Find using two foreign keys in mongodb - mongodb

Inter_stu schema
const inter_stu_Schema = new mongoose.Schema({
Problem statement
Above is the interview_student schema.. Now I want to fetch result of a student with a particular sid and iid, what should be the mongoose query for this ?
data inside inter_stus collection
data inside inter_stu collection
My Attempt
let sid = req.query.sid;
let iid = req.query.iid;
let student = await Student.findById(sid);
let interview = await Interview.findById(iid);
sid = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(sid);
iid = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(iid);
console.log(typeof(sid)+" "+iid)
const filter = {
'sid': {_id:sid._id},
'iid': {_id:iid._id}
let inter_stu = await Inter_stu.find(filter);
if(student && interview && inter_stu){
Output of my attempt
object 630501877794df5f6780121f
name: 'student 2',
company: 'Fintech',
date: 2012-08-10T00:00:00.000Z,
status: undefined
while same query works in mongoDB compass
query executed in mongoDB compass
What should be the right query ?

You can create a new MongoDB ObjectId like this using mongoose:
sid = new mongoose.mongo.ObjectId(sid);
iid = new mongoose.mongo.ObjectId(iid);
const filter = {


Argument passed in must be a single String of 12 bytes or a string of 24 hex characters, Mongoose ObjectId err

I actually searched a ton and I saw a ton of mentions of my problem here but none of the things I tried helped me fix the issue i'm having.
I have a Room Scheme that looks like this:
const ObjectId = mongoose.Schema.ObjectId;
const roomSchema = mongoose.Schema({
users: [{
type: ObjectId,
ref: 'User'
messages: [{
type: ObjectId,
ref: 'Message',
post: {
type: ObjectId,
ref: 'Post'
As you can see I have an array of users with ref to another schema Users
I'm trying to query all the Rooms that has a User ObjectId in it (search ObjectId in an array).
while I can easily get this with querying mongo from cmd using this:
when I try to get the same while using mongoose it fails with:
Error: Argument passed in must be a single String of 12 bytes or a string of 24 hex characters
Here is how my route and find looks like:
.get((req, res) => {
var query = { users: "USER_ID" };
Room.find(query ).populate('messages').then((data) => {
}).catch((err) => {
I tried to create type of object ID and use it but it still doesn't work.
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
userId = 'THE_USER_ID';
var id = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(userId);
and than
Rooms.find({'users': id });
but it still doesn't work.
I also tried altering my query search using $in, $elemmatch it worked on cmd but failed when querying using mongoose.
Any help would be appreciated.
Issue :
If you check this :
var query = { users: "USER_ID" };
userId = 'THE_USER_ID';
var id = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(userId);
What are you trying to do here ? You are passing in string USER_ID or THE_USER_ID as input and trying to convert it to type of ObjectId(). But string inside ObjectId() has certain restrictions which is why mongoose is failing to convert passed in string value to ObjectId() and getting error'd out.
Try this code :
Code :
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
.get((req, res) => {
var query = { users: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.params.user_id) };
Room.find(query).populate('messages').then((data) => {
}).catch((err) => {
Your input should be value of user_id (Which will be string) - Convert it to ObjectId() and then query DB. So value of user_id should be a string that obeys ObjectId()'s restrictions, You can take string from one of existing doc's ObjectId() & test your get api.

