xrpl-accountlib - UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: AddressCodec.isValidSeed is not a function - xrp

Here, I use both isValidAddress and isValidSeed from utils. isValidSeed throws an error, but isValidAddress does not after being used in a similar fashion.
I get no other errors in the code.
if(process.argv.length < 3) {
console.log("Usage: node dist/index <r-address>")
import { XrplClient } from "xrpl-client"
import { derive, utils, XRPL_Account } from "xrpl-accountlib"
const client = new XrplClient("wss://s.altnet.rippletest.net:51233")
const main =async () => {
const data = await client.send({
id: 1,
command: "account_info",
account: process.argv[2]
//checking isValidAddress usage
if(!utils.isValidAddress(data.account_data.Account)) {
console.log("Invalid r-address")
console.log("Valid r-address")
//checking isValidSeed usage
if(!utils.isValidSeed(process.argv[2])) {
console.log("Invalid Seed")

which version of the xrpl-accountlib library do you use?
There was a fix regarding the isValidSeed method around December 2021:
Make sure to use the latest version of the xrpl-accountlib.


Module "punycode" has been externalized for browser compatability

I am trying to use the '#ensdomains/eth-ens-namehash' package to hash an input.
I am using it in combination with 'pinia'.
I call on this method in Nuxt3.
This is the code:
import { defineStore } from "pinia"
import namehash from "#ensdomains/eth-ens-namehash"
import { Buffer } from 'buffer'
export const exampleMethod = defineStore('example', {
state: () => {
hash: String
actions: {
method(input) {
globalThis.Buffer = Buffer
this.hash = namehash.hash(input).toString()
When trying to call 'method' I get the following error:
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Module "punycode" has been externalized
for browser compatibility. Cannot access "punycode.ucs2" in client

Nuxt vuex - moving store from Vue

I have been fiddling with moving a tutorial I did in Vue to Nuxt. I have been able to get everything working, however I feel I'm not doing it the "proper way". I have added the Nuxt axios module, but wasnt able to get it working, so I ended up just using the usual axios npm module. Here is my store:
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import axios from 'axios'
import VueAxios from 'vue-axios'
Vue.use(VueAxios, axios)
export const state = () => ({
events: []
export const mutations = {
setEvents: (state, events) => {
state.events = events
export const actions = {
loadEvents: async context => {
let uri = 'http://localhost:4000/events';
const response = await axios.get(uri)
context.commit('setEvents', response.data)
I would like to know how to re-write this store using the #nuxtjs/axios module. I also didnt think I'd need to import vuex here, but if I dont, my app doesn't work.
Thanks for any help!
Using the #nuxtjs/axios module, you can configure axios inside your nuxt.config.js:
// nuxt.config.js
export default {
modules: [
axios: {
// proxy: true
You can use it inside your store (or components) with this.$axios
// In store
actions: {
async getIP ({ commit }) {
const ip = await this.$axios.$get('http://icanhazip.com')
commit('SET_IP', ip)

Cancelling promise in nuxt-axios response interceptor

Basically, my question is the exact one here https://github.com/axios/axios/issues/583. It can be done via throw new axios.Cancel('Operation canceled by the user.');.. But how can I do this in nuxt axios module?? I can not see it in the document and I tried $axios.Cancel('Error') but returned $axios.Cancel is not a constructor
Basically, the something like the snippet below is what I am looking for:
axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) {
throw new axios.Cancel('Operation canceled by the user.');
}, function (error) {
return Promise.reject(error);
Emphasis on throw new axios.Cancel
While #nuxtjs/axios does not expose axios.Cancel, you could still import axios directly to get that symbol. Note axios is already a dependency of #nuxtjs/axios, so no extra dependency necessary.
Example (tested with #nuxtjs/axios v5.11.0):
// plugins/axios.js
import { Cancel } from 'axios'
export default function ({ $axios }) {
$axios.onResponse((response) => {
if (response.code !== 200){
throw new Cancel(response.msg)
With nuxt/axios v5.8.0 IsCancel available
v5.8.0 add CancelToken and isCancel to axios instance
Seems like nuxt-axios does not have any exact equivalent but I found a work around.
export default function({ $axios, req, store, redirect, app }, inject) {
// const source = $axios.CancelToken.source()
const timeout = process.env.API_TIMEOUT || 10000
const errorHandling = function(error) {
console.log(`API ${error}`)
return new Promise(() => {})
$axios.onResponse((response) => {
// Any condition that could be considered an response based on standard response
if(response.code !== 200){
throw response.msg

