Flutter pub get acting weird - flutter

I was trying to do a project I cloned but I cant seem to use any of the packages and when I used the pub get command I get this error

it looks like you edited the pubspec.lock file. pubspec file indent sensitive. you can delete it and run flutter pub get to genarate file again.


Issue with Pub Get via dart extension in VSCode

I've got a problem where running pub get via the VSCode dart extension doesn't actually get the packages. It doesn't return an error but if I attempt to build my project, it will just continuously tell me my pubspec lock has updated since I last ran pub get.
Running flutter pub get via terminal solves the issue straight way.
Has anyone else experienced this with VSCode?
You can
delete pubspec.lock
flutter clean
Reinstall Extensions

Flutter: Can I force flutter to install packages from pubspec.lock?

Does anyone know if you can do reproducible builds in Flutter? There doesn't seem to be an option to install from the pubspec.lock file. I would of expected something like:
flutter pub get --from-lockfile
The problem is that the pubspec.lock is modified on every run of flutter pub get so I can't easily go back to the previous state of the dependencies at different points in the git history.
I would of expected it to behave like the yarn.lock or package-lock.json which allow you to create reproducible builds of the project.
As mentioned in the doc, pub get should fetch what's in pubspec.lock if the lockfile contains the solution for the dependency requirements and constraints configured in pubspec.yaml. Simply put, if pubspec.yaml and pubspec.lock isn't modified, and neither Dart nor Flutter SDK is upgraded, then pub get should fetch what's listed in pubspec.lock.
If you're still having issues and can be reproducible, you can file an issue here https://github.com/dart-lang/pub/issues - as jonasfj also mentioned in the Comments.

'flutter pub get' does not work in VSCode

I'm currently developing flutter application with VSCode and want to add some packages. ex) dropdown_menu
I did flutter pub get / flutter packages get / clicking down arrow button in vscode(get Packages)
and this is all I get everytime
PS D:\VSCodeProjects\testt> flutter pub get
Running "flutter pub get" in testt... 0.4s
PS D:\VSCodeProjects\testt>
this is my code in pubspec.
sdk: flutter
cupertino_icons: ^0.1.3
dropdown_menu: ^1.1.0
I did turn on / off program( and computer) , restart,
flutter clean
flutter packages get
flutter packages upgrade
Does anybody know how to solve??
It's running, by default in vs code whenever you save your .yaml file it runs it under the hood. When you explicitly run it using the command, it takes very less time as the packages are already up to date.
If in doubt, try to use the new packages that you added and they should not give errors.
flutter pub get is meant to be quick especially when you don't have much libraries.
What you see is right there should not be any problem.
But if there is issues where you are going for a specific version and it is not working, this is because pubspec.yaml stores the settings of what version of library but pubspec.lock stores the actual version your app is using.
Judging from your comments of it not showing up. It might be related to this #31115
try the solution and see if it works.
Select the View > Command Palette menubar option
Type "flutter"
Click "flutter get packages"
you can use this in vscode
Pubspec Assist
After typing the package don't forget to save the yaml file or click ctrl + s.

Flutter Xcode build failed due to missing dependencies even when those have been deleted from pubspec.yalm

When I add a dependency to the pubspec.yaml file no matter if the IDE runs the pub get command or if I run it manually, it seems like the packages are being imported correctly (or that is what I think), however, if I "change my mind" and delete the package from the pubspec.yaml file, and again pub get, I am unable to build the app anymore, seems like the packages are still linked somehow to the app, even when there is no code related to them, the only way I can get back to work is by cleaning up all... e.g.
cd ios
cd ..
pod deintegrate
flutter clean
flutter pub cache repair
flutter pub get
cd ios
Pod install
Pod repo update
Maybe I am missing a step when working with dependencies.

The pubspec.lock file has changed since the .dart_tool/package_config.json file was generated

I'm running a dart only test in intellij and receiving the following error:
The pubspec.lock file has changed since the .dart_tool/package_config.json file was generated, please run "pub get" again.
I have tried pub get a number of times. Any ideas? I'm on the dev branch of Flutter (anything using Dart 2.7 pretty much fails with the same or a similar error message).
I think that if you have a path reference dependency in the pubspec.yaml file it will fail.
Anything like the following fails with the above message if you try to run a dart test in IntelliJ.
path: ../test_dependency
I'm not suggesting this is a fix for everyone, but it did resolve my particular situation.
Just ran into this error after upgrading flutter from 1.22.6 to 2.0.2 and trying to use build_runner: ^1.12.2 and json_serializable: ^4.1.0 to generate json serialization/deserialization classes & methods.
The problem is apparently related to the pub package when used with relative paths for packages as noted in the following github issues:
One of the commenters in issue 2806 mentioned running flutter create . inside the flutter project folder which rebuilds .dart_tool/package_config.json, adding any missing entries, solving the problem.
No one solved this problem so far?
I've found a staightforward solution and it works fine for me.
You need to close your IDE (VSCode in my case), make sure that is completely closed using process-monitor.
Then open a terminal window manualy in your project folder and run "flutter pub get"
After that just start your IDE normaly and ewerything will work fine.