gtsummary table displaying members of a characteristic I've not included in a filter - gtsummary

I'm probably missing something dumb here but I'm using a filter command to only include certain values in a characteristic. They are still showing in the table but display NA. Is there a way to prevent them from appearing at all?
sample output
gts.fmlh.dc.arrival.triagestart.area = fmlh.dc |>
filter(primary_care_area == "Blue" | primary_care_area == "Green" |primary_care_area == "Red" | primary_care_area == "Yellow" | primary_care_area == "Midtrack" | primary_care_area == "Trauma") |>
select(primary_care_area, arrival_to_triage_start) |>
variable = arrival_to_triage_start,
statistic = ~"Median {median} \n Mean {mean}",
label = list(
primary_care_area ~ "Team",
arrival_to_triage_start ~ "Door to Triage")


I'm having trouble with the code where the budget variable wasn't deducting throughout the loop. It instead do nothing or sometimes add up

enter image description hereI'm making an inventory system code and I'm a bit stuck finding a solution to the substraction problem, when I choose "ADD" and entering the input the formula wasn't getting the accurate outcome. For example, if I input Paper001 then its quantity, the output is fine at first but when input another item, the deduction instead becoming addition or sometimes doesn't do anything.
I tried dividing the values in the dictionary in 3 conditions but it turns out even worse.
while True:
bg = float(input("Enter your budget : "))
print(" Item name Item code Item price(Per set) \n")
print("1.Bond Paper : Paper001 100 PHP\n2.Yellow Paper : Paper002 50 PHP\n3.Intermediate Paper : Paper003 20 PHP\n\n")
s = bg
except ValueError:
a ={"name":[], "quant":[], "price":[]}
# converting dictionary to list for further updation
b = list(a.values())
# variable na value of "name" from dictionary 'a'
na = b[0]
# variable qu value of "quant" from dictionary 'a'
qu = b[1]
# This loop terminates when user select 2.EXIT option when asked
# in try it will ask user for an option as an integer (1 or 2)
# if correct then proceed else continue asking options
while True:
ch = int(input("1.ADD\n2.STORAGE LIST\n3.Customer purchase\n4.EXIT\nEnter your choice : "))
except ValueError:
print("\nERROR: Choose only digits from the given option")
# check the budget is greater than zero and option selected
# by user is 1 i.e. to add an item
if ch == 1 and s>0:
pn = input("Enter item code : ")
if pn in p_list.keys():
q = int(input("Enter quantity : "))
print("Code is invalid")
#checks if item name is already in the list
if pn in na:
ind = na.index(pn)
# remove quantity from "quant" index of the product
# new value will be added to the previous value of user's quantity
qu.insert(ind, q)
tpr = (q+q)*p_list[pn]
print(f" Total product price:",tpr)
s = bg-tpr
print("\namount left", s)
# append value of in "name", "quantity", "price"
# as na = b[0] it will append all the value in the
# list eg: "name"🙁"rice"]
# after appending new value the sum in price
# as to be calculated
tpr = q*p_list[pn]
print("\nTotal product price:",tpr)
s = bg-tpr
if s==0:
print("No more budget left")
print("\nAmount left :", s)
elif s>0:
print("\nAmount left :", s)
print("Insufficient budget. Cannot buy item.")
print("Please restart and re-enter your budget.")
elif ch ==2 :
print("\n\n\nStorage list")
print("Item name Stocks ")
for i in range(len(na)):
print(f"{na[i]} {qu[i]}")
elif ch == 3:
print("\n\n\nStorage list")
print("Item name Stocks ")
for i in range(len(na)):
print(f"{na[i]} {qu[i]}")
co = input("\nEnter customer's order : ")
if co in p_list.keys():
q = int(input("Enter quantity : "))
sl = qu[i]-q
print("Item is sold!")
print("Stocks left :",sl)
if sl <=0:
print("Please add new items!")
print("Code is invalid")
elif ch==4:
print("\nThank your for shopping with us!")
elif s==0:
print("ERROR: Choose only the digits given from the option.")

