Best way to architect a BLoC app in Flutter - flutter

My app requires to consume different attributes of a User object in different sections of the app i.e. different screens and dialogs.
Example of User attributes would be a list of followers and following.
I need this User object to be reactive, i.e. should append a new user (response from api call) to it's following list when the subsequent action is performed.
Currently I plan to use certain BLoC's as Reactive View Models (from MVVM) for each screen (so that the business logic is separated from the presentation layer) and have a global User BLoC listening to these View Models.
For example :- User BLoC can listen to local View Model BLoC for follow user page and when the view model emits a successful state the response can be added to the User BLoC's User state's following list.
How feasible and performant would an implementation like this be? Is this the standard way of doing things in BLoC. I looked around for examples like these but could only find simple implementations of BLoC architecture. Would this be too over kill for a mid sized app?
Much appreciated!


Flutter BLoC - Bloc vs Cubit event driven state management advantages

What are the actual advantage(s) of Bloc over Cubit?
In addition to traceability (which you can also achieve with appropriate logging in Cubit), and advanced event transformations (I can't think of any "advanced" event transformations that Cubit can't do, since there is always a way to do it with Cubit. And if you're using clean architecture, domain/data layer can help with complex data manipulations).
Sharing and sourcing events
These are the things that I'm looking for that should be able to do with Bloc since these things can't be actually done with Cubit. However, it appears that these are impossible (or is it?) because adding event on a Bloc requires you to identify the actual Bloc where the event will be added. bloc.add(YourEvent()).
Also, event sharing is somewhat debatable because this can lead to a bad architecture/hard to maintain.
For event sourcing, I can't find in the docs if this is possible (reversing back to a specific past state?).
Am I missing something here?
As far as I know reversing to past state can be easily done when you have immutable states regardless of whether it is bloc or cubit. Having immutable states allows you to store list of states and restore whenever you need a specific state.
Bloc has no advantages over cubit but rather different purpose. In cubit you have action=>response (function=>states) whereas in bloc you have streams.
What cubit cannot do?
For example you can have two events being processed concurrently when using bloc (since bloc 7.20) but you cannot call two functions simultaneously on cubit.
Sharing events
You can share events implementation between different blocs because you have to specify what events bloc implements.
class MyBlocA extends Bloc<MyEvents, StatesA>
class MyBlocB extends Bloc<MyEvents, StatesB>
If I understood correctly, what you want to do is to process a single event in two different blocs, which you cannot do because event is emitted to a specific bloc. So it requires two calls:
Depending on your case you might listen to state of MyBlocA inside MyBlocB. This way whenever event for MyblocB appears, the action would depend on the state of MyBlocA.
Blocs and Cubits are same in terms of state management with only one difference of state mutation: Bloc is event driven and Cubit is method driven.
Apart from all of this, in terms of architecture not much is different as of now. All others have been mentioned precisely by #chris in the above. It is up to the developer on how to maintain the state in a way is manageable for us.
aren't events for dependency injection?
call Action
set State
trigger Event (inject something, depending on screen/page it was trigger from. as Example)
then call Action
and set State

Flutter - multi cubit/bloc architectural design pattern

What's the best approach to make something like parent-children bloc architecture? Very often I face a problem when there is a need to establish communication between cubits or blocs.
Let's image a form where we would like to create a new user:
User name
User role (separate cubit, fetch all possible option from API)
Calendar (separate cubit, a lot of calculations made)
Apply button (main BLoC which is responsible to save new user). First
We need to get each cubit's state and emit new state when clicking on Apply button.
First approach:
var role =<RolesCubit>().state as RoleSelected;
var date =<CalendarCubit>().state as DateSelected;<CreateUserBloc>.add(CreateNewUserEvent((role: role, date: date));
good granulation,
each small cubit is responsible for one thing eg getting a list of available roles and choose one
easier to maintain tests,
cubits can be reused in many places
a need to remember to update in each place where main CreateNewUserEvent is added (imagine we would like to add 3rd sub cubit responsible for Access or Salary).
need to know each sub-cubit's state before we add "main" event. I should copy this logic to other places where this event is added. Maybe another example: I wanted to follow this approach with paginated list, on scroll refresh indicator action and one of sub page, therefore I had to check each sub-cubit state and after that I could add main event CreateNewUserEvent;
Second approach:<CreateUserBloc>.add(DateChanged((newDate));<CreateUserBloc>.add(RoleChanged((newRole));<CreateUserBloc>.add(CreateNewUserEvent(());
Create one big BLoC which can do all responsibilities.
everything is kept in one place. When we select new role or new date,
"master" BLoC is immediately informed about change and decides what
to do next.
big piece of code which is hard do maintain and test smaller parts
can not be reused in other places because it's monolith
Third approach
Stream subscription and make "master" bloc strictly dependent of sub-cubits. Master's cubit constructor requires a stream of sub-cubits. Explained here:
I hope I explained a problem in a simple way. Whats the best approach to maintain complex architectural design in flutter?