Mongoose - save after lean

I'm fetching an object from mongo using mongoose but i want to use lean as there are attributes that aren't in mongoose model (strict:false)
After modifying that object i can't save it back
let order = await Order.findOne({_id:}).populate({path: 'o_s', match: {removed: false}}).lean() //not working as it's not mongoose model any more
return res.json({status: true, message: 'Order Updated', order: order});
}) //not giving error but not updating too
any suggestions ?
In order to update the doc you retrieved from the db, you have to remove the _id property.
Consider this contrived example:
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const conn = mongoose.connection;
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const schema = new Schema({
name: String
schema.set('strict', false);
const Test = mongoose.model('test', schema);
const test = new Test({
name: 'Henry',
nick: 'Billy'
async function run() {
await conn.dropDatabase();
let doc = await Test.findOne({}).lean();
const id = doc._id;
delete doc._id; = 'Billy';
doc.nick = 'The Kid';
await Test.update({ _id: id }, doc);
let updated = await Test.findOne({});
return conn.close();
{ _id: 5ad34679bc95f172c26f3382,
name: 'Billy',
nick: 'The Kid',
__v: 0 }
note that you lose auto versioning in this scenario, if this is important to you, you'll need to manually increment the version property.
i suggest to doesn't use lean() because it has some performance isues that i realized.
otherwise you can use JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(order)) and for some reasean it's a better approach. especially wen you want to iterate over the result ( in my case it was two times faster for iteration).

Mongodb collection name changed after creation

Problem is that then I run this code, after I check the db records with Robomongo on windows, I see only one collection created with name 'maximas' with two records,
if I remove Model2 from code, after creation result will be the same, but must be collection 'maxima'.
Is there bug in code that i don't see, or this word is reserved, any ideas?
The code,
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/mymodels', (e)=>{
if(e) throw e;
var schema = new mongoose.Schema({
text: {type: String}
var Model1 = mongoose.model('maxima', schema);
var Model2 = mongoose.model('maximas', schema);
var newData1 = new Model1({
text: 'test'
var newData2 = new Model2({
text: 'test'
if(e) throw e;
if(e) throw e;
Mongoose will automatically pluralise your model name as the collection name. This is why they are both the same, as the second collection name is already in plural form.
You can pass the desired collection name as the third model argument:
var Model1 = mongoose.model('maxima', schema, 'maxima');
var Model2 = mongoose.model('maximas', schema, 'maximas');
NOTE: You can also specify your collection name as an option in your schema:
var schema = new mongoose.Schema({
text: { type: String }
}, {
collection: 'maxima'
...but in this case you would require a second schema so the first approach above is more suitable here.

Mongoose/MongoDB - Saving a record to overwrite current data:

So I have a object in the DB that is basically blog posts, there is a array of ObjectID's in there that reference the Categories collection.
Posts = {
title: String,
Content: String,
Categories: [{
type: ObjectID,
ref: 'Categories'
I can create the posts fine, problem comes when I try to update them:
post.title = 'hi';
post.content = 'content';
post.categories = ['44523452525','4e1342413421342'];{});
For some reason it will ADD those 2 categories instead of wiping the categories array and inserting those.
How do I get it to remove those and insert new ones?
I tried to reproduce this behavior but I couldn't - here's the code sample I ran:
var mongoose = require('mongoose')
var Schema = mongoose.Schema
PostSchema = new Schema({
var Post = mongoose.model('Post', PostSchema);
var mypost = new Post()
mypost.title = "x"
mypost.content = "y"
mypost.cats = ['a','b','c']
mypost.cats = ['d','e']
After the second call to save() the array contains only what it was set to ("d","e"). Can you try it and see if you get the same result? Maybe it's related to mongoose version, or something.

How to access a preexisting collection with Mongoose?

