Emacs won't save settings anymore even when it did before - emacs

Got an odd problem. Lately, my EMACS
GNU Emacs 26.3 (build 2, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.14)
won't save settings. I noticed it before when I had to continuously reset the word-wrap. Now I tried to save an Org-agenda file (using C-left bracket) it said "file added to front of agenda file list" But if you turn off EMACS then do a c-a to pull up the current agenda, it still has the old files.
I've checked the permissions on the .emacs file; All is fine. So I'm not sure what's wrong? This is the first time ever it's happened.


emacs 27.1 for windows 10 org mode not working during first load (Shell command succeeded with no output)

In Windows 10, Emacs 26.3 with inbuilt org version 9.1.9 is working fine (Packaged binaries). Recently I tried Emacs 27.1. with inbuilt org version 9.3. While loading .org files for first time, I get the message (Shell command succeeded with no output) and org files are not rendered at all. To render it, I have to use M-x org-mode or reload the file in the buffer again. I tried to run without loading .emacs.d folder packages. The issue persists. It means, it has nothing to do with already installed other packages. I also tried with latest org version 9.3.7 and and also tried with emacs -Q. Still the issue persists. Any solutions?
I know I'm very late, but found in Jeffs words:
Evil remaps C-i to evil-jump-forward to emulate Vim’s jump lists feature2, which overwrites the default mapping for the TAB key in Org mode.
To fix the tab key’s functionality in Org mode, sacrifice Evil’s C-i backward jumping by turning it off in your configuration with the evil-want-C-i-jump option.
So to solve, just edit your init.el to look like this:
;; Install Evil and disable C-i to jump forward to restore TAB functionality in Org mode.
(use-package evil
:init (setq evil-want-C-i-jump nil)
:config (evil-mode))
source: https://jeffkreeftmeijer.com/emacs-evil-org-tab/

Issue disabling lock files in Emacs

I would like to disable emacs lock files. Per this thread it is possible to do it with (setq create-lockfiles nil).
However, when I put this in my .emacs file and start up, the value of this variable (via describe-variable) is t. If I set it manually via set-variable then it sticks and works as expected.
I'm using GNU Emacs 24.5.1, via the Goulet installer for windows. For what it's worth, I tried a fresh install of Emacs on a brand new PC (Win10) and it has the same issue. I also tried commenting out everything except this line in my config file, and it still failed to work.
Why would it not work if put at the end of my .emacs file? Is some other emacs package overwriting this (perhaps ESS)? Is there a way to set it permanently, after everything else is loaded?

emacs shortcuts are not working

I've been trying to get tramp to work for Emacs and was having some problems so I upgraded my Aquamacs to the latest version. Ever since then I've had massive problems with shortcuts. C-x C-f no longer works as find-file and instead does next-buffer. If I try to remap it back to find-file in my .emacs file it still doesn't work. Though I have managed to map C-x C-o to find-file temporarily. Several other shortcuts are also broken inexplicably (with no sign of anything in my .emacs file). I've tried deleting my .emacs file completely, but it doesn't refresh back to the original shortcuts though I do know that it is reading that file because when I do make some changes ( such as C-x C-o mapped to find-file) it does reflect this. However, even when I delete the .emacs file it still keeps the color-face I chose in it.
It's also giving me problems with tramp still in that I get the following error even though I can ssh to the exact same remote host just fine when using a shell window inside of Aquamacs:
"ssh: Could not resolve hostname ssh: nodename nor servname provided, or not known. Process tramp/ssh ssh exited abnormally with code 255"
I've tried reverting to older versions of Aquamacs, deleting the application and reinstalling, but nothing seems to work. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Mac OS X 10.6.8, Aquamacs 2.4 Emacs 23.50.1.

org mode refile error

Since some time (but I didn't change anything in .emacs), I have some errors with emacs's behaviour :
Remember mode will not kill the temporary buffer on "Ctl-C Ctl-C"
Orgmode will not refile any entry
Both operations complain with error "Not bookmark format"
I restored an old .emacs to make sure that I didn't mess it up but the error persists.
Where can I investigate to find out the problem ?
I have Emacs 24.2.1 since end of august.
The built in orgmode version is 7.8.11 (I see 7.9.2 is out ...)
It's always best to start debugging problems such as this by seeing if the problem still happens when you ignore your init file altogether - try starting emacs with --no-init-file and seeing if you still get the problem. If you don't then it's clearly something in your init file.
You can also get odd behaviour if you've got a local install of Org-mode in addition to the one bundled with Emacs itself - eg if you pull in a newer one through ELPA. If you have a local install through ELPA then you can try uninstalling the Org-mode package and trying again using the built-in Org-mode.
I have something similar to the following in my init file to make it switch to the ELPA-installed Org-mode to avoid such problems (this variant is untested so forgive me if it's not quite right):
(package-initialize) ; load and initialise ELPA-installed packages
(org-reload) ; restart Org-mode with the ELPA package
I filed a bug to the emacs team and they found out that the error comes from a corrupted bookmark file.
I removed my ~/.emacs.d/bookmark file (it was empty) and everything is fine now.

emacs recompile file while running

How do you recompile emacs-lisp scripts from within emacs without problems? I've tried batch-recompile-direcory, but this causes weird glitches with the recompiled files until I restart emacs. Is there any way to do this so that no errors are caused?
This page of the GNU Emacs Reference manual taks about reloading files and/or libraries.
You definitely have to explicitey reload the new file with M-x load-library, unless there is another emacs mechanism that forces it to reload the newly byte-compiled function.