Magento2 - 502 Bad Gateway error - /admin - magento2

I'm using magento with docker and deploying to a kubernetes cluster.
When I install it it finishes successfully, but when I try to access the admin panel it returns the 502 Bad Gateway error.
I've tried all the settings and without success and on the other hand nothing appears in the error log.
Can anyone help me with suggestions of what it could be?


I can curl my website and access it in a browser but i can't use it as an endpoint in prometheus. Why am i getting a 404 error not found?

I'm recently started a kubernetes cluster. I'm be able to access it in my browser. I was trying to visualize my cluster resources (pods,...). I'm using prometheus for that and it gives me the error 404 not found. Can aynone help?
enter image description here
enter image description here
I want the status up and be able to access it.

AEM: getting error on restarting AEM SDK not able to access any screens

HTTP ERROR 503 AuthenticationSupport service missing. Cannot authenticate request.
URI: /
MESSAGE: AuthenticationSupport service missing. Cannot authenticate request.
SERVLET: org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.dispatch.DispatcherServlet-36d9ed7f
AEM SDK: aem-sdk-2022.1.6228.20220123T154100Z-211100
Getting above error every time after restarting AEM SDK server in local environment. Till now I am just deleting quick start folder and restart local server. But I need a permanent solution for this. Any pointers would be helpful.

microk8s kubeflow dashboard access - Failed to exchange authorization code with token: oauth2: cannot fetch token: 401 Unauthorized

After installing microk8s and then enabling kubeflow I'm given the username, password and link to Kubeflow dashboard. Then I access the dashboard as expected and all is well. BUT after restarting my machine and executing microk8s start I can no longer get to the kubeflow dashboard.
All the pods start fine and then I go to access the dashboard and get:
Access to was denied
You don't have authorisation to view this page.
Looking at the kubernetes logs for the pod/container oidc-gatekeeper-xxxxx / oidc-gatekeeper I have:
level=error msg="Failed to exchange authorization code with token: oauth2: cannot fetch token: 401 Unauthorized\nResponse: {\"error\":\"invalid_client\",\"error_description\":\"Invalid client credentials.\"}" ip= request="/authservice/oidc/callback?code=ipcb55gymqsy5pcgjn7eaenad&state=MTYyMjYzNjE4OHxFd3dBRURoMVZtSm9Wak4yUXpWQlYxZ3pPVWs9fPTKezGok06ig6bjtYvWt9sqhzaCpO_xhSMeTUFDL81j"
And for pod/container dex-auth-5d9bf87db9-rjtm8 / dex-auth:
level=info msg="invalid client_secret on token request for client: authservice-oidc"
Only by removing microk8s altogether and reinstalling everytime I restart my machine can I get this working again which is obviously not workable.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I've managed to resolve the issue but I'm not 100% sure which action resolved it.
I tried using Firefox rather than Chrome and noticed some documentation used IP rather than
Having been refused access as above for I found took me straight into the dashboard.
I restarted my machine to see if it was just the IP (note: checking "microk8s kubectl get services -n kubeflow" specified as the external IP), but this time just gave me the dex log in screen and after logging in took me to the dashboard without issue.
Perhaps I just did something wrong somewhere, I'm not sure and can't check now it works as it should. Apologise if you get here with the issue and this doesn't help.
I had a similar error. Solution for me was to enable dns, istio, and storage first. Wait until the pods were running, and then enable Kubeflow. Then make sure to port-forward using the istio-system namespace with the istio-ingressgateway pod. Kubeflow also makes a istio-ingressgateway pod, but connecting to that yielded the error. Per Kubeflow guide

Using KeyCloak Gateway in a K8S Cluster

I have KeyCloak Gateway running successfully locally providing Google OIDC authentication for the Kubernetes dashboard. However using the same settings results in an error when the app is deployed as a pod in the cluster itself.
The error I see when the Gateway is running in a K8S pod is:
unable to exchange code for access token {"error": "invalid_request: Credentials in post body and basic Authorization header do not match"}
I'm calling the gateway with the following options:
--client-id=<client id goes here>
--client-secret=<secret goes here>
With these settings applied to a container in a pod I can browse to the Gateway, am redirected to Google to log in, and then am redirected back to the Gateway where the error above is generated.
What could account for the difference between running the application locally and running it in a pod that would generate the above error?
This turned out to be a copy/paste fail in the end, with the client secret being incorrect. The error message wasn't much help here, but at least it was a simple fix.

Kentico Multisite Azure Application Gateway App Service MVC configuration issue - 502 error

TL:DR - How can I get the Azure Application Gateway to pass 5.xx errors from the App Service to my browser? Currently the Application Gateway swallows any 5.xx error generated by the App Service and delivers a "502 - Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server" error. I want to see the underlying error. And, I guess have the Application Gateway ignore the error and just pass everything directly through from the App Service to my browser.
I've turned on Application Logging for the App Service. I can see some 5.xx errors in the LogFiles/DetailedErrors folder. But I think I'm missing some understanding of what Kentico does when it throws a 5.xx error. Normally if you're on a normal server or locally, you don't see the generic 503 page as your browser is redirected to the 'Invalid license key' page.
I don't know what sort of internal (black) magic Kentico does to deliver this page, rather than the normal 503 Service Unavailable page. But this page is very useful to see, as it gives an idea of what's really wrong with the Kentico configuration.
Kentico seems to use some 5.xx errors for information. eg, the licence check throws a 503 error, instead of a useful 200 status with a message that you need to check your license.
We have a MVC Kentico 11 MVC site. It hosts multiple websites. We are trying to set up an Azure Application Gateway that points to two App Services, one MVC, one for Kentico admin.
So far I have the Kentico admin working properly - multiple domains can all access the CMSDesk via the Application Gateway. However, the MVC site is problematic. I can only get the default domain for the App Service to work. All other domains show a 502 error.
I'm thinking that the 'default' domain of the App Service works properly because the Application Gateway isn't forwarding the domain properly to the App Service, but I don't know how to verify this. And it's just my latest theory, and it's pretty shaky - if I remove the app, and just put static .htm files there, I can browse to them without error.
It seems that the "502 - Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server" message is served up by the Application Gateway for any 5.xx error generated by the App Service, essentially hiding details of any Server Errors issues that may arise. eg: The Kentico license error generates a 503 that is preseneted as a problem with this module: "PageHandlerFactory-Integrated-4.0", rather than the obvious 'invalid license' screen that you normally see when Kentico is hosted on a normal server.
The Invalid license error will only show for the Admin site, not the MVC site. Never looked into what happens when that error is displayed, just always go in and add my missing license. If you want to get the full error, I would make sure you are logging all errors in your MVC into the Event log in Kentico.
In your Global.asax.cs file, you can probably do something like this:
public void Application_Error(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Exception exception = Server.GetLastError();
EventLogProvider.LogException("MVC", "EXCEPTION", exception);
Then you should be able to see the error in the Admin Event log.
This post may help with capturing errors in MVC better. I did something like this answer for displaying errors on the MVC site.
As soon as the Application Gateway detects a backend as unhealthy, you'll see the 502 error.
You can adjust the Health probe in your Application Gateway, so that the probe matching conditions include code 503. For example, set the condition to 200-503.
After you've done that, you should see the 503 page from Kentico.