Make bloc instances global across a Flutter app and access them by some identifier in a dependency injected fashion way

I have multiple model objects delivered by some data source in my Flutter app, each is identified by its ID (an integer field).
Each model and its state can be represented in multiple widget.
I'm making a bloc object for each model object (for example a model with ID of 3 shown in multiple widgets and they should share the same bloc instance).
From some of these widgets, I can send an event to the bloc instance, and have a new state, and of course, this state should be represented in all of the widgets that are sharing the bloc instance.
The scenario in my mind should be as follows when fetching the data:
1- Each model object fetched from some data source and is delivered to the presentation should search for its corresponding bloc instance.
2- If the bloc instance is created, use this bloc instance (and update its state if necessary).
3- If the bloc instance is not created, create one and use it.
My main problem is, I can't seem to be able to create those bloc instances globally, and access them in a "dependency injected" way. The dependency is the bloc instance and identified by the model ID.
I normally use get_it to register singleton instances, but now I need "Singleton instances uniquely identified by the model IDs"
Also, since blocs opens streams, these should be closed by hand since I think we can't use BlocProvider widgets in my case. If there is a solution to that, that would be much appreciated too.

How to handle communication between Blocs

I'm working with the flutter_bloc library. Imagine the situation, that you are navigating deep in your app and every screen on the navigationstack presents data (slightly differnet because otherwise it wouldn't make sense), that can be modified by the user. Because we are using Bloc, every screen is connected to it's own bloc. Now, the user modifies the data.
My question: How can I tell the other Blocs/screens to rebuild with the updated data?
To my understanding, the blocs on the routes which I'm not currently viewing, get closed. So they don't listen to events anymore.
EDIT: This assumption is wrong, see answer.
Final answer. My assumption was wrong. Blocs don't get closed, if the route is still on the navigation stack. So you can still add events to Blocs, which are on other routes.

Lazy loading data after initial load

In section 10 of the OpenUI5 Developer Guide tutorial on routing (see here), it talks about lazy loading. However the tutorial does not show how to lazy-load data.
Scenario: I have an OpenUI5 app that gives a list of employees and on a detail page shows the main employee details and gives access to further info, projects, hobbies, and notes from the selected employee's resume.
Because in 99.99% of the use cases a user will not wish to look at hobbies, I will prefer not to load hobbie data with the main model for the app. I make this choice based on performance concerns. Instead I will detect the user has requested to see hobbies and load the hobbies data for the current user into the model.
How would I do that ?
Edit: I managed to discover the onTabSelect() plumbing [tip to other confused folks, the OpenUI5 tutorials tend to leave stuff out to keep on topic - it is useful to look at the code of their working versions if you get lost]. After this the routing in the tutorial makes a lot more sense.
My question remains relevant but changes slightly to 'User clicks a tab and I am about to load further JSON data into the model. Should I do this in onInit() of the target controller or before navTo() is invoked to load the controller?' I can see an issue because of the async nature of the JSON fetch meaning if I use onInit() I could end up displaying the page controls before the data arrives.
What is the best practice please ? My money is on pre navTo() though that is an ugly pattern as I would have to repeat the JSON fetch elsewhere if I have another route to the lazy-loading view.
To stick with the example. You can attach your HobbiesController in its onInit method to the display event of the target you are displaying:
var router = this.getOwnerComponent().getRouter();
var target = router.getTarget("resumeTabHobbies");
target.attachDisplay(this.onDisplay, this);
Then you define an onDisplay method which will be now called if you select the corresponding tab and populate your model there.