Nuxt.js - Implementing a component using Plugin

I would like to implement a custom Toaster component into my NuxtJs application by this method this.$toast.show({}) What is the best way of approaching this? Sadly I can't find any documentation on this.
Sorry, I arrive one year late...
I had the same proplem. Here is my code:
The index of my plugin (index.js ; Nofification.vue is a classical Vue component):
import Notifications from './Notifications.vue'
const NotificationStore = {
state: [], // here the notifications will be added
settings: {
overlap: false,
horizontalAlign: 'center',
type: 'info',
timeout: 5000,
setOptions(options) {
this.settings = Object.assign(this.settings, options)
removeNotification(timestamp) {
addNotification(notification) {
notify(notification) {
const NotificationsPlugin = {
install(Vue, options) {
const app = new Vue({
data: {
notificationStore: NotificationStore,
methods: {
notify(notification) {
Vue.prototype.$notify = app.notify
Vue.notify = app.notify
Vue.prototype.$notifications = app.notificationStore
Vue.component('Notifications', Notifications)
if (options) {
export default NotificationsPlugin
Here I call my plugin and inject it in Nuxt:
import Notifications from '~/components/NotificationPlugin'
export default (context, inject) => {
inject('notify', Vue.notify)
In my case, I use it in another plugin (nuxtjs axios).
import NOTIFICATIONS from '~/constants/notifications'
export default function ({ error, $axios, app }) {
// Using few axios helpers (https://axios.nuxtjs.org/helpers):
$axios.onError((axiosError) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('Axios: An error occured! ', axiosError, axiosError.response)
if (process.server) {
} else {
message: 'Mon message',
icon: 'tim-icons icon-spaceship',
type: 'success',
console.log('PRINT ERROR')
return Promise.resolve(true)
As I injected it, I think I could have done export default function ({ error, $axios, app, $notify }) { and directly use $notify (and not the app.$notify).
If you want a better understanding, feel free to consult #nuxtjs/toast which works the same way:
And the matching Vue component:
Good luck, this is not easy stuff. I'll try to add something easier to understand in the docs!
you can find in this package https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue-toasted
npm install vue-toasted --save
make a file as name toast.js in plugin folder
import Vue from 'vue';
import Toasted from 'vue-toasted';
add this plugin to nuxt.config.js
plugins: [
{ src: '~/plugins/toast', ssr: false },
now you able to use in your methods like this
this.$toasted.show('hello i am your toast')
hope this helps

Meteor can't subscribe to TAPi18n.Collection using TAPi18n.subscribe

I am using Meteor 1.5 and I am trying to subscribe to an i18n collection using these packages :
I ran meteor create --full <appname> to have the full scaffolded app.
Then I removed insecure and autopublish packages and added aldeed:simple-schema, audit-argument-checks and mdg:validated-method as recommended security mesures.
// imports/startup/server/fixtures.js
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Links } from '../../api/links/links.js';
Meteor.startup(() => {
// if the Links collection is empty
if (Links.find().count() === 0) {
const data = [
title: 'Do the Tutorial',
url: 'https://www.meteor.com/try',
i18n: {
'fr': {
title: 'FR Do the Tutorial',
createdAt: new Date(),
data.forEach(link => Links.insert(link));
// imports/api/links/links.js
import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo';
export const Links = new TAPi18n.Collection('links');
// imports/api/links/server/publications.js
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { TAPi18n } from 'meteor/tap:i18n';
import { Links } from '../links.js';
TAPi18n.publish('links.all', function () {
return Links.i18nFind();
// client/main.js
import { TAPi18n } from 'meteor/tap:i18n';
import '/imports/startup/client';
import '/imports/startup/both';
Meteor.startup(function() {
// imports/ui/components/info/info.js
import { Links } from '/imports/api/links/links.js';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { TAPi18n } from 'meteor/tap:i18n';
import './info.html';
Template.info.onCreated(function () {
links() {
return Links.find({});
In Chrome console using Meteor Dev-Tool, I can see this :
Chrome Meteor Dev-Tool screenshot
Basically it says unsubscribed from links.all (unrecognized subscription)
In the server console, I can see this :
Meteor Server Console
I did some work to include check statement in links.js above but even when I check all fields, the app can't subscribe to the publication.
Any idea or help would be much appreciated.
The packages are not mandatory for me if there is a better example/repo somewhere I can actually look at.
I thought you could not mix them up together. Use either TAP:i18n-db or TAP:i18n.
For examples have a look at the git repositories:
There are several examples you can have a look and decide to use only one of the packages.