Keep longest strings while removing those partially matched with them

I have a set of data like this:
I love
Hong Kong
I love Hong Kong and Japan.
and Japan.
just a
This is just a test.
I would like to keep the longest ones while removing those partially matched with them. the desired result:
I love Hong Kong and Japan.
This is just a test.
but the actual result is
I love
I love Hong Kong and Japan.
This is just a test.
Here are my code in AHK:
FileEncoding, UTF-8
FileSelectFile, FileName
FileRead, Var, %FileName%
lines_master := StrSplit(Var, "`r`n")
l :=lines_master.MaxIndex()
lines_temp :=[]
Remaining_List =
count_match = 0
While l > 1
for i, element in lines_master
if (i == 1)
master :=element
if !InStr(master, element)
count_match := count_match + 1
x := l - 1
if (count_match == x)
Remaining_List .=master . "`r`n"
count_match = 0
lines_master :=lines_temp
lines_temp :=[]
l :=lines_master.MaxIndex()
FileAppend, %Remaining_List%, F:\result.txt, UTF-8
if I sort the list by length in words, it works. However, I would like to know how to refine the code and make it work no matter what order the list of strings is in.
thank you.

Add an "s" to the end of a string, depending on a variable

I'd like to append an s to the end of a string, if the value of a variable is > 1.
There are obviously several ways to accomplish this - for example:
if(points == 1) {
points_as_string = "1 Point"
} else {
points_as_string = "\(points) Points"
A shorter version could be:
points_as_string = (points == 1 ? "1 Point" : "\(points) Points")
An even shorter version would be:
points_as_string = "\(points) Point" + (points == 1 ? "" : "s")
Is it possible to write something even shorter than that, or is that as good as it gets?
Only very slightly shorter:
points_as_string = "\(points) Point\(points == 1 ? "" : "s")"
Here is a shorter version that uses a dictionary lookup and the nil coalescing operator ??:
points_as_string = "\(points) Point\([1:""][points] ?? "s")"

Summary table using Coffeescript?

I've programmed a summary chart, and I'm trying to add a "Totals" line that will sum up three columns. The exercise is comprised of a number of questions, and the participant can increase, decrease or maintain a certain dollar amount. The column B total shows the initial values (where the slider starts off on). The column C shows the amount the participant either increased or decreased and the last column shows the resulting dollar amount. (B + C)
Here's an example of the summary chart
Column A --- B ------ C------ D
Question 1 | 100$ | +28$ | 128$ |
Question 2 | 150$ | (10$) | 140$ |
Totals ------| 250$ | +18$ | 268$ |
So far I've been able to program the totals for column B and D, but I can't figure out how to show a total for column C.
class window.CustomSimulator extends window.TaxSimulator
constructor: (#options = {}) ->
update: ->
updateTable: ->
self = this
$table = $('<table class="table table-condensed"><thead><tr><th>Category</th><th>Before</th><th>Your Choice</th><th>After</th></tr></table>')
$tbody = $('<tbody></tbody>')
before_total = 0
after_total = 0
#scope.find('.slider').each ->
$this = $(this)
$parents = $this.parents('tr')
category = $parents.find('.header').clone().children().remove().end().text().replace(/How would you adjust service levels and property tax funding for /, '').replace('?', '')
before = self.tipScaler($this, $'initial'))
your_choice = $parents.find('.value').text()
after = $parents.find('.tip-content').text()
if $parents.find('.key').text() == 'Decrease:'
css_class = 'decrease'
your_choice = "(#{your_choice})"
css_class = 'increase'
$tr = $("""<tr><td>#{category}</td><td>#{before}</td><td class="table-#{css_class}">#{your_choice}</td><td>#{after}</td></tr>""")
before_total += parseFloat(before.replace('$', ''))
after_total += parseFloat(after.replace('$', ''))
before_total = SimulatorHelper.number_to_currency(before_total, precision: 2, strip_insignificant_zeros: true)
after_total = SimulatorHelper.number_to_currency(after_total, precision: 2, strip_insignificant_zeros: true)
I'm pretty new at this so I'm not sure if this is enough information.

Crystal Reports select expert OR statement on CSV

I am using the Select Expert to filter on a combination of 3 fields:
({} = "L" and {flatfile_csv.bursguar} = "1")
({} = "L" and {flatfile_csv.bursnorm} = "1")
In this case it only matches:
({} = "L" and {flatfile_csv.bursguar} = "1")
If I swap the statements around:
({} = "L" and {flatfile_csv.bursnorm} = "1")
({} = "L" and {flatfile_csv.bursguar} = "1")
Then it only handles
({} = "L" and {flatfile_csv.bursnorm} = "1")
It seems to completely ignore the second part of the OR statement. Any idea how to implement an OR in CR?
I've never used CR with a CSV file before, so I don't know how it's handling those empty strings. Try setting the selection formula to "Default Values for Nulls" instead of "Exception for Nulls" with this:
{} = "L"
or {flatfile_csv.burnsguar}="1"