I Recently installed gitmoji via npm I -g gitmoji-clip but for some reason most of the emojis show up as question marks, see the picture for reference, I tried google but I can't find a solution
Here is what i get after typing in flutter. Tried snap and it doesn't work. I don't like my Linux to be sloppy. So I am not going to download the raw and put it somewhere random in my machine. I want to do it right. Not have a hack job of an install. Here is what i get after following advice on this sites advice.
So far no method recommended on this site has worked from stackoverflow. Not even sudo snap remove flutter, sudo snap install flutter --classic. Its the same thing for any flutter command.
screenshot here
The flutter official documentation explain correctly how to install flutter on Linux.
Just follow the "Install Flutter manually": https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/linux
(By the way, please put a better title for your question)
I am developing in Windows 10. I do some of my web development in Eclipse and like to use SASS in developing my CSS. Eclipse needs to access SASS in order to compile the SCSS into CSS.
I went to the SASS website and they give a variety of options for installing SASS. I chose to install it with npm and did so successfully on my C: drive. Now I need to know the name of the SASS executable and where it is on my C: drive so I can point to it in my Eclipse tool builders.
I've tried searching for files containing "sass" in the file name but the Windows search utility is useless: it's been running for hours and most of the file names it finds don't even contain "sass". It finds nothing at all when I search on "sass.exe".
I got it working on my own.
First, I should explain that I was initially using Ruby Sass but that wouldn't work when I tried to use it yesterday for the first time in a few months. I vaguely remember something about Ruby Sass being scheduled for deprecation so maybe that's why it stopped working suddenly? Anyway, I needed it to work again but found the information at the SASS website so vague as to raise more questions than it answered so I posted here.
Insomnia has me up in the middle of the night so I started digging and decided to try the SASS website again. This time, I opted for the "Install Anywhere (standalone)" instructions and grabbed Dart SASS. It wasn't intuitively obvious how to install that either but I searched here at StackOverflow and found this article, which I followed carefully.
I found that for my particular situation, I didn't need to create the two files, style.css and style.scss, and I didn't have to execute the watch command either. However, the syntax of the SASS command for the Eclipse Builder had changed a bit: --sourcemaps=none changed to --no-source-maps and I didn't need the --style parameter at all since the default value for style is exactly what I wanted, namely expanded. By the way, the executable isn't an .exe file, it's sass.bat.
Now my SCSS compiles to CSS cleanly and I'm back in business.
I am using ionic 1.3.1 and I want to use the npm phone module here to validate phone numbers on the client side.
In looking around on how to use the npm module, I followed instructions in this SO post (last answer at the bottom) and copied the phone directory from npm_modules to www/lib. I then included the lib/phone/lib/index.js file in my index.html.
When I bring up the page with ionic serve I get the error "module not found".
I see solutions for using npm in Ionic v2 but am not ready to move to v2 yet. I also see some answers pointing towards using Browserify but I am trying to avoid having to use new tools if I don't need to - feels like there must be a simple way to use an npm module inside ionic.
Thanks for any pointers to help resolve.
Since I couldn't figure this out I just created an Angular service from the code in the index.js file for the npm phone module.
Although I've been using github for a while, but every now and then this problem pops up. From a github project, how do I know which filed/folders are actually what I need?(Generally, I don't need those files that are only used by developers)
Take this project (https://github.com/mupchrch/split-diff) for example, I am trying to install this plugin into my Atom editor so I can compare two files, but I find very little is said about how and which files are to be installed/copied, and to where. This "lack" of information happens to many many github projects I stumbled with. Some indicates npm install xxx which I am OK with, some says nothing at all, like the above example. So I conclude I must have missed some very important information regarding how to use github package, something that goes without saying.
Can anyone help me or give me any hint?
I noticed that here is a package.json file, which must indicate this package can be installed by npm. But I need more specific instructions:
Do I need to download all the files and folders? To where? And where do I launch npm install? Or as far as I know, Atom editor has its own install command (apm is it?), where do I run this apm?
I want to create QR codes for a project I'm working on in applescript the resulting qr will be placed in the indesign document. I have found that there is a plugin for indesign but I suspect that requires user interaction.
So I've been search for how to generate the qr using a shell command. I've found things related to php and rails and even coldfusion but none of those will fit the bill on this. I need to generate them using shell command so image events or perl basically anything I can run from the command line that comes with the mac os
thanks for your help.
I wonder if I could call a url using curl or somthing to get one ?
For doing something similar, we use libqrencode.
It's a c library for generating QR codes, but it comes with a command line utility (called qrencode) which lets you generate QR codes from a string, e.g.:
./qrencode -o /tmp/foo.png "This is the input string"
It supports most options you'd probably want (e.g. error correction level, image size, etc.).
We've used it in production for a year or two, with no problems.
I've only run it on linux systems, but there's no reason you shouldn't be able to compile it on Mac OS, assuming you have a compiler and build tools installed (and any libraries it depends on of course).
As Riccardo Cossu mentioned please use homebrew:
brew install qrencode
qrencode -o so.png "http://stackoverflow.com"