How display time on asix-y and date on x-asix? - grafana

How can i make chart in grafana to show date on x-asix and time on y-asix?
In red box from 0 to 24, with step 60


Power BI Line chart Fix the X Axis label so that only day and month are shown

My problem is: I'm strugling with Power bi trying to correct a default behaviour of the line chart. In this case when I try to filter my data for periods of 2 to 5 days the hours of the day appear in the X axis. Like I show in the image below. In my date hierarchy I have specified my date column with the format (dd/mm/yyyy) and the column is of the type "date", but he hours of the day still appear.
How can I get rid of the hours of the day when I select only 2 to 5 days in the slicer of time??
What I've tried: I've tried to change the date column in my line chart visual so that only the month and the day appear but when a monthly period of days is selected the visual isn't able to show all the data at once and the user needs to scroll in the element, so it is not a solution. I've also tried to change the format of my date column but without sucess.
The desired result must show only the days without the hours of the day like the image bellow:
Links I've followed but sadly didn't help:
Power Bi Axis X and Y
Core plot x-axis labels are not shown
In Power BI X-axis label, how to show only week starting day instead of all date series?
Can Power BI add range selection to a Line Chart?

How to Draw Pie chart based on time entries in google sheet

Given the data arrangement in the image below (from google sheet) I tried to draw a chart showing time consumed by each activity, each activity has a start time, the end time of an activity is the start time of the next activity, I couldn't find a way to visualize such arrangement, is it possible ?
Update: Solution
This is what I reached now
Also I don't have to write end time, here is how I did it
= D:D * 24 * 60
Note: To draw the chart I had to move the "Minutes" column to the right, i.e labels column has to be on the left for the chart to draw properly.
After that you can hide helping columns C and D as they are just created for intermediate steps.
Yes, you may build a Pie chart based on time entries, but you need to convert time format into number format.
select column with time
go to menu Format → Number → Number
Or, for more visual, convert time formatted numbers into number of minutes:
= Time * 24 * 60
And then draw chart:

Multi color Range Bar based on values in ssrs 2008

I designed a range bar using SSRS 2008. Scenario i am currently having issue as follows:
My range bar is based on "Activity Name", Start Date & Time, End Date & Time.
Eg: Activity A starts on 1st April # 5AM and ends #6PM. My requirement is range bar should show 5AM to 10AM in one color, 10 AM to 2 PM in one color and 2PM till 6 PM in another color.
Basically i am trying to show shifts involved in completing that activity. Hope my requirement is clear. Please help.
It's hard to visualize your chart but if your displaying a total number of Activities (Activity Name) in one bar and the data has a date/time field, you can use the Charts's Series Properties' Fill property.
On your chart values, click the drop-down by your Value Series and go the FILL tab. For the Color expression, you'll want something like:
=IIF(FORMAT(Fields!YourDateTimeField.Value, "HH") >= 5 AND FORMAT(Fields!YourDateTimeField.Value, "HH") < 10, "BLUE",
IIF(FORMAT(Fields!YourDateTimeField.Value, "HH") >= 10 AND FORMAT(Fields!YourDateTimeField.Value, "HH") < 13, "PURPLE",
IIF(FORMAT(Fields!YourDateTimeField.Value, "HH") >= 14 AND FORMAT(Fields!YourDateTimeField.Value, "HH") < 18, "RED", "ORANGE")))
This would color the Activities between 5 am and 10 am as blue, 10 am and 2 om as purple and 2pm and 6 pm as red - any outside these ranges would be Orange.

SSRS 2008R2: Can not edit or modify the X-axis label in line chart

I am new to SSRS world. I want to show the Horizontal axis label field as per below:
In my report I will pass a parameter called Year. In the repot it will show a line in Y-axis (it is limit field) and Date field is in the X-axis. I want to show total (12 + 1)=13 label like 1st date of every month (e.g. 1-jan-, 1-Feb) and last date of the selected year (31 -Dec).
Can anyone please help me regarding that?
Try to change the axis type to scalar, then set the following fields:
Minimum - 1
Maximum - 13
Interval - 1
Interval Type - Numbers

Setting a fixed width domain for a TimeSeries plot in JFreeChart

I've a dynamic timeseries chart to which some value is added every 20 seconds. I want to set the width of the plot to something like say 30 minutes so that my chart starts showing a "30-min canvas/plot" starting from the left hand side until it fills up the whole plot. After every 30 minutes, I want to clear up the old data and only show the latest 30 minutes data which means at any given point of time, my chart will only show data of latest 30 minutes. I've already created chart and its working great except that the starting domain range gets fixed to the point from where it started even after couple of hours.
Get upperbound after 30 minutes, then set lowerbound to the upperbound and the new upperbound to the old upperbound+30minutes?