I have a large collection of 300 question objects in a database test. I can interact with this collection easily through MongoDB's interactive shell; however, when I try to get the collection through Mongoose in an express.js application I get an empty array.
My question is, how can I access this already existing dataset instead of recreating it in express? Here's some code:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
mongoose.model('question', new Schema({ url: String, text: String, id: Number }));
var questions = mongoose.model('question');
questions.find({}, function(err, data) { console.log(err, data, data.length); });
This outputs:
null [] 0
Mongoose added the ability to specify the collection name under the schema, or as the third argument when declaring the model. Otherwise it will use the pluralized version given by the name you map to the model.
Try something like the following, either schema-mapped:
new Schema({ url: String, text: String, id: Number},
{ collection : 'question' }); // collection name
or model mapped:
new Schema({ url: String, text: String, id: Number}),
'question'); // collection name
Here's an abstraction of Will Nathan's answer if anyone just wants an easy copy-paste add-in function:
function find (name, query, cb) {
mongoose.connection.db.collection(name, function (err, collection) {
simply do find(collection_name, query, callback); to be given the result.
for example, if I have a document { a : 1 } in a collection 'foo' and I want to list its properties, I do this:
find('foo', {a : 1}, function (err, docs) {
//output: [ { _id: 4e22118fb83406f66a159da5, a: 1 } ]
You can do something like this, than you you'll access the native mongodb functions inside mongoose:
var mongoose = require("mongoose");
var connection = mongoose.connection;
connection.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'connection error:'));
connection.once('open', function () {
connection.db.collection("YourCollectionName", function(err, collection){
collection.find({}).toArray(function(err, data){
console.log(data); // it will print your collection data
Update 2022
If you get an MongoInvalidArgumentError: The callback form of this helper has been removed. error message, here's the new syntax using async/await:
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const connection = mongoose.connection;
connection.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'connection error:'));
connection.once('open', async function () {
const collection = connection.db.collection("Products");
collection.find({}).toArray(function(err, data){
console.log(data); // it will print your collection data
I had the same problem and was able to run a schema-less query using an existing Mongoose connection with the code below. I've added a simple constraint 'a=b' to show where you would add such a constraint:
var action = function (err, collection) {
// Locate all the entries using find
collection.find({'a':'b'}).toArray(function(err, results) {
/* whatever you want to do with the results in node such as the following
res.render('home', {
'title': 'MyTitle',
'data': results
mongoose.connection.db.collection('question', action);
Are you sure you've connected to the db? (I ask because I don't see a port specified)
mongoose.connection.on("open", function(){
console.log("mongodb is connected!!");
Also, you can do a "show collections" in mongo shell to see the collections within your db - maybe try adding a record via mongoose and see where it ends up?
From the look of your connection string, you should see the record in the "test" db.
Hope it helps!
Something else that was not obvious, to me at least, was that the when using Mongoose's third parameter to avoid replacing the actual collection with a new one with the same name, the new Schema(...) is actually only a placeholder, and doesn't interfere with the exisitng schema so
var User = mongoose.model('User', new Schema({ url: String, text: String, id: Number}, { collection : 'users' })); // collection name;
User.find({}, function(err, data) { console.log(err, data, data.length);});
works fine and returns all fields - even if the actual (remote) Schema contains none of these fields. Mongoose will still want it as new Schema(...), and a variable almost certainly won't hack it.
Go to MongoDB website, Login > Connect > Connect Application > Copy > Paste in 'database_url' > Collections > Copy/Paste in 'collection' .
var mongoose = require("mongoose");
mongoose.connect(' database_url ');
var conn = mongoose.connection;
conn.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'connection error:'));
conn.once('open', function () {
conn.db.collection(" collection ", function(err, collection){
collection.find({}).toArray(function(err, data){
console.log(data); // data printed in console
I tried all the answers but nothing worked out, finally got the answer hoe to do it.
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
// let model = require('./test1');
setTimeout(async () => {
let coll = mongoose.connection.db.collection(<Your collection name in plural form>);
// let data = await coll.find({}, {limit:2}).toArray();
// let data = await coll.find({name:"Vishal"}, {limit:2}).toArray();
// let data = await coll.find({name:"Vishal"}, {projection:{player:1, _id:0}}).toArray();
let data = await coll.find({}, {limit:3, sort:{name:-1}}).toArray();
}, 2000);
I have also mentioned some of the criteria to filter out. Delete and update can also be done by this.
Make sure you're connecting to the right database as well as the right collection within the database.
You can include the name of the database in the connection string.
notice databasename in the following connection string:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
const connectionString = 'mongodb+srv://';