Flutter tagging and filtering the data based on tags selected(Multi selection of Tag is possible) - flutter

I'm trying to create a new page in which people can view all the people which are providing the services on my platform but can be filtered by using tagging
The filter should happen in such a a way that people who are providing most of the services which are tagged should be on top and based on the number of tags hit the order of people will be maintained most tag hit on top and least tag hit to be on the below side of the search result
For this purpose i'm trying to use "https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_tagging/example" which is a library which helps with flutter tagging
but now i want to add this tag filter to filter my grid based on the tags selected
so basically a search button on top using which the tags can be added
a button to switch the grid to list (i have the code for both grid and list but they ar enot related to my data at the moment)
and finally the tag to filter the data
Step 1:- Once the user clicks on View ALl the user is redirected to next screen
Step 2:- Currently the second screen is just a grid however i want it to have the flutter tagging to filter all people and also a button to change from grid to list
I'm new to flutter so any guide reference will be great
for any question please feel free to ask


Displaying the wiki content dynamically beside each image

I want to display images of 10 people on my dashboard, when i hover the image dynamically it needs to display a wiki page to the side of each image related to that person, how do i achieve this in tableau?
Here are the steps after you have a dashboard with your people on one of the charts. My example uses the pesticide list from the most recent #makeovermonday.
In your dashboard, drag the web page object in.
Click the option dropdown of that new object and click Add URL Action.
In the popup place the main portion of your wikipedia url in the box and select your people field which will become the dynamic portion of the URL. Mine is pesticides.
Change Run action on to Hover
Now when you hover on your main chart it will update the web page object with the person hovered on. I just hovered on Atrazine in this image
You will probably have to update your people names to make sure they match wikipedia's url.

Questions about Android listview

If I have more than 100 items in listview then is there any better solution than creating new 100 classes and XML files for staring new activity on click of each list item?
Using switch case and array of list items I can create but I am searching better solution than this
I am new to Android development
If any one having any idea please share it.
Thanks in advance.
You wrote:
"I am having predefined list of items in my project but it is having around 150 items in list and after clicking on item there must be new page which shows some text and images on next page"
So make only one new Activity and display text and images depending on the selected item. At the onCreate-Method of your Activity ask for the selected value from the list (you can transport this item/its name as a String with a Bundle). And depending on the selected item you generate your text and your images and - if needed - their functionality.

Build some sort of workflow in JavaFX

I'm trying to build some sort of visual workflow in JavaFX. I want my application to have one main screen with the next and previous buttons, something like an installer. When a user clicks next, all the elements of the next screen appear in the same element. All previous choices of the user have to be saved. So when a user clicks on the previous button that all of his choices are still there.
How would I go on to do this?
I found these links on Google, but they don't seem to help me. Something like this is a bit the direction that I want to go, but the code in this tutorial isnt't really that good for scene's with a lot of elements.
The DataFX Framework provides a Flow API that can be used to define workflows. By doing so you can simply navigate between MVC Groups by only using annotations or configurations. You can find some examples of the API here:
I haven't worked with JavaFX in a while, but I'll start by saying I really hope you are using the JavaFX scene builder.
The way I would do it off the top of my head without going back and relearning JavaFX is to create a main window in the scene builder, and have a sort of central content display area, which holds another custom JavaFX container that contains the content you want to display, of which you can then create several of and swap out which one is being displayed programmatically.
Basically, create several smaller components representing each step or screen and display them programmatically in an owning container.

In a windows 8 app, when clicking on a group, how to show a page that has clickable tiles

I have a windows 8 grid app, however, when I click on a group, I don't want the GroupDetailPage. Instead, I need a page that has multiple tiles which are clickable links.
Something similar to the app store, when you click a particular group, say Games, you get all the games, arranged in a grid and it is a clickable link.
Any help is very much appreciated.
thanks in advance
You could modify the existing GroupDetailPage removing the content about the group, and leaving just the list of items. Or you could modify the destination of the group heading click to a completely new page that you generate.
Are you using C#/XAML, HTML5/JS?
If you are looking to mimic tile animations and display the MetroJS library is pretty cool:

Wordpress - Show Portfolio Categories

I'm working with a WordPress website and a client wants to show a list of categories in the footer. Unfortunately, it is showing as empty because he has no posts and has set the categories to portfolio items which he wants people to be able to click to.
So, how do I show the portfolio categories in the widget rather than the post categories?
Probably the easiest way I can think of to get the result that you want without having to resort to changing any Theme Files would be this:
Log into your Wordpress Dashboard
Navigate to Appearance->Menus
Create a new Menu, and (if applicable) enable the Custom Taxonomies for your menu by clicking on Screen Options (top right-hand corner of the page) and ticking your Portfolio's Custom Categories and/or Custom Post Types
Once all of the items you want is in your Custom Menu, save it.
Navigate to Appearance->Widgets
Add the Custom Menu Widget to the sidebar in which you would like your items to appear
Select the Custom Menu you just created, and Save
When dealing with Premium Themes, it would always be safest to stay out of their code and avoid changing anything altogether, so try this approach first. Otherwise, you may have to get your hands dirty and alter some code or contact the Theme Developer.