SQL Error [22P02]: ERROR: invalid input value for enum tableName.date_unit: "" - postgresql

I got this error when I try to get the list of all rows on my table. This only happens because I include one of the column in the SELECT. The column itself is an enum column and I wanna use COALESCE for the column in case it meets a null value.
This is a simplication of my code
coalesce(date_unit, '') date_unit
FROM table_name
WHERE user_id = $1
I got this error when I try to run it
SQL Error [22P02]: ERROR: invalid input value for enum table_name.date_unit: ""
This is the error when I run it using SQLX On Golang
Pq: invalid input value for enum table_name.date_unit: \"\"
date_unit itself is an enum which has restricted values. It only accepts day and month as value in the table. But lots of rows have null value in date_unit.
I wanna convert it to "" or empty string if date_unit value is null.
Is there a problem with the COALESCE with enum values? How should I use COALESCE to work with what I wanna do?

The answer is found in the comment section of the question.
To officiate it, as date_unit is not a string type, it cannot be returned when querying (invalid data type). As such, when querying, we should convert date_unit to string type.
This can be done using the query:
COALESCE(date_unit::text, '')
FROM table_name
WHERE user_id = $1

coalesce(date_unit, '')
FROM table_name
WHERE user_id = $1


Redshift - ERROR: Invalid input syntax for type numeric

I use the aws - redshift now,but i got a Error like below when i run this query
row_number() over(partition by nb.roadnumbercode
order by sqrt(power((1.0*cast(ra.latitude as decimal(38,10)))-coalesce(nb.buildingcenterlatitude,0),2)
+power((1.0*cast(ra.longitude as decimal(38,10)))-coalesce(nb.buildingcenterlongitude,0),2)
)) rnum
from dmart.addresses ra join dmart.buildings nb on nb.roadnumbercode = ra.roadnamecode and nb.buildingcenterlatitude is not null and nb.buildingcenterlongitude is not null
limit 30;
Why this error cause ? How can I fix it ?
It looks like you are casting the empty string (“”) to a numeric which isn’t valid. You need to handle the case where the string is empty, nut just NULL.

json_array_elements: invalid input syntax for integer

I have the following sample data for demo:
create table tbl_json
id json
Some values:
insert into tbl_json values('[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3}]');
Query: Convert/cast id into integer from json column.
select json_array_elements(id)->>'id'::int ids
from tbl_json;
Getting an error:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "id"
The ::int cast is applied to 'id' because it has a higher precedence.
select (json_array_elements(id)->>'id')::int ids
from tbl_json;

Update column with input from a VALUES expression without explicit type cast

I'm trying to update a nullable date column with NULL and for some reason Postgres takes NULL as text and gives the below error
order_date = data.order_date
(VALUES (NULL, 100))
AS data(order_date,id)
WHERE data.id = tbl.id
And the error shows:
[42804] ERROR: column "order_date" is of type date but expression is
of type text
Hint: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.
I can fix this by explicitly converting NULL to date as below:
But, Is there a way to achieve this without explicit type conversion?
You can avoid the explicit cast by copying data types from the target table:
SET order_date = data.order_date
((NULL::tbl).order_date, (NULL::tbl).id)
(NULL, 100)
) data(order_date, id)
WHERE data.id = tbl.id;
The added dummy row with NULL values is filtered by WHERE data.id = tbl.id.
Related answer with detailed explanation:
Casting NULL type when updating multiple rows

How to convert string to numeric in Postgres?

I'm getting
"ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric: "NOS-Numbers" "
while running query
quantity numeric(15,3)
insert into report_data(quantity)
select case
when p.product= 'OUTRIGHT' then
when sum(convert_to_integer(p.qty,0)) > 0 then 'NOS-Numbers'
else to_number('')
else to_number('')
from product_details
please help to get this resolved.
You cannot store strings in a numeric colums, and storing display data is generally a bad idea. Use instead NULL for an unknown value, and convert this to a better displayable value when fetching. E.g.:
SELECT COALESCE(quantity, 'NOS-Numbers') FROM report_data;
will return 'NOS-Numbers' for NULL, and the value of quantity otherwise.

Postgres: ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = bigint

My query is something like this. I try to get a status for a list of ids.
select order_number, order_status_name
from data.order_fact s
join data.order_status_dim l
on s.order_status_key = l.order_status_key
order_number in (1512011196169,1512011760019,1512011898493,1512011972111)
I get an error though that says:
ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = bigint
LINE 6: order_number in (1512011196169,1512011760019,1512011898493,1...
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
Do you have any clue on how I should reform the ids to get it work?
Thanks a lot!
Your order_number is a varchar, you can't compare that to a number (123 is a number in SQL, '123' is a string constant)
You need to use string literals:
order_number in ('1512011196169','1512011760019','1512011898493','1512011972111')
More details in the manual:
If you can't change the type of numbers within in, you could use cast:
select * from numbers_as_string
where cast(my_numbers_as_string as int) in (1,2,3)
This happen too when you are using native query in sprinboot and you are passing a parameter as string but that field is a (integer or long) in your model/entity, also when you are comparing a string with a integer due that param is used like string without casting.
so you should cast it as integer in the native query like this
for example:
inner join tablex t on t.x\\:\\:integer = pv.id \n"+
List<Object> getMyQuery(#Param("x") String x)