DB2 Error while creating CURSOR - [Code: -84, SQL State: 42612] UNACCEPTABLE SQL STATEMENT. SQLCODE=-84, SQLSTATE=42612, DRIVER=4.28.11 - db2

I am getting error while I create CURSOR for a select statement.
declare mycursor cursor for
select count(*) FROM BOM_LINK
Basically my requirement is different,- I should be deleting the records. In place Select it should Delete, for that again I am getting error as mentioned in the below Stackoverflow - Question, DB2 Error Code -495 while we try deleting records counts more than 400k , so I am trying to delete records row-by-row by creating CURSOR
Can someone assist us on the issue concerns to CURSOR. Over that we could make a progress.
Here is error with the code,
Code: -84, SQL State: 42612] UNACCEPTABLE SQL STATEMENT. SQLCODE=-84, SQLSTATE=42612, DRIVER=4.28.11


Postgres SQL ERROR: XX001: invalid page in block

This error has just started popping when I run queries against TABLE_A .......
ERROR: XX001: invalid page in block 38 of relation pg_tblspc/16402/PG_14_202107181/16404/125828
If I try a very simple query against the same table for example SELECT * FROM TABLE_A I get a similar error....
ERROR: invalid memory alloc request size 18446744073709551613
SQL state: XX000
Or another similar query select count(*) from TABLE_A gives me....
ERROR: could not access status of transaction 917520
DETAIL: Could not open file "pg_xact/0000": No such file or directory.
SQL state: 58P01
Based on this thread I tried this fix....
SET zero_damaged_pages = on;
The 2nd command, VACUUM full TABLE_A produced another related error....
ERROR: found xmax 16384 from before relfrozenxid 379279265
SQL state: XX001
I think all these problems boil down to a simple case of file corruption at the OS level. I do have the ability to drop and re-create this table, but before I start I'd like to know if there's a quicker/simpler solution, and if there's any way of stopping this from happening again.

Executing query inside variable in PostgreSQL function

I'm new to postgres, for a scenario i stored SQL statements inside a table with respective to table name. in the function i'm trying to filter the table name by passing them as a parameter to get the query from the table. But when i execute the query from the variable it gives out error
"SQL Error [42P01]: ERROR: relation "public.table_name" does not exist
Where: PL/pgSQL function ops_data_refresh(text) line 45 at EXECUTE"
execute format('select query from public.ops_dw_table_load where target_table=''%s'' and is_active =true',main_table)
into qry1;
if qry1 is not null then
raise notice '%',qry1;
execute qry1;
raise notice output insert into public.table_name select * from stage.table_name;
with raise notice im able to see the query which is in the table, if I run it manually things are working fine. but when running from function it throws the above error.
There is an SQL injection bug in your code. It should be:
EXECUTE format('SELECT ... target_table = %L ...', main_table);
But the problem is in the second EXECUTE: the query references a table that does not exist. Either change the query or create the table.

Getting SQL state: 25P02 while trying to update a table with data from another

I am using a PostgreSQL DB. I have two tables, namely company and bl_location. I have a field location_id in both tables. Now I am trying to copy the value of location_id from bl_location to company. The primary key of company is company_id and it is stored in bl_location too. I am trying the following query:
UPDATE company
SET location_id = bl_location.location_id
from bl_location
where company.company_id = bl_location.company_id;
using the syntax I found online:
update table1
set col1 = . . .
from table2
where table1.id = table2.table1_id
But I am getting the following in the console of the pgAdmin tool:
ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
********** Error **********
ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
SQL state: 25P02
I cannot figure out what is wrong with my query.
RCA : This issue happens when last transitions ended up with error and not rolled back
if you're using PGAdmin click on rollback & enable auto rollback option
Whether you are aware of it or not, your statement is running inside an explicit transaction, and one of the preceeding statements is the same transaction must have caused an error.
To debug this, consider setting log_statement = 'all' so that all statments get logged. By tracing all statements from the same backend PID you will be able to identify the culprit.

Challenges with 'INSERT' query using dblink_exec

I've read the docs repeatedly, but I'm unclear why I keep getting a
ERROR: syntax error at or near "into"
SELECT dblink_exec ('dbname=database_test',
insert into public.names (gid,name,"default",class,last_updated,description)
values ('124565555','dblink_test','true','10','2017-01-30 14:14:40.581',null));
Can I not INSERT to a remote db (note: 'database_test' .is on the same server as the database I am working in)
According to docs you should single quote ' sql statement.
SELECT dblink_exec('myconn', 'insert into foo values(21,''z'',''{"a0","b0","c0"}'');');

Continue sql statement after an error in postgresql database

I am working on a view which this is its sql
-- DROP VIEW bd_segment_id;
SELECT final.gid,
row_number() OVER (ORDER BY final.gid) AS row_number,
degrees(st_azimuth(ff.sp, ff.ep) - 1.57079633::double precision) AS az_deg,
st_length(ff.st_makeline) AS st_length,
FROM bd_segment_geom ff
JOIN final ON st_touches(ff.st_makeline, final.geom)
GROUP BY final.gid, ff.sp, ff.ep, ff.st_makeline;
ALTER TABLE bd_segment_id
OWNER TO postgres;
while running each query of this table I have faced this error
ERROR: GEOSTouches: TopologyException: side location conflict at 553655.77720000315 3474241.5185000021
********** Error **********
ERROR: GEOSTouches: TopologyException: side location conflict at 553655.77720000315 3474241.5185000021
SQL state: XX000
Is there any way for sql to pass errors and continues to do the rest of sql?I know the problem is an internal error but I want sql jump of it..
I have searched and found this in section 39.6.6. Trapping Errors is says how we can use an EXCEPTION clause but I don't know how to write handler_statements that says sql to continue.
I need sth like try catch in C# or jave
can some one please help me with this problem?
thank you