In SSRS what does the option 'Log in using these credentials, but then try to impersonate the user viewing the report' do? - ssrs-2008

When I add a new Data source via the web browser, there is the following option: 'Log in using these credentials, but then try to impersonate the user viewing the report'?
What does this option do?
What are the advantages?
I tried and read the docs but I still don't understand it.
This is with latest version of SQL reporting service.
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards

As there is no answer yet I will explain what a colleague of mine told me in short.
It basically comes down that you login with an order account it's privilege's.
So in the meantime I am not using it as I don't see the advantage of it and only complicates things.


Can't add application as super admin

I am attempting to add the "Amazon Web Services" Application to Google Workspaces.
I have been assigned the super admin role, in the admin dashboard. So, to the best of my knowledge, I should have permissions to add an application. But I keep getting the error message "Can't add Amazon Web Services. Please try again.". Which unfortunately is not particularly helpful in trying to understand what the problem is. I have tried different browsers, signing out/in etc. all to no avail.
However I must be missing something as the organisation owner is able to add the application with no issues, does anyone have any idea what could be preventing me from doing this?
Just to add, I have confirmed that I have the same roles attached as the organisation owner.
If your account has been assigned the role recently it is expected as it usually takes up to 24hrs for a role to fully propagate. After that you should be able to add it with no issues.
That is documented here

Where is the microsoftbotframework openid information?

I'm trying to make a microsoft bot framework bot. According to:
I'm supposed to go to the following website to get the OpenID/Oauth Configuration Information: But that link doesn't seem to go anywhere... Is there somewhere else I should be looking? I tried the site given for emulators as well, but the keys I get from there don't match the key I receive with my message...
Turns out I was just being blocked by the company proxy. :(. Thanks for all the help!

Hide Workflow from SiteAdmin

We have a requirement in our project like we want to hide some workflows in siteadmin. We are using AEM 6.1. Please let us know if anybody has any solution. any help is highly appreciated.
Using User Permissions
This can be controlled by user permissions. The permissions can be updated in useradmin console to remove read permission from the workflow models you want not be shown to user. Permissions can be managed via groups
Please note that there are 2 workflow models for Schedule Activation/Deactivation, the read access is required for these in case you want user to be able to use "Activate/Deactivate Later" OOTB functionality in siteadmin/damadmin console. These 2 are anyways not shown in workflow list while initiating workflow from siteadmin/damadmin console, but we should take care while removing read permissions.
This solution is verified.
Using Model changes
Model can updated to make it as system workflow refer Adobe Forum Link. Verify this one with Day Care to see if there is a side effect.

sugarcrm-Login to sugarcrm application with google account

I'm able to setup sugarcrm to my local machine. Also I've a bit of knowledge of studio. Now I've got a requirement like login to sugarcrm using google account. If user want to login to sugar he/she'll have to use his/her google credential. If the credential is correct and the email id matches with the email id for a user in user module, the he'll be able to login to sugar.
I'm pretty new to sugar so please provide help. Please write if the problem description is not clear to you.
It sounds like your goal is to enable Google Authentication within SugarCRM, which would mean a rewrite of the entire login page and process. I think that's beyond the scope of a SO post, but I think you'd start here:
SugarCRM does come equipped with the Zend Library, including a lot of classes for working with Google APIs, so that's a plus.
A simpler answer, if it meets requirements, is to set the Users' user_names to their google email addresses, either or, whatever. The draw back here is that the accounts aren't actually linked with Google, so passwords won't stay in sync.

What's the proper way of obtaining an account on CPAN?

Can you please tell me the steps I need to follow in order to obtain an account on CPAN? I'd like to contribute some modules.
A while back, I tried to create an account, and I remember I got back a mail containing some of this text:
The following links are only valid for PAUSE maintainers: and there were 2 links :
Registration form with editing capabilities:
Immediate (one click) registration:
I remember I clicked on the Immediate registration but it asked me for a username & password.I did not knew how to go on from there. Was I going in the wrong direction? Does anyone have a step by step account registration tutorial?
It's been so long since I created my CPAN account that I almost forgot. But you need to go to and click "Request a PAUSE Account". PAUSE is the upload backend for CPAN, and from there you can register your account, create a new module, etc.
Follow the steps from the CPAN FAQ PAUSE FAQ. You need to supply a user name and a password to create an account.
When I registered a couple years ago, the first email I got was a simple acknowledgement that I requested an account. The second email was to welcome me as a new user; it notified me of an auto-generated password, and requested me to change my password.
It looks like you might be able to track your progress from this website: PAUSE.
Search for your user name.
I also ran a SuperSearch on PerlMonks to see if others have had problems with PAUSE. This is what turned up:
Is PAUSE working?
The perldoc for perlnewmod is a good starting point, and includes all the instructions you will need to setup your module properly for CPAN.
Send email to for assistance. Browse the archives for your PAUSE id application.