a pink square suddenly appeared in tile palette, covering up half of my sprites, it is not a sprite, it appears when I try to place one of my sprites in the tile map, most sprites work, its just this one, when I select the image one pops up next to the name
On the game view on the left the yellow small square is on the player foot and the whole rectangle on the bottom is down out the view.
How can I move up the yellow small square of the Game Window Guides to be on the player center and that the bottom of the Game Window Guides rectangle will be fit in the game view so I can control it change it's size ?
In this screenshot I'm using paint to add circle/s to explain more what do I mean the yellow small square and what do I mean by fit the size and that is out at the bottom :
I use blue circle to show the yellow small square I meant and blue rectangle to show the bottom that is getting out the Game view :
How can I change in Cinemachine the Game Window Guides center to be on the player center ?
The small yellow square I think and I want to be on the character center body not on his foot.
And on the bottom I can't drag the Game Window Guides since it's out on the bottom.
Under Middle Rig property, change the y-axis from 0 to 1.
the image of the object, with the x and y coordinates referring to the middle of the object
I'm kind of a noob at unity, but I'm pretty sure I've done this before. Is there a way to change the position of the blue circle to the top left of the object?
If That white box is a Sprite, then just click the sprite filed to open it in inspector. And Click [Sprite Editor] button in the middle of inspector. There you can just drag blue circle (the center of that sprite). And then press [Apply] button in inspector.
If that white box is a GUI Image ( I think probably not.) , then you need too do some scripting for it. ( Just Re-Arrange it whit modified center with code )
I am using vector graphics for my game. The problem is after importing the vector file of a simple white square, I created a tile using it and I changed its color to ( let's say ) red. I created a 2dtilemap by right clicking in the object hierarchy. Then I opened my tile palette windows, I drag and drop my square tile ( with changed color ) in the tile palette window. Instead of showing a red square tile, its showing me the (original ) white color tile. Even when i paint, its painting a white square tile instead of red. I don't know why this is happening .... plz help
Whene you drag Sprite, tile pallet get only Texture from this Sprite. Color its property of Sprite.
I want to create a game 2d in unity. I have a simple (main) square shape. Then, when I click on the screen, should be added another square. At each addition of a new square, I have to get an intersect, and from this intersect I have to get a new form for main shape. That is, change the shape. How many times I click so many times should appear a new square. How can this be realized?
The scene background color is white.
In the scene there are two sprite nodes (SKSpriteNode) sprite 1 and sprite 2 with black borders and transparent backgrounds.
sprite 2 moves.
sprite 2 reaches sprite 1 and contacts it.
What I'm trying to do is merging the two sprite contact borders when they contact each other. With other words: I want to change the color of the contact points of both sprites into the scene background color. I tried to do this with the blendMode property. But it seems that the blendMode property works only with a node and his parent.
Does the blendMode property work only with a node and his parent? If yes, is there any way to change the colors of the contact points of two "normal sprite nodes"?
Thanks for any ideas.
the background color is white.
each sprite is transparent and has a border with black color.
when a sprite contacts OR is moving along the border of another sprite, the black color of all contact points of both sprite borders changes to white (that is the background color). The color of all other border points of both sprites stays black.
I put another picture with more details.
Thanks in advance.
Blend mode will only blend textures together, it will not remove that black border unless you are applying something like Xor Blending. The actual sprite would blend to the destinations frame buffer, not the parent, so whatever is below the sprite at the time of rendering it.
Blending the Sprite into the Framebuffer
The final stage of rendering is to blend the sprite’s texture into its destination framebuffer. The default behavior uses the alpha values of the texture to blend the texture with the destination pixels. However, you can use other blend modes when you want to add other special effects to a scene.
You control the sprite’s blending behavior using the blendMode property. For example, an additive blend mode is useful to combine multiple sprites together, such as for fire or lighting. Listing 2-6 shows how to change the blend mode to use an additive blend.
Source: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/GraphicsAnimation/Conceptual/SpriteKit_PG/Sprites/Sprites.html
To achieve what you are looking for, I wouldn't even mess with blending, instead have your sprite broken up into 2 sub sprites, the border, and the inside color.
What I mean by this is lets say you have a circle with radius 10 and a 1 pixel thick. We create a node, that has a child that is just the border with a transparent area at radius 10, and another child that has a radius of 9, which will be filled with white.
Set the borders zposition to 0
Set the inside sprites zposition to 10.
When 2 sprites merge together, here is how drawing will be rendered
Sprite 1 border
Sprite 2 border
Sprite 1 inside
Sprite 2 inside
This will give you the effect you are looking for with the sprites merged together.
Of course, if your inside has transparent and not a solid color then we have a
problem. (Right now you are saying your BG is white, so we do not need transarency, your circle cam be white, but if you want to put a texture on the BG, then we have an issue.)
If you indeed want to keep your circle "transparent", then what you need to do is capture the background underneath before the border gets drawn, and make that the texture of your inner circles