Git (LFS) fails because "LFS: Put" is forbidden - github

I want to push some changes to my own git LFS repository on GitHub, which is a fork of another project, but when I try to do that, I get an error
> git push origin develop-imb:develop-imb
LFS: Put "": Forbidden
LFS: Put "": Forbidden
error: failed to push some refs to ''
Does anybody have any clue as to what the problem is?

Even after a fork, LFS would be pushed to the original repo's assigned Content Delivery Network. You're not able to push LFS objects because there's a quota on the original public repo that would otherwise be vulnerable to abuse attacks. This is a safety measure on
The only "solutions" that I could think of are rather limited:
Use git lfs untrack, and try pushing these to your own fork without LFS. Optionally, you could install lfs on the fork, re-track them before pushing, and start using your own quota. This may be desirable on hard forks (e.g. not contributing back to upstream)
Ask to have write permission on the original public repo, if that's possible.
Ask the original public repo to stop using LFS.
See What is the workflow for Git LFS with forks? for another proposed answer. Even if they're speaking of Bitbucket, the same workflow would probably apply.


Can't to push commits from local branch to github repository

I was committing and pushing in ordinary for my repository.
but once i used command of git checkout for change to the previous version of my repository.
after that i tried to commit and push, then it can not completed.
i try to use the --no-verify command to push the commit but it also not success.
error: failed to push some refs to ''
i want to push my commit into github repository
Since you switched to a previous version of your repository, your head is most probably detached. You can't just go back anywhere in your history and make commits.
Consider making a branch from there and then commit to it.
Try to first check in which branch you are working do git branch, check is the one you are working. Then I sometimes do git pull to just make sure that the connection is working this should not delete your progress the you should be able to do git push. If you are afraid youll mess up first do a local back up of all project files except for the .git one which are hidden by default in windows.Lastly I would suggest never posting the actual link to your github repository in case whatever you are working is important, you can just replace with

How to import a Bitbucket repo into my Github account?

I have a large repo on Bitbucket that I need to import into Github. The repo contains a ton of historical information that I do not want to lose. I've googled around and can't find a definitive resource which explains the process. Am I missing something obvious?
Thanks in advance!
Am I missing something obvious?
In many cases simply adding a new remote and pushing to it will do what you want:
git remote add github
git push github master
This will push your master branch to GitHub. You can push other branches in a similar manner, and you can push your tags with git push github --tags.
A more comprehensive option is to use the --mirror option, e.g.
# Add the github remote as above, then
git push --mirror github
From the documentation:
Instead of naming each ref to push, specifies that all refs under refs/ (which includes but is not limited to refs/heads/, refs/remotes/, and refs/tags/) be mirrored to the remote repository. Newly created local refs will be pushed to the remote end, locally updated refs will be force updated on the remote end, and deleted refs will be removed from the remote end. This is the default if the configuration option remote.<remote>.mirror is set.
Note that this implies --force, so be careful with it. Some users like to do this from a new bare clone of the remote (i.e. first do git clone --bare, then do the rest of the steps from the newly created bare repository).

Github - merging fork into master (locally)

So i have the following problem:
Back when i started programming, i FORKED a repository (using github for windows) for a browser-game. For some time now, i made stuff, did git commit and issued a pull request using the webpage.
The original author did authorize my pull request and my changes went live.
Recently, i have become an "official" author on the original repository.
So i dont want to work on my "fork" any longer but instead dev on the original.
Using github for windows, i decided to "clone" the original repo.
My github now shows my forked (AncientSion/FieryVoid) repository and the original (Aatu/FieryVoid).
Now what i would like to do is somehow "merge" my forked repo into my local clone of the original repo and from there commit to the master repo directly, that way deploying my local, not yet commited changes from my fork to the live version while at the same time getting rid of fork repository.
However, i have no idea if that works and if it does, how.
Can someone please advise ?
I don't think that the Github for Windows interface supports this, but this can definitely be done via the git bash console. This is untested, but the steps ought to be correct, since I've done something similar (identical, in fact) before. This assumes that your clone, AncientSion/FieryVoid, is up-to-date with Aatu/FieryVoid, which can be done with a pull followed by a merge, or, to avoid merge commits, with a git pull --rebase. So now you have AncientSion/FieryVoid and Aatu/FieryVoid, both present locally, with AncientSion/FieryVoid ahead of Aatu/FieryVoid by a few commits. What you need to do is pull in those commits into Aatu/FieryVoid by running the following:
cd path/to/local/clone/of/Aatu/FieryVoid
git remote add local_pull path/to/local/clone/of/AncientSion/FieryVoid
git pull local_pull master
git push origin master
Couple of assumptions:
You were working on the master branch of AncientSion/FieryVoid. If not, replace master in line 3 with your branch name.
origin is a remote that tracks the online repo Aatu/FieryVoid

Unable to git push julialang

I'm trying to get the latest julia master commit.
I instaled it via git clone, however, when I do
$ git push
It returns an exception:
fatal: remote error: You can't push to git://
If I use the option given, git requires me a password.
It sounds like you probably don't actually want to push to the JuliaLang repository, but rather pull from it.
You git pull to fetch upstream changes and integrate them into your local repository. So, for example, to update and rebuild Julia, you would git pull && make clean && make from within julia's directory while on the master branch.
You would only git push if you were a contributor submitting changes. But even among contributors who have commit access, very few actually push directly to the master branch. Most create branches, submit those, and then open a pull request for a review. And for that workflow, you don't even need to be a contributor. You can "fork" the project on Github, and then push to your forked repository online. From there, you can open a pull request for review.
git:// doesn't allow for authentication.
ssh or https does.
In the case of https, it is asking for your GitHub username and password.
See more at "Git - the Protocols".
GitHub needs to know who you are, because only the owner (or a collaborator) has the right to push (while everybody can clone/pull from a public repo, which is why git:// works for cloning).
See "Permission levels for a user account repository".
Note: here is an organization, which means only the owner and members/teams can push to a repo declared in that organization.
Se more at "Permission levels for an organization repository".

How to submit a pull request from a cloned repo?

How to submit a pull request from an existing locally-cloned repo?
Often, I want to look at some libraries source code from github, so I clone it. Later, I discover some issue with the code and raise it on a mailing list, often in passing. The library author says "nice find, can you send a pull request?".
And the answer is "not that easily". I haven't forked the repo yet, Ive cloned it. And there doesn't seem a way I can find to submit a pull request from a cloned repo?
If this limit is true, it feels like the sensible reaction is to fork anything and everything you ever look at, just so that if you ever might want to contribute, you can. And that fills up your github account with many inactive forks.
Doesn't seem a lot of talk about this issue - am I the only person whom this problem affects?
Fork the repo on GitHub, then add your fork repo as a remote to your local cloned copy:
git remote add myfork<myGitHubAccountName>/<repoName>.git
Then you can push to your fork:
git push myfork master
If you're doing more than just this one pull request, you can remove the origin remote and name your fork as origin:
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin<myGitHubAccountName>/<repoName>.git
This is typically what I do. Sometimes I add the original origin as upstream so I still have a reference to it.
If you're ok with installing another binary in your path, github has released a nice little tool called hub.
If you've cloned someone else's repo:
$ hub fork # This creates a fork and adds your repo as a remote
$ git push YOUR_USER feature # push the changes to your new remote
$ hub pull-request # will open your browser
I always clone instead of fork as well and the following steps work for me:
Create a new branch on your cloned repo and make the new change.
Push the change to your branch as the following:
git push origin insert_your_working_branch_name
Now you should be able to find your working branch in pull request from github master.