets or something similar. I will probably store messages in MongoDB as well, so users can access all of their previous messages. Any suggestions on structure are appreciated.
I think your approach is correct. You event don't need an exchange if you will use the default exchange (AMQP Default). And during login create a new queue and keep queue name same as user name. (Just need to make sure user names are unique) And if you publish message to the default exchange with username (ie: queue name) as routing key, RbbitMQ will route that message to that queue only. And on logout if you delete the queue then user is going to miss the messages when he is not online. If it is OK then create queue after login and use the configuration exclusive which says queue gets deleted when there is no consumer. But if you want to keep offline messages then you need to create queue permanently during